
Yuncang Jue

It tells the story of the protagonist Yun Yi's gradual rise after experiencing a family upheaval. In this mysterious world, Yun Yi carries a blood feud, but unexpectedly obtains a mysterious Cangyun map. This Cangyun Map not only reveals the mystery of Yun Yi's background, but also leads him on a path of cultivation full of challenges and opportunities. In the process of cultivation, Yun Yi made many like-minded friends and also encountered various strong enemies. He relied on firm beliefs and outstanding talents to constantly break through himself, ultimately becoming a legendary figure of his generation. The plot of the entire novel is full of ups and downs, with vivid and three-dimensional character images, showcasing a magnificent and fantastical world of cultivation. At the same time, through the protagonist's growth process, positive and upward values and attitudes towards life are conveyed.

CarmenCed_Mn · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Chapter 1 Meng Chuan and Yun Qingping

The Great Zhou Dynasty, Wuzhou, and Dongning Prefecture.

At the main entrance of Jinghu Daoyuan, one of the eight major Daoist temples in Dongning City, a young man with a sword on his waist walked out of the temple.

"Senior Brother Meng."

"Hello, Senior Brother Meng."

"I have met Senior Brother Meng."

The other classmates around are quite enthusiastic.

Young Meng Chuan nodded slightly to these junior brothers and sisters. In fact, many of these "junior brothers and sisters" were older than him. However, the rule of Jinghu Daoist Academy is that the wise come first. He had already entered the "Shanshui Tower" of Jinghu Daoist Academy two years ago, with 22 disciples, making him the strongest 22 disciples of Jinghu Daoist Academy. The audience admired and longed for them. Among them, 'Meng Senior Brother' is particularly respected because he occasionally guides them, while other senior brothers and sisters from Shanshui Tower are too lazy to waste time on others.

"Young master, young master." Suddenly, a familiar voice came from beside.

A green clad girl ran out from the side, and Meng Chuan smiled at the sight. "Green bamboo, why did you come?"

"My young lady wants to invite the young master to visit Dongshan together. There was a heavy snowfall last night, and Dongshan after the snow is very beautiful," the girl in green smiled.

"Going to Dongshan for a trip?" Meng Chuan frowned and said, "Dongshan is too far. Going there may require spending the night there, and he won't be able to come back until tomorrow."

The girl in green smiled and said, "My Yun family happens to have a separate courtyard in Dongshan where you can stay overnight."

Meng Chuan shook his head and said, "Go back and tell Qingping that it will be the Yuyang Palace Demon Slaying Festival in over a month. I need to devote myself to cultivation to prepare, and I cannot accompany her there."

"This..." The girl in green hesitated.

"Just go back and say it directly," Meng Chuan instructed. "Also, let Qingping spend more time practicing and not always think about going out for fun."

"Yes." The girl in green could only obediently respond and go back to report.

Meng Chuan shook his head slightly.

He also has a headache for Yun Qingping, who has been engaged since childhood.

Jinghu Daoyuan was built on the east bank of Jinghu Lake, and there are many mansions on the west bank of Jinghu Lake, including the 'Meng Mansion'.

"Young master." There are two guards at the entrance of the mansion, who are quite respectful when they see Meng Chuan.

"Is my father in the mansion?" Meng Chuan asked.

"Just now someone was sent from the ancestral house, and the master immediately rushed there," said the guard.

Meng Chuan nodded in thought and entered the mansion.

"Shuosh Shuosh!!!" Soon, Meng Chuan faintly heard the sound of arrows and followed the sound to the martial arts training ground.

At the martial arts training ground, a girl in red was bending her bow and shooting arrows, one by one, instantly piercing through tens of zhang and shooting at the target in succession, with the last arrow hitting the front arrow shaft.

Meng Chuan watched as the opponent practiced arrows.

Her name is Liu Qiyue, and she is the only daughter of her father's birth and death brother, Liu Yebai.

When I was eight years old

Liu Yebai brought her daughter to Meng Mansion and stayed there ever since.

July is very similar to myself, both having lost their mother at a very young age. Since childhood, I have been practicing with myself since July and have been practicing until now, with a deep emotional connection.

"Achuan, you're back." The girl in red saw Meng Chuan's eyes brighten. "Shooting these targets is really boring. Come on, come on, hurry up and be my target. If it weren't for waiting for you, I would have gone to the Taoist Academy to practice archery long ago. The archery field in the academy is much larger than this."

"Okay, I'll be your target."

Meng Chuan walked to the center of the martial arts training ground with a smile.

The girl in red changed her arrow pouch, and all the arrows had no arrows. Her eyes lit up and she looked at Meng Chuan, "Ah Chuan, you must be careful not to get beaten up and bruised again."

"You're also careful, I'll definitely break your Seven Star Ball Arrow this time." Meng Chuan stared intently.

The girl in red chuckled and followed her fingers like a phantom, instantly drawing her bow and shooting arrows, as if she didn't even need to aim.

