
Zhentaxia : 300

Amaranthine Eiryls, a young girl gets partnered up with a mysterious system that allows her to traverse various realms and don different identities. Her quest is not just an adventure across fantastical landscapes but a mission to prevent the imminent collapse of these diverse realms. With each realm on the brink of destruction, Amara's unique abilities become the key to maintaining the delicate balance between chaos and order. The narrative unfolds as Amara, with her fluffy shape-shifting system, embarks on a quest to collect valuable points scattered across the realms. These points hold the power to unlock the secrets of each realm, and, more importantly, they can be exchanged for the one thing Amara desires the most: a chance to rewrite the tragic history of her own realm. As Amara delves into the intricate tapestry of each realm, she discovers that the challenges she faces go beyond mere physical obstacles. Each realm presents its own set of cultural intricacies, political landscapes, and existential threats. To succeed, she must adapt not only her appearance but also her behavior, merging seamlessly into the fabric of each society she encounters. Throughout her journey, Amelia encounters a cast of intriguing characters—some allies, others adversaries—all with their own motives and secrets. From the mystical beings of the ethereal realm to the technologically advanced societies of the futuristic realm, Amara's encounters shape her understanding of the interconnectedness of the multiverse. As the stakes escalate and the countdown to the collapse of realms accelerates, Amelia finds herself questioning the very nature of her existence and the true purpose of the system guiding her. The line between savior and pawn blurs, leading to revelations that challenge the foundations of her mission. "Zhentaxia: 300" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, sacrifice, and the boundless possibilities that lie within the vast tapestry of existence. Will Amara succeed in saving the realms from destruction, or will she be consumed by the very forces she seeks to thwart? The answer lies within the realms she traverses and the choices she makes along the way.

Gehenna_Mortem · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

the end and the beginning

A small breeze blew a wisp of her black hair, making Amara pause from her writing and look at her window and balcony. Both were closed, the AC was also at its normal temperature, a breeze shouldn't be existent at this time. She frowned, as she stood up and walked to her balcony. Pulling the curtains aside she then proceeded to open the balcony door and stepped outside. 

Her flat is on the 7th floor and could easily overlook the small city where she lives. It was 4pm, usually at this time when the window was open, the noise of the bustling little city would reach her room. The sound of vehicles and faint chatter of people would reach her floor thus making her close her windows and balcony to prevent any outside noise from entering her space and disturbing her silence when working. 

But this time, it was silent. Unusually silent. Amara stepped close to the railing of her balcony and looked down. 


No vehicles rushing to and fro, no people on the sidewalks. Not even a peep of a bird could be heard. There was only a deafening silence. 

A strange feeling of panic started to form within Amara. The pounding of her heart on her chest and her faint breathing was like the only sound existing right now. The faint breeze she felt earlier has also disappeared just like everyone and everything else, it's like the air became stagnant and time stopped - except for her.

As the ominous feeling intensified, a foreboding tremor rippled through the very fabric of the world around Amara. Gripping the railing of her balcony, she braced herself against the growing turbulence. The air itself seemed charged with an eerie energy, and a surreal silence enveloped the surroundings, broken only by the low, unsettling hum of the world as if in pain.

Amara, who was silent the whole time, couldn't suppress a small gasp as her gaze swept across the empty world before her. her small city, once vibrant and whole, was now succumbing to this strange phenomenon. It started with subtle fractures, tiny fault lines that snaked across the landscape like veins of impending doom. Cracks splintered through the air, creating a dissonant symphony of breaking realities. 

As the ominous feeling intensified, a foreboding tremor rippled through the very fabric of the world around Amara. Gripping the railing of her balcony, she braced herself against the growing turbulence. The air itself seemed charged with an eerie energy, and a surreal silence enveloped the surroundings, broken only by the low, unsettling hum that echoed through the empty expanse.

Amara, usually composed and silent, couldn't suppress a small gasp as her gaze swept across the desolate panorama before her. The world, once vibrant and whole, was now succumbing to a catastrophic unraveling. It started with subtle fractures, tiny fault lines that snaked across the landscape like veins of impending doom. Cracks splintered through the air, creating a dissonant symphony of breaking realities.

