
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Xiaoyun was a boy born in Guangzhou, China. He had been living as an orphan since he could remember. One day, he met a girl who looked way too similar to himself. This can't be a coincidence, right? "So, can someone explain why there is a zombie apocalypse just as soon as I see my mom and sisters for the first time? And why can I create things out of thin air?" ---- Reader Advisory: This book is not meant for people who can't tell fiction from real life. Please read the tag before asking something and refrain from personal attacks on other readers or me. There is no NTR (both ways) and no system. Yuri is restricted to purely for the MC's enjoyment. Also, as a heads-up, some of the love interests are related to MC. A little note: This book is a hobby of mine. I'm not going to abandon it even if there's no reader or rush the ending. But I am currently in college, which means the upload may be infrequent. I'll try my best to upload daily. I'll be free during summer break. As of 5/28/24, updating older chapters is on pause. I'll get back to it when summer break starts. --- Edit log as of 6/5/24: 1) One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also considered as one bonus chapter. 2)If the cap of ten bonus chapters is reached, it will no longer increase until it is below ten. (This is on pause until summer, but I'll still add to the count in my Discord channel. It does not cumulative into next month if it doesn't reach that breakpoint.) 3) Congratulations on reading this far. Not many people read the edit logs. Give yourself a high five, and leave a review if you feel like it. Thank you for reading a dummy rambling in the synopsis. 4)Discord server for the book if you want to talk to me or have an idea or comment directly to me: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · แฟนตาซี
355 Chs

Yezi and Huayi

As Xiaoyun walked out of the house with a blanket in his hand, Yuqi and Nami both got a little confused.

"What's this?" Yuqi asked curiously.

"It's a little girl we found,"

Yueyue replied as Xiaoyun readjusted the blanket slightly to let the little girl's head out of the blanket.

"Why is she wrapped in a blanket? Where did she come from?"

"What do you think, sis? She clearly can't move if she has to be carried. Also, they had only entered the house, so where do you think they got it from?"

Nami rolled her eyes as she couldn't believe she had to state it for Yuqi.

"How dare you poke fun at your sister, you little brat."

Yuqi rushed toward Nami and pinched her by the ear as she got her in a chokehold.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." Nami apologized as Yuqi still refused to let her go.

"Stop messing around. Let's go home first."

As Xiaoyun stopped them from goofing around, the four started heading back home.

Thirty minutes later...

"It's so hot... I'm never doing this again."

Nami collapsed onto the sofa as the burning heat from the outside had made her completely exhausted.

Yuqi also collapsed on the floor and nodded in agreement.

"Mom, can you check her? We found her at one of the mansions."

As Xiaoyun handed the girl over, Leyan immediately got up and examined her.

After a short diagnosis, Leyan realized the situation was much more urgent than she expected.

"The child's fever has subsided. But the sun outside was a little too strong for her... Next time, just call me and let me drive there to pick her up instead of having her walk in this hot weather."

Leyan left the living room as she carried the girl upstairs to her room.


When Leyan came back down, only Nami and Yuqi were on the sofa.

"Where are Xiaoyun and Yueyue?" Leyan curiously asked.

"The two of them went out to continue searching," Yuqi replied as she continued scrolling on her phone.

"Going out again?"

Leyan immediately got a little worried as the nighttime was starting to approach soon.

"Those two are literally the strongest in the family. I wouldn't be worried if I were you." Nami replied.

With nothing Leyan could do, she could only sit and wait for the two to come back.


After Xiaoyun and Yueyue ran back to the house at No. 302, they started running toward the next one.

Before they got to the next mansion, Xiaoyun stopped Yueyue from walking any closer.

"Let's skip this one... Mom told me it's not a safe one."

Hearing Xiaoyun's response, Yueyue agreed to skip it.

Just as the two were about to run past No. 301, a car could be heard down the road.

Xiaoyun and Yueyue immediately ran to the bushes, only to see the car parked at the front door of 301.

A very young-looking woman walked out of the driver's seat and then walked toward the passenger side.

Xiaoyun couldn't see what she was carrying out until a sudden noise came out.

"Leave me alone, Huayi! Just let me die here. I can't make it."

