


Zac_Millar · อื่นๆ
3 Chs

New beginning

Alexander Kroft was sitting in front of his computer waiting anxiously, while he updated his email non-stop, looking for a sign that the book he had bought a week ago, the new volume in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, which was a big fan, was available for pickup.

When he wasn't studying, he spent the rest of his time watching anime, reading books and fanfictions, mostly crossovers with his favorite book. He always immersed himself in these fantastic and mysterious worlds, a distraction from his ordinary life.


He couldn't help but smile when he heard that familiar sound.

-At last!

And without blinking, he took his wallet and umbrella, since the night before there had been a storm and by the appearance of the clouds, that day promised another one like it.

Alexander was an ordinary student, he got good grades, but he never really stood out.

He wasn't ugly, but he wasn't handsome either, his biggest problem was being too introverted, which led him to unconsciously exclude himself from groups and leave home, he never even had a girlfriend, let alone losing his virginity.

Alex ran anxiously along the sidewalk towards the bookstore, he could already see out of the corner of his eye, right at the end of the block, just go around the corner and cross the street and he would reach his destination.

-I've never had much luck, but this time it will be different, I got one of the first editions released on pre-order. He thought excitedly as he accelerated across the street.

You know those moments when we are very excited and stop paying attention around, like when we watch a very interesting movie or read that long awaited chapter of a fanfiction.

Then, a moment of carelessness and.....


And everything went dark.




Shoshone National Forest in the US state of Wyoming.

In the central area of ​​the forest, away from any trails, next to a small stream.


A girl of around 13 - 15 years old appeared after a flash on the forest floor, innocent looking, ruby ​​red hair, and lilac eyes. A face that will make her famous among women, in short, a pretty face.

At that moment the boy starts to move his fingers and open his eyes slowly.

-uhg... he groaned in pain

Getting up slowly and looking around observing his surroundings, he noticed only huge trees as far as he could see.

-Where am I ?

Completely confused looking at the trees.


Holding his head as he rolled, one by one scenes and flashes flashed through his mind like a movie cut in half. After a few minutes of unrelenting pain, he stopped moaning and began to contemplate what just happened.

-uff... It seems that my "luck" follows me. He thought depressed with a pale face.

I never thought that one day I could cross parallel worlds. Hmm, from the memories I just received it doesn't seem that different from my world, the countries are still the same.....different president, understandable.....at least I'm still in the United States.

But being the son of two drug addicts, I feel sorry for this child, the parents beat him daily and tried to sell him several times, but the kid managed to escape every time.

But it seems that his luck also ran out, after one of the escapes they caught him and beat him to death.

The kid had a miserable life, at that moment he started thinking about his family in his original world, thinking about the moment his family found out about his death and how they would react, he felt a heavy heart.



He looked around confused. What was that noise ? He thought.

And that's when everything changed...


<host found>



