
Chapter 1: Introduction

5:59 PM, 7 August 2021.


The mist follows behind me as I walk back to my apartment in the high rises. I sigh as I walk into the lobby, already seeing the manager of the apartment. "Hello! Would you like to help fund the apartment? Once we reach our goal, 50,000, we would fix the elevator!" I smiled, pretending that I care and just ignored him, running up the stairs. Ever since I quit my job, my life has crumbled into pieces and I'm left organizing the pieces for NO APPARENT REASON. As I take off my clothes and change into my Pajamas, my lights turn off. My mind was freaking out with questions, What's going on? Is a robber in my house and turned off the lights? WHY NOW?? The lights flicker back on, I looked outside to see Wellington swallowed by the pitch black void. Soon, lights began to turn on. I calmed myself down and not to overreact. I Turned on the T.V, as I was bored and began switching channels that are interesting. I Paused at 1 News. "Wellington Mourns, early this evening, a 600 Meter unidentified creature has entered Wellington Harbour from Lyall Bay. 500 thousand people have reported being injured and 40 have died. New Zealand armed forces have immediately shut down transportation from the cook straight, using it for military personnel. The Australian Government offered help-" The screen is turned black. My mind was blown, I was confused devastated, and hoping it was a prank. I changed the channel to see other T.V Networks were off, including Bravo. I watched, crying my eyes out that Bravo was turned off. Finally, the T.V goes white, the first movement from the TV. "Sorry for your interruption. This recording has been issued by the New Zealand Civil Defense. At 5:17, New Zealand Standard Time, an unidentified creature has entered Wellington City. All public transportation including Planes and Ferry Cruise has been suspended, the government has issued a full evacuation of Wellington and Lower Hutt. If you are nearby, please evacuate to Wainuiomata, and Johnsonville" Screen shuts black.