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It's just a flesh wound.
LoL, I could see him enticed by a shadow armor that could move the body on its own, allowing the Nara to be even more lazy by not having to walk anymore.
Nice. Looking forward to these chapters.
Ask if the Mark needs to be taken willingly... and if Snape is truly on the side of the light, a double agent, or actually working for Voldy.
At this point I think adding another strike of known DE buying their way out of Azkaban. Or mentioning it here in Toms bar, but not a quote and recorded in an official interview with reporters.
Betting and winning money.
To capture alive for the bounty?
Like the concept of this story. You are moving a bit to fast. From seeing ships descend, right to fighting an inquisitor within a few paragraphs. No Landing, or a mini hunt, or avoiding ship turret lasers pinning him into a canyon, or allocating his stat points to have a better chance of survivng...etc..
This shouldn't be a system quest. Especially since it gives away the story ahead of time. HP should use his years of experience hunting dark wizards, to turn the tables on the Inquisitor.
While his dad is alive, get him to root out the Hydra computer system tied in with Shield. And get a vial of Super Soldier Serum with his connections.