


I'm GD on For num

2017-08-22 JoinedUnited States



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  • Other_god
    Other_god4 years ago

    I love this book. the author did a good job of explaining how the Ouyang Shuo was able go back in time and come back and close the loop. I hope the author writes a sequel about when shuo lands on the new planet.

Void dragon Han

The modern world ended in the year 2921. Mans greed for power and the Exponential growth of technology cause the world enter the apocalyptic age. All human governments began using all types of weapons to kill each other. All that was left after the wars are over Destruction and devastation. however what the humans failed to realizes was that in there destruction they brought about a change like no other. each of the five major government powers each created weapon deterrents called Apocalypse drives. the weapons each contained power over one of the laws of gravity, space, time, momentum, energy. in the final year of 2921, an extremist group activated the five drives ending the universe leaving five stable sources of energy in constant equilibrium. soon everything thing in the universe was consumed leaving a void. 10000 years after the Apocalypse drives were activated the five sources became depleaded, breaking the equilibrium. this caused a crack in the void releasing life in the void. since the earth was at the center, it was protected by the drives and was not consumed but it changed. the area became a millions of times bigger and all lifeforms began developing powers. as humans were the most intelligent they developed there powers the fastest followed by animals then plants. humans once again began from the primative age and continued to grow but now they were not the dominant species on the earth, animal, plants, and the hybreed ( humans who are mixed with plants or animals) began fighting for dominance. In the year 1994 of the black year, the Void dragon clan's last descendent Han was born bring about the change to the fate of the world.

Other_god · Sci-fi
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