
Zahard in the world of Yggdrasil (Overlord)

What do you desire? Money and wealth? Honor and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends them all? Whatever you desire is here. experience it yourself the world of game that has never been before now. That's what Gotoh (our mc) read about Yggdrasil. Now what is waiting for him inside the game? failure? satisfied? adventure? or something that he never expected? This story background was about earth around 22 century where the earth is dying, most people live unproperly, and money is everything. everyone bow before company and people live means nothing. in this story, the game of Yggdrasil is a game that made to be explore, heteromorphic race will be hunted by other player, some even need to kill heteromorphic to open up their skill or class. and there will be many POV of other. so this story will be long. I'm not own overlord, TOG, or the picture. everything about them is being own by their own representative. I just typing my idea. I also lazy so the update will be take a long time depend on mood and I write this Fanfic for fun only

Tro_yuda · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Zahard Skill

Zahard Racial class:

1. Regular (15) = Regular are 'nickname' for those who has just begin to climb or for those who not yet to reach the top of the tower. Giving you basic skills and knowledge of common people in the tower.


(1) 'Basic Shinsu Magic' '5 bang': unlock shinsu art and unlock bang (like magic ball). Magic cost for each bang is 75 and deal 125 Magic damage. Max 5 bangs. 3s Cd

(1) Basic Strength Shinsu body(on/off): phy att, def, and agility +1 (+25) (+20) and (+1) according to level. (for each 3 level up +1 effect.) with each 10 second consume 100 MP). if you reach max level then effect for Phy Att (+125), Def (+100) and Agility (+5). 5s CD

(1) Regular passive aura: Intimidation level 1 (passive on/off)': (Intimidation lvl 1 bring debuff effect of confusion and scared. Lowering enemy player resist by 5%)

(1) Dual Casting (passive): can casting skill up to 2 spell at once.

(1) 'Eyes of the Regular' (Passive): can see enemy basic status (Nickname, Hp, Mp, and Race). Tier 3 concealment or above can't be penetrated.

2. Ranker (10) (required level 25 player) = Ranker are those individuals who has reached the top of the tower and has been given a Rank. Because of this, they are viewed as Gods and have a much higher status than regular and normal residents of the tower.


'Triple casting (passive)': can casting skill up to 3 spell at once

'Eyes of the Ranker (Passive)': can confuse my enemy by blur up my data and see enemy data to certain degree (Nickname, Hp, Mp, Race and Karma). Tier 4 spells and beyond can't be pierce and can look at my data.

'Shinsu style: Golden Needle from Mystery Island': is a 10 meter longs needle that stun enemy for 4s if got hit by it and deal 21.000 magic damage and cost 7000mp.

'Advance Strengthening Shinsu Body (on/off)': Phy att and def consume Mp to 40 each second. phy att, def, and agility +5 (+800) (+350) and (+10) according to level. (for each 2 level up +1 effect.). if you reach max level then effect +10 for Phy Att (1600), Def (700) and Agility (+20). No Cd (can't be stack with master ssb skill)

'Advance Shinsu Bang': Produce Bang from 1 to 20 bang, more damage with single to multiple target, number and effect addition (blind effect), each bang deal 500 magic damage. Each bang cost 200 MP. 4s Cd

'Shinsu Flow Control': until 5 to 9s single and AOE (around 10m up to 20 can immobile the same level the enemy while slowing effect (40 – 15%) to higher lvl) cost 500 MP for 5 second. CD 17s.

'Shinsu Restoration' (absorb magic around him like mana, element to heal hp with 15% effect and 5 second channeling). Cost 1000 Mp and Cd 1m

'Aura of ranker: Intimidation level 2 (passive on/off)': (Intimidation lvl 2 bring debuff effect of confusion, intimidated. Lowering enemy player resist by 10%)

'FLY': You are now can fly in the air but only as fast as reporter helicopter. Each second cost 50Mp.

3. High ranker (5) (Required player level 55, Ranker (10), fisherman (10) = if a ranker ranking or power is in the top 1% of total rankers, he/she is considered a high ranker. High rankers are often described as gods among gods.


'Hexa Casting (passive)': can casting skill up to 6 spell at once.

'Master of Strengthening Shinsu Body(on/off)': consume MP up to 4.000 each minute. +20 for Phy Att (16.000), Def (7000), and agility (20). No CD

'Master of Shinsu Bang': Produce Bangs up to 50 bangs, more damage with single to multiple target, number and effect addition (burn, blind, effect), each bang deal 5000 magic damage. Each bang cost 1000 MP. No Cd.

