

GodOFGames12 · ย้อนยุค
38 Chs


''Hey! What exactly did your leader say?!'' I shouted, mainly because we're flying pretty fast right now, and I can't be bothered to set up a sound barrier.

''He said that we just needed to focus on evacuating all the students to the clinic as soon as possible!''

That doesn't add anything...!

Fuck it, I guess we'll find out soon, I can see the clinic over there already.


The 'clinic' that this guy told me is a three stories tall building located some 300m from the colosseum. It looks unremarkable, to be honest, except for a big old red cross sign on the top of the building I suppose.

Now, here's the problem. There's a big ass mana concentration that I could feel beneath the building. They somehow concealed it pretty well with a barrier, but I am an Archmage, I could see through it just fine.


''What's wrong, Anna?''

''I could feel... This unsettling sensation again...''

''Is it the same as when you met the Marquis?''

''I-I think.''

So Marquis equals Demon. I see. I know, that's way too short of a conclusion, but I don't care.

For now, let's go in first.

''Hey, you.'' I turn to the limp man.


''Make sure to take care of that student.''


I kicked the door open.

''Excuse me!''

Inside the clinic are a bunch of beds arranged in rows, the injured students are all laying down on them, and they have the staff from the colosseum running around, taking care of them as well.

Upon first glance, there's nothing abnormal to point out, this is just a normal clinic.

But, trusting myself and Anna, we have to dig this up.

Ignoring all the stares from people, I grab a nurse nearby and started to question her:

''Sorry, could we meet the staff leader? Her highness the princess here wants a conversation with him.''

''Eh?! Her highness?! The team leader is currently talking with our president at the third floor, please wait for a moment, I will ca-


We immediately headed to the third floor.

Walking up the staircase, I could see Anna's expression getting worse and worse in real time.

''Is this hard for you?'' I said. ''You can rest somewhere else, we'll take care of it.''

''No!'' She objected. ''If I pull away in times like this, how could I even call myself your follower?''

''...Thanks. We're almost there, tell me if you want to get away.''



''This is it.'' I said, looking at the door that has the 'President' tag before me. ''Let's go.''


Opening the door, I could see a seemingly normal man in staff uniform sipping tea quietly on the couch. Opposing him is another man who's a little chubby, eating a piece of cake.

''That's him.'' Anna said decisively, pointing at the man in staff uniform. ''Both of them, actually.''

In truth, I could see it too. Their... skin disposition feels weird, I mean, it's like, they're wearing their skin right now. It's creepy. I'm certain they're impostors.

But... If Anna was right about the Marquis, then it means that I couldn't see through him that time like I did with these guys... This is getting dangerous.

''Oh? How may we help you, ladies?'' The 'president' said with a smile.

''Ah, do you want to eat candies?'' I said.

''Candies? What do you mea-



They both didn't have the chance to react, because I just fed them each a .50 cal bullet from my D.E, right to their heads.

To my horror, their skins started to melt like lava, pouring onto the ground, leaving behind two bleach white mannequin-like figures laying lifelessly on the ground.

''Urgh... Bleh...'' 

Before Anna started to vomit, I created a portal in front of her, so that she can get it all out cleanly. Looking over, Tina is rightfully disgusted right now, and so am I, this is just plain nightmare fuel.

Shit... I need to somehow forget this by the evening, else I wouldn't be able to sleep. Maybe I could ask Liana to choke me to faint during sex tonight, that way she can have a true sex doll experience as well.


''These are... Doppelgangers.'' I said.

''They're disgusting.''

''I....Urgh... Agree.''

''Either way, we need to stop the magic underground next. Let's move on.'' I declared.


After a three minutes session of frantically finding the entrance to the basement, we finally spotted it. A secret door below the first floor's staircase.

There seems to be some kind of barrier here, but it can't stop me from passing through it anyway.

But this is bad, the mana concentration has increased by quite a lot from earlier, we need to stop whatever this is, fast.


So I kicked the door open, and we started to descend the narrow steps.

Tch, why is this so deep!

After another good three minutes, we meet another door the end of the stairs, this one looks sturdier than the previous one.

''Let me!''


But it was still no match against Tina's full power kick.