The man's legs seemed to be bleeding severely as blood had leaked out of his pants and the bandage over them.

"No! You promised me that you would marry me! I am not going to leave you behind, Yezi. We are going to make it."

Huayi tries to carry the Yezi to the house but falls right onto the ground.

"Just leave me! What don't you understand it? I am a dead weight to you. Please, think rationally."

Yezi's argument clearly doesn't work at all as Huayi stubbornly tries to drag Yezi back to the house.

"I'd rather die than leave you behind! You are the only person that cared about me."

Huayi was finally able to move Yezi a little as he stopped resisting Huayi's help.

"I never cared about you. I had been using you the whole time."

Yezi sounded relieved after finally admitting some sort of truth.

"Then why did you save me when you could have left me in the back alleyway?"

Huayi suddenly started crying as she questioned Yezi back.

"Geez, this is a whole drama show... they look like a couple that really care for each other," Yueyue whispered.

"That man looked so injured... But Mom told me that man might be an arms smuggler..."

As Xiaoyun was conflicted about what to do, he turned over to Yueyue to seek her opinion.

"We should help them... It's still a human life, even if he's an arms smuggler... Besides, I don't believe an arms smuggler can make someone fall in love with them that much." Yueyue argued.

Xiaoyun thought for a second, then nodded in agreement as the two walked out of the bush together.

"Excuse me, do you guys need some help?" Xiaoyun asked.

Yezi instantly drew out a gun and pointed it at Xiaoyun's head.

"Who the hell are you?" Yezi asked as he put his finger on the trigger.

"We just wanted to help you because we saw that you were injured. We don't have any bad intentions." Yueyue replied as she and Xiaoyun both raised their hand.

"I think they are actually planning to help us. Yezi, look at that boy's pocket. If they wanted to shoot us, we'd already be done for."

Huayi paused for a second, then whispered into Yezi's ears.

"Besides, we have nothing to lose, right?"

Yezi considered it for a second, then finally lowered his gun.

"Well, sorry about that. My apologies." Yezi apologized.

"It's all good... Let's get you inside first."

Xiaoyun walked up closer and lifted Yezi as Huayi walked to the front and opened the doors with her keys.

The inside of the house is very ordinary, in contrast to the luxurious front yard outside with a fountain and everything.

"Just leave me on the sofa," Yezi asked.

Xiaoyun lay him down on the sofa as Yezi wished.

"Miss Huayi, do you know how to patch him up?" Xiaoyun asked curiously.

Huayi shook her head.

Xiaoyun looked at Yueyue, and she also shook her head.

With no solution in sight, Xiaoyun was starting to panic as Yezi continued to bleed out of his leg.

"Why don't we call Mom for her to take a look?" Yueyue suddenly suggested.

"You go call her. I'll go change his bandages."

Xiaoyun looked inside his backpack and created a pack of bandages wrapped inside to appear as if he had it in the backpack.

"Okay, it's going to hurt a little, okay? You don't mind if I rip your pants, right?"

Yezi nodded in agreement.

As Xiaoyun ripped Yezi's pants off, the bandage below was completely red in blood.

After unwrapping the old bandage, he could see the wound was a small bullet hole.

Yezi suddenly groans in pain as Xiaoyun puts a brand new bandage over the wound.

"You got shot by a bullet, Mr.Yezi?" Xiaoyun asked curiously.

Yezi didn't say a word, but seeing him clenching the sofa into pieces, Xiaoyun could tell Yezi was in a lot of pain.

"Is Yezi okay?" Huayi walked closer to Xiaoyun and asked.

"He's not looking too good right now."

"Mom is on her way. How is Mr.Yezi?"

Yueyue asked as she had just finished her phone call.

"Not good. He got hit by a Bullet wound... I got no clue how to remove the bullet or stitch it."

The four sat in silence until Huayi spoke up.

"Thank you so much for your help. I don't even know your guy's names."

Huayi took out her wallet and tried to give the money to Xiaoyun.

"No need for that, Miss Huayi. And my name is Xiaoyun, and her name is Xiaoyue."

Xiaoyun pushed the money back to Huayi.

"Huayi, don't be so naive. It's a zombie apocalypse out there, and you are giving them money? Go to under my bed and take out the box." Yezi directed.

