
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs

Zombie DINOSAURS? THAT is just not fair.


DAY 4.






Tyler woke the next morning inside a melting pot. He groaned as he felt the sticky armor and helmet he was wearing was drenched in sweat as he got out of the bed.

"Okay THAT was a mistake."

He went to his fod supplies and downed an energy drink he'd found and munched on some bagels from the same. Once fed he packed his equipment up and went outside to the jeep. The 4X4 was a deep green with plates of sheet metal on the doors and over the hood while ropes of barbed wire were hung over the head and taillights. The roof was a soft top reinforced with more metal and the seats were surprisingly comfy as he climbed into the driver's seat. The keyt fit the ignition and he turned it to the half. The lights flickered and he got a measure on the gas.

"There's a gas station few places down."

So he set his sawed off shotgun into a spot beside him ann the glock in easy reach. Once settled he started the engine with a rumble. The jeep rattled as the teenager threw it in reverse and backed out with a surprising skill before rolling down the street.

In the real world, Yuki chuckled.

"Thank god for him it's not stick."

THat one made the ladies, Michelle, Shery, and Christina included, chuckle as they watched through the eyes of the driving teenager....as he approached a single zombie on the road. Yuki smirked as he hit thr brakes.

"Ten bucks says he doorchecks it."

Hannah smirked.

"MY bid is he'll run it over..and spin the wheels on it's head. Loser buys dinner."

YUki smirked as she nodded...and Tyler was seen stopping beside the goraning in irritation zombie....and tossing a lasso over it's neck before tying the thing to his door and flooring it. The ladies blinked as he burst out laughing at the flopping and bouncing thing behind him all the while a red streak was sen stretching into the distance until the thing's head was pulled clean off. Tyler had a wide grin on his face as he reeled the rope in.

"Oh my GOD I have always wanted to do that to somebody! That's it. I am HANGING some poor bastard from a skyscraper.....huh."

His suddenly thoughtful tone made the slumping ladies perk up nervously as he tilted his head.

"I wonder. If I find the right strength cable, weld it to the end of a high density air compressor, and attach a spearpoint, I can TECHNICALLY make it. It'd be bootleg at BEST But I'd get there. Eh I'll fiddle with it later. Oh!"

He rolled up ANOTHER lone zombie...and slammed his door into it's face.

"LAdies and gentlemen....the DOORS!"

A universval groan was heard from the watching ladies at the reference and GODAWEFUL pun. Yuki sighed.

"I won b ut we ALL lost."

Hannah nodded with her own sigh.

"Yup....and be honest I've seen that execution in Saw somewhere."

Michelle shuddered.

"I want to know what the hell he thinks he is planning."

Christina looked at a digital clock nearby.

"Tomorrow's his therapy day. We'll need to schedule an hour for our session."

YUki smirked at that one as she looked at the therapist.

"If he refuses, I am not going to force him to attend..and it is ENTIRELY his choice to do so."

The therapist sighed at this.

"NO it is NOT his choice, Yuki. He has a state ordered mandate to attend regular therapy and ENGAGE in therapy or he will be removed from Michelle's home and placed back int he group home. The current events do NOT excuse him from the rules of the world."

Hannah chuckled.

"If he IS removed from her home, Christina? He'd be made into a ward of the hospital he is currently recieving treatment from. And his tenure inside the videogame DOES count as care. It has been ruled a form of extremely intensive care, even moreso then if he was in a coma. So please. By all means, make OUR lives easier-"

A yell of shock from the screen had all eyes turning,


A screech of tears was heard as Tyler had the 4X4 in a sideways slide to avoid hitting something in the road. Thankfully he had only been driving at 20 miles and hour and so was able to stop before DIVING out of the jeep with his sawed off up as a DEAFENING bellow of utter rage was heard. Tyler was seen to leap aside again as something large slammed into the asphalt beside him with enough force to SHATTER the stone entirely. Tyler gritted his teeth as he rolled to a stop back beside the rattling jeep.

"THIS is BULLSHIT! YOU are NOT supposed to be a part od this equation!"

