
Bab 31

It's been a few days since the battle and our return to our homeland. In the days that followed, diplomatic missions between both countries began. To everyone's surprise, our government showed restraint and asked for nothing but their acknowledgement and support of its claims along with providing both the technology and expertise required to build more advanced jet engines and nuclear reactors. In exchange for so many relatively undamaged warships, including multiple carriers, this proved too great a deal to refuse. 

The treaty was officially signed by both parties after over a year of conflict. Now the whole country is celebrating the victory. The streets are once again crowded as Liang pulls me, hand in hand, towards the platform erected for our leader's speech. The crowd recognizes us and parts to let us through, all the while showering us both with praise though I doubt they've fully understood that I am not just the commander of the Zhejiang but the Zhejiang itself.

We get there just in time to see him finish giving his speech and begin the commissioning of the American Nimitz carrier that they had relinquished to us as part of the peace deal. To the delight of the citizens present, he breaks the practice of naming the carriers as provinces by giving this one a truly inspiring name. Rénmín (The People) was chosen and following its naming ceremony, he surprised everyone yet again by choosing to let a random civilian complete the commissioning by cutting the ribbon and being the "first" to step onboard. 

Liang: He's gotten better at this.

Me: He's your father you know.

Liang: I know, I know, but still. Even I didn't expect something like this even if it is ultimately just symbolic and nothing more.

Ignoring her rather pessimistic view on the ongoing, I turn my attention back to the platform just in time to see an attendant looking in our direction. Before I can tell Liang, however, we're being called up by her father. The crowd applauses once again as he finishes up by telling them the newly named carrier will soon depart to be refitted before handing the stage over to us. Liang pales in front of the crowd, clearly hating the spotlight which surprises me given how relaxed she seemed about it when we first returned but nevertheless, I take the forefront. After successfully rallying the chants of the crowd, I deliver a speech even more impressive than those before me. My time as Empress of Dragon Empery really proved vital and when I finished speaking, there was dead silence as people stood awestruck before thunderous applause shook the entire harbour. To top it off, I had a few jets blast overhead which saw even greater celebration.

With my speech now concluded, I briefly take the time to force Liang into the limelight for just a brief moment before kickstarting the next stage of the celebrations after receiving the go-ahead. As we come down, Liang's clinging on to my hand as though it's a lifeline but keeping a rather radiant smile on her face to maintain appearances. When her father approaches, however, even this smile falters. 

Leader: Zhejiang, careful. You're starting to make me think about adopting you.

He's joking but Liang's hold on y hand tightens nevertheless. He notices but only laughs it off. I'm surprised by this at first, but quickly find out why.

Leader: Don't worry Liang. I won't take away your girlfriend from you.

I can't tell who this catches off-guard more, Liang or I. We both struggle to find words to respond with and this only results in even more laughter being thrown our way. Liang, by this time, is red with embarrassment and stands completely numb but eventually, I manage to recover and rescue us both from his onslaught.

Walking with Liang, I lead us over to my ship, which the guards quickly allow us access to. As we pass by, I remind them that we aren't to be disturbed unless we are needed or it's an emergency. On my deck, I release her hand and make my way to the edge to sit down. After hanging my feet over the edge of my flight deck, I pat the spot beside me and Liang complies, sitting down beside me soon after. 

From this location, we have a full view of the main part of the celebrations, including my sister ship, Jiangsu. Looking at her, I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to introduce her to the others and officially have a little sister to take care of. As I am thinking about this, however, Liang finally opens up.

Liang: Would you agree?

Me: Hmm?

She goes silent for a while before responding but when she does, it's with a look of determination. Still, it all but vanishes when I give her my undivided attention leaving her wavering a bit before committing entirely.

Liang: Would...I mean, if I were to ask you...hypothetically speaking, of course, would you agree to a date?

I catch on immediately and laugh in response, which perhaps sent the wrong message but I can't prevent it. The laughter simply comes rushing forth but I quickly prevent her from leaving when she practically prepares to bolt. 

Me: Where are you going? I still haven't answered your question.

She looks back at our interlocked fingers before focusing on me. Her eyes are glistening, but I can't tell whether they are from tears or just the excessive amount of lighting near us. Regardless, her next move is certain as it is definitive. 

Without waiting for my reply, she allows me to pull her back down to sit beside me only to turn the minute she's seated, planting a kiss on my lips in the process. I can only sit, paralyzed with shock, as she deepens the kiss before finally breaking free. Before either of us can address the current situation, however, the crowd erupts in cheer. We turn to see if they saw us but a loud boom behind us draws our attention where, right before our very eyes, a rift opens a hundred feet above the port. 

The minute it appears, I feel a tug on me and barely manage to tell Liang to run before I'm lifted off my carrier. Liang doesn't run, however, instead, grabbing my hands and asking perhaps the one question she truly wishes to know the answer to. With nothing to lose, I say yes but this only serves to strengthen her resolve and she tightens her grip. 

By now the others have realised, to some extent, what was happening and others were attempting to come on board to assist but they were forced back once my carrier dissolved and reentered my body. The sheer shock of seeing this process for the first time halted the nearest civilians looking to help, giving the rift enough time to secure its pull on me. 

With my ship's size no longer an issue, it easily lifts both Liang and me. As it does, a white and blue sigil lights the night sky as I begin to glow a faint light blue colour. The pull increases and before long even the shouts of the people disappear as I pass through the rift's horizon but even then, I can feel the pressure from Liang holding on to my hands. 

The last thing I hear is the chilling sound of laughter and someone shouting for glee about succeeding at something before my vision goes black. 

[Connection successfully established. Transfering authorisation. Complete.]

[System reboot now commencing.]