Immediately after the door flung open, an unbelievably large space greets me. This could easily match the upscaled version of the Rome colosseum we were in earlier. What the hell are they trying to do here?!

Scanning around, I could see 20 or so humanoid creatures with horns and greyish skin kneeling in a circle, clasping their hands, praying to a purple glowing crystal ball at the center.

It seems like they're fueling the ball with mana... That pattern... They're trying to summon something?!

But where are they getting all of that man-

Wait, dark magic uses negative feelings, and this is a clinic filled with injured student...!

I instantly summon 25 metal spikes again, swiftly lodging them in the heads of the demons.


All of their headless corpses simultaneously drop down to the ground accompanied by a loud dull sound.


''Awoq as ysbrmahd nxsh?!'' 

Suddenly, another demon came out of the room on the side of the wall near us and shouted something.

Tch, I was too focus on whatever they're trying to do here.

For this one, bullets should be faster than magic.

So I pull out my D.E again, aiming precisely at his head.

But the demon seems to be a lot stronger than the ones I've killed, and he's pretty smart too. Before I could pull the trigger on him, he has already deduced that he couldn't win against us, so instead he sent out almost all of his mana, which was a lot, to the crystal ball.


That, unfortunately, was enough to finish the summoning that they were trying to do. Of course, at the cost of the demon's own life.

The crystal ball started to glow even more, almost blinding us with its intense purple light.

Luckily, Anna is here. She created a simple light barrier around us to block the dark energy, exposure to dark magic would make you lose your sanity after all.

''What do we do now?!'' Tina frantically questioned.

''Try and stop whatever is going to appear from this damn magic, of course!'' I shouted, still observing the crystal ball.

From nowhere, a crack started to appear above the crystal ball. It absorbs all of this ridiculous amount of mana in the air, slowly but surely widen itself, and finally, a giant hand pierces through the pitch black crack.

The hand is needlessly enormous, each of its fingers is easily bigger than a person. Oh, and did I tell you that its skin is rotten like a zombie's skin, and there's giant maggots eating its flesh?

To add to the horror, the monster pushes through the crack violently, shaking the whole place upside down, much like an earthquake is happening right this instant.

Gradually, its entire body came out.


What appears before us is a titan of a zombie, it growls hungrily, turning its wild red eyes at us.

This is pretty exhausting. I've been flying and using magic nonstop for a while now, and the thing here is not a pushover either. 

Fortunately, I still have Anna and Tina here, and I got my guns as well.

It's time to roll.

Hold it!''

I toss Tina my Mp7 with a bunch of explosive mags, to which she clumsily accepts.

''You too!''

This time I toss Anna my Kriss Vector, with of course, explosive mags.

''You guys know how to shoot, right?! These are explosive rounds, so shoot them carefully!''

'''' Alright! ''''

Hearing that, I pull out my newly made Saiga-12. Fortunately I did try to make some explosive rounds for this as well, just replaced the pellets with mana-filled gemstones, fairly easy.

I really wish I could use Gungnir here, but it would undoubtedly be a total disaster. Blowing up nearly half of this small city together with this zombie isn't exactly what I want to do.


The giant zombie finally takes a step towards us, causing an entire area to be filled with dust stirred up around its foot.

''Fire!'' I shouted.


Immediately, streams of bullets fly towards the zombie, hitting it mainly on its chest area. I didn't shoot, because it's still too far for a shotgun, and I prefer to keep a distance first.


*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Shortly after that, a tip exploded on its chest, triggering myriads of explosion from the other tips lodged in its body.

The scene is like a firework show, the zombie's upper body is covered with orange-red explosions, and it just keeps going.

Predictably, the sudden impacts send its body tilted backward, but not quite enough to trip it over yet.

''Prepare another wave, I'll push it down!''

I fly closer to the zombie, who's still covered in smoke, then, with my 20 rounds magazine already inserted into the Saiga, I press down the trigger, dumping the whole mag onto the wobbling zombie.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* 

After emptying the mag, I swiftly pull away, just in time dodge a panic slap from it as well.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Another series of explosion ensued. This time, there's a lot more of them, but the intensity wasn't as high.

Still, it was enough to completely trip it over, it seems.


The zombie went down with a loud thud.

Needless to say, the zombie is very angry right now. Though I'm not too sure if it has any emotion.