The paralyzed watchers were given a clean view of the newest threat....and even YUKI was stunned by the nearly 60 foot long monstrosity riping it's 6 and a half foot long jaws wrapped in barbed wire from the fractured cement.

"Okay. FUCK. THAT."

A 25 foot tall ZOMBIE T-REX had attacked the lone teenager on the street. Tyler had NARROWLY avoided driving right into it's leg and was now entirely on the defensive as his backpack was stil inside the jeep. The T-rex reared with a massive bellow of rage that echoed for miles along the desolate stretch of highway. It's skin was a putrid green in color with black patches of rot and mold spreading along it's flank from it's extended rot. The beast's claws had scraps of metal embedded in their surfaces and larger sheets of metal were afixed into the creature's skin. The head of the immense undead theropod was fully encased in a steel mask that allowed the eyes and jaws freedom but defended it quite well...and a nearly 7 foot long steel spike was seen extending from the thing. The underbelly ALSO had a solid sheet of rusted metal defending it and the tail had a freakin MACE stuck to the tip. Tyler sighed as he saw the teeth were also coated in rusting metal.

"Okay. THis is not fair."

The teenager dodged another lunge from the rex and it hit it's head again with a sadistic impact. Tyler was panting hard and was seen to shake a little from his rising intimidation and fear. Then he drew in a massive breath as the rex fought to free itself.

"Calm down.....FOCUS."

He blinked and in the real world EVERY machine monitoring Tyler's brainwaves started spiking. Hannah looked at their numbers in shock at the mass of alarms...only to be dumbfounded by what she found.

"Oh my GOD. ALL his reading are going through the ROOF mentally! If THIS is what he goes through when he FOCUSES SERIOUSLY? He is ONE frightening kid."

YUki looked at the screen....

"HOLY SHIT the framerate just dropped."

It was true. Even though the room's dedicated internet was the very highest military grade quality, the frame rate for the livefeed had gone from 250 frames a second to a MERE 64 and everything in Tyler's eyes seemed to be moving in utter slow motion as his mind kicked into overdrive. As the livefeed saw the world through Tyler's eyes, and namely his perspective, any effects his mind had on the feed were reflected IN the feed itself. The rex lunged again and they watched in utter AWE as Tyler merely took three steps to the side to avoid the lethal beast and reach the jeep. He had his equipment backpack out and on his back in seconds and had a molotov cocktail out with his lighter. Rex roared in fury as it got it's battered snout free...and Tyler slammed the burning bottle into it's wide open jaws like Lebron slamming a basketbal home. A shattering of glass was heard and the beast recoiled in pain at the glass and flames ripping at the flesh inside the jaws. Tyler had the Glock18 out and was pouring lead into the hip of one of the immense legs the beast supported itself with....as they were unarmored. Tyler emptied the 30 round magazine into the thing's leg....and it only dealt VERYa superficial damage and REALLY pissed the thing off. It rounded on him with a frightening agility and snaped at him with a ferocious force, missing by scant inches. Tyler, however, merely moved around the large head of the beast to shove the twin barrels of the sawed off shotgun into the eye socket of the metal helmet. The teenager's eyes were ICE COLD snd utterly devoid of anything resembling human consciousness as he puled both trigers at pointblank range. The rex belowed in pain and the loss of it's eye as it slammed it's immense head into Tyler's torso on reflex. The teenager was flung into the air and hit the ground with a heavy thud and bounce. But he was back on his feet the next instant and slotting two more shels into the breech as the now half blind t-rex roared in fury and was pivoting on it's tree trunk like legs swinging the tail mace around with lethal force. Tyler, however, made the best of his breif repreive by retrieving another molotoc cocktail from his pack, and the steel cable he'd used to drag the zombie to death with. Then he ran at the immense beast as it regained enough of it's senses to fight with a lunge. The wily teenager merely dodged to the right, the side it was now blind on and the lunge missed by a mile. This in turn provided a PERFECT access point to the underbelly of the t-rex as it tried to find him. Uterly losing the smaller prey in it's bulk. TYler pulled a 3 foot steel pipe with a vicious tip from his pack and attached the steel cable to it before he stabbed the rex int he bulge that would normally house it's reproduictive organs. The pipe easily piercing the metal skin guarding the spot and piercing DEEP into the rex's body. Nearly INSTANTLY the rex gave a scream of agony at this new penetration while Tyler merely wrapped the strong cable around the ankle of the freaking out beast. Once the cable was secure Tyler darted from under the beast as it went to plant it's foot for a pivot....only for the ensared steel pipe to RIP the HELL out of the rex's internal organs ilicting MORE bellows of pain and instilling a panic in it's mind from the agony. Tyler did not give it a second to breath as the sawed off came into play again at the hip of the beast. Both barrels of quarters were emptied into it's wide hip in the same place he had emptied the glock bullets into...and the rex naturally tried to recoil. Only for that ankle to be tied to the torture device now inside it's body and that in turn merely added MORE gruesome injuries to the immense beast. Gallons of jet black liquid was pouring from the gaping wounds under the beast and the holes in it's hip as the cable snapped. The sudden loss of tension sent the rex to the ground with an EARTHSHAKING slam accompanied by a mass crunching sound. With it, the mighty growls and bellows of the beast were replaced by whimpers and weak snarls of pained defiance. Tyler smirked as he approached the now weakly flailing beast with the sawed of in his hand...and placed the barrles against the empty eye socket of the dying anf utterly helpless undead T-rex.

