
Zodiac knights

A long time ago, there was perfect harmony on earth and all the races lived together. one day, the demon race suddenly attacked the other races, the war raged on for a very long time with the demon race holding the lead in the war. the human race was completely helpless and couldn’t be of any meaningful help in the war. just when the humans were pushed to a corner and the fate of their race was bleak, they discovered a sacred treasure. the titans tusk. with this sacred treasure, they managed to seal the demon race but a lot of damage had already been done. a few years after sealing the demons, humans realized that due to their inexperience with the titans tusk, they had leaked a deadly energy that fed on negative emotions, converting this negative emotions to extremely powerful and ruthless beasts that now posed a really serious problem to the survival of humanity. humans had eventually evolved to possess extremely powerful and rare bloodline abilities, but they couldn’t be sure if it was really a blessing. the beasts created from humans negative emotions also had the bloodline ability of humans. living in immense fear, humans kicked out every other race that was around them and they built an energy dome around themselves to protect themselves from both the beasts and any other race that might decide to go crazy. in this present time, there is an illusion of peace that has lasted for quite a long time, little will the humans find out that the sacred treasure protecting them had weakened and could no longer hold the seal nor energy dome. they discover that they have only a month before the sacred treasure finally gives in. so, in a month, they will have to battle the demons and the beasts, at the same time. It was either they found a way to go around this, or they risked exstinction because they were never going to win the war.

Krystal_george · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

noble vs commoner

Tega and Oliver walked into their camp, at the center of the camp, many people gathered and formed a circle that looked like a fighting arena.

Tega frowned at the sight. Huh? What is going on over there? Is it a fight or what? I better go and see for myself.

Oliver shook his head. Bye. Tega stared at Oliver's back with mixed feelings. Does he really not care about other people? I mean, he's a human too...

Tega continued moving forward, evening was fast ending and the day was fast getting over, but here his camp was, about to fight.

Who even conducts this fights?

Tega got to the front lines and he saw two people in the center of the crowd, they were really in duel.

Hahhaha! I am a noble, from the esteemed Howard family, I am way stronger than everyone here, and my status is also much higher, so must we all be on the same level? When I say I want to be the leader of this camp, you all must obey!

The other boy who was trembling managed to speak as he held on tightly to his sword. Even though I'm only but a commoner, we're in the knights squad now, and our status is the same thing. I still have my honor as the child of a swordsman. I, Jaden Cromwell, will not stand idle and let you bully me or ay other person.

Ethan Howard laughed loudly. Look at the faces of this people, they can't wait to see me give you a beating, do you really think they want you to help them? They don't need your common help!

Jaden looked around, he shivered at the realization that Ethan was quite correct, no one evem gave him a face. But Jaden was still unconvinced. It doesn't matter if they want my help or not, it's my duty as a Zodiac Knight! With that, he charged at Ethan who laughed loudly.

Hearing this, Tega smiled. Heh, that's right. Whether they need my help or not, I'll be sure to help everyone who needs help, because...that's what makes me human!!

Jaden gripped his sword tightl, his water powers slowing billowing around the sword. Water style bloodline technique, Carnivorous Forest!

Ethan laughed intimidatingly, not even stressed by the technique, Hmph! Whar a sore loser!

Jaden stabed his sword into the floor and water flowed his hands tha was placed on the sword handle to the tip of the blade, then flowing into the floor.

Water suddenly came up from the floor, forming a path around Ethan and turning into water trees that surrounded Ethan.


Jayden shoutd and immediately, the trees shot countless sharp water scales at Ethan, who stood in the middle.

Ethan snorted loudly. Hmph, Fire style, Flame aura. A red and bright flame suddenly covered Ethan up, the flame being so powerful that even those who stood a good distance away were affected by the heat. The temperature in the room suddenly rose very rapidly, making the water scales not to even come near him. Even the water trees which were supposed to hold the final move of the canivorous forest were evaporated.


Jayden was speechless in the face of overwhelming power, in the face of strength that he could never beat. Ethan's proud voice rang out. Hahh! That's all a commoner could ever amount to!

Tega stared at the people around him disgust. Ethan was openly insulting most of them, but none could say anything to him, instead they just kept quiet.

Jayden pointed his index finger at Jayden. Now, feel what it means to be powerless. Fire suddenly started moving and they converged at the tip of Ethan's outstretched index finger. Flame style bloodline technique, Seven Spears!!

The fire quickly grew in size and it shot forward, taking the form of a spear and flying towards Jayden at Light speed.

Jayden stepped backwards, then slashed the spear into two with his water powered sword. But before he could even move his hands back into place, another spear was already in front of him, they were coming just as fast as each other.

Jayden suddely heard Ethan's voice, how long do you think you can hold out?

Jayden crossed his sword and used it to block the attack, but the impact took him backwards, making him lose his balance.

In a heart beat, another fire spear was in front of him. Jayden was frantic, he didn't want to e pierced by even one of those.

Water shield!

And that was it. Jayden managed to block three of the spears but the remaining four dug into him like a curse, instantly knocking him out.

Ethan laughed very loudly. Now, does anyone else want to contend the leadership position with me!?


Oliver's eyes were shut, but in full fact, his mind was on the gathering outside.

You just can't mind your business can you....Tega?