Shoo, shoo, shoo!!! Arrows shot one after another, one after another. Every time I take an arrow from the back arrow pouch and pull the bow to shoot an arrow, and then take the arrow and pull the bow to shoot an arrow... It feels like a normal person breathing naturally, and each arrow is incredibly fast and powerful.

"Pupu Pupu." Meng Chuan's knife from his waist had already unsheathed.

The knife curves in an arc, forming a faint field in front of you, and any arrow shot will be blocked.

"Achuan, your swordsmanship is becoming more and more powerful. You still need to use the Seven Star Ball Arrow." The girl in red said with a smile as she arched, clearly making it very easy.


As soon as the words fell, the girl in red shot a new arrow, piercing through the air with a piercing scream.

"Coming!" Meng Chuan became even more serious.

"Pup." "Pup."

Meng Chuan's sword curved like a ball, blocking arrows one by one. The Seven Star Ball Arrow is a deadly move that consumes a lot of true energy, and the speed of the arrows will become faster and faster.

With just the sixth arrow, Meng Chuan's knife blocked the air, and he felt a pain in his chest. He couldn't help but stumble, afraid that his chest would turn blue and purple.

"I still couldn't stop it," Meng Chuan shook his head and said helplessly.

"The five deadly moves I have cultivated, you can already block the four, only the 'Seven Star Beaded Arrow' is left." The girl in red smiled and said, "It's already very powerful. When I was in the Taoist Academy, no one at the level of the Wash Marrow Realm could block my 'Triple Phantom Arrow', but you can block it."

"I have been blocking your bows and arrows since I was young, but of course I am stronger than those in your monastery." Meng Chuan shook his head, "You still don't have arrows. If you add arrows, the speed of the arrows will be faster. I'm afraid I can't block most of your five deadly moves."

"Achuan, haven't you heard of it? In the same realm, no one can resist the fierce attack of the divine archer." The girl in red said proudly.

"July... it's a life and death battle, I rushed to you as soon as possible," Meng Chuan snorted.

"Divine archers all have guards," the girl in red pouted. "My guards will block you, and then you will become my target. Maybe in the future, you will be my guard!"

Meng Chuan smiled.

He is well aware of the terrifying nature of archers. In any faction, top archers hold a high status and will be protected extremely well.

My July sister is very talented in archery.

"Achuan, today your dean called you over, referring to the Yuyang Palace Demon Slaying Festival?" Liu Qiyue asked.

"Well, you also mentioned Lieyang Taoist Academy," Meng Chuan asked.

"I said it! Among the top ten disciples of the Washing Marrow Realm of the Lieyang Taoist Academy, I am the only one skilled archer. The dean directly assigned me a spot," Liu Qiyue said. "I am the best at dealing with monsters at the Yuyang Palace Demon Slaying Festival."

Meng Chuan smiled and said, "There are a total of three spots in our Jinghu Taoist Academy's Wash Marrow Realm. Although I am one of the top ten disciples of the Wash Marrow Realm, I still have to compete for the spot. If I don't get the spot, I'm not qualified to go."

"Then you can work hard slowly," Liu Qiyue chuckled.

"Don't be careless, at the Yuyang Palace Demon Slaying Festival, when you face monsters, don't be close to them." Meng Chuan said, "Let's practice first."

Speaking, Meng Chuan suddenly flew over.

"You have the ability to catch up with me."

Liu Qiyue immediately flew away and even turned around to shoot an arrow.

Another place is the Yun family, one of the five major divine and demon families in Dongning Prefecture.

Yun Qingping is brewing tea for her father Yun Fu'an.

"Dad, give it a try." Yun Qingping kindly placed a cup of tea in front of her father. Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of the maid, Green Bamboo, who was returning from afar. Her eyes lit up and she shouted, "Green Bamboo!"

Green bamboo can only obediently pass by.

"So, what did Meng Chuan say?" Yun Qingping asked repeatedly.

"Meng Gongzi said that it will be the Yuyang Palace Demon Slaying Festival in over a month. He needs to devote himself to cultivation to prepare, and he cannot accompany you to visit Dongshan, Miss." Green Bamboo whispered.

"You're not going again?"

Yun Qingping was a bit angry and said, "I just know how to practice."

"Meng Gongzi also asked me to tell Miss to spend more time practicing and not always think about going out for fun," said Green Bamboo.

"Does he still care about me?"

Yun Qingping became increasingly angry.

"I think Meng Chuan is quite right," Yun Fu, who was sitting there, drank tea happily and said, "You girl should practice well and not be too playful all the time."

"Dad, Meng Chuan is just like wood." Yun Qingping looked at Yun Fu'an and couldn't help but say, "When I was just a full moon, you arranged a baby marriage for Meng Chuan and me! But our personalities are completely different. I like to play and like to invite many friends to play with me. But he likes to practice, draw, and be quiet. When I talk to him, I don't get along well. When I think of getting married with him in the future, I'm going crazy."