'Master of Shinsu Flow Control: Reverse Flow Control' = from 10 to 20s. Single and AOE target with effect stun, immobile. While only slowing (30%) because enemy higher resistance and level, weakened enemy phy def around 10% while 5% to higher level, cost 500 MP for 20 second. Cd 25s.

'Advanced Shinsu Restroration' = absorb magic around him like mana, element or enemy magic to heal 25% of hp and 6 second channeling. Cost 7500 Mp and Cd 1m

'Shinsu style: a ORB' (strike mode) (up to 8 target at once) (auto strike enemy around player). deal 17.000 magic damage each strike (each target can always got hit every 0,5s around me) and cost 20.000 Mp each minute.

'Eye of the High Ranker' (passive on/off) can false data of the player (Zahard) by blur up my data and look up to enemy data even if the enemy using false data or similar effect more specific (spell tier 7+ can penetrate it)

'Aura of High Ranker: Intimidation level 3' (passive on/off) (intimidation lvl 3 debuff bring effect further intimidated, panic, being press down, unfocus, lowering enemy Resist for 20%)

'Ageless': (passive on) auto regeneration 5% of Hp and Mp every 10s.

'Fearless': (passive on) (reducing damage taken and enemy negative skill effect/debuff by 25%)

4. Irregular (required player level 85, class: High Ranker (5) = Irregular is someone or some people who entered the tower by opened the door by themselves and act against the laws of the tower. They always brought a great change and chaos into the tower and all the people in the tower tremble at them, which eventually became a symbol of fear and admiration. Irregulars also can defy destiny and has a strong resistance toward magic.

Unlock skills:

'Octa Casting': Casting up 8 skills at once

'Second appearance' = with this skill, you can create your second character appearance.

(AN= with 'Second appearance' skill, I change his appearance to be looks like Adult Zahard. Tall 240 cm with his myriad color pupil and golden eyes. His hair is gold. If you looking for more detail just search 'adult zahard')

'Irregular Strengthening Shinsu Body(on/off)': Buff your physical strength by consume MP up to 20.000 each 1 minute for +30 for Phy Att (48.000), mag and phy defend (21.000), and agility (150). No CD

'Shinsu Black Hole Sphere': is a technique compresses anything around onto a single point and release it as a huge explosion. a single target magic black hole that deal 500.000 magic damage to enemy. Cost 100.000 Mp with 30s CD

'Boost of Shinsu Black Hole Sphere': is a boost type skill that boost all of your magic skill by 50% damage. Cost 100.000 Mp. 15s Cd.

'Irregular awareness passive skill(on/off)': can know everything around you (1000meter max)

'Bangs of the irregular': Produce Bangs up to 80 with single to multiple targeting, number and effect addition (burn, blind, effect), each bang deal 20.000 magic damage. Each bang cost 16.000 MP. No Cd.

'Shinsu style: 5 ORB (strike mode)' (each orb is big and up to 15 target at once or blast strike type) (auto strike enemy around player). deal 30.000 magic damage each strike (each target can always got hit every 0,5s around me) and cost 15.000 Mp for all 5. Up to 1m.

'Shinsu style: 5 ORB (defense mode)' Orb protect you and your 4 other ally and can withstand damage up to 200.000 both magic or physical attack for 1 minute. each orb cost 45.000 mp. Inside the orb you can restore yourself or strike the enemy with using your 'Awareness' skill to know the position of the enemy.

'Shinsu style: A ORB of Black Hole Sphere'. Is a big orb that's absorb all enemy magic skill for for 20 second and then straight goes to the enemy and boom, deal the same damage that has been absorbed by orb + 20% true damage. Cost 200.000 Mp

'Shinsu style: Golden Bomb' is a straight skills attack up to 500m depend on how many Mp is being use. Pierce anything who stand in this skill way. Cost around 180.000 mp to 360.000 mp (can be adjust) deal 450.000 magic damage + 25% true damage.

'An Irregular Shinsu Restroration': (absorb magic around him like mana, element or enemy magic to heal 40% of hp and 10 second channeling). Cost 120.000 Mp and Cd 1m

'Eyes of irregular' (passive on/off): (passive on/off) can false data of the player (Zahard) by blur up my data and look up to enemy data even if the enemy using false data or similar effect even more specific.

'Aura of Irregular: Intimidation level 4' (passive on/off) (intimidation lvl 4 make enemy even futher intimidated, can't move, suffer because the pressure, trauma, mass fear, panic and lowering all enemy chart ability by -10)

'Irregular Age' (passive on) auto regeneration 8% of Hp and Mp from full stats every 8s

'divinity': (passive on) (reducing damage taken and enemy negative skill effect by 40%)

'Contract with Guardian' (passive): if the player die can arise again with 50% hp and mp from full stats 1x. a day Cd.

