

"It was you who was born for me, and me who was born for you. This is the kind of relation we were destined to have. We can never escape our fate." Abella, a billionaire who has lost her husband meets Quietus himself. What has fate planned for them? Read and find out

TANI · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


The bidding soon came to an end, and just like the past years she didn't bid anything and wrote them a cheque of 5 million dollars.

Then came the dinner, she knew she would be left half-starved by the small portion of food that would be served. Even a small child wouldn't be able to satisfy their hunger from it. Her mind wandered thinking of what she would eat after getting back to her suit.

On the dinner table Dr. Aron Jenner was seated opposite to her. He was her senior by age and also a colleague. He is an old man who used to be the star surgeon of the hospital until she came. During the practice years she trained under him, but she was; well more talented, which started the Cold War between them. According to him she took his spot, but in reality she was at an even higher spot than he ever had been. And deep down he knew that and that made him green with envy.

What made him even more upset was that she achieved so much at such a young age, while it took him years to achieve even one fourth of her success. A woman being at such a position was a hard pill to swallow for him.

Being more wealthy, more powerful, more loved, more preferred and having more fame than him, was the cherry on top to fuel his envy.

He loved throwing the fact every now and then, that he doesn't sell makeup, clothes and perfume to be wealthy.

And her being very droll, has given him an answer that would embarrass him over a thousand times, but sadly she said those only in her head. She values him as a great teacher and thus respects him. Her respect for him has been gradually decreasing for him over these years though. Now her patience as well as respect are running thin, so she can only hope she can stop her mouth from running when he passes a comment from his annoying mouth.

But then not all your hope comes true.

That's life.

Looking at her he smirked as if he got a brilliant idea of mocking her. He placed his elbows on the table putting his body forward as if it was going to intimidate her, placing his hands on the chin he said, "I didn't see you all evening. Did you arrive late?" He said feigning shock and continued "Oh it's understandable applying 10 tons of makeup must have taken time. Especially when the brand is as shitty as yours."

Listening to him she raised her eyebrows as if asking him do you really want to do this?

She decided that she have had enough of this, she isn't doing this anymore. She is going to end this for once and for all.

Giving him a sweet smile she said, "I was just trying to look like your wife from the weekend. She looked so young and flawless. She had such a clear and smooth skin. That is the look I was trying to achieve but sadly it's not as amazing as hers. She's here right? Maybe I should ask her how she did her makeup this weekend, when she went on that date with you." she said giving a smirk of her own.

Listening to her his face went pale. Closing his eyes, annoyed at the fact that he lost. He asked her what she wanted to not tell her wife that he has another woman in his life.

Thinking for a second she answered. "Last week the not so famous middle class patient died on the surgery table, who was the doctor responsible for it? Give me the name and the proof. I need this in an hour or else your wife will know about your cheating ass." Just then the first course of meal was bought, looking at it she said, "Enjoy your dinner Dr. Aron." This was the first time he heard her call him by first his name.

During the whole dinner Aron was as tense as he possibly could be. And she was enjoying every second of it. After what they like to call dinner was done.

Everyone was asked to come to the main hall where speeches would be given.The speech giving would start after an hour. This time was given to be used to mingle with everyone and make new connections or business partners whatsoever.

Abella used this time to get out of the hall and step into the balcony. Looking at the moon always bought her peace. Gazing at the moon she felt so peaceful.

Closing her eyes she enjoyed the cool breeze of the night and enjoyed the sight of the pretty moon.

After a few minutes of peace she heard someone clear their throat. She just prayed that it wasn't some bachelor who wanted to try to flirt with her.

Opening her eyes she was even more disappointed to see Dr. Aron standing there with a pendrive in his hand. She raised her eyebrows at him, questioning him what he wanted, sighing in defeat he said, "This pendrive has all the information you wanted. So don't even think of opening your mouth in front of my wife." Hearing him say this, laughing she replied, "Do you think you are in a position to order me? You are at my mercy Aron." she said dropping the honorific this time.

She turned back enjoying the view again, telling him to get lost.

When she heard his footsteps fading, she inserted the pendrive in her phone and looked through the list of names. Feeling satisfied she moved towards the next target of the night.

Maneuvering her way through the sea of money hungry peasants she went in the of search of that one person.

Reaching her she greeted her with a polite smile.

Finally it was the time for the speeches.

Mr. West went up on the stage to thank everyone for attending.

He the proceeded to thank everyone who helped to put up the charity event all together and went on to thank everyone for bidding and donating money for the needy ones, he finished his speech by saying that he hoped everyone had enjoyed their time here and he hoped that the event didn't bore them.

After his speech more people went on the stage, in truthful words "to brag about their donations". Some had ideas for donations which they wanted people to join in. In this category she herself was included too.

She saw Aron making his way up on the stage. Seeing him she wondered what kind of idea must he have that too for the charity.

Looking at the first page of his presentation, she felt her heart stop.

The next second she found herself fuming with anger and hate for him.

Now she had decided that she was going to end this pest, who is known as Dr. Aron Jenner.