Huayi immediately went back into her bedroom, and when she walked out, she put the box on the coffee table.

"You can open it." Yezi pointed at the box as he looked toward Xiaoyun.

As Xiaoyun slowly opened the box, he couldn't believe what he saw inside.

It was some sort of military rifle, as the slick design and black color made it stand out much more than usual.

"U.S. military issued M16, it's all yours... But I just want you to promise me one thing."

Xiaoyun thought for a second, then shook his head.

"This is too much. I can't accept this."

Xiaoyun replied as he didn't want to feel obligated to fulfill a stranger's promise.

"If I'm dead, you have to protect Huayi. That's all I am asking for you to do." Yezi explained as he opened the box back up and forcefully shoved the rifle into Xiaoyun's hand.

"Mr. Yezi, you don't need to do this. We will help her no matter what."

Xiaoyun put the rifle back down on the table as Yezi could no longer reach it.

"Well then, my last worry is gone... I am just curious. Are you two siblings?" Yezi suddenly asked.

"Yes?" Yueyue replied first.

"Huayi, I need to tell you something. I used to run arm smuggler, as you can see... I'm a bad person. I don't deserve you."

After Yezi finished speaking, Huayi rushed into Yezi's arms and burst into tears.

"I don't care! Even if you are the most evil man alive, you are good to me!"

Huayi started crying louder as she could feel it might be the last time she talked to Yezi.

"I think Xiaoyun is quite a gentleman and much younger than me. *Cough* Why don't you marry him?" Yezi suggested as he began to cough.

After hearing Yezi's words, Xiaoyun instantly spoke out.

"I already have a girlfriend. I can't do that, Mr.Yezi."

Yueyue's heart suddenly dropped, but Xiaoyun didn't notice it at all.

"Well, never mind, I guess. Huayi, can you light it up for me?"

Yezi took out a cigarette pack and handed the lighter over to Huayi, but she kept crying louder and louder in Yezi's arms.

"Well, look like I can't even die in peace... *Cough Cough* Maybe I deserve this for all the bad things I had done."

Yezi looked up at the ceiling as he got lost in the flashback of all the moments in his life.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and Yueyue rushed to open it.

Leyan was carrying a medical kit as she walked in and saw Yezi lying on the sofa with bloody bandages.

"Yueyue, can you bring her to a different room? I need to focus." Leyan whispered to Yueyue.

"Miss Huayi, let's give them some room."

Yueyue patted Huayi on the back and supported her to the bedroom.

"Okay, now she is out of the way. I need to tell you I am not a doctor. I'm only a nurse." Leyan warned Yezi.

Yezi nodded in agreement as he didn't expect to live at this point.

"Xiaoyun, come here. I need you to assist me, okay?"

Leyan started taking things out of the medical bag as Xiaoyun prepared to help.

An hour later...

"You are really lucky that the bullet was small and barely missed the vein," Leyan commented as she cleaned up the blood stain.

"Thank you so much." Yezi bowed down in gratitude as he remained seated on the sofa.

"No need to thank me. I'm just doing my job..."

Leyan started packing her first aid medical kit as she prepared to leave.

Huayi and Yueyue walked out of the room as Xiaoyun opened the door to bring them the news.

"I really don't know how I can thank you."

Huayi excitedly walked over to Leyan as she bowed down in gratitude.

"No problem. Here's some anti-inflammatory medicine. It has a label on how to use it."

Leyan handed Huayi a bottle as she closed her medical bag back up.

"Well then, look like we are all set. I need to go back home to cook dinner now."

Leyan started heading toward the exit with her bag in her hands.

"It was nice meeting you today, Miss Huayi."

Yueyue hugged Huayi as the two seemed to get a lot closer while talking to each other in the other room.

"I should be the one saying that. Without you guys, my husband wouldn't be alive."

Huayi bowed down in gratitude again as the three walked out of the house.

Just as the three got into the car, Yezi and Huayi had gotten up to the balcony.

"Wait, I want to ask where you live. I just want come and thank you personally, I don't have any bad intention." Yezi yelled out the window.

