
what's happening

The creation, it is said that eons ago the stars crashed against the elements guarding it causing the great explosion named The Big Bang. Some say this explosion give birth to what we all have now, glaxy and the planets.

But there is still some question upon the minds of Julsterians "Where did this abily came from and why does it only appear to certain individuals?" An old looking guy wearing a black blazer said as he turned around to look at his students.

A young man with purple hair was currently sleeping his desk at the corner of a classroom.

The old guy saw this and he grinned​ he silently walked to the side of the young man ignoring the gazes of the students.

He cleared his throat but the young man didn't seem to wake up, the old man clenched his fist and suddenly


The young man lifeted his head and looked at the old guy he then said while yawning "Hello there Mr.Stan, What's up"

The old guy called Mr. Stan angrily said "What do you mean What's up! You are sleeping on my class and it was not just this time! Zeth this is your last year in here if you messed this up again, you're done you can't go to the mainland! You will lose your chance"

The young man named Zeth's mood suddenly turned downcast as he slowly stood up before saying "I already lost everything what more can I lose" then started walking through the door.

Mr. Stan looked at the fading back of the youth before muttering "Just what it is that happened to this child".


Zeth walked down the hallway with his hands on his pockets heading to the rooftop, when he arrived he climbed on a shaded spot and closed his eyes preparing to sleep again.

Just as he was about to enter the dreamworld a deafening roar sounded from the school fields directly in front of the building. Zeth's​ eyes suddenly opened with his brown pupil is shaking, memories he buried deep suddenly resurfaced.

"No! No this is not happening, I'm just dreaming. I've got to calm down inhale exhale".

Just as he calmed himself a series of alarms has rang out followed by a loud announcement "All students evacuate the school grounds please follow your teachers instruction and don't panic, I repeat all students are advised to evacuate the school grounds teachers with no genesy are to escort the students to the underground shelters."

Zeth ran to railings to look, his entire body suddenly shook as he look at the humanoid creatures with a golden cross mark on their forhead. He was just about to rush back down the building when his knees shivered and his heart started beating faster and faster.

When he turned around he saw the cold look of that creature to which raised it's hands and Zeth's​ body floated and moving near it.

Zeth felt as if his body was heavy he can't move a single muscles as he was getting pulled by the creature.

The creature caught Zeth by his neck and lifted him up look straight to his eyes.

Meanwhile, at the classroom Mr.Stan stood at by the door holding a pen and a scroll.

The scroll suddenly lit up and three figure suddenly appeared one wearing a black armor and a the other one was carrying a big gauntlet while the last one was carrying a big hammer.

Mr. Stan said as he looked at the amazed faces of his students "Follow this three and head straight to the underground shelters, if anything happens they will protect you. Now go! I have some heretics to take care of".

All of the students nodded and one by one calmly got out of the room, when the last student left Mr.Stan said to the one wearing armor "Protect these childrens until I got back".

The latter nodded and left, Mr.Stan loosen his tie before saying "Now then, I haven't exercised lately I guess this heretics will do the job" and through the window he suddenly jumped down from the third floor of the building​.

Zeth look at the heretic grasping his neck, his body shaking he tried to move his body but he can't.

The heretic suddenly laughed before saying pridefully "You should be thankful human, for you will be sacrificed to the god by me!" He laugh and laugh maniacally.

As he hears those words Zeth's vision suddenly blurred and faces of a little cute little girl, a beautiful and handsome man getting mercilessly stabbed with their blank eyes looking at him.

The little girl was saying something but he can't hear it, everything was filled with blood everywhere​ he looked fire and blood spread and formed an ocean.

But suddenly everything started to fall just like sand, the ocean of blood and fire turned into a lonely dessert. Only by himself on the lonely dessert, he clenched his fist pounded the sand with tears streaming down his face he screamed and screamed "Why? Why am I so weak? I can't even protect myself. Why?"

*Thud* *thud* *thud*

His tears fell off onto the sand but the sand didn't seem to get wet as it absorbed the tears without getting wet.

Suddenly the quiet dessert turned restless sand started floating near him forming a massive dome. Inside the dome Zeth lifet his head and saw the sand forming a dome around him.

"What's happening? Am I gonna die?".

His eyes were getting blurry and the last of what he saw was the sand rushing towards him.

Well enjoy this short first chapter I hope you had an awesome day wherever you are and if not you've done good enough

SpeshelWolfcreators' thoughts