


a man who love read, eat, sleep..

2017-09-02 เข้าร่วมแล้วIndonesia







Mortal Evolution System

William Maten, 28 years old just small chiken noodles seller, he got this shop after his parents pass away from traffic accident seven years ago, the shop was in small shoping alley beside two office building,he know his cooking still lacking but still there some customer every day, from truck driver passersby or just some office worker who try save their monthly pay and also some aunty owner shop next door who come for lunch,there nothing is exceptional from him, except his face, but to bad he was litle bit over weight,so his handsome face fade away because his fatty check he usually always high spirited, event he was litle bit fat he have have income have vehicle(15 years old motorbike) and lovable fish pet (got free from nearby aquarium shop) and the most thing that make him happy is his girlfriend,she was cute lovely and innocent girl, she was vilage girl who try her luck work in city, and so she accept and work at nearby minimarket, he know her because she once buy lunch at his shop, so they start to know each other then decide to have relationship, but the bad luck stike him his motorbike was stolen when he go to local market to restock his shop, after he go hime his pet is already floating in the small aquarium sho it belly, the fish is dead and just this morning the final blow strike him his girlfiend broke up just with a short message *will i think we cant continue, i want breakup thanks, and dont try to meet or call me from now* after the messages he try to call her but his number is being blocked he just feel like he was fall and and some one trow stone at him, then sit on top of thr stone "damn damn,,, God why? why im so unlucky, aaaarhg" *diiiing* his phone ringing *new message from unknown number* he usually ignore the unknown message or call, because there 90% this was just scam but he was sad and his mood is bad, so he just click open the message he read the message and shock

Not_a_Slim_man · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

Divine Evolution System

Remi,28 years old just normal worker with normal life,he life is life just like that wake up work eat sleep, just like that but his life change 180 degrees,from normal to bad, and goes to worst its starting when he accidentally spotted his manager molest one of the intern female worker, he saw her pitiful face, and cant stay still so he help her and slap the manager face, but the reality is cruel, with angry face and swolen chek the manager shout to the intern if he will not let her pass her internship,the female intern then cry,he want to help comforting her but he got slapped instead "it because of you, so what if manager touch me a litle, just touch me and get me work its fine but because of your bussy body i will fail you bastart" with angry face she slap him again and run with black face he just think "just touch you get work? the why dont just be a prostitute then" and he just back to his desk and continue his work. but right before the working hour end his vice manager on his department walkin and put an letter on his desk,he open the letter,its was warning letter and he got suspended from work for 2 week and 50% salary deduction. with black face he save the letter pack his bag and walk to his rent room, but on his usualy wayback sudenly raining he have no choice to shelter himself, he run on small shop, that as long he remeber he never see hear on come to this store..........

Not_a_Slim_man · สมจริง
1 Chs