I like progressive stories, of the fantasy area with cultivation/system implementation and VR gaming reincarnations
of reading
Read books
that's the point .
no wonder you are losing viewers , I droot this the moment you started allowing female players to suffer in Hikaru s , territory by getting ra ped and killed and used up like they are nothing , seriously , I can figure out whether you want to build an mc with a good heart or a Black hearth . in one way the mc is saving the intelligent lifeforms , but the other side the mc is allowing his enemies to rape and kill free players in his land , plus there is no time consistency here at all , your planning sucks.
Another copy and paste with a different skin on toP . mc against a rich decendant filled with explanations all the way . !::!&:&::&&::&&:&:&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&2&2&/&/&/&/&/&&//&/&/$/&&/&2
He cant , the autor is already fantasizing of milking himself on top of her
This is the fiRst time i am hearing about it
Chinese and the wxageration cause a lot of plot holes
The viepont on beelers is a plot hole for this story and will ruin it , yet its also the bases for it , eighter get A better translater or a editor that can make the story better , too mang inconsistencies til now
This time around
Annd you barely use it only once
So it was because the where Not strong , besides what does leveling mayter if they get No stats ? Skills are only stronger with more stats