The disintegration accelerated, defying the laws of nature. Chunks of the world crumbled away into nothingness, leaving behind an unsettling void. Buildings dissolved into fleeting fragments, and landscapes melted like dreams. The very essence of existence seemed to decay, as if the world itself were being erased from the canvas of reality.

Amara, still clinging to the balcony railing, felt a profound sense of helplessness for the first time in her 21 years of existence. The once-sturdy structure beneath her fingers quivered as the world continued its inexorable descent into chaos. The emptiness expanded, consuming everything in its path, as if a being hungry for life were sweeping across everything that existed and swallowing it.

Her knuckles turned white from the force she used to grip on the metal railing, whether it was due to nervousness or something else, even though she herself didn't know. The sturdy railing felt fragile as the world fell apart. The air crackled, and panic gripped her. Suddenly, the ground gave way, and she tumbled into the expanding void.

As Amara fell, the void embraced her with an otherworldly chill, an all-encompassing emptiness that seemed to seep into her very soul. It wasn't just a physical descent; it was a plunge into the unknown, where the laws of existence were rewritten, and pain manifested in ways unimaginable.

Sharp, ethereal shards of what once constituted reality lashed at Amara's form, each fragment carrying the weight of the world's collapse. The void echoed with haunting whispers, a cacophony of dissonant voices that seemed to probe the depths of her consciousness. The pain was more than physical; it was a profound ache that resonated with the unraveling essence of her being.

Colors and shapes swirled around her in a chaotic dance. Amidst the chaos, Amara gasped for breath, but the symphony of destruction drowned her out. Each moment felt like an eternity as she spiraled into the abyss, teetering on the edge of nothingness.

A disconcerting quiet then suddenly settled over the chaos then darkness came. Just as the silence became almost unbearable, a distant voice pierced through the chaos, echoing like a whisper in the darkness

Amidst the unraveling reality, the voice carried an enigmatic message, too distant to discern its meaning. It hovered in the air, an ethereal presence cutting through the oppressive silence.

Before Amara could figure out a strange touch brushed against her fingertips - a soft and comforting touch, driving away the pain she was under.

Then, as if drawn into a lullaby, Amara suddenly lost consciousness. The world around her faded, and the haunting echoes grew distant. The furry texture lingered for a moment, a last comforting touch, before she slipped into the welcoming embrace of unconsciousness. The disintegrating world, now devoid of its tumult, cradled Amara in a surreal tranquility as she surrendered to the mysteries of cosmos.

. . . 

Amara slowly opened her eyes to find herself in a vast expanse of pure white. It stretched endlessly in every direction, and the brightness seemed to soften the edges of everything around her. Confused, she sat up, realizing she was no longer amidst the disintegrating world.

It was just her, alone in this vast and tranquil emptiness. 

If it was anyone else, they may have either panicked or questioned the situation but Amara was different. She was calm, unmoving in the place where she sat. 

It was unknown whether the previous experience had brought damage to her being.

But no-

"Come out" Amara called out, her voice calm and devoid of emotions.

Silence answered her call. And Amara did not pursue it. With no sense of time in this strange white space Amara just sat there with head down unmoving and in silence. Even her own breathing was so faint to the point that it could not be heard. 

With what felt like an eternity a soft squeak broke the silence. "You're awake" the voice was tender, as if that of a child.

Amara looked up and stared at the blank space. "Explain," she spat out coldly.

No one answered her, as if the unknown voice earlier was an illusion. In the absence of a response, Amara's gaze narrowed, her eyes scanning the white expanse as if searching for an invisible source of the voice she heard.

Amara then felt a subtle shift, a barely perceptible change in the atmosphere. With accuracy, her eyes focused on a certain area.

A subtle distortion rippled through the air, and within the shifting white expanse, a figure slowly formed into view. The silhouette became clearer, and Amara could discern distinct features—a circular form that seemed both familiar and its aura enigmatic.

"What happened?" Surprisingly, Amara's first question was not about where she is or who the entity was, but instead asked about what transpired - to her and to her world.