But, it's now waving its hands around frantically, trying to obliterate whatever things that want to stand in its way.

Due to this, the smoke cleared out quite a bit, and I could see its already grotesque appearance changed to straight up horror level gore. I don't want to explain how many holes there are on its body right now.

Yup, this is it, I'm getting choked to faint tonight. I need to sleep. I don't care how Liana would use my body afterward anymore. Not that I cared in the first place. I would love to wake up the next day finding my whole body covered with cum. God, I'm such a whore now, it's all because of my degenerate lovers. Hmph.


Arghh, the maggots are everywhere now, fucking hell.

Fuck this guy.


Loading in another mag, this one is my last for the Saiga, I pull the trigger again.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* 

Another mag done.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Get destroyed you bastard, you make me sick.

Flying back to my two comrades, I signal them to fire once again:

''Keep shooting it!'' I said, pulling out the Hecate as well.

'''' Okay! ''''





After 5 whole minutes of continuous firing, the zombie finally dropped down completely.

During this period, it tried to stand up several times, but I held it down with my telekinesis. It was hella heavy. 

Towards the end, it even tried to use some kinds of magic as well, but I also blocked them with my barrier. Its spells were crude, but certainly strong in power, and the speed was fast as well.

''Hah...Hah...'' I wipe the sweat on my forehead. 

It's been a while since I've push myself this hard, the last time I got headache from overusing mana was a few months ago.

''Are you alright?!''


My lovely girlfriends pat me on the back, Anna is even using divine magic to heal me as well. This headache from using mana can't be healed though. I'm not complaining, it feels nice regardless.

''I'm fine. Just a mild headache.'' I assured them.

''Don't push too hard, Sylvia.'' Tina said, hugging me into her chest.

''Christina is right, please rest for now.'' Anna caresses my cheek, her eyes full of worries.

''Thanks.'' I smile contently.

We have to pick up the empty casings first, though. Telekinesis it is, then.

'''' Sylvia! ''''

Sorry. I'll let you guys abuse my pussy however you want later, so please ignore this one.


''Why are you so stubborn...''

''We needed to clean them up first, no?'' 

''I know, but we could have done that for you.''

I could only muster an awkward smile.

Right now, I'm resting my head on Tina's lap, there's Anna nearly stroking my head as well.

Tina just finished poking all the maggots to death, they were disgustingly big and yucky, and I hate them. Thank you Tina, I'll be your exclusive cock-sleeve later.

''But... They really tried to make a mess out of this city, huh.'' Tina commented.

''Yeah... If that thing got out, not even our professors would be able to stop it.'' Anna replied.

''Heh, you guys saw how amazing my babies were?''

''Yes, yes, dear. They're amazing, but you need to be careful in the future.'' Tina nagged.

''I understand. And, the Marquis is definitely related to this.''

''Right, the feeling I got from him was similar to the feeling I got from the two doppelgangers above, just, much stronger.''

''So Marquis Vivian is a doppelganger...'' Tina frowned. ''How do doppelgangers work anyway?''

''Their original appearances are that of mannequins, they kill people, then absorb their whole memories and personalities. Ultimately turning into the people themselves, wearing their skins.'' I explained.


''That's disturbing.''

''The worst part is, they can be manipulated by higher demons, so their ungodly camouflage can be fully utilized to harm us. Just like this case.''

'''' ... ''''

Fucking hell. At this point, I'm starting to think that the crown prince and the emperor are doppelgangers disguised as human, waging wars internally to sabotage us now.


''Hm? Liana, and Emy too.''

''Are you alright?!'' Liana exclaimed, frantically touching my body together with Emy.

''I'm fine, just a bit exhausted.'' 

'''' Phew~ ''''

''...What the hell is that thing?'' She pointed to the mutilated zombie body.

''A zombie, giant one.'' I nonchalantly said.

''What's a zombie?''

...I forgot there's no such thing as a 'zombie' here, they call them animated corpses.

''Animated corpse, they're the same thing.'' I replied. ''Rather, did you guys find anything?''

''Ah, Justia should be here soon. Ask her.''

''Hah...Hah... Your... Highness...'' A voice sounded from the entrance.

There we go, right on time.

''I said... wait for me... But you ladies just kept... going...''

