
Zhinwei: The Funny Bodyguard

What is honor? Living in a rat race, I try to make ends meet for my family who depends on me. After graduating from university, I immediately looked for a job. But soon I realized the bitter reality of being a product of an unknown college. I had no choice but to take on multiple part-time jobs though the salary was just enough to get us by. This went on for three years until one day, Mr. Lim, a patron from the restaurant I was working at, offered me a job in his company as a bodyguard. "zhinwei, you are a criminology graduate. Don't waste your skills and knowledge washing dishes and cleaning toilets," he said calmly---his voice warm yet with unmistakable stoicism. I have been a practical man. Whatever helps my family, I would do it, so I agreed. I would say, it has been the best decision I made. Working as his bodyguard not only opened my eyes to beautiful dangers but also gave me opportunities to indulge in endless euphoria. Most importantly, with his help, I slowly slithered to the top of the food chain, shaking the foundation of the most powerful conglomerates that controlled the city. What is honor you ask? I am yet to answer.

Ruche_Spencer · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

The Hunt

"F*ck! Where did he go?" the old man roars as he and his men comb the abandoned chateau. Releasing a harsh breath, he orders his men to scour the area, to which they immediately obliged.

The man--perfectly hidden-- snakes through the slippery wall, choked by thick ferns and canopy. It's a perfect camouflage. And with beads of sweat, he waits quietly, holding his breath at every move.

Finally alone and unarmed, the old man becomes an easy target for the man lurking in the dark. He jumps behind him making no sound and snaps his frail neck. Curling his lips to a grin, he closes the old man's lifeless eyes, frozen in terror. 

His job is done. Once again, he becomes one with the dark. 

What's left to do now is wait!

The next day...

"Oh, God! Nooooooooooooooooo!" Merida, the mistress of the Blue Mansion, screams hysterically at the sight of her lifeless father. "Father!"She tumbles onto the carpet, sobbing nonstop. Seems like an eternity has passed, and she clenches her knuckles in manic anger. Then with a swift move, she slashes his father's right-hand man on his neck. 

No one even flinches as if they are used to their mistress's violent side.

"Mm-e-rida, ww-hy?" the right-hand man convulses as he reaches out for help---to no avail.

Around him, his thought-to-be colleagues, family, and lover stand still as he takes his last breath.

"I will avenge you, father!" she mutters. "Whoever did this must pay with his life."

Cruel she may seem, but her survival depends on her cunning instinct and predatory mind. She has no one to lean on anymore. The woman who bore her--as she calls her mom-- ran away when she was just five. 

Life was never easy after that. Though her father had loved her dearly, her devious stepmom relished making her life a living hell.

One time, she accidentally toppled a glass of orange juice onto her favorite carpet. Then, her mother stormed into the living room with a whip she designed to "discipline" her. 

She closes her eyes, trying to shake bitter memories off her mind.

"Clean this mess. No soul should know about my father's death. Understood?" she speaks in an eerily calm voice."Yes, mistress!" her minions respond in unison. 

Mustering all the hatred and strength she has, Merida stares at the cold and ashen face of his father, clenches her fists, and puffs her chest. 

"Felix," calls Merida, in an almost affectionate tone. 

"Your servant is here!" a tall and muscular man replies, his scratchy voice echoing. 

"Release the hounds and bring me the killer's head!" she commands without turning to the man.

"Understood!" blood-thirsty Felix exclaims in suppressed excitement. 

He has been waiting for this opportunity to prove himself to their mistress. No mercy. No distractions. All he can think of is Merida waiting at the end of the tunnel ready to take him in. 

Who can blame him?

Merida is the daughter of a respected local businessman who, unfortunately, met his untimely death. Driven by greed and a burning desire to claim the ultimate prize, Merida, Felix will do everything to get what he always wanted. 

Alone at last, Merida calls her godfather, Leigh. 

"Good morning, sir! I...," caught in her tears, Merida's voice cracks. 

Filled with worry, Leigh replies, "What's the matter, dear?"

She falls silent and tries to compose herself. With threats and confusion looming around every corner, Merida commands her mind to be strong and to gather herself together. "Trust no one and show no weakness," she reminds herself. 

"Merida, is everything okay?" the old man's voice wakes her up from pondering.

"Uhm... yes, sir! Sorry, I caught a bad cold. Anyway, I just want to know when the conference will be," she says in a more jovial tone.

"Oh, well! That would be at 5 pm today. Why do you ask, dear? Did your father get into some trouble again and he asks you to attend instead of him?" he jokingly asks.

She takes a deep breath before responding, "No, sir. It's my decision this time. Father's unwell."

They say their goodbyes, and then she ends the call. 

The conference is held in Château de Leigh. Its majestic turrets and towers rise proudly against the crimson sky, casting a reflection in the shimmering waters of the nearby lake. The château's façade, adorned with intricate carvings and delicate stonework, exuded an air of grandeur that spoke of centuries of history and opulence.

Concealed by a labyrinth of towering trees and a kaleidoscope of perilous landscapes, Château de Leigh is a perfect location for a secret society meeting. Bathed in the soft glow of crystal chandeliers, the conference room's polished floors and ceiling adorned with delicate paintings beckon guests to marvel in envy.

Merida smirks at his godfather's blatant display of his wealth. "Old money slapping new money to their face," she giggles in her mind as she sits down at the right side of the huge table.

Business tycoons from around the country gather for an emergency meeting and she looks out of place amongst old men and women. Then, Mr. Ling, infamous for his dirty wealth, questions Merida's presence. Knowing Mr. Ling's nosy and annoying personality, some feel sympathetic to the lady while others look disinterested.

"Is your father drunk again, lady Merida?" he asks nonchalantly, obviously amused by the shock on her face.

"He's unwell, sir," she replies.

"Hmm... unwell. Another way of saying 'he's drunk', yeah?" he teases. Some giggle. Some don't care. For Merida, she's trying her best not to knock this old filthy man out. 

The tension becomes palpable as the three stoic old men in cloaks and masks enter the room. Everyone holds their breath waiting anxiously for any of them to speak. 

"The coast is infiltrated," the eldest says in a weak voice.

Shock and confusion are on everyone's faces.

"There's a mole?"

"How is that possible?"

"We're doomed!"

Each expresses their sentiments of fear-- fear of being exposed, fear of losing their wealth.

The murmurs grow to the sound of impassioned arguments and intense debate as they fight for their interests. The stakes are high, and the pressure is mounting. The atmosphere becomes charged with a sense of urgency. No one is willing to back down, and the tension in the room continues to escalate.

With clenched jaws, Mr. Leigh, the host for tonight's conference, speaks halting the crackles of the uproar.

"Silence! Have you no shame displaying your weaknesses in front of our Founding Fathers?!" he exclaims.

Despite the tension, everyone composes themselves, but the underlying fear remains palpable. The room is filled with a sense of anticipation as they wait. Clearly, they know that their fate is hanging in the balance. 

"To survive is to sacrifice. The hunt has already begun," the eldest says as they leave the room. Despite his raspy and gravelly tone, he speaks definitively leaving everyone shuddering in fear.