As if responding to her unspoken thoughts, the ambient whiteness around Amara began to morph, shaping itself into ethereal images. Scenes from her recent journey played out like fragments of a disjointed dream. She witnessed the disintegration of realms, the crumbling structures, and the haunting echoes of a reality on the brink of collapse.

A voice, not the floating ball' figure, but an echo within the space, spoke softly, "You witnessed the unraveling, the threads of existence tearing apart. Your world was on the precipice of chaos, and you were the balance it needed."

The round shape of the entity subtly shifted. "The Central Zone, governed by the Mother System, faced an infiltration of an unknown entity we have identified as a virus. In response, the mother system initiated self-repair, a process that would require individuals possessing the quintessence of space." It voiced out, further explaining what the event that she had just went through.

"Quintessence of space?" Amara asked.

"The quintessence of space would allow these individuals to easily traverse worlds and assist with the repair" the entity responded immediately, its immature voice solemn, giving a contradictory feeling.

The images continued, illustrating the repair that the Mother System undertook. The quintessence-bearers were bound with small systems, becoming agents traversing through realms to prevent their collapse, mend the damage, and potentially give rise to new worlds.

Amara listened attentively as the figure explained everything to her. "Coincidentally," it continued, "you were one of those possessing the quintessence of space. However, the world you inhabited was fragile, collapsing swiftly. Fortunately, we were able to assist you, if not your existence might have faded into oblivion."

The figure paused as if waiting for Amara to absorb the information. Her eyes slowly gained clarity and understanding of her situation.

"Then what are you?" Amara's question, tinged with a mix of wonder and suspicion, broke the silence.

The figure, still maintaining its ethereal form, responded with a certain air of mystery. "Ahem, let me introduce myself first. I'm System No. 9137, also called Celestial Noble," the little entity proudly declared.

Amara blinked in confusion. "System?"

"Yes, system." The figure, its presence fluctuating between the tangible and the ethereal, nodded. Its tangible form was still of the same shape and size, white and furry with purple orbs for eyes and a little black dot for a nose.

"But-" Amara paused thoughtfully. "Aren't systems mechanical... things?" The term escaped her mouth before she could filter it. Recalling the images she had seen earlier, the systems those agents have are emotionless entities with mechanical or robotic voices, yet the little creature in front of her was anything but mechanical—it was undeniably cute.

"Those are low-level system administrators," the little furry system snorted in disdain. "Do not compare this noble one with those metal scraps."

"Then... From what I understand, I'm some kind of space fixer?" Amara's question, though simplistic, encapsulated the essence of her newfound role.

The little fluff ball seemed to sense her skepticism and huffed, "What do you think?" Amara's eye twitched, contemplating whether to appreciate the creature's cuteness or kick it far away.

Feeling the impatience emitting from Amara, the little system gave an affirmative answer "Yes, you could say that. The quintessence of space within you allows you to navigate the threads of existence, to move through different worlds and prevent them from falling apart."

Amara processed this revelation, contemplating the weight of her role in this cosmic repair. The images around her began to change again, illustrating the tapestry of existence—the threads connecting realms, the delicate balance maintained by those possessing the quintessence of space.

"Why me?" Amara queried, her gaze fixed on the morphing scenes.

The system's response held a hint of gravity. "Not everyone carries the quintessence of space. It's a rare quality, and you, Amara, are one of those chosen to play a vital part in maintaining the harmony of the realms."

Amara's eyes flashed with a cunning light, which was subtle and it was only for a moment. Even the fluffy creature did not notice. "But what's in it for me?"

"Ah, the quintessential question," it chimed in its youthful voice, momentarily sounding like a wise sage. "The balance of the realms is at stake, and your role is not without its rewards."

Amara raised an eyebrow, her eyes mocking. "Rewards? Like what? Not turning my world into cosmic confetti?"

The creature hovered mid-air, just above and gave a small, almost comical nod. "Exactly. You see, as a quintessence-bearer, your actions influence the fate of worlds. A stabilized realm ensures the continuity of existence, and in return, you may find your own desires fulfilled."

Amara leaned back, crossing her arms. "Desires, huh? Be more specific. I've dealt with vague promises before."