''We needed to find Sylvia, let it be a good exercise.'' Liana shrugged.

''Anyway, let's be brief here.'' I injected. ''The demons summoned this giant corpse, we shot it down.'' I point to the zombie's corpse, alongside the headless bodies of the demons as well.

''Hah... Understood, Your Highness, um... Are you alright?''

''I am, continue.''

''Yes! We caught a demon trying to run back to the Vivian estate earlier. Upon interrogating, he said that the Marquis is the one behind all of this, the true purpose he did not know, Your Highness.''

''Good job. Prepare a raid immediately. I might not be able to be at the front, but I'll still support you guys from behind.''

I still have my trusty Hecate after all. Though my head is throbbing right now, I hope it will ease a bit afterward so that I can shoot more accurately.

''Understood, Your Highness, please excuse me!'' Justia salutes.

''Mhmm... Let me sleep for a bit...''

Let's actually... Rest...


'''' ... ''''

''...She fell asleep.'' I muttered.

''Let's bring her back to the hotel for now. She's been using her magic a lot since earlier.'' Christina said.

''That's probably true. Looking at how big this thing is.'' I turn to the giant corpse.

...It's insane. I don't think I would've been able to defeat this monster by myself. Just look at how big it is.

Whatever, I'm proud of my wife, but she also needs to hold back sometimes. It seems like I need to train harder from now on, just to match her.

''Give me.'' I said, lifting Sylvie up in a princess carry.

''Let me hold her.'' Christina glares at me.

''No. She's mine.'' I replied sternly.

''...Tch. I'll let you this once.''

Hah, you talk like you have any chance against me.

I might be biased here, but amongst her lovers, I think I am her favorite. Just by a little bit, though.

No matter how she whores herself to these two and goes along with their preferences, she still enjoys being treated like a toy the most. Emilia should be a close second, she's silent most of the time, but very caring and sweet, plus, she's intense when in bed, and you bet Sylvie loves intense sex.

Whatever, let's go back first.


''Anna.'' I called out.

''Ah, yes!''

''Could you stay and guard her?'' I said, looking down at the sleeping beauty.

''Understood! Please leave her to me!''

...Just seeing Sylvie like this, most would say she looks peaceful and serene, like a perfectly drawn picture of an elegant and gentle woman.

But in reality, she's a total slut.

That delicate face turns into a vulgar bitch-in-heat face at night. Every time I spank her, she gets more excited as well.

Unfortunately, tonight's session might have to be postponed, though. We need to let her rest for now.

In the meantime, we should take care of the Marquis for her. The little demon guy earlier said that only the Marquis got replaced. I'm not too sure why they wouldn't replace the whole family, so let's be careful and capture them all.


''My ladies, our team is ready to attack the estate.'' Justia appeared. 

Just in time.

''Alright.'' I said. ''Same strategy?''

''Yes, my lady. We will open our raid with a sniping shot first, our three snipers are already in their position.''

''Good. Are you two ready?'' I turn to my fellow girlfriends.


''Of course.''

''Let's go, then.''

Ah, I almost forgot.


''Good night, my slut.'' I kissed Sylvia on the lips.

''Wait, me too!''

''Me as well.''



The door slammed shut, leaving nothing but silence to fill the room.

'''' ... ''''


The way she battled the monster earlier was so cool... 

I still can't believe that I am her girlfriend even now... So beautiful...

'''' ... ''''

...Can I kiss her...?

I-I mean, the other three did kiss her just now, so I can too, right?

Just look at that moist lips...

Nonono, I can't do her like that. I am here to guard her, let's focus...


Mghmmm... It's been a while already... I have nothing else to do except looking at her face...

...Wait...! I still have her panties that day!

I'm a genius!

Pulling out the vanilla panties from my pocket, I started to hungrily lick and smell it.

*sniff* *sniff*

Ah~ This taste, this heavenly scent...


I've only gotten this one for almost two days, but I've used it four times already...

Mhmm... The taste faded quite a bit already, at this point, this is more similar to my saliva's taste...

Suddenly, my eyes turn to her bottom, glued onto her skirt.

'''' ... ''''

Oh no. I'm turning into a pervert right now.

I-I can't, I can't strip her panties down...

But... If I get to smell her freshly worn panties... How good would it be...?