"Welcome to Jurassic Park."

He pulled the triggers and the T-rex went limp as the last two quarters shells tore it's brain to pieces. TYler smiled as he stepped back from the kill and reloaded the guns....and promptly fell over onto the pavement panting like an overheated dog.

"Annnd that's all I got."

In the real world, the blaring machines had gone silent from the now easing up of the panting teenager. Yuki just looked at Michelle after a moment of colecting their thoughts.

"HAve I made my point? He does NOT need your help. HE is the BEST PLAYER in that game."

Even MICHELLE was nodding in agreement at the slaying of a zombie t-rex by a 15 year old teenager.

"I have no words. He should have DIED from the spikes ALONE."

Hannah looked at the readings and measurements of the teenager's vitals then...and whistled.

"His brain kicked into EXTREME overdrive. He will be VERY hungry when he recovers. LAdies? I THINK we are gonna need to TALK."

YUki nodded slowly as Tyler was seen getting top his feet now after regaining his breath.

"We will indeed. ALL of us. As SOON as my superiors see this footage..they are going to DEMAND a meeting with him to discuss the Player Alliance. Tyler has just become VERY important to the Players and he has no idea."

Sherry shivered.

"He's a monster."

The delta soldier smirked at that.

"Yes he is. And yet? We NEED more like him."

Christina looked at her.

"You said he became important?"

"He has. He has just killed the single thus far encountered creature SINGLEHANDEDLY and nearly without a scratch. He is the ONLY ONE to have even SEEN a dinosaur...and he killed. ALONE. His skils and inherent abilities are remarkable. Like it or not we are going to be VERY busy as I HAVE to make my report. When I do, we are ALL going to be VERY popular."

All eyes turned back to the lone teenager...and they smiled as they saw him pry the largest tooth of the thing from it's head.

"Always wanted one a these."

YUki smiled fondly.

"He is still just a kid playing a videogame. That is immensely reassuring."

Once the tooth was secured, Tyler went around the length of the thing...only to be VERY pleasently surprised by what he found. The intial drop of the immense dinosaur? A trailer camper complete with hitch for the 4X4 jeep. In size it was perfect for the lone teenager and Tyler was quick to open the thing up properly. It being your usual butterfly wing style thing with two beds and a comfy sitting area large enough for some furniture. He smiled at his new home.

"And now, ladies and whatever the rest are....we are now moving from roaming streetbums, to roaming survivors. Alls I need now is a fullon mobile home and I got me an adventure!"