The fluffy system seemed to puff up a bit and settled again on Amara's crown, as if gearing up for a more serious conversation. "Stabilizing realms generates points—a cosmic currency, if you will. These points can be exchanged for various things. Perhaps the restoration of your own world, altering aspects of reality, or even creating a new world according to your desires."

Amara's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "So, I get to play cosmic architect? Interesting. But how do I save or fix these realms, you can't leave me empty handed"

The fluffy creature, responding to Amara's inquiry, began explaining the mechanics of the cosmic system. "At the end of each task, there will be points awarded, called wish points. These points can be used to purchase items in the system store and also exchanged for that greatest desired thing mentioned earlier, as long as the required number of points is met. To gain points, you must complete the tasks assigned by the Mother System. There are also hidden tasks and achievements that offer a generous amount of points." And while the white fluff was explaining, Amara stretched out her arms and took the ball of fluff into her embrace. Enjoying the feeling of the smooth warm fur against her skin.

She then raised the fluffy ball of creature closer to her face, examining its light amethyst eyes and black button nose. A mischievous grin spread across her face. "What if I decline?" she teased. While genuinely interested, the opportunity to toy with the little fluff ball was too tempting to pass up.

To her surprise, the response from the system was cold and apathetic. The light in its eyes disappeared, as if a switch had been turned off. "Then there is no use for you."

Amara's playful demeanor intensified, her lips twitching as her grin turned into a smirk. "Tsk. So that means I don't have much choice?" she sneered.

The fluffy entity, now nestled in her embrace, seemed to have momentarily shed its whimsical exterior, emphasizing the gravity of the task at hand.

Amara glanced down at the ball of fluff that's making itself comfortable I her arms, and finally caught glimpse of the state of her arm. Due to pressing matters earlier, she wasn't able to give attention to her own state of being.

It was covered in intricate symbols, from the back of her hand up to her shoulders. Most of the symbols were made of ink, while the smaller ones were from scars. The silvery normotrophic scars and the pinkish and red keloid scars made her skin uneven. The appearance itself was very unsightly.

Her eyebrows furrowed in disgust. She remembered that before she lost consciousness, she felt something on her right arm, as if something was crawling on her skin and leaving a burning sensation in its wake. A feeling that stood out among the pain that she have undergone when descending to the chaotic void.

"Say, Novus," Amara decided to ask the little furry thing about her right arm. The sight was making her uncomfortable.

"Novus?" The little furry system perked up.

"En. You don't expect me to call you a system, right? I presume you won't like that," Amara explained. "And calling you, a system with the numbers and all, is too bothersome, so I decided to call you Novus, which sounds better and more convenient than calling system balabala whatever."

The little system that was named fell silent while Amara smirked, knowing that the little thing was happy. She's not sure why she's too confident to say that the little furball was delighted, she just knows it.

The little system, Novus just snorted in response, avoiding the topic of Amara naming him.

In response, Amara just chuckled before asking about her arm. "Do you know what happened to my right arm?"

Novus was silent for a moment before he freed himself from her embrace, staring at her right arm, hesitance could be seen in his round eyes. "Maybe because of the slight delay from pulling you out of your collapsing world?"

"You don't sound so sure."

Novus shook its body. "I don't know why it became like that. I first thought that you already have that, but when I examined it earlier when you were still unconscious, I found some anomaly in it, but I can't say what it is yet."

"So this reason is what you came up with?" Amara raised an eyebrow at his answer.

"Yes, temporarily, that is indeed the biggest possibility," Novus confirmed.

"Has this ever happened before?" Novus shook their round body again to express his negative answer to her question.

With a sigh, Amara chose to stop talking about the issue. "Ahhh whatever, let's just get over this and start with the tasks."

The moment the word "task" was mentioned, Novus became enthusiastic again. "So you're accepting the repair mission?"

Amara rolled her eyes, muttering, "Do I have a choice?" After speaking, an opaque teal-colored holographic system panel appeared in front of her.

Bind with System No. 9137 - Celestial Noble? || YES NO

A loading screen immediately appeared after she chose the "Yes" option.