She... won't notice, right...?

''I'm sorry, Sylvia.'' I muttered

I carefully get myself onto the bed, putting my knees on the sides of her legs.

Gently, very gently, I started to roll her skirt up.

Today, Sylvia is wearing a bleach white panties with a cute bunny design on it.

Unraveling the cloth also reveals a milky pair of thick thighs, although half of their length is covered by the white thigh high socks, I could still make out their beautiful shapes.

Simply mesmerizing, I understand why people love thighs now. I could even feel my mastery in divine magic rising up as I look at these holy thighs right now.

Unknowingly, I started to stroke her tender thighs. My hands feel like they're melting right now. Her thighs are big enough for me to wantonly caress them as I like, much like her holy breasts.

Compared to those scared puddings, these feel more firm, but still tender enough to be high quality pillows if needed to.

Wait, no! I'm here to take her panties...!

Shaking my head a few times to freshen myself up, I started to put my hands on her pelvis.


Oh god, I'm so horny right now...

It doesn't help that I could vaguely make out the shape of her lower lips... The same semen-filled one I touched, and even inserted a finger in this morning...


I wonder if there's still semen in there...

I very gently pull her panties down, exposing her bare crotch all for me to see.


At this point, I have to admit it... I don't really care about the panties anymore... I'm being pulled in by that gorgeous little lips...

What if I... spread them apart... I want to see how hers looks...

I can't! I can't do it without her consent...!

But, but, she said that I could do anything to her...

I know! Let's settle it with a kiss, that should be fine.

Putting my legs on two sides of her waist, I slowly approach her face.

...I'm sorry, Sylvia, I can't hold it anymore!


Mhmm~ This is it, this sticky, sweet and soft sensation...

Let's stay like this for a while...

Suddenly, I could feel my whole body being pulled down, two hands wrapping around my back.

She's awake!



''Aren't you naughty, my little cat?'' She asked, grinning mischievously.

''I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this...''

''I'm not scolding you. You're my girlfriend now, you can legally mess up my body however you want.'' She gently strokes my back.


''Yes. That's what lovers do, my dear.''

''I-I see...''

So I really do have her permission... 

''So, my love, please tell me, what do you want to do with me?'' She said gently. ''Say it honestly, I want to know more about you.''

'''' ... ''''

S-Should I tell her my fetish...?

...Yeah, why should even I hide it from my lover.

''T-The truth is... I'm a pervert.''

''I know. You want to use me as a cumdump after all.'' She replied calmly.

''...I...I get horny when I see your tattered state after your sex sessions...''

''My, an NTR fetish? Do you want to see me getting railed by people other than you?''

''A-A bit... But, I still want to make love with you... Especially after you've done with your sex...''

''I see, so a mild one. That's no problem, my dear. I get fucked silly everyday, so you will have plenty of opportunity to have sex with me in that state.''


This bitch side of her... Is so hot...

''But for now, why don't we try a bit of normal sex?'' She said with a completely perverted face, devoid of any elegance previously seen on her.

You slut of a Saint... You know I can't resist you...



After a two hours sleep or so, I woke up feeling pretty refreshed. My headache was pretty much gone as well, you have to be able to recover this fast if you want to be a competent Archmage.

And, I got a little surprise, too.

The cat was kissing me. I noticed that my panties was halfway down as well. Was she in heat...?

Anyway, I was surprised by her fetish. I had no idea that she was a cuck, granted, a small one, this whole time. I see no problem with that though, I have three vigorous cocks ready to fuck me anytime, so a NTR play is more than easy to do.

And, this works perfectly with Tina, who likes to pretend that she stole me from my other girlfriends. They are the opposite to each other, basically.

Another thing is, she still does want to have sex with me, so that's fortunate. It'll be pretty awkward if she's a total cuck and just want to see me getting railed after all.

Ah, I know, let's excite her even more. 

''But, before I have sex with you, I'll tell you something first.'' I called out, looking at her face just a little before mine. ''I want you to know, just how much your Saint has been used.''

Instantly, I could see her eyes widen, the azure irises inside shining brightly, and of course, even more ragged breathing.

