
Zodiac knights

A long time ago, there was perfect harmony on earth and all the races lived together. one day, the demon race suddenly attacked the other races, the war raged on for a very long time with the demon race holding the lead in the war. the human race was completely helpless and couldn’t be of any meaningful help in the war. just when the humans were pushed to a corner and the fate of their race was bleak, they discovered a sacred treasure. the titans tusk. with this sacred treasure, they managed to seal the demon race but a lot of damage had already been done. a few years after sealing the demons, humans realized that due to their inexperience with the titans tusk, they had leaked a deadly energy that fed on negative emotions, converting this negative emotions to extremely powerful and ruthless beasts that now posed a really serious problem to the survival of humanity. humans had eventually evolved to possess extremely powerful and rare bloodline abilities, but they couldn’t be sure if it was really a blessing. the beasts created from humans negative emotions also had the bloodline ability of humans. living in immense fear, humans kicked out every other race that was around them and they built an energy dome around themselves to protect themselves from both the beasts and any other race that might decide to go crazy. in this present time, there is an illusion of peace that has lasted for quite a long time, little will the humans find out that the sacred treasure protecting them had weakened and could no longer hold the seal nor energy dome. they discover that they have only a month before the sacred treasure finally gives in. so, in a month, they will have to battle the demons and the beasts, at the same time. It was either they found a way to go around this, or they risked exstinction because they were never going to win the war.

Krystal_george · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Fire Rain

The Divine race was an ancient an extremely powerful race, and their main success story was the fact that they didn't hve to recharge their energy the way other races did.

The Divine race was so powerful that they were at the top of the food chain and they dominated every other races, but a fate may have it, they fought a great war amongst themselves, a war so great that it was termed the Divine war. The war was ravaging the earth and they had no clear winner of the war, a desperate faction stole the sacred treasure of the Divine race and used it against their opponents. This proved to be very disastrous for the Divine race as they couldn't contain their sacred treasure, thus, it resulted in total annihilation for them.

But this was more than a thousand years ago, about five thousand years even.

So how? How could someone who possessed the blood of the Divine race still exist? Unless...somewhere out there, a Divne still existed...

And a human? A human couldn't possibly be outside the dome, he would have suffered from extreme death. Humans had lived in the Dome for so long that their body even started adjusting to the skin conditions of living under the dome. So if they even left the dome right now, they were likely to feel some allergy effects from the rays of the sun.

Scott finally decided to go on with his teaching. Disrupt the energy flow and rhythm of your flame and make it go wild, then channel it to the floor.

You mean like this?

Tega was able to do it flawlessly, surprising Scott and igniting a competitive spirit within Oliver.

Now, repeat the action again, but only up to flame concentration above your head.

Normally, Scott wouln't tell him to do it again as the exercise was very stressful, but Tega seemed to be able to go on so why not just go all the way?

Tega did it again but this time, he was asked to combust the energy and the flame, merging it together. Tega then shot the flame downwards, in a single order not scattered as it was the previous time.

After the first round, Tega used his energy to recharge the flame, making it rain blue flames down continuously and never stopping.

That's enough.

Suddenly, Tega realized that they were back in the camp.

That's all I can teach you for now, and it's probably all you need in the ways of bloodline technique.

Eh? Err...T-thank you!

Scott watched the duo as they retreated, slowly covering the distance and getting thinner and smaller in his eyes.

That man sure is strange... Oliver said when he was sure that they were way out of Scott's earshot.

Tega understood exactly what Oliver meant, but he could only pretend not to know. Eh? Strange? What do you mean?

Oliver shrugged. For like...The first ten minutes we were with him, I was unneccessarily scared and I just couldn't move, he sort of exuded the fear factor. And you know me, I don't get scared easily.

Tega raisd a brow. Really? You certainly didn't get scared yesterday.



What did you say, kiddo? Lightning suddenly flickered around Oliver.

Tega shook his head while witholding laughter. Nothing.

Anyway...He sort of gav me the eerie feelings, like... you know...a...em...a..a demon.

Oliver finally forced himself to say it.

Tega laughed dryly at Oliver. Andhow would you know what a demon feels like? I bet Your great grandpa never even saw one.

Oliver's eyes twitched and an angry vein popped on his vein as he suddenly erupted with lightning again. Hahhh!? What did you just say!? Want a taste of lightning!?

Tega shook his head vigourously as he laughed mirthfully. No boss, I don't.

Tsk. But you're probably right. Even though I have never seen a demon before, I just get the feeling that, if the demons existed, then that would be the feeling they would give, one like master Scotts.

Maybe you're right. Tega said.

Hey, what's that crowd for? Oliver asked.

Tega shrugged. Dunno, maybe we should check it out?

Oliver nodded. Okay, we're free after all.

Tega pushed his way into the front of the crowd while Oliver stood a good distance away from the crowd, boiling with fury. Tega had sad he was too fat to join the crowd.