
Zombie Apocalypse: Weapon Wielder

A strange occurrence has appeared on Earth. Undead or better know as Zombie's have started to appear. Over half of Earth's population was reduced but hope wasn't lost. Humans have started awakening abilities or specifically called , superpowers. Now with a fighting chance , humanity has a chance to threaten the zombie's existence but wait , zombie's are evolving and also gaining abilities. How would the human's handle this when its only the beginning of a bigger crisis?

Shaggy_Purge · แอคชั่น
4 Chs

Chapter 4

When Ashton returned back to his apartment , he found himself in front off his door step. He quickly went back to his room and sat on his bed. "Phew , that was too intense. Did he say his name was Deceptos?" Ashton recalled what happened a few moments ago. He shook his head and opened his status, he could see some new information in it.


[Name: Ashton Kree]

[Age: 15]

[Gender: Male]

[EXP: 0/100]

[Level: 1]

[Class: None( Yet to choose )]

[Talent: ???]

[Body: Abyss God Body]


[Health: 500/500]

[Mana: 200/200]

[Strength: 100]

[Stamina: 100]

[Speed: 100]

[Defense: 100]

[Luck: 100]

[Intelligence: 100]

[Ability 1: Unknown Comprehension}

[Ability 2: Manipulation( Yet to choose )]

[Ability 3: Deity Swordsmanship]

[Ability 4: Darkness Art]

[Technique: None]

[Secondary Ability (0/3): None]

[Inventory: Gift Box]

Ashton tapped on class and a status screen flashed and grew bigger. Ashton blinked and saw only 5 Classes on the screen.

[Available Classes-:]




[Martial Artist]

[Weapon Wielder]

Ashton tried to tap on the Swordsmen Class but nothing happened. He guessed that he would need to choose a class before he could see anything about it. Ashton who looked over the Classes immediately crossed out Magician , Brawler and Martial Artist. The reason for it was because his abilities didn't relate to anything about magic or about using one's body. Darkness Art looked like magic but Ashton had a strong feeling it wasn't. So the only options left were Swordsmen and Weapon Wielder. Swordsmen would be good but he recalled that people might have common Classes so Ashton crossed Swordsmen out also. If he had a common Class then he wouldn't able to get far. In the end , he chose Weapon Wielder.

[Are you sure want to change your Class to Weapon Wielder?]


Ashton chose Y and a faint white light shone on his body. He felt the same feeling when he awakened but it was only a feeling. He didn't feel any physical changes but didn't dwell on it for long. He looked over his Class and saw that it was now Weapon Wielder. He would look into it later and went towards the next thing, his Talent. He tapped on it and the screen changed once more.


[Grade: ???]

Ashton didn't know why it showed question marks on what Grade his Talent was. He thought that it was an error and moved on from it. He looked at his Body which was below his Talent and tapped on it.

[Body: Abyss God Body]

[Grade: Divine]

[Description: Born from darkness , etched from a bottomless source. Any light that comes to pass it shall not pass at all. The existence of Abyss itself is a Taboo. One has a limit in their life but the Abyss has none , it is forever , bottomless.]

[Effect 1: 50% Chance of a critical strike if landed on a target's vital spot. 10% Stun if landed correctly.]

[Effect 2: Locked]

[Effect 3: Locked]

Effect 4: Locked]

[Effect 5: Locked]

Ashton looked at his Body's description and Grade of it. He was surprised to see it at Divine Grade. He was also surprised at the effect on what the Abyss God Body gave him , a 50% chance landing a critical strike is worthwhile. If he used an object and attacked someone at their vitals ,half of his attacks would be critical strikes. "At least I'll have a good way of dealing with those zombies." Ashton was a little happy because of his Divine Grade Body.

He didn't take to long and went on to the next thing which was his stats. He didn't tap on it since it explained itself already. He skipped it and went towards his Abilities. He tapped on his first one and all of a sudden , his screen turned black. It gave off an ominous feeling as words started to form.

[Ability 1: Unknown Comprehension]


Ashton saw the same question marks on the Ability like he saw in his Talent. He thought maybe the status was still completing it's awakening. He tapped on his 2nd Ability and his screen went back to normal.

[Ability 2: Manipulation ( Yet to choose)]

Ashton tried tapping again and a large variety of options started appearing in front of him.

[Fire Manipulation]

[Water Manipulation]

[Earth Manipulation]

[Wind Manipulation]


[Nothing Manipulation]

Ashton eyes were caught when he saw Nothing Manipulation and tapped it.

[Nothing Manipulation]

[Grade: Trash (Evolvable)]

[Description: To gain power , you must sacrifice what's important to you.]

[What do you sacrifice?}

Ashton , for some reason was feeling something that linked him to this. He looked through his memories and thought of nothing that seemed important. He thought for a good long while and said , "Emotions." The only thing he had on him that was important was his emotions. When he said those words , a grey substance shrouded his body before he could responded.

"Ack!" His vision got blurry and he felt the same thing when he was about to step out of his door. He felt his eye lids becoming heavy and drifted off to sleep.