
Welcome to the Aca...is that a fucking Volcano?


Yo! Read the AUX stuff I put a vote there, important to the story/plot/myasspullimaginationwritingfueldbyMonsterandVodka

THX again to redblue, I should pay ya, but I'm as broke as The shard of greed, so tough luck my dude.

Anyway, I decide to divide this chapter in two sue I don't like my chapters too long, so enjoy this not so duelistic chapter!

*Start counting 100 dollar stacks 1-2-3-214-*


Haakon Pov

As I reunite with the guys I look at their faces and I have to said, I like what a saw, Jaden seems to want to challenge me right there, MC confidence or recklessness after what I did? No, he has plot armor to an extent, even if he has lost duels on the original show, it was in order to have an excuse to make him stronger, the guy is a supreme king in the end

Syrus seems to be taking it we…never mind his legs are like jelly, am I that scary?…nah the guy is just a puss, and I'm handsome as fuck, who would be scary of little old sexy me.

Bastion is just staring at me, sorry dude no homo, o wait right, he's a furry, just hasn't realized yet.

Better say something, this is getting awkward 

Haakon: See guys, bullying as I said

Bastion: I think that was more like a massacre but yes

Jaden: Yeah dude, you weren't kidding when you said he was going to need luck, that was insane!!

Syrus: B-But did you really needed to be s-so scary, those monsters were terrifying

Haakon: I don't play around, when dueling, you do your best or don duel at all, also I mean what I said, I don't like people bragging about things when they can't really back it up. Less if the thing they Bragg about is something I'm clearly better at.

Bastion: That we saw, I have to said, impressive moves, I have never heard of those cards, Despia did you call them?

Oh Shit, quick bullshit fast!

Haakon: They were a tournament price, one of a kind, you won't find them anywhere else but in my hands….or deck more specifically

Bastion: I see.

Haakon: Well better prepare to take that fly, we almost didn't make it here Jay, better go now, I don't want to beg two times in a day 

And with that and Jaden silly laugh at our mutual tardiness, we took our course to the academy helicopter, I can't wait to be there, I wonder if the place is as amazing as it look in the anime.

Some hours later

.... How the fuck did Kaiba or any sane member of KaibaCorp thou that build a school full of young people no older than 23 in a fucking volcanic island, no let me correct that

AN ISLAND WITH A FUCKING ACTIVE VOLCANO, was a good idea.....how did Pr AND Hr approve this shit?

Wait, this is the same island that have a secret lab making a secret project a.k.a. monkey dueling, have that Mokey Mokey kid trap like a prisoner, and 3 fucking evil gods sealed in it. 

*Sight* Kaiba is right, money does screw the rules, society moral rules at least.

After my mental breakdown of moral money mighty ends, we arrive at the island heliport, a bunch of the academy staff were there, to give some instructions and so

By the time they end I was going to go with the guys to get our stuff but one of them approaches me, I wonder why....did I mess up all ready? I'm not getting expel for defeating Crawler so brutally right away, am I?

Staff member: Haakon Parvus?

Haakon: Yeah, the one and only, what can I do for you, miss….

Staff Member: The Chancellor want to have a chat with you, follow me

Well, rude, at least give me a name will ya? 

Haakon: Sure thing, guys! I'm going ahead, some stuff with the Chancellor, see ya soon.

Syrus: Wow, not even first day, and he is already in trouble

Bastion:He is only going to see the Chancellor, Syrus, maybe isn't that bad?

Jaden: I hope so, I still haven't had a duel with him, and I can't wait.

As I follow the rude lady, I hear them talking, heh, you are too green right now Jaden, possibly in a couple of seasons

Wait, how does that work, how many day passes in the show.....oh fuck it, no point over thinking it, let's just go with the flow.

Directors Office

knock! knock!

Director: Come in!

As the lady open the door, we get in, a bald old man is siting in the far end of the room, behind a big desk, the old master of Zane and the current head of the cyber style, Chancellor Sheppard

Yeah right, like The Cyber Ogre's could even be considered part of the cyber style, those guy didn't get support even 20 years later, the dragons tho, full fusion XYZ and link era support, they never get synchros tho, I wonder why?

Lady: Chancellor, Haakon Parvus as you requested

Chancellor: Ah magnificent, good job Miss Chairman, you are dismissed.

Huh, isn't this the bitch that almost got Jaden and Syrus expel for the abandoned dorm thing?, no wonder she is so rude.

As she made a slit bow to the Chancellor and leave, I found my self staring at the man in front of me, wondering how is he the Chancellor

With a deck so underrated, not even a tier 3 or fun deck at that….the wonders of anime and plot devices I guess.

 Chancellor S: Mr. Haakon a pleasure to meet you, even in this odd manner, I'm Chancellor Sheppard, 

Haakon: A pleasure to meet you sir, but I have tho ask, am I in trouble? I don't believe that you meet every student out of the bat, less being escort by a staff officer.

 Chancellor: No, you are not young man, and yes you will be right in that, but this case is a beat …special you may say

Haakon: How so?

As I ask the Chancellor he presses a bottom in his deck, a big screen start to descend in the side wall of the office, and a video start playing.....of me…beating Crawler….oh shit, I AM getting expel aren't I

Chancellor: Is not every day, nor every student that come here being able to perform so high, not only in the actual duel but in the writing part of the exam too, you are exceptional Mr. Haakon….maybe too exceptional

I don't like where this is going

Chancellor: We investigate you young man, as we do with all our students you see, security measures I assure you

Your family use to be very well secured financially, and you were above the average in middle school, until the accident, my condolences on that, your parent's departure was unfortunate and untold, may they rest in peace

Huh, so that's the backstory R.o.B made for me, a nice family past, some money, and death parents...well that make thing more simple for me. 

Haakon: And you have my thanks for that chancellor

He gives me a small smile and a nod, he most ve experience with people in this circumstances

Chancellor: After the incident, as an orphan you were put into the system until you reach 18, and took ownership of your family assets, as a high schooler, you did exalt in all ramifications, be theoretical, practicals or physicals, really impressive indeed

Haakon: Again, thanks

Chancellor: And now you show not only absolute dominion on duel theory in your writing exam, but practical skill to the point, you not only defeat our vice director using his personal deck instead of the exam regulate one

But you lecture him in his own way of teaching and dueling, and you prove your point.....even if a bit overborne at that

Haakon: I believe in going all out, Chancellor, you either give your all or don't do it at all. 

Chancellor: In that, we agreed, and because of that I have an offer to do you Mr. Haakon

Haakon: An offer?

As I question him, a sly smile can be seen in his face, what is going on, I'm not in trouble? Then what.

Chancellor: How would you like to be a teacher in the academy?

As my brain shot circuit for a moment, I stare into his eyes for what seems like minutes until I can only say

Haakon:…. Huh?!

End of Chapter

*Singsong voice*


TheOneThatNeverWascreators' thoughts