'Shinsu style: Cosmos': 9 golden planets with solar system like strike down the enemy down. Aoe 700m deal 800.000 magic damage + 40% true damage. cost 600.000 Mp

'Mass Teleportation': can teleport you and 50 people around you to anywhere you want. Delay 10s. Cost 70.000 Mp with 1m Cd.

'Data of the player (Young Zahard)': create up to 3 clone of your young appearance with 60% of you full stats by cost your 30% of your full mana (appearance of young zahard with teenager behavior)

5. Axis (5) (required player level 95, take class ranker, high ranker and irregular (10)) = is a nickname that refers to those unbeatable being by anyone or anything. Their own existence has brought a big change from a small to large scale depend on the axis movements. Nobody know exactly who are they or how they can be an axis, it is only known that they are an absolute existence because even the strongest beings in the universe can't beat even the weakest axis. Only the fellow axis can beat each other. But case like that is never happen before because either fellow axis never fighting each other or there is no witness to tell the tale. Or perhaps because Axis only refer to a single being? No one knows.


'Axis Strengthening Shinsu Body(on/off)' Buff your physical strength by consume MP up to 30.000 each 1 minute for +50 for Phy Att (+80.000), mag and phy defend (+35.000), and agility (+250). No CD

'Top Shinsu User (Passive skill On)' = can shaping Shinsu to his will with great control and cast as many skills as he like.

'Psychokinesis': much stronger than telekinesis where you can manipulate everything around you to your will.

'Aura of an Axis': intimidation level 5 (passive on/off): (intimidation lvl 5 make people around you who you intend to intimidated faint, hopeless or death, and lowering all enemy chart ability by -15)

'Data of Player (Zahard)': create up to 5 clone of your either young or adult appearance with 60% to 90% of you full stats by cost your 20% of your full mana for each clone. (their behavior is depended on their body, adult or young.)

'Domain of axis': (passive On/Off) buff all stats you and your ally around you by +20. And speed up you and your ally regeneration both Hp and Mp by 12% each 5s

'All seeing eyes (passive on/off)': can far sight to 3000m with axis know everything skill, you always ready. Can false data of the player (Zahard) by blur up my data and look up to enemy data even if the enemy using false data or similar completely.

'Axis know everything: passive skill (on/off)': can know everything around you (3000m max).

'Shinsu style: 7 ORB (strike mode) (each orb up to 15 target at once) (auto strike enemy around player)'= deal 40.000 magic damage each strike (each target can always got hit every 0,5s around me) and cost 25.000 Mp for all 7. Up to 1m.

'Shinsu style: 7 ORB (defense mode)' = orb protects you and your other 6 ally of your choice and can withstand enemy magic and physical damage to 400.000 for 1M. Each orb cost 35.000 mp. Inside the orb you can heal yourself or strike your enemy outside the orb with using your awareness skill to 'know' the position of the enemy.

'Shinsu style: 5 ORB of black hole sphere'. An orb absorbs every enemy attack (magic skills) for 10 second and then straight goes to the enemy and boom, deal the same damage that has been absorbed by orb. Cost 17.000 mp each one of them.

'Shinsu style: Golden Cannon': is a straight golden shinsu wave skills with range from 500 to 1000 m depend on how many Mp is being use. Pierce anything who stand in this skill way Cost around 200.000 to 400.000 Mp (can be adjust) deal 700.000 magic damage + 50% true damage.

'Absolute being' (passive on) auto regeneration 10% of Hp and Mp from full stats every 5s. (stack with other regeneration skills)

'Beyond Gods' (passive on) = reducing damage taken and enemy negative skill effect by 60% (All enemy skills below tier 8 or physical attack below level 80 will be auto nullified)

'Axis is Immortal' (passive on) = if die can arise again with 100% of condition with all skill all ready and item still intact. once a day cd.

'Super Shinshu style: Second Cosmos': even bigger 9 golden planets from solar system strike down the enemy. Aoe 1km and deal 900.000 magic damage + 80% true damage. 30m cd.

'Spatial distortion': A skill to tear up the space so you can go anywhere you want even if the place is protected by magic or something that lock the place.

'Advance Spatial Distortion': If somehow some dimension got locked or protected. This skill can pierce those skills and can move to destination.