"You're just too noisy. It's a good thing that there's someone who can cure you," Yun Fu'an smiled.

Yun Qingping walked up to her father and coquettishly hugged his arm, saying, "Dad, I beg you to go talk to the Meng family and talk to Uncle Meng about breaking the engagement."

"Don't even think about it!" Yun Fu'an drank his tea and directly declined.


Yun Qingping said, "Why do you insist on forcing me to marry him? Back then, when I was just a full moon and didn't understand anything, I arranged a marriage for me. How do you know what Meng Chuan will be like when he grows up? You have no idea, so you insist on me marrying him. You didn't even care about my thoughts. Don't you think it's too much?"

"Meng Chuan is quite good," Yun Fu'an said. "The younger generation of the five major divine and demon families in Dongning Prefecture is considered very good."

"No matter how good he is, I don't like him!" Yun Qingping angrily said, "I don't want to marry a so-called genius who can't even speak together."

Yun Fu'an gently lowered the teacup, lifted his eyelids, and gave his daughter a cold look.

Yun Qingping's heart trembled.

The pride in her heart made her hold her head high and stare at her father!

"In the past six months, you have already told me six times to terminate your engagement," Yun Fu'an said coldly. "It seems that your father is spoiling you too much. I will make it clear to you today."

Yun Qingping stared at her father.

Yun Fu'an continued, "Your marriage with Meng Chuan is not only a matter of the two of you. It is also a matter of our Yun family and Meng family! Although our Yun family is one of the five major divine and demon families, we have only settled in Dongning Prefecture for decades, with only a few dozen members and a shallow foundation. The Meng family is a divine and demon family rooted in Dongning for thousands of years, with over ten thousand members! Meng Chuan's father, 'Meng Dajiang', will be the next head of the Meng family.". You are the only girl in the third generation of our Yun family. If you marry Meng Chuan, our relationship between the Yun and Meng families can naturally take a big step forward. This is also of great benefit to my Yun family

"My grandfather has become a god and demon through cultivation," Yun Qingping retorted, "With my grandfather here, no one can shake my Yun family! Since that's the case, why can't I live more comfortably?"

"Being free? Being free means getting married to whoever you want?" Yun Fu'an said coldly.

"Why, can't we?" Yun Qingping raised her head and said, "For the sake of the family, you must sacrifice me? Dad, don't you feel ashamed?"

"Shut up!"

Yun Fu'an stood up in anger and pointed at his daughter angrily, shouting, "Yun Qingping, if you want to go out and play, there will be a group of guards and servants. If you want to eat dragon fish in the winter, someone will spare their life to help you find it. If you don't practice diligently, you will also have a large amount of treasures used on you, which will help you reach the state of washing your marrow this year.". I will ask the experts to guide you one-on-one. Your strength is weak, so I will ask three guards from the Rebirth Realm to secretly protect you. Three guards from the Rebirth Realm will require five hundred taels of silver per month, as well as various other treasures to bestow upon you... "

"Do you know how much the family has paid for your so-called freedom?" Yun Fu'an stared at his daughter.

Yun Qingping was stunned.

She is not foolish.

With just a quick calculation, she knew how amazing the family's efforts were in maintaining such a life.

"If you enjoy all the benefits of your family, you have to bear what you should!" Yun Fu'an angrily shouted, "Just enjoy the benefits and don't do anything? Think well!"

"Also, I know there's a little guy in your monastery named Zhang Chong. He's been very hospitable to you lately, isn't he?" Yun Fu'an sneered, "He's a kid from a side branch of the Zhang family, and he's also worthy of marrying Yun Fu'an's daughter. He doesn't look in the mirror to see which onion he is!"

"Dad, Brother Zhang and I haven't..." Yun Qingping continued to explain.

"As long as I find that you have violated any rules and tarnished the faces of my Yun and Meng families. Not only will he die, but even you! I will clean up the door!" Yun Fu'an looked coldly at his frightened daughter, "Don't blame me for being ruthless then."

Yun Qingping felt a chill in her heart.

She has never seen her father's cold side before, and she is only fifteen years old this year.

"Daughter," Yun Fu'an's expression slowed down. "Family marriage is like this. No matter how ugly or incompetent he is, you have to marry him. Your father and I married your mother at the time, and it was your grandfather's decision, so there was no choice! Moreover, Meng Chuan has a very good character, so you should be grateful."

After speaking, Yun Fu'an glanced at the trembling maid Lvzhu behind his daughter and ordered, "Lvzhu, please keep an eye on your young lady and don't let her make any mistakes."

"Yes," Green Bamboo quickly replied.

Yun Fu'an immediately left with his hands down.

Yun Qingping stood there, staring blankly at her father's departure. She thought of the sentence, "Even you, I will clean up the door. Don't blame me for being ruthless when the time comes." This sentence was indeed quite stimulating for Yun Qingping.

She felt that this world was different from what she had been thinking for so many years.