Xiaoyun hesitated for a second, but seeing how close Huayi and Yueyue got and the fact that Yezi was willing to give him his rifle, Xiaoyun decided to tell them the truth.

"We live at... 401 on top of the small hill," Xiaoyun replied.

"Thank you!" Huayi and Yezi waved out the window as they watched the car drive away.


"Xiaoyun, didn't I tell you not to go to 301?"

Leyan sounded extremely angry as she drove the car back home.

"I know, I know, but he's injured. I can't just leave him to die like that."

After Xiaoyun finished speaking, Yueyue voiced in support.

"I was the one that decided to help. You don't have to blame Xiaoyun for this."

Yueyue tries to take the blame, but Leyan doesn't take it.

"Yueyue, you are too naive, okay? And Xiaoyun, you should have known better...Whatever."

Just as the two thought Leyan had moved past it, she spoke up again.

"But then, why did you tell them our address? Just because we saved them doesn't mean they are going to all be thankful. What if they come back and bite us?

I had seen so many patients in the hospital yelling and even punching at the doctor who had just saved them. Not to mention, they have an entire rifle on the table. Like, who the hell just left that at the table?"

Leyan tone got serious as she questioned the two.

"I don't think they are that kind of people. I mean, he wanted to give me the rifle, but I rejected the rifle since I think they are honorable people." Xiaoyun explained.

"What? Honorable? That's an arms smuggler you are talking about."

Leyan sounded surprised rather than frustrated at Xiaoyun.

"Yeah, I really mean it. I think he has changed to be a better person. Yezi seems to really care about Huayi, and it seems to be that he only got injured after saving her...

And he even wanted me to protect his fiancé Huayi when he was dying as a last will. I don't think a cruel person will care about others like that." Xiaoyun explained his reasoning.

"Well then, I really hope he is like you describe him to be."

Leyan ended the conversation and focused back on driving.

The road was empty, and after three minutes, they finally returned home.

Nami opened the door just as Leyan was about to open the garage door.

"Mom, you are finally back! I am so hungry."

Nami rushed to hug Leyan.

"Okay, okay, I am going to cook dinner right now."

Leyan gently pushed Nami to the side as she headed toward the kitchen.

"Ugh, my clothes are so sweaty... I'm going to go take a shower."

Yueyue left the living room and headed upstairs to take a shower. 

Xiaoyun also felt the sweat on his clothes, so he went to Leyan's bathroom to take a shower.

After finishing the shower, Xiaoyun decided to go to Yuqi's room.

"Who is it?"

Yuqi's voice came out as Xiaoyun knocked on the door.

"It's me, Xiaoyun." Xiaoyun softly replied.

"Come in. The door is unlocked."

When Xiaoyun went inside the room, Yuqi was lying on the bed with a laptop.

The only thing he could see was Yuqi wearing a bra on top, with everything else being covered by a blanket.

"What you want?"

Yuqi was still typing on the laptop and didn't even look at Xiaoyun as she asked the question.

Xiaoyun closed the door and sat on the office chair. Then, he stared at Yuqi silently as she continuously typed on the computer.

"What exactly do you want?"

Yuqi finally stopped typing and looked at Xiaoyun, who hadn't responded to her yet.

"Darling, you look so pretty when you work."

Xiaoyun's sudden compliment made Yuqi's face blush.

"I didn't do anything special... Anyway, why are you in my room? You didn't just come here to see me, right?"

Yuqi went back to looking at her laptop, but she had stopped typing completely.

"Yep, that's all. I just wanted to see your face, darling."

Xiaoyun suddenly remembers Huayi's and Yezi's love between them.


Yuqi went back to typing on the laptop, but her face was blushing red.

Seeing Yuqi typing so much, Xiaoyun got a little curious.

As Xiaoyun sat down next to Yuqi, she immediately closed her laptop.

"Come on. Lemme see it."

Xiaoyun's curiosity only got bigger as Yuqi continued to hide it.

"It's nothing. Okay? Also, what happened during your trip outside?"

Yuqi puts the laptop to the side and forcefully changes the conversation.

"Oh, you wouldn't believe what we saw..."

Xiaoyun started explaining the whole trip he had earlier, which included Yezi's offering him the rifle.

