
ZO2014: Extinction (BEING MOVED)

WARNING: this story contains graphic and upsetting content. you have been warned (DISCONTINUED) (SERIES BEING MOVED TO A NEW BOOK IN JANUARY!!) An ominous encounter in a quiet forest sets the stage for a horror that no one saw coming. When Cody and Aya, amidst a school journey, stumble upon a deer with haunting, vacant eyes, it becomes a forewarning of the nightmare awaiting civilization. The city, once bustling with life, now echoes with screams and terror. An unstoppable plague transforms its inhabitants into voracious zombies, their once-human eyes now an unsettling milky white. As the undead rise and chaos engulfs the streets, a determined police force, spearheaded by the sharp-shooting Stalker and the tenacious Sarge, grapples with the swelling tide of the undead, working desperately to shield the remaining uninfected. At the heart of this apocalypse, Cody, Aya, and their band are thrust into the frontline of this battle against the undead. With each passing moment, they must unravel the origin of this zombie outbreak while facing heart-wrenching choices for survival.

nuggythegreat · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Incident (1)

Amidst the dim, barely illuminated setting, Stalker surveyed the eager faces of those willing to risk the dangers outside for the group's survival.

Pausing, his gaze settled on Andrew, his own brother, whose unwavering trust and dedication had been his pillar through these harrowing times.

"Andrew, it's best if you stay back. We need you to guard the sanctuary with Sarge," he advised with a tinge of protectiveness.

Andrew met his brother's eyes and nodded, understanding the weight of the responsibility. "Rest assured, they'll be safe under my watch," he promised.

Having meticulously worked throughout the night, Stalker had armed the group with makeshift weapons.

Spears, crafted with precision and care, were distributed amongst them. It was evident, by the knife strapped to Stalker's side, that he was the mastermind behind these primitive, yet effective, tools of defense.

"We move as one, always alert," Stalker instructed, the seriousness of his tone emphasizing the gravity of their mission.

His gaze drifted across the faces of those joining the sortie. There was Jackal, the fierce and loyal; Randy, the ever-alert; Zoe, the brave; Zach, the young and determined; and three newcomers – Anna, a woman whose determination burned bright, and Logan and Rudy, two spirited young men ready to face the world's horrors.

Rudy, with his deep brown eyes that betrayed a hint of nervousness beneath his brave exterior, tightened his grip on the spear.

"Let's do this," he voiced, his commitment unwavering.

With utmost caution, Stalker, along with Jackal, began to dismantle the barricades they had previously set up.

Preparations had been thorough: each volunteer was equipped with a bag for supplies.

Before embarking on their perilous venture, Stalker shared one last word of advice for those staying behind, "When barricading the entrance, avoid using furniture. In case of an emergency, we'll need a quick escape."

A survivor, determined to play his part, responded, "You can trust us." With those reassuring words, Stalker took the lead, stepping into the uncertain exterior with his group following closely behind.

Behind them, Sarge's voice echoed with authority, "Begin dismantling the furniture! We need to reinforce our defenses!"

The desolate street they trod upon was eerily silent. The remnants of civilization - abandoned cars, empty stores, and the lifeless remains of those less fortunate - painted a grim tableau.

Rudy's voice, a mere whisper, caught Stalker's attention as he pointed to a lone biter, its grotesque form a chilling reminder of the world's new reality.

This particular biter was once a woman, now grotesquely transformed, her jaw missing.

As she sensed their presence, she turned, letting out a chilling growl, before advancing on her prey.

Rudy, ever-ready, declared, "I've got this." Raising his spear, a momentary flicker of hesitation crossed his face before he delivered the killing blow, silencing the threat.

Stalker, focused on their primary mission, voiced their objectives: "We need provisions – food, medicine, weapons. Anything to increase our chances of survival."

Zach, ever the inquisitive one, remarked with admiration, "You always seem so prepared. Where do you get all these ideas?" Stalker's reply was tinged with a touch of humor, "Movies."

Their attention was soon drawn to a nearby convenience store.

Jackal, ever the strategist, knocked on the store's door to gauge the threat within. As predicted, the noise attracted biters from inside.

Stalker took the initiative, dispatching one with swift efficiency while Zach and Jackal handled the others with practiced ease.

Relieved to find none of the dispatched were his loved ones, Stalker led the way inside.

The pungent aroma of decay and blood was nearly overpowering, causing some of the group to recoil momentarily. Rudy, securing their entrance, inadvertently caused a ringing noise.

Nervously, he queried, "Will that draw more of them?" Stalker's reply was reassuring, "Most likely not," as he confidently dumped his duffle bag on the floor, ready to load it with essential supplies.

Stalker crouched low, surrounded by a cornucopia of goods that promised sustenance for the days ahead.

Every motion was meticulous, every item chosen deliberately as he swiftly filled his duffle bag with food. Rising to his feet, he surveyed the scene.

The group had fanned out, gathering provisions like seasoned scavengers. His gaze drifted towards the end of the store where a surprising discovery awaited.

Rudy's voice, laced with surprise, broke the focused silence, "Would you look at that? A little pharmacy at the back."

He hopped over the counter with a light chuckle, his boots meeting the clean white tiles on the other side with a soft thud.

"We need every bit of medical supplies we can get our hands on - bandages, gauze, antibiotics, everything."

Stalker's voice was firm as he joined Rudy over the counter, emphasizing the direness of their situation. Together, they began scooping up medications, their hands moving in tandem.

Off to the side, Zoe's eyes fixed on the section with baby supplies.

A wave of emotions washed over her as she gently caressed her belly. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she discreetly filled her bag with baby essentials.

Anna's gaze was caught by a set of framed photos adorning the walls - portraits of the store's owners, eerily reminiscent of the biters they had earlier neutralized.

Her voice was soft, filled with sorrow, "Such a tragedy," as she quickly diverted her attention to stocking up on drinks.

However, their focused search was abruptly shattered by the piercing shriek of an alarm.

Zach's eyes snapped towards the entrance just in time to see a shadowy figure, cloaked and mysterious, darting away, leaving behind a now-ringing egg timer – a deliberate distraction. Without a second thought, Zach dropped his bag and gave chase.

Stalker's heart raced, a curse escaping his lips. As the realization set in that they had been set up, he witnessed a biter lunging from behind a shelf at Rudy, causing a cacophony of falling products.

Springing into action, Stalker managed to repel the creature and swiftly dispatch it.

Their initial entrance point was now swarmed by a growing number of biters.

Logan's voice, shaky yet piercing, echoed through the store, "They're getting through!" Desperation painted every face as Stalker shouted "GO GO'", guiding them towards a back exit.

However, freedom was short-lived. Opening the door, they were met with another group of biters, already alerted and hungry for flesh.

A chaotic dance of survival ensued, with every swing and thrust crucial to their escape. Rudy and Anna were quick to follow Stalker's lead, battling their way out.

Inside, Logan's hesitation proved fatal. As he made his way to the exit, an unseen biter lunged, sinking its teeth into his arm.

Stalker's instincts told him to assist, but the sight of more biters spilling in overpowered that urge.

Logan's heart-wrenching screams became the nightmarish backdrop as Zoe, with tear-filled eyes, shut the exit.

Elsewhere, Zach's pursuit of the mysterious individual led him into an alleyway trap.

To his horror, the figure was adorned in black blood, seemingly drawing the biters' attention away.

As the undead turned their hungry eyes to Zach, the figure smirked, leaving Zach to face the impending doom. The alley echoed with Zach's fearful whisper, "Oh god…" as darkness closed in.