''Firstly, my mouth.'' I said, guiding her right hand to touch my lips. ''I was getting cocks shoved inside my throat multiple times each night, they're big, hard, grinding against my insides, and they made my throat feels like a cheap cock-sleeve. Ah, they also pumped a lot of semen down my belly as well, I think I could survive just by consuming them daily.''


I then guide her hands to touch my breasts. Because she doesn't have anything to support her body anymore, her whole weight is now resting on my breasts, making my proud mountains seem like squished rubber balls.

''Secondly, my breasts was getting slapped left and right, for your information, they used their giant cocks to do it most of the time. Not stopping at that, they also thrusted their cocks hungrily into my cleavage, they grabbed my breasts very roughly, to the point of leaving bright red nail marks on them.''

''Mn...'' She clenched her hands on my breasts.

Using telekinesis, I temporarily lift her up, and then strip away all of my upper garments, leaving my bare breasts for her to see. Grabbing her hands to pinch my nipples, I continue:

''My nipples, I'm confident that they're just some kind of stress-relief toys for them. They twisted them, sucked them, bit them, even chewed on them like candies.''

''S-Sylvia...'' She said weakly, her glowing irises shaking violently.

''They may look healthy right now, but every night, they're getting abused to the point of injury. Ah, but, I love it!''


She looked down on me, her eyes clouded with lust, clearly getting turned on right now.

''...And lastly...'' I guide her right hand to my pussy, inserting two of her fingers inside. ''I don't even know how many times this pussy has been used. By this point, I'm confident my pussy has remembered the exact shapes of their penises. My whore hole down here loves them so much, that it would tighten like a vacuum once penetrated.''



I then give her a quick kiss on the lips, interrupting her breathing. The naughty cat herself is already moving with her instinct, slowly fingering my pussy right now.

''Ah, I almost forgot.'' I said, flashing a smile. ''I have a little sack of meat down there as well. It's the place where babies are made. Because their cocks are so long, I had to open the entrance of my baby room to accommodate them, though, it was more like they were assaulting my womb more than anything.''

Hearing that, her whole body trembles, her fingers inside my pussy shaking uncontrollably as well.

''The point is, Anna.'' I caress her cheek. ''I've been used. You Saint has been fucked silly every night. Do you still want to have sex with such a worn-out, slutty woman?''

''I-I... I do.'' She said, little tears formed in the corners of her eyes. ''I love you, Sylvia, you're beautiful.''

''I love you too, Anna.''


''Mhn... *slurp*...Ngah...*slurp*...''

Anna, unlike her shy normal self, is now hungrily meshing her tongue together with mine, in her eyes I could see flames of lust burning more intense than ever. She doesn't forget to play with my pussy as well, what a nice girl.



''Dear, I know you want to see my secondhand pussy already, why don't you dive in?''

Immediately, Anna turned her butt against me, going straight to spearing my pussy apart, examining it curiously.

''Don't mind if I do~''

I strip down her short skirt, revealing a cute orange panties.

I use both of my thumbs to spread her labia apart, much like what's she's doing to me right now. Through the relatively thin cloth, I could clearly make out the shape of her beautiful vagina.

God, I can't bear this anymore.

I cut the panties with my mana blades and throw them away immediately, exposing the smooth, plump little pussy.

Seemingly not wanting to lose to me, Anna uses her mouth to suck on my pussy while still holding it wide open with one of her hands, the little cat tongue twirling around my clit, and she even thrusts her fingers inside my hole as well.


''Mh~'' I moaned.

I didn't expect her to be this bold... I can't lose to her either.

So I use my thumbs to spread her pussy apart again, revealing a light pink color across her wet cunt. I've not eaten a lot of pussies, so this would be a good experience.


I put my mouth directly to her vagina and started to lick all over the place. Her love juice tastes a bit weird, I wonder why she loves mine like that.

Oh, there's the tail, let's give it some love as well.


So I grabbed the waving tail, it caused her to twitch a bit, but she's still adamant on sucking my pussy.

*slurp* *slurp* *slurp*


After sucking in the 69 position for a while, I could feel myself getting closer to orgasm.

Seemingly sensed that I am about to cum, Anna boldly thrusts four of her slender fingers inside my pussy, stirring my insides violently.


I tried to moan, but instead, my tongue got inserted into her pussy as well.

