
Zodiac Fighter in Marvel

James, a normal human died. He then chose to be reincarnated in the Marvel Multiverse! Let's see how he becomes the strongest existence... [I don't know a lot about Marvel... I know some things. So, if I do something wrong, please forgive me.]

Asveses · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Hi guys

I'm really sorry for not uploading any chapter... I really am. But I got Corona Virus, so yeah.

I already have others breathing-related decease... Like Asma. So is pretty hard on me, I couldn't breathe so I was in the hospital, now, however, I can breathe normally! I'm going to write more chapters when I am 100% I'm almost 70% now, so yeah, sorry. But if you want to read other novels Marvel-related, i recommend a novel I was reading while in the hospital when I had the time: [Magic Rune System], is interesting! And the one writing is a friend of mine, so I already know what he wants to do with the novel.

Anyway, sorry again and thank you for liking my novel! When I came back I saw more than 100 notifications~ And this made me really happy. Thank you again.