The next bit of loot to be found was an immense steel crate that was a good 5 feet tsll by 5 feet wide by 5 feet deep. Tyler smirked as he set the loot crate on the back of the jeep and butchered the rex's body for the metal skin and as much of the hide as he could. Once the rex was his tier useless he climbed back into the jeep and rolled down the street before banging a left off the main road into a small gorge. The grassy ground didn't make a sound as the laden teenager parked out of easy sight in it's depths and set the crate before the pitched camper. Once that was done he sat on the back of the jeep...and smiled.

"I'mma gloat now."

A smirking Yuki appeared on the videocall and the cocky teenager lifted an unopened bottle of wine at her.

"I BETTER get a copy of that video!"

The delta soldier chuckled at that one.

"I figured you knew. And Tyler? Well done."

"T-rex's frame isn't exactly nimble."

"No it is not. So you have a camper now."

He nodded as he looked at the white and green striped thing.

"Yup. I'll need to kit it for the ZA but that's more fun then a pain in the ass. And I'll lay low for a bit since those bellows will have drawn IMMENSE attention from all directions."

Yuki noded gravely.

"Absolutely. Alright. The crate?"


TYler hopped down and unlocked the crate's levers and the thing opened likem a shipping container. THe teenager was faced with a mass of loot and he crossed his arms.

"Hmm. I got a military resuply crate here, like fifteen feet of copper wiring for a house, a blowtorch and acyetlene torch, some tires, a barrel of gasoline, a three inch thick tiger fur comforter, some clothes, a high tier camping grill on a tripod, a military grade 5 person tent, a wooden crate I am assuming is for food, and what looks like a car battery."

Yuki nodded as she finished writting the intial lot down.

"How much gas?"

He looked into the barrel.

"This is a hundred gallon drum....and it's full. Wow. I stil have three-quarters of a tank. I still need a gasCAN but I can make one easily enough. The torch's tanks are full of fuel too."

Yuki frowned as he looked the high power cutting tool over.

"Do you know HOW to use one of those, Tyler?"

"Oh yeah. My grandfather was a mechanic and liked to tinker with stuff in his garage. He also taught me the basics of welding too."

Michelle frowned now as Tyler set the dangerous and flammable tool away from the military crate.

"And WHY haven't you USED those skills? Your school has a welding class."

"Cause I didn't like it."

She sighed at that very reasonable reason.

"And THAT is why you need proper guidence. If you have a talent or a skill you HAVE to make use of it. Or it will merely be wasted. I WISH I'd known about that sooner as I'd-"

"Have forced me to do it wether or not I WANTED to. Whatever, Michelle."

Yuki looked at him curiously as he took a crowbar now.

"DID you want to do something with your life, Tyler?"

He shrugged as he went to the military crate.

"Hadn't decided yet. I've always been kinda good at most things I tried. Problem was they got boring real quick."

Yuki smiled understandingly.

"I was like that too for a while before I joined the army. Was there anything ASIDE from videogames you LIKED doing?"

That one made him think and he stood from inspecting the crate and smirked.

"Well....I DO have ONE hobby. Hey, doc Blonde,"

"I like that or I'd be pissed."

TYler chuckled at Hannah's mild irritation.

"Noted. My effects were removed from Michelle's house, right?"

THe blonde doctor nodded.

"They were. ANd secured inside a storage facility as we have no idea how long you will be in there."

"Was a hightier thumbdrive recovered?"

"Ummm. I'd need to check the invoice, but I think so."

She went to retreive the information as Michelle lifted an eyebrow.

"Tyler. WHAT are you HIDING from your TEAM?"

"YOU'LL see."

"If we do not like it you will NEVER be allowed to HAVE it"

Yuki smirked, cutting the controling woman off.

"YES he WILL...so long as there are no plans to assassinate the president on it. I'd...be KINDA forced to step in."

TYler chuckled.

"Nah I can do that one easily enough with a stripper and a pipebomb dildo."

That one got a snort from the former ranger.

"I HATE YOU for that image....but my GOD would that be funny has hell."

Hannah returned with a smile.

"There was a massive thumbdrive listed with the effects, Tyler. A 400GB stick if I remember right. It's on it's way up."