'''' Mnnn~! ''''

My cum shoots out like a tide, wetting Anna's hand, meanwhile her cum sprayed onto my tongue, a lot of them shot directly down my throat.




*slurp* *slurp*

While I'm still recovering, Anna, not caring about her exposed ass, is frantically sucking on her fingers, cleaning my juice completely from her hands.



Not stopping at that, she goes down again, this time sucks the liquid directly from my hole, even inserting her tongue as deep as possible to wipe them out as well.

''Mn... This girl...'' I said resignedly, inserting a finger inside her cunt as well.

She twitches a bit, but still focuses on sucking my juice out.

So I take out a newly made product of mine, tailored for my sex with her. 

A two headed dildo, the size is roughly the same as my other girlfriends. 

Let's fuck each other, Anna ♥.

rp* *slurp*


...When will this girl stop...?

She's been sucking my pussy for a good 5 minutes already, it is that delicious...?


So I spanked her but lightly, prompting her to look back at me confusingly.

''Come here.'' I said, opening my arms.

Anna complies, she slowly crawls her way towards me, before settling her head down onto my breasts, hugging me by the waist tightly.

''Anna.'' I called out.

''Nhmm?'' She props her chin on my cleavage.

''Do you want to try this?'' I hold the ginormous dildo up.

''!!'' She widen her eyes curiously, her little ears twitching. ''...Um.''

Hearing that, I rightfully smile. ''Alright then.''

So I turned myself over, pinning her down onto the bed. Anna doesn't resist, looking at me expectantly.

''Wait a second... Ngm~''

I started to insert the dildo into my pussy. Thankfully, due to all the pussy stretching sessions that I got from my futas, it went in quite smoothly. Hmm, this one feels very cold, not like those hot cocks that I've eaten at all...

*flap* *flap* *flap*

I use my hand to slide the dildo up and down a bit, loosening my pussy while simultaneously wet it with my juice as well. I could see Anna looking at the scene excitedly, using her hand to finger herself.

''Ngah... It went in quite smoothly, huh... All thanks to the huge cocks fucking me every night, my pussy is pretty loose right now.'' I said, mainly to turn Anna up even more.

''Hgnn... Sylvia...''

Needless to say, she does get very agitated. She started to finger herself more intensely, I started to hear some faint slurping noise from her pussy as well.

Good, she's getting more wet.

''Nn!... Hah...''

I pull out the dildo from my pussy and turn it around, before inserting in again.


''Are you alright...?''

''...I am. But, I got it lubricated for you.'' I said, pointing at the dildo drenched in my pussy juice. ''Ready?''

''G-Go for it.'' She said shakily, using her hands to spread out her own delicate pussy.

''Tell me if it's hurt.''

Following that, I lift her lower body up so that the dildo could insert in with the right angle. Then, I started to tease her by flicking the tip of the dildo against her cunt, opening and closing her labia repeatedly.

''Nyah~!... Ah...''

''I'm going in.'' I declared.


''Ah!... Gah~!...Nghhh...''

The dildo slowly slides in, opening her little vagina entrance, accompanied by lewd sticky noises, and wails from the quivering cat below me.

''Are you alright?''

''Ngah.... K-Keep going...'' She said, covering her eyes with her wrist.

So I pushed in a bit more, she's really tight, though, the dildo on my end is pushing against my cervix quite hard, it might open soon.

''AH!.. Agh... Ugh...'' She moaned, biting her rosy lips.

I immediately stop pushing, using my right hand to stroke her belly gently, waiting for her to calm down.

I know how it feels, having a giant penis tearing your virginal membrane. Though I don't know how to make her feel less pain, in my case, I think I just got fucked really hard, and that's about it, I just stopped feeling pained after a bit.

After a bit of wailing, she let out a little sigh before begging me again:

''Please... Continue.''

''Got it.'' I started to push again.


''Ngah... Hah...''

After about two third of it went in, I decided to not push it all the way yet, instead, I pull out and push in repeatedly. I do it very slowly, afraid of hurting my lovely cat.

''Hah... Mhmm... M-Move faster...'' She said, still hiding her eyes.

''Alright then.''

*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*


I started to thrust more forcefully, but not going all the way like the other three did to me. Mghmm, The dildo it hitting me quite good on the cervix as well...

*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*

''Ah! I-I'm cumming!'' She exclaimed.

