
Dream Traveler

"Wow!" "Zanaia, are you really giving all of these to us?" Jian said to me.

I laughed at them because they were all amazed by what I had brought for them. It's just a designer luxury bags I bought from Italy.

" You are really rich, Zanaia." "Thank you for all of these!" by one of our classmates.

I was so proud of myself. I can't even imagine that I could do this before.

" Really guys? That was just twenty of them. I should've gotten some more. Maybe next month we will go to France so I can buy more luxury bags and jewelry for you guys. "

Their eyes broadened, then.

" Thank you, Zanaia. I hope someday I get a lot of money and can buy everything I want, Just like you. " -Mildred

" Of course you can do that Mildred! " I bravely told her.

If you are a lucid dreamer like me, you can do everything you want and that is for sure Mildred.

I felt so luck that I can do this all without spending any money.

Unfortunately, I felt like someone was looking at me, so I tried to look at our room's second door to confirm it, and it was Trevor The school's heartthrob. He is looking at me intimately to the point that my knees are trembling. I can't even explain the butterflies in my stomach. Gosh.

He really looks like a goddess.

His skin color is so natural, and it looks so perfect under the sun. I can even smell him from here or I am just delusional.

" Oh my Gosh", " He is so handsome", " Go get her, Trevor, come over here." I hear inward voices while Trevor is walking into the room.

The girls kept on shouting at me and Trevor, as he slowly went in front of me. "Hello Zanaia," Trevor said in a husky low voice near my ears.

I said, "Hi Trevor," as I was really speechless.

Unexpectedly he kneel down in front of me and he is about to say something

" Will you be my..."





I removed my eye mask and opened my eyes as I knew that it was my mom again. I let out a sigh, "phew". My beautiful dream was cut short in just a shout. What a fantastic (but not so fantastic) morning.

Suddenly, I did not finish my (about to be perfect) dream.But the thought of Trevor lingered in my mind. I couldn't shake off the feeling of his presence, even if it was just a dream. It felt so real. I glanced at my phone and saw a notification from my best friend, Mia.

"Hey girl, how was your night? Did you dream of Trevor again? Hahaha!"

I rolled my eyes at her text but couldn't help but smile. Mia knew about my crush on Trevor, and she always teased me about it. I quickly typed back, "Shut up, Mia. It was just a dream, but it felt so real."


"Zanaia, come on! We're running late and we might miss out on customers. It's already Sunday!" Mom yelled.

I dragged myself to the bathroom, taking a seat for five minutes to recover before I got into the shower. "I'll just have to continue my dream later," I muttered to myself. To my disappointment, there was no extra shampoo; sighing, I figured I'd just have to use soap in my hair too. Money must be tight if we can't afford the basics right now.

We walked down towards the village market, and as we go I catch sight of Trevor's family car - not from my dream world, but the real one. He doesn't know who I am so it's just a fleeting moment between us. Of course, I could never look him in the eye in this real world.

Every morning, his dad drives around in the car — he's the mayor of our village, after all — scouting and checking up on things.

As I watched their car drive past me, I couldn't help but hope I'd get a glimpse of Trevor inside. Much to my surprise, he was behind the wheel! Even with his serious expression, he looks surreal - and undeniably handsome.

No matter how I dress or what posture I take, he never notices me. I even sneak into the gym at college to watch him play basketball. Every weekend, my mother and I sell vegetables in the market to make ends meet. But every night, I can shape my dreams into whatever I want them to be; I make us wealthy, living in a mansion. When I was fifteen years old, I discovered that I am a lucid dreamer capable of recalling an unforgettable dream. At times, these dreams are so vivid that when I wake up, it takes me a few moments to find my breath again. In one particular dream, I found myself trying to save family and friends from drowning in the sea. To escape the danger, all I had to do was imagine a picnic garden and we were suddenly there. Since then, if ever I want to end a dream prematurely, all I have to do is force myself to wake up.

The day runs so quickly and tiring. I decided to sleep early tonight to finish my dream, so I can wake up tomorrow and go to school without being late.

" Hi Trevor!" I tried to reach for him in the pantry.

" Oh, hi there, Zanaia. You always look so beautiful." I was shy, and I tried to make myself proud that, at least in my dreams, he noticed me, and we were friends, and of course, I would make us lovers here.

Trevor stood up and went to his friends I felt someone was behind me, and as I turned my back, I saw a boy watching me. He looks like he's smirking, and I can't define his face so well. We were a kilometer apart, so I was wondering who he was.

I close my eyes and manifest to remove him from my dream. After a while, I opened my eyes and tried to look back where I saw him, then I sighed, "phew." Nice! He's gone!

I walked around to the pantry to find my classmates. I just got my food and I am not paying for it because my mom owns this university and they all know me well, so anytime I am roaming around here at the pantry, they already have food prepared for me.

To my surprise, the man is still there when I opened my eyes. He is wearing a black suit and a fedora hat, looking at me with a smirk that made my skin crawl. I tried to move away from him, but he followed me with every step I took.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.

The man chuckled, revealing a set of perfect white teeth. "I am the Dream Weaver, my dear Zanaia. You can't just remove me from your dream like that. I'm here to make your dream more exciting. To give you what you truly desire."

I frowned, not liking where this conversation is going. "I didn't ask for your help. I can control my dreams just fine."

The Dream Weaver shrugged, taking a step closer to me. "Oh, I know you can. But wouldn't it be more fun to have a partner in your dream world?

I was about to sit down at our table when I saw the man earlier, walking with my friends. He also noticed me, so he came to me and left my friends.

"Wha- what the hell who-"

"What a nice dream!" He said.

I was shocked and stayed still. Who the heck is this man? I remembered removing him earlier in my dream. I quickly tried to close my eyes again " go away, Universe please remove this man from my dream, I don't know him psh "..

" Boo! " he scared me while laughing. I was frightened and speechless.

" I am sorry I was bored, and I find this dream so beautiful, so I decided to stay here from now on." he whispered.