'Mass Greater Teleportation': Can teleport you and all people around you instantly to anywhere you want. Cost 70.000 Mp with 2m Cd.

Zahard Job Class:

Job Level Explanation:

1. Wave controller (15): Wave Controller are those people who blessed by the tower to use shinsu. Those people can do almost anything if have shinsu with them.

Unlock skill:

'Shinsu unlock (passive skill) (now you can use shinsu), with restriction can't use weapon while using shinsu. Reduce mana cost off all shinsu skill by 6%. (for each 2 level up +1% effect. If level is maximum, then 10% in total.) (if you pick fisherman class then restriction is gone.)'

'Better Energy form (Passive skill)' = Addition damage against any energy form then shinsu up to 5%

2.Advanced Wave Controller (10)

Talented(Passive)': Further reduced your skill cool down by 10% (stack with efficient)

'Teleportation': a high tier shinsu skill that can move to anywhere with 10s to 5s delay. Cost 1000 MP with 20s CD.

'Shinsu display become gold'

'Golden Shinsu Line': (passive) further reduced mana cost of shinsu skill by 20% (stack with others reduced mana cost passive like basic shinsu) (30%)

Telekinesis': can move objects from a distance. No mana and CD.

3. Ultimate Wave Controller (5)

'Greater Teleportation': a high tier shinsu skill that can move to anywhere instantly. Cost 2000 MP with no CD.

'Unfettered by Law': Even further reduced your skill cooldown by 15% (stack with talented and efficient) (30%)

'Spatial Lock': are skill that similar to dimensional lock which means forbid the enemy to teleport by lock the space around Zahard. Cost 10.000 Mp with spell last for 30m. 15m CD

''Efficient (passive)': reduced your skill cool down by 5%

Advance Telekinesis': can move objects from a distance. No mana and CD. even harder to resist than usual telekinesis.

2. Fishermen (15)

Description: In the tower, Fishermen is suited for close to medium range combatants. Fishermen are divided into two classes, reel fishermen who attack their enemy at medium range or Man-to-man fisherman who go directly on the offensive at close range. But there are some special term(s) that fishermen usually refer to the position. But it can also be used to refer to someone that is perfect combatant capable of fighting in all types of battles.

Unlock Skill:

'Front liner (Passive)': You can use any weapon without restriction of class unless the level condition is above you. (Example if your level is 55 then you can use sword or staff, ETC with same level but if the sword has condition to be use for those who have level 56 above then you can't use it.)

'Man-to-man style (Passive)': Because you fight in the front then your HP and Resist (Phy and Mag defense) up 15% and you can do martial arts instantly.

'Weapon master (Passive)': Now you mastering any weapon you want like Sword, spear, bow, gauntlets, katana, whatever it is.

'Pride of martial arts (passive)': if you fight bare-handed, your phy att and agility up to 15% and your martial arts technique is the best which mean you now are the master and pro of martial art.

'Flare Wave Explosion': a direct touch enemy skill that deal 5000 – 20.000 true damage depend how long you charge it. Max charged is 10 second then move to enemy and touch them and then boom. This technique cost 100.000 MP and CD 1 minute.

3. Master of Fisherman (10): is a position for literally scouting. They move ahead of the group, observe the environment and situation. They also aid the Fisherman as secondary offence.

Unlock skill:

'Awareness': can detect everything around you (300m max) but can be fooled by skill.

'Far Sight': this skill can give the player a zoom in view from their position to 500m. this skill cost 500mp and no CD.

'Instant movement': short range teleportation that make player teleport around with less mana cost from teleportation. Cost 200MP with 10s CD.

4. Grandmaster Fisherman (5)

Unlock skills:

'Front liner (Passive)': You can use any weapon without restriction of class unless the level condition is above you. (Example if your level is 55 then you can use sword or staff, ETC with same level but if the sword has condition to be use for those who have level 56 above then you can't use it.)

'one-man army style (Passive)': Because you fight againts many enemies at once, then your HP and Resist (Phy and Mag defense) up 20% and you can do martial arts instantly.

'Weapon Grand master (Passive)': Now you mastering any weapon you want like Sword, spear, bow, gauntlets, katana, whatever it is and using them will give you +10% bonus stats from the weapon.

'Life of martial arts (passive)': if you fight bare-handed, your phy att and agility up to 25% and your martial arts technique is the best which mean you now are the god of martial art.

'Ultimate Flare Wave Explosion': a direct touch enemy skill that deal 300.000-600.000 true damage depend how long you charge it. Max charged is 10 second then move to enemy and touch them and then boom. This technique cost 200.000 MP and CD 2 minute.