Right after, I could feel in my pussy that something hit the dildo, transmitting the shaky feeling to my whole body. 

''Phew~'' I let out a sigh. ''Good job, my kitten, you did well.''

I then stroke her head gently, while she's peeking at me with her round, a little moisten up eyes.

''Y-You didn't come...''

''Hm? Ah.'' I let out a chuckle. ''One of the things that can make me cum instantly, is having semen pumped straight into my womb. Maybe after you get a penis, we could cum together?''

Though I just teased her like that, if I get fucked hard enough, I would still cum like normal.

''...Unfair.'' She said, her face crumbles.

...Wait, what I if could pull out her angry personality here...?

''Ah, maybe I also cum when I get fucked very roughly as well?'' I said jokingly.


''Ah~ Unlike your weak sex, I still remember the giant dicks that turned my pussy into a simple cock-sleeve...'' I provoked her even more.


Finally, she pushes me over, pinning me down onto the bed, both of her hands rested on my wrists, her fingers grabbing them forcefully.

''My, what do you think you're doing?'' I smile contently.

''Fuck you roughly. Bitch.'' She said, glaring at me, not a shred of her usual self could be seen.

Yes! Her switch has been turned. This is going to be exciting.

''Hmm~ Do you think you can do that? Without a real cock? A cuck like you?'' I said smugly.


''Shut up!''


She slapped my breasts quite strongly, leaving a bright red handprint on them.

''You fucking whore.'' She said, her eyebrows furrowing. ''I hate you. But I also love you. I love you so much. Why?! Why are you so hot?! Why do I always want to fuck you?! And why do you get hotter when you get fucked by other people?!'' 

That's what fetishes are all about, my dear. But... She doesn't seem to be in the right mind...

This... Is so exciting!

''That's because you're just a loser, my dear. Prove it to me, prove that you're good enough to satisfy the whore inside me.'' I replied.



She abruptly pulls out the dildo inside our pussies and throws it away.


''Ah~!... Eh?!''

T-That just made me cum... What the hell just pierced my cervix...?

No way... This hairy feeling... Her tail?!

''Looks like it's true, huh. Poking your pathetic womb just a bit made you cum already.'' She said mockingly.

''...Fine, I lost. So, how does my secondhand pussy feel on your tail?'' I replied, slipping my right hand out and groping her breasts.



She just pulled it out so suddenly...

''Feels like shit. Yucky, sticky, uncomfortable.'' She brutally said with a disgusted face. ''But at least it tastes good.'' She brings her tail to her mouth, licking it deliciously.

So her tail isn't an erogenous zone or anything. Noted.

''My... I'm sorry my pussy doesn't feel good, I'm ashamed.'' I apologized honestly.

''You should be ashamed. Until I get a cock, the only use for your pathetic pussy is to supply me with your juice, know that?''

''If that's what you want~''

''Ah, and you should get your stupid little cunt railed a lot more, that way you'll be even hotter...''

...What the hell is going on with her sexual preferences here...? On one side she's a cuck, on another she's a dominant top...

Suddenly, she snaps out, her eyes return to normal.

''..Huh?! W-What... Eh?! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to insult you...!'' She said, grabbing my shoulders.


''No worries, my dear. I loved that 'you' a lot, much like how I love your usual sweet self~'' I said after giving her a kiss.

''Uuuuu~'' She buries her head into my breasts, while her hands are quite shamelessly squeezing them as well. ''I want a penis...''

''Fufu, don't worry. You already satisfied me enough.''

''...You're lying.'' She said, pouting.

''I am.'' I let out a chuckle. ''But your other personality was really good. Or, was her actually another personality of yours?''

''No... I just become like that when I'm mad... I can still feel and remember everything...''

''That's good, then.'' I said, switching to a more sensual voice. ''You pathetic cuck, you can't even make me cum more than twice...''

''...Huh?'' She exclaimed annoyedly, her grips on my breasts tighten.

''Ah, please use this one.'' I use telekinesis to bring back the dildo, placing it near her right hand.


She immediately grabs it, and violently thrusts it inside my pussy, slamming all the way pass my cervix, right into my womb's wall.


''Prepare your secondhand pussy.'' She said flatly.

''S-Sure thing, my dear.''