THe teenager smiled.

"When it gets here, plug into the auxillery port of the helmet. Thing's intense so it'll download in minutes."

Shery scowled.

"NO she will NOT just PLUG it in without US screening it for prohibited material-"


YUki lifted her stil present and loaded Baretta.

"What was that?"

The three glared at her and Christina tried now.

"TYler has VERY EXPRESSIVE rules on what he may or may not have for media due to his history of porn addiction and questionable choices of entertainment. If he is found to be in possession of such media, he is to be immediately removed from Michelle's home and placed in a locked facility for evaluation."

An orderlie walked in and the sleek thumbdrive was given to Hannah. Michelle sighed as she held her hand out.

"I'll take it, Hannah. My computer is in my bag-HEY! What are you doping?"

Hannah smiled as she plugged the drive into Tyler's helmet with a click.

"What he ASKED."

A bing was heard as a screen appeared in front of the smiliong teenager and he entered a password into a lockscreen...and a download started.

"Oh god it IS trhe one I thought. Thank god I backed everything up BEFORE I dived."

Sherry had a look of irritated anger on her face as the download was completed in seconds.

"Great. NOW we have to report him to the state for disobeying his discharge agreement. God job. YOU just cost him his home."

Yuki smiled as she looked at Tyler while he started organizing close to 390 gigabytes of files and folders.

"So what DID you have on there, Tyler?"

He smiled.

"My music, anime, hentai, porn, manga, and story collections."


The three OUTRAGES screams came from the now very pissed off trio and Michelle looked right at Sherry.

"I want him OUT of my house! I will NOT have a porn addict under MY roof! Sems he WASN'T engaging in therapy afterall."

Christina nodded with as sigh.

"And he was LYING the entire time we met. Great. He hasn't learned ANYTHING."

Sherry had her phone out now with a nod.

"He'll be sent back to the group home once the game concludes and this time he won't get out until he ages out of the system. And even then he'll be in a extreme lockdown facility."

Hannah smiled a sweet smile.

"Like I said. He will be made a ward of the hospital."

Yuki looked at Tyler as he finished organizing the new files on his interface.

"So what do you mean by stories?"

He smiled.

"Wanna see?"

She nodded and he opened file...that turned out to be an IMMENSE word document and she blinked.

"Wait, you write?"

"Only place I can escape their bullshit."

"Wow. Wait....HOW many were in that folder?"

He chuckled as all heads turned to him now.

"I have about 300 different stories all going with about....4 that are ACTUALLY complete. 2 have three full sequals completed."

Even MICHELLE was taken aback by this.

"And WHY haven't uou mentioned you have a TALENT for WRITTING? AND WHY hasn't your english teacher said anything?"

"I asked her not to...and I hate you."

Yuki smiled.

"Can I read one?"

"Sure....pick your poison."

The delta soldier smirked then.

"Romcom romance set in highschool."

TYler sat back a moment....

"YOU want Descent of the Demon. Not much romCOM, but it IS a romance."

"Holy shit I did not expect you to DO romance."

"I dabble. I got a few outright romance in here since it's a surprisingly fun genre to spit in. Here. THIS one has 3 sequals and each are about 1,000 pages long."


"1,500. My longest is 2,000 pages and is a tragedy."

Hannah smiled.

"I love Shakespear."

"Tale of the Demon, coming atchya."

The pair got emails with the attached files and Yuki scrolled a few pages....

"Oh my GOD. Okay, there is TALENT...and there is a GIFT. You're all the way in GIFTED."


They looked at him...and he smirked.

"THOSE TWO are bottom barrel."

Yuki and Hannah looked at each other in awe.

"We need to investigate this."

"INTENSELY. Good think we'll have a LOT of free time on our hands. We'll need better chairs."

A sound of something breaking was heard on the screen and Tyler sighed as he heard the avalanche breathing.

"Great. A BEAR."

He took the sawed off shotgun and walked out to find a fully grown black bear nosing around his camper looking for food.

"Hey. Yogi."

