
Send Threats, Get Banned.

After Breakfast Mr. Leuola prepares a car to take me and Kaital home. Me and Kaital wave goodbye to Mira before getting inside the same car. During the ride I realized I haven't checked my messages at all during the stay. I pull out my phone. I'm sure Viv and Nara texted me at least 100 times. I was close. 67 unread messages, my phone says. I'm shocked though. I only received 14 from Viv and Nara, they only say things like have fun. And they know i'm spending the night if i don't reply, which i didn't, But Jaudia texted me 22 times. And then there's an unknown number texting me. All it says is you'll regret what you've done to me Zeil. I'm guessing it is Jaud. Seriously, this is very childish. What does she think a silly little threat like this will do? I tap Kaital on the shoulder and show her my phone. "Huh, who's that?" "She used to be my friend, but she got kicked out." "Of The Group?" "Yeah." "Well what did you do?" "She asked me to add her back, but I couldn't because she doesn't have the required amount of followers." "Wait a minute… Is she that girl who tried to enter our party!?" "Yeah…" "Oh no. This little brat is going to pay." I didn't even ask Kaital what she meant by that. I kinda didn't even want to know. A few minutes later it was her stop. I wave goodbye as the driver opened her door for her. My house was still five minutes away. When we arrived I noticed a package at my front door. I didn't order anything. I took the package inside with me. I looked around and all the trash wrappers and makeup supplies were all gone. I guess Viv and Nara really did clean for me. How sweet. I put the package down and text them. 

(The following is a conversation held by text.) 

Z: Hey guys, I just got home

V: Oh Hey girly, Did you meet him?!!!!!

Z: Who?

V: Girl ya know who i'm talkin bout, 

V: Mira's brother, the hottie!!!!!!!!

N: I just got my phone and all i see

N: Is your annoying talk about a boy. 

V: Shut up Naralin! I'm talking to Zeil!

Z: Hey guys, did you have a fight or something? 

V: No, but i'm sick of it, Everytime i say something,

V: Nara always has something rude to say!

V: I don't get it, I was just talking to you and she has to be all rude

V: I never did anything to Nara so it sucks!

V: She's always nice to everyone else but she's mean to me

V: Even when I wasn't talking to her. 

N: Well then maybe text her those stupid things,

N: Where i don't have to see

Z: Nara, I don't know, You are a good person

Z: But Viv is kinda right, 

Z: Sometimes, you are a little too mean,

N: Whatever, just text stupid GIRLY things where I don't have to read them

N: Because they are annoying

N: Like the both of you. 

N: Zeil your not that annoying, but when your friends with her

N: I see you as one, but just know, i'm not really talking to you Zeil


N: Pretty much


Z: Oh damn

N: Well f you too stupid, bye 

And just like that, I think that Nara and Viv now hate each other. I don't want to get caught up in their Drama. I wonder if they even consider each other friends. Probably not since they just said they hated each other. I clicked off their messages and saw another anonymous person texted me. Is it still Jaud? I opened it. It read "This is your fault. I'm banned because of you. You may have thought my other message was a joke. But now, I'm really gonna make you pay." I kinda felt a little shocked about that. It was probably Kaital who banned her. I don't know what Juad is gonna do next. I think she might try to bully me or something. Wait, I laugh to myself. She's banned. What it means to get banned is you are not allowed to use any social media such as, YouTube, TikTok, SnapChat, Discord, Pinterest, and Instagram. She's banned. Only a member of The Council can ban someone. There are different types of bans depending on the person who banned her. If it were Mira who banned her, It would be a permanent ban since she is the most powerful. Kaital banned her so she is banned for 5 years. If i banned her, It would be for 3 years. I guess I can kinda see why she's mad, but Send Threats, Get Banned.