Me: Do you like me?
Silence fills the room. Even the water seemingly falls silent after I deliver my question. Despite this, I don't let up. Instead, I turn to face her to make sure she knows I fully expect an answer. She seems nervous and doesn't respond as quickly as I had expected but her facial expression tells me that it's not because she hates me. In fact, she seems to be fighting an internal battle over something.
As I make my way over to her, she tenses up and her breathing becomes far more erratic but she still holds her tongue. When I arrive, however, she finally speaks.
Enterprise: I...I love you.
Me: Oh?
I put some distance between us so that I can fully gauge her responses but the room seemingly gives her more confidence to speak.
Enterprise: I've known I was attracted to you ever since we went on that trip together but when I thought I lost you, I finally knew just how much you meant to me.
Me: ...
Enterprise: I don't know when it happened but you've become an important part of my life. I know we joked about dating in the past but when you disappeared I felt like someone stabbed me in the heart. I've never felt pain like that before. I-
I cut her off by planting a kiss on her lips. She's surprised, at first, but eventually gives in. As I deepen the kiss, I wrap my hands around her neck, pulling her closer. She responds by gently pulling me into her lap, not taking a single moment for breath.
Sometime later, we break the kiss simply to catch our breath. As we continue staring into each other's eyes, however, the moment is interrupted by a rather urgent plea for help.
Jiangsu: [ do I land?]
Since Jiangsu used a secure frequency, only I heard it but her soft but urgent appeal causes me to laugh. Poor Enterprise has no idea what happened but before she can get the wrong idea, I press another kiss to her lips before standing and stepping out of the bath.
Me: Come now Enterprise. Dry off and get dressed. You're going to meet my little sister.
She seems surprised by the sudden shift but complies when she sees I'm being serious. Thanks to her quick response, it only takes us a few minutes to finish up before getting dressed. Thankfully, the bath has a cleaner for our clothing so by the time we're ready for them, they are perfectly clean.
As I step outside, the girls who were tasked with watching the door all part to let us through before darting back inside the bath once I give them my thanks. Before I can focus on anything else, however, the jet flies overhead reminding me of why I'm here.
Me: [Do you want me to teach you how to land or have the jet land on its own?]
Jiangsu: [Is it safe?]
Me: [As long as you don't do anything to cause a crash, yes.]
Jiangsu: [I...I'm scared.]
Me: [ do have the option of jumping and I'll catch you.]
Jiangsu: [Whaat? NOOO!]
Laughing, I decide on what needs to be done and order the plane to fly straight for me. It does, and she quickly begins panicking over the fact that she no longer has control. Still, her screams only cause me to laugh even harder. When she gets close, however, I put on my serious face and brace to catch her.
The jet loops for its final approach, slowing as it does to the bare minimum required to stay in the sky. Once it lines up, it begins its dive, heading straight for me. Enterprise moves but doesn't try to stop me even though everyone else that notices what's happening begins screaming at me to get out of the way.
When it gets close enough, the plane breaks into cubes, sending Jiangsu flying my way as it gets absorbed back into my body. She screams all the way into my arms and continues screaming long after I catch her.
Me: Now, now. That wasn't so bad, was it?
Jiangsu: Y- you're a meanie.
Me: Awe. Don't be like that. I caught you didn't I?
She doesn't respond, instead, wrapping her limbs around me and resting her head on my shoulder. With her now safe in my arms, everyone calms down but now becomes curious as to who she is. As they make their way towards us, I hear some whisper that she looks like she could be my daughter. Others point out that KANSEN can't have children but then another counters by saying that it has never been tested so no one knows for sure.
Laughing at their comments, even as Jiangsu tightens her hold on me, I turn to Enterprise who has now returned to her original position beside me.
Me: Enterprise, meet Jiangsu, my little sister.
Jiangsu stiffens at the mention of Enterprise's name but does eventually lift her head to look at her.
Enterprise: Hello. Nice to meet you.
Jiangsu looks at her outstretched hand and bats it away earning a laugh from me but a slight look of hurt from Enterprise. Sensing that there will be an air of awkwardness, I introduce Enterprise to Jiangsu. This time, I make sure to point out that she's not the same Enterprise who attacked and sunk me and later attacked Jiangsu in our world and after some convincing, Jiangsu finally opens up enough to allow Enterprise to take her from me but only long enough for me to fix my clothes before she's clamouring to come back to me.
Instead of taking her back, I run off in the direction of the cafe, leaving the two to handle one another. As I run, I hear Jiangsu cry out for me but her cries only cause laughter to spill from my lips. Still, it's not long before I hear the rapid sound of small steps chasing after me. Looking back reveals Enterprise trying to catch her and Jiangsu running like the wind. The sight causes me to laugh, even more, forcing me to stop and Jiangsu wastes no time in using the opportunity to reach me.
Enterprise: Whew. She's fast.
Jiangsu sticks out her tongue at Enterprise as she hides behind my leg. This earns another bout of laughter from me yet again but this time, Enterprise decides to play her little game rather than take her actions to heart and begins chasing her. Jiangsu tries to run but Enterprise's arms are much too long and she easily catches her by reaching between my legs rather than going around. The act catches me by surprise but I don't comment on it given Jiangsu is here and we are in public. Still, I do make sure to move out of the way to allow them to continue and continue they do as Enterprise lifts her up and begins tickling her.
Jiangsu laughs uncontrollably as she tries to break free but her strength is no match for Enterprise and before long she's begging me for help. Smiling, I walk over to them and poke Enterprise in her side. She's seemingly frightened by it and loosens her grip enough that Jiangsu can break free.
Me: Run!
We both run off in different directions but the minute Jiangsu notices, she turns and begins making for me. Enterprise tries intercepting her but Jiangsu evades her grasp and bolts into my waiting arms. Laughing like crazy, we both make a break for the beach with Enterprise hot on our heels.