The bear looked over curiously...only for the shotgun to go off in it's face at near poitnblank range.

"YOU got a booboo."

The bear dropped and Tyler smiled as he got a small backpack of more loot along with the bear meat and pelt.

"Not bad for the 4th day."

He returned to the container and set the crowbar to the military crate. It's metal construction snapped and he looked inside....

"Four large ammo boxes, a sheet covered rifle, a few attachment boxes, some gun parts, and what looks like the stock of a shotgun."

Yuki and Hannah refocused while Michelle, Sherry and Christina were talking in their phones for the reportings. The ranger smiled.

"Take the weapons first. See what you have for hardware."

TYler lifted the rifle from the box....and whistled at the sleek lines of the thing.

"Niiiice. Marlin 45-70 lever action rifle. Silver wod stock, chrome trigger and lever system while the barrel is jet black. Neon green sights and full set of four tac rails for attachments. Looks like it has 6 shells already in the tube."

Yuki smiled as she saw him holding the surprisingly good looking rifle.

"Unload it. Marlins have two load sizes and the heavy kicks like a mule."

TYler slammed the heavy lever and unloaded the shells. He then set these in clean view of the ranger and she nodded.

"Yup. Heavy loads. Be VERYa careful, Tyler. Think likes to kick you in the chin when firing."

"Good thing I have those points to put into strength."

"Good point. The other gun?"

He pulled the second weapon out....and lifted an eyebrow at the odd surprise.

"Well. Here's an odd choice. M1014 military grade police shotgun with adjustable stock, foregrip, and semi-automatic. 12 gauge and yeah. Cool. Ful tac rails too."

He set it aside and Yuki smiled.

"You have that trigger system for the M1014. I'll look iot over and see if it's an upgrade."

"Cool. Now I have five ammo boxes here. The first is a full box of 240 rounds of light 45-70 rounds. So I have 6 heavy loads. Giggity. I have two boxes of 5.56 NATO rounds for an ACR 5.56 rifle. One box of 125 12 gauge slug shells for the M1014 and one box of 300 9mm Parabellum rounds for pistol or SMG. Not bad ammo spread."

Yuki nodded as she wrote the numbers down.

"Not bad at all. I'd expect that kinda spread aside from the 45-70s on any routine ammo drop in the military. The gun parts?"

He set a TV dinner tray of various parts out and Yuki smiled.

"That mess there is a higher grade reciever for that glock you have. Increases fire rate but it kicks more."

"For what I use it for that's fine."

"Rest is all for longer rifles you don't have. Attachements?"

TYler set the five black cases out and opened the first one.

"Oh score. Viper reflex holographic sight for a long rifle. I HATE iron sights. That'll go on the 45-70."

The second box was opened...and he shrugged.

"Eh. Vertical foregrip with cant option. Not exactly something I can use on a marksmen rifle or a shotgun. I'll figure something out."

The next box was opened and he smirked at the contents.

"Okay that is MUCH more like it. A heavy duty suppressor for the M1911. Jusrt screw it on and bam."

Yuki smiled.

"You struck gold. The last?"

He opened it...and tilted his head.

"A V choke for the shotgun. Weird call but whatever. Not bad."

The attachments were aded to the guns and TYler looked at the rest of the loot....namely the clothes.

"A higher tier blue T-shirt, a two piece leopard print bikini, new denim jeans in my size, new boots too. A parka, heavy windbreaker and a beanie hat."

Yuki smirked as she saw the tiny string bikini.

"NO being weird with the bikinis."

"Ha. I'l be sure to. Size is medium and....36D. NIce. NOW I just need to find a girl to get to WEAR this."

Hannah and Yuki smirked now and the ranger said it.

"Do NOT, be CREEPY."

"YEs Yuki."

"Hey! That counts!"

"Cute pout."


Poor Yuki was red in the face at the tagteaming from Tyler and Hannah as the pair laughed. Then the teenager smiled as he took the new clothes in his size over.

"I needed a resupply. I think I'll take a day to recover from that last one. Do some crafting and resupplying of my gear."