"Babe, why don't you take the rifle when he gave it to you? They give it to you as a payment.

Even if you don't know how to use it, you still can intimidate other people with it." Yuqi pointed out.

"I mean, I can always just create the same copy. I don't want to take their weapon away since if a zombie is walking toward the community, they will be the first one facing it since they are near the entrance,"

Xiaoyun explained his thoughts as he was doubting his choice a little as well.

"I guess..." Yuqi didn't bring it up again.

The two just sat in silence as they looked at each other.

Until they were interrupted when Leyan knocked on the door to say dinner was ready.

"Okay, let's go eat now."

Just as Xiaoyun was about to open the door, he paused for a second as he noticed Yuqi was only wearing a bra and her panties.

"Darling, are you sure you want to go out in this?" Xiaoyun asked as he stood right in front of the door.

"What's wrong?"

Yuqi looked confused at Xiaoyun as she noticed Xiaoyun was staring at her body up and down.

"Um, you might want to check what you are wearing right now."

Xiaoyun finally spilled the bean and looked away.

Yuqi finally looked down and realized what was wrong.

"Shit! I almost forgot! I'll come down later."

Yuqi pushed Xiaoyun out of the room and slammed the door right in front of him.

"Whatever, I guess I go down first... Why is she so shy when we already did it..." Xiaoyun murmured as he walked down the stairs.


In the kitchen, Yueyue and Nami had already eaten, and Xiaoyun sat down and started eating.

"where's mom?" Xiaoyun asked with a mouthful of food.

"Mom went to my room to check on the girl," Nami replied.

Not long after, Yuqi, wearing a T-shirt and shorts, also came down to eat.

When the four of them had almost finished eating, Leyan finally came down. But she held a little girl in her arms.

The girl was even shorter than Nami, and her body looked so skinny everyone in the room noticed the bones on her body.

"Come on, Lily, lets sit down, I'll get you some porridge."

Leyan put Lily down in her seat and then went inside the kitchen.

"Um, hello, Lily."

Xiaoyun tried to greet them, but Lily moved back a little.

"You have to be more casual."

Nami got up and walked closer to Lily.

"Hello Lily, my name is Nami."

Lily still didn't respond, but she didn't move back like Xiaoyun earlier.

Leyan finally came back with a bowl of porridge and then moved Lily on top of her lap to start feeding her little by little.

"Lily is a bit shy in front of strangers. She is still recovering, and she will be fine in a few days." Leyan continued to feed Lily as she replied.

"She doesn't need to eat more?" Yuqi looked at Lily's overly thin figure.

"She hasn't eaten for a long time. If she suddenly eats too much, it will be bad for her stomach. Her stomach needs to get used to it slowly. Alright, Lily, let's go back to my room to sleep."

Leyan lifted Lily and carried her in her arms.

The three got up and followed Leyan to the living room, only to see Lily finally speak out.

"I don't want to go to sleep yet," Lily said softly.

"Well, let's watch some TV."

Leyan put Lily on the sofa and walked to the DVD box.

"I hope you don't mind Tom and Jerry. That's the only thing we got."

Leyan loaded in the DVD.

The five of them walked back to the kitchen and sat down.

"Is she really alright?" Yueyue asked quietly.

"She just hasn't eaten for a long time. Everything else is normal."

Leyan paused for a second, then continued.

"Lily asked me what had happened to her grandparents, and I could only tell her that I didn't know. Do you two know?"

Leyan looked toward the two for an answer.

"Her grandparents? If they were the two old couples living in the house... w-we were forced to kill them..."

After Xiaoyun answered, both he and Yueyue looked down and fell into silence.

"Um, it's not your fault that they turned into a zombie... It had to be done to protect yourself."

Leyan tried to comfort the two, but it didn't really help at all.

"I'm sure the grandparents would be happy that you ended their suffering and saved their grandchild."

Yuqi's comfort made the two feel much better, but they still felt a little guilty.

"Ahem, you two should take a break early today. We'll talk to Lily."

Leyan pushed the two upstairs as the other went toward the living room.

2/1/24: Apply the name change and fix a lot of grammatical errors.

I have a discord by the way, link in profile or synopsis if you want to chat. Or just get free FP

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