
ZO2014: Extinction (BEING MOVED)

WARNING: this story contains graphic and upsetting content. you have been warned (DISCONTINUED) (SERIES BEING MOVED TO A NEW BOOK IN JANUARY!!) An ominous encounter in a quiet forest sets the stage for a horror that no one saw coming. When Cody and Aya, amidst a school journey, stumble upon a deer with haunting, vacant eyes, it becomes a forewarning of the nightmare awaiting civilization. The city, once bustling with life, now echoes with screams and terror. An unstoppable plague transforms its inhabitants into voracious zombies, their once-human eyes now an unsettling milky white. As the undead rise and chaos engulfs the streets, a determined police force, spearheaded by the sharp-shooting Stalker and the tenacious Sarge, grapples with the swelling tide of the undead, working desperately to shield the remaining uninfected. At the heart of this apocalypse, Cody, Aya, and their band are thrust into the frontline of this battle against the undead. With each passing moment, they must unravel the origin of this zombie outbreak while facing heart-wrenching choices for survival.

nuggythegreat · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Pilot (3)

The bus's gradual deceleration was met with a collective sense of anticipation. As the vast landscape outside the window condensed into a picturesque clearing, Cody's eyes widened with interest.

Before him stood a quaint campsite, intricately structured with seven cozy cabins dotted around. Each cabin, constructed of rich timber, radiated a rustic charm that blended seamlessly with the wilderness.

Dominating the vicinity was a more substantial structure, which Cody surmised was the cafeteria, given its size and positioning. To complete the setup, a slightly more official-looking building stood proudly: the camp office.

As the hydraulic hiss of the bus door announced their arrival, Ed, their steadfast driver, disembarked, ensuring a safe exit for everyone.

Mr. Peterson, always the gentleman, extended his hand in gratitude towards Ed. Their handshake was firm, carrying with it a mutual respect built over countless trips.

"Stay safe, dude," Mr. Peterson conveyed with earnestness, which was met with Ed's warm, comforting smile.

"I think I'll stick around for a while," Ed announced thoughtfully, glancing at the horizon where the sun was beginning its descent. "It's getting pretty late anyway."

Mr. Peterson nodded in agreement. "Sounds good."

As the last of the students disembarked, Cody playfully patted Aya's back, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Just imagine all the fun awaiting us!" He beamed, capturing her attention.

In that brief moment of sibling camaraderie, Aryton, ever the dynamo, wedged himself between the two, his enthusiasm infectious.

"HEY! Watch me sprint to Cabin 1 before both of you!" Without waiting for a response, he bolted toward the closest cabin.

Cody, accepting the impromptu challenge with a laugh, raced behind Aryton, his feet pounding the earth. Aya, shaking her head with a smirk, followed suit. "Hold up, you two!" she hollered, adding to the playful cacophony.

By the time she reached Cabin 1, Cody had already claimed victory, triumphantly gripping the cabin door handle. "First one here!" He crowed, his grin wide.

Pushing the door open, he surveyed the interior before plopping down on the bottom bunk, relishing the soft mattress beneath him. Between breaths, he mused, "We should ask the camp counselors about setting up a campfire later."

Aya, never one to let a moment go by without a quip, retorted, "With your track record of starting fires, who needs counselors, Mr. Arsonist?"

Matching her teasing tone, Cody shot back, "I'll proudly be the arsonist if you're ready to embrace the title of 'Gut Puncher'."

Her laughter filled the cabin. "With all the times I've knocked the wind out of this guy," she gestured at Aryton, "I might as well wear that title like a badge of honor!"

Their banter was interrupted by the entry of Spike, Bandy, and Rose. Rose, casting a glance over the merry group, remarked, "Looks like it's just us in Cabin 1. And thank goodness we don't have Hayden."

Cody's expression momentarily darkened at the mention of the name. "That guy seriously gives me the creeps. One of these days, I swear..." He trailed off, the implication hanging in the air.

In the heart of the once-bustling city, an ominous rumble signaled the approach of a formidable tank.

The streets resonated with the sinister symphony of snarls, the advancing infected surging forward in a macabre dance of hunger.

With an ear-splitting blast, the tank unleashed a volley into the thick of the horde. The ground quaked, and an enormous explosion engulfed a swath of the infected, sending charred debris and twisted forms soaring into the smoky air.

From his vantage point, Stalker's gaze roved over the pandemonium below. As he watched, military jeeps roared into action, their steel frames gleaming in the dimming light.

Armed to the teeth, soldiers leaped out with unmatched agility, their assault rifles barking ferociously. Each bullet found its mark, rending flesh and bone, their lethal efficiency resulting in an eerie shower of crimson.

A commanding shout, "Raven!", cut through the chaos. In response, a figure clad in sleek black armor leaped from one of the jeeps.

He was quickly followed by a battalion, each soldier wearing similarly fortified gear, the sheen of their armor stark against the backdrop of destruction.

Raven, their leader, swiftly brandished a high-powered machine gun. Its roar echoed like thunder, drowning out the cacophony as a hailstorm of bullets mowed down wave after wave of the infected.

Yet, the relentless horde was nothing if not tenacious. One infected lunged, seizing a soldier's arm and sinking its putrid teeth deep into the flesh.

The soldier retaliated, dislodging the creature with a blow, before promptly ending its assault with a single, deadly shot. But even as he bellowed, "DIE YOU FREAKS OF NATURE!", another infected blindsided him, dragging him into their deadly embrace.

His agonized screams were punctuated by sporadic gunfire, shots that tragically felled several of his comrades.

"TO THE RIGHT!" The shout signaled another wave of the infected. Soldiers scrambled for cover, letting loose a barrage of gunfire.

In the ensuing melee, Raven, displaying an uncanny blend of finesse and brute strength, discarded his machine gun, opting instead for a military-grade mace.

With practiced ease, he swung, sending one infected reeling. Before it could recover, his armored boot came crashing down, silencing it forever.

But the tide of infected seemed endless. "THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!" A frantic shout heralded another soldier's fall, an infected sinking its teeth into his vulnerable neck.

With the situation deteriorating rapidly, Raven rallied his remaining forces. "COPS, PROTECT THE SURVIVORS!" he commanded, even as he fended off a particularly tenacious attacker.

Sarge's touch grounded Stalker amidst the madness. "We must regroup with the other survivors. Just hold on a bit longer," Sarge's voice quavered, betraying his fear.

The two, along with Andrew, Mack, and three additional officers, wove their way through the labyrinthine streets, guiding a stream of terrified survivors.

But danger lurked everywhere. As they rounded a corner, a shrill cry, "WRONG WAY!", halted them in their tracks. Before them sprawled another immense horde, their numbers staggering.

Amidst the relentless onslaught, a sinking realization dawned on the beleaguered group: how had their world spiraled into chaos so swiftly?