The ranger noded as the teenager dragged the last crate over.

"Smart. It's not a god idea to get into hardcore engagements like that every day. What were you planning to craft?"

HE frowned and took an empty tin can from his inventory.

"I'm currently wondering about making some tin can grenades from recycled gunpowder. I've got a mass of bullets I'm not going to be able to use and I blew through my arsenal of molotovs in that fight. I kinda NEED at least a few throwables for the bulshit factor."

Yuki frowned.

"Hm. What bullets?"

"The 5.56s. Only round I have I CAN'T use. Plus I can melt the brass casings down in a fire for repurposing."

The dark haired asian ranger frowned at the idea.

"True, you can't use them as ammo. Yet the gunpowder inside each would not be enough to fil a tin can. You'd need about 45 bullets for each can....and you only have 1,000 rounds. Those go quickly in a firefight."

TYler smiled.

"They do....IF you go for volume over accuracy. I'm a sniper and is what I'll kit that 45-70 for since I almost never miss. I need throwables more then I need bullets I can't use, and the brass I can use for shot for the shotgun shells."


Tyler's smirk turned sadistic.

"I saw this in a book once. But double ought, buckshot, and birdshot ballbearings all inside the same shotgun shell. Triplix, I think it was called."

Yuki shivered.

"Jesus. I know what you mean. They're a SCARY bit of kit since they're armor piercing.....oh I see what you need."

"I'm out of quartershells so need another armor piercer. The shells are all double ought so that's nice."

He broke open the remaining crate and looked inside.....and tilted his head.

"Well. I got a few dozen of those hiker's instant meals. A woodaxe, sharpener, some random pieces of junk, a shovel, and like ten bundles of wooden spikes."

He took the wooden spikes out and smirked as he did.

"I have a base material. EAch spike is 4 feet long and close to 3 inches thick....I douse the tips in some of that oleander I saw over there and I got a poisoned trap."

Yuki nodded as she wrote the new item down.

"Clever and nasty. You mentioned a base?"

"Yeah. Once I find a good enough place I'll dig in. That's the other facet of this game and that's basebuilding. Once we get that far it'll get intense."

Hannah smirked.

"NOW I'm curious. From what they promoted in the adverts, you can build any structure you want in there. And the devs doted on how you could even hotwire a freakin luxury sauna if you wanted."

Tyler nodded as he set the wooden spikes aside.

"You can. The onlt real question for ME is location. I need a map before I can consider staking out a location. There are three things my intial location needs: Access to fresh water, solid landforms I can incorperate, and nearness to a large settlement like a town or city so I can forge for supplies easier. Then the walls will be raised."

Yuki smiled as she jotted the requirements down on a seperate notebook.

"We have a lot of work to do, Tyler. And I am very curious to see what you view as defensiable. Now. The spikes?"

He shrugged.

"I'll place them around the camper's sleeping section."

SZhe nodded and The teenager looked at the collection of loot...and crossed his arms.

"That jeep has a surprisingly large carry capicty so I'll be able to take it all. Good."

And so he got to work storing the loot inside the jeep's trunk until all that remained was the steel container. This he tilted his head at and smirked.

"If I melt that steel down, I can use it to forge my own tools. I'm going to need a pickaxe, some bullet tips since steel makes good armoer piercing, and some ballbearing for shot. That blowtorch has enough fuel....and I can make a decent enough forge from clay and rocks. Eh. A tomorrow problem."

Yuki smiled.

"I'll makle a phonecall for a master blacksmith Tyler. Anyone else you can think of?"

"Not yet. I don't need a herbalist just yet and we already got a doc blonde."


Tyler got to work setting the camper up as he talked now.

"Only things I need right now is more raw materials, food and medical. Gas I'm set on for the next few days and yeah. I'll work that bearpelt into.....a blanket."

Yuki lifted an eyebrow.

"YOU know HOW?"

"Had an uncle that was big into leather works."

"....You have a weird family."

Tyler chuckled at that one as he set the soft black bear fur on some of the spikes to dry.

"That's nothin. My neighbor was a hunter that was also a taxidermist and moonlighted as a furry. Guy liked to dress up as a sexy bunny and get RAMMED by like ten at once at those fucked up parties they go to."


"Backwater north American town in the sticks."

"THat'll do it."

Tyler chuckled as he finished the setup and tossed his sleeping bag onto the single mattress and the thick blanket. Sherry rubbed her eyes as she spoke now.

"Tyler, for the love of GOD stop lying about your life. Berlin is NOT. LIKE. THAT. YOUR life was NOT like that. And YOU. KNOW IT."

"Course I know it. I was THERE. Were YOU?"

Yuki and Hannah chuckled at that one as the survivor was pleasently surprised to find a smal awning by the door and extended it. His campsite pitched, the survivor took the shovel and dug a set of pits for the remaining spikes to be placed to create a makeshift barricade around the section he'd bee sleeping in. Then he took some of the copper wiring and some sticks to craft tripwire snares around the remaining places a walker would come through. Yuki smirked at his choices of placement.


"I'm kinda good at guerilla warfare."

The night's base secured, Tyler built himself a fire and made a warm meal of some roasted crablegs washed down by clear water. The empty plastic water bottle was kept and Yuki tilted her head.

"What can you use THAT for, Tyler?"

"I can refill it."

"Sorry. Used to overcomplex ideas."

"Makes sense."

HE yawned and locked up the empty steel container...with a set of footprints leading into it but not OUT of it before returning to the camper. THe thing turning out to be rather cozy as he settled down.

In the real world, Yuki whistled as the screen went dark.

"He is one FRIGHTENING kid."

HAnnah nodded in complete agreement.

"YEs he is. And yet utterly BRILLANT too."

Michelle looked at Sherry with a sigh.

"I want him OUT of my house. I will not have a severe porn addict and sociopath under MY roof."

Sherry nodded with her own sigh.

"The paperwork is already going through, Michelle. His removal has already been approved and he'll be returning to the group home. If he continues to refuse to stop defying us and LISTEN TO US, we may have to resort to alternative punishments-"

There was a click and Yuki's ever present barreta was lifted by the smirking delta ranger.

"What was that?"

Shery glared at her.

"I SAID, we may resort to alternative punishments. Your threats mean nothing, as if you DID shoot me, YOU'D be the one arrested. Tyler IS going back to the group home, IS going back on his medications, and YOU will NOT continue to enable him."

Christina nodded.

"He has lied in thearpy and refused to engage for years. So he'll be sent back to juvenile detention due to his history of violence. And then you will have no say in his welbeing."

Hannah chuckled as she hung up her own phone then.

"That was the director. She has just informed me Tyler has been named a ward of the hospital due to his foster mother's eviction. As it is, I am in charge of his well being, care, AND have been appointed his legal guardian due to his being on my caseload. You will be recieving a phonecall shortly."

Sherry was the first...and she sighed as she got the news.

"And once again the state fails to help one that needed it most. I hope you're happy. YOU wil DESTROY any chance he has at a future."

Christina was next...

"I understand....and disagree. Tyler is NOT as innocent as you thinkl but very well."

She hung up and sighed as she looked at Sherry.

"I was just removed as his clinician."

Michelle huffed as she got her call now.

"I removed him from my home becAUSE he is a bad apple. I can ONLY help those that WANT to be helped and do not fight me on every little thing."

The three ladies got up and left....and Sherry looked at a smiling trimuphantly Yuki.

"His records will be faxed over in the morning. I hope you're happy."


The door shut and Hannah smiled as she sat beside a sighing in relief Yuki.

"Oh thank GOD they're gone."

"Tell me about it. NOW we can fucking FOCUS. And I sent the video up the chain. We can expect the boom in the morning."

THe blonde doctor nodded as she relaxed in the comfy recliner and smirked at Yuki.

"And I feel like this is going to be a LOT more fun to watch."

The sexy ranger smirked as well at the beautiful blonde doctor.

"And to be a PART of, Hannah. But, work before licking."

"Oooh you exCITE me! But fine."