
Yuan Zun: Resentment Wrath Remake

The Saint Dragon had fallen. The Saint God had risen. Yet, Resentment lingered, unyielding.

Takemikazushi1116 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs


Anger, fear, madness, frustration, hatred, and rage – a whirlwind of emotions surged in Zhou Yuan's eyes as he gazed upon the entity responsible for the wanton destruction.

Unrestrained black and white auras flared across his body, causing Zhou Yuan to squint.

The Saint God.

He had faltered in his attempt to break through the fourth and final step of the Ancestral Dragon Scripture.

He could not subdue the poison that had afflicted him since birth.

Turning his attention to the Five Heavens he fiercely guarded, all he could do was clench his teeth in sheer frustration.

The incessant black-and-white deluge relentlessly eroded his Divine Power, and it wouldn't be long before it crumbled entirely.

"It's the end for you, Zhou Yuan," a mocking voice emanated from within the black-and-white maelstrom.

The figure before him arrogantly observed the sorry state of Zhou Yuan's Divine Power Phantasm.

"I commend your bravery in facing me, but this is where it all concludes!"

The Saint God's Divine Power surged even further as Heaven and Earth shattered without respite.

Space and Time were annihilated beyond recognition, and it was evident that the Saint God was sparing no effort.

"Is he still holding back?" Zhou Yuan couldn't help but despairingly wonder in his thoughts.

He gritted his teeth, forcibly mustering his Divine Power to withstand the onslaught. "I cannot yield here!"

The Phantasm blazed brighter.

As the two Divine powers clashed, it was painfully clear who held the upper hand.

Zhou Yuan's Divine Power stood no chance against the Saint God, who was a mere step away from the First Sequence.

Combined with the strand of cultivated Ancestral Dragon Power, Zhou Yuan was utterly outmatched.

If not for Zhou Yuan's Divine Power, the Five Heavens would have succumbed and crumbled instantly.

Yet, all things must eventually meet their end.

The colossal phantasm shattered under the relentless might of the Saint God, culminating in an earth-shaking explosion that resonated throughout the Nine Heavens.


The residents of the Five Lower Heavens stared at the battle in sheer horror.

Unfathomable dread coursed through them, causing their hair to stand on end.

Many wept, many succumbed to madness, some turned against one another in despair, and still others took their own lives.

In the end, hope was extinguished.

The Five Heavens were stained with the blood of their own hands.

Only a handful managed to maintain their composure and gradually accept their fate – Zhou Yuan's friends, his family, the Four Prime Sovereigns, and the resolute Saint Experts.

Tun Tun could only let out a mournful roar.

Jin Luo felt a profound sadness and hopelessness. Countless generations had sacrificed themselves to defend the Five Heavens, yearning for the day when they would be liberated from the Saint Race.

But all those sacrifices seemed in vain.

He sighed, lowering his head in resignation.

The others bore witness to this and shared in the prevailing despair.

Even the most aged and wise Prime Sovereign had lost hope.

Chi Ji and Di Long mirrored Jin Luo's actions.

Cang Yuan was consumed by regret for his actions, having been manipulated by the Saint God and allowing Yao Yao to develop feelings for Zhou Yuan.

It could be said that everything had transpired because of him.

"If I hadn't… If I hadn't stolen the Divine Egg, perhaps… just perhaps, things might have turned out differently," Cang Yuan lamented with a sigh.

It was merely a matter of time before the black-and-white flood reached the Five Heavens.


"I cannot lose, no matter what!" Zhou Yuan cried within his mind as he channeled his Divine Power to the tip of his spear.

The Five Ancient Stamps encircled the spear, signifying the Five Heaven Saint Stamps.

Operating these Five Heaven Saint Stamps at their maximum potential, five colossal rays of light materialized in the central continents of the Five Heavens. Each ray dwarfed more than a third of an entire Heaven.

Genesis Qi converged at a single point, reducing the Genesis Qi in the farther continents to its minimum level.

All five lights shot toward Zhou Yuan in a flash.

Enormous Heaven Power collected in his spear as Zhou Yuan's eyes grew resolute.

In an instant, a gargantuan whale-like entity appeared on the Five Heaven Saint Stamps, each radiating immense Heaven Power.

Drawing inspiration from one of his spear's previous moves, he named it.

"Divine Art: Five Heaven Whale Saints!"

The five whales collided with the white-and-black deluge, resulting in a tremendous explosion.

Exhausting his Divine Power entirely, Zhou Yuan gradually pushed back the black-and-white flood with a deafening roar.


The denizens of the Five Lower Heavens witnessed this and once more glimpsed a glimmer of hope.

Though it was a meager glimmer, it was hope nonetheless.

The Four Sovereigns had their spirits lifted once more.


In the starry expanse, a golden silhouette shone, sparking hope among trillions of individuals.

However, the radiance dimmed with each passing moment.

Zhou Yuan did not find solace in this development; instead, he grew more vigilant.

Using his Divine Perception, he scoured 4,400,000,000 billion kilometers of space in search of the Saint God's presence.

He sensed a malevolent aura.

He promptly turned his head, and to his horror, the Saint God had grown even more formidable.

Multiple threads of Supreme Power swirled around the Saint God's form, emanating a stifling aura.

Ancestral Dragon Power!

Zhou Yuan gazed upon the Ancestral Dragon Power with a mixture of disbelief and dread.

"Zhou Yuan," the mere utterance of his name by the Saint God snapped him out of his stupor. "How? You only possessed a single strand of Ancestral Dragon Power!"

How had the Saint God amassed such a quantity in such a short time?

Obtaining even a single strand of Ancestral Dragon Power had taken the Saint God thousands upon thousands of years to cultivate.

And now...

"Battling you made me realize that sacrifices had to be made," the Saint God spoke with an eerie calmness, though his eyes glinted ominously.

Zhou Yuan's heart raced, his Divine Perception sounding alarms.

He turned his head to the side, and his dread deepened.

Space spanning a billion kilometers ruptured, unveiling a massive landmass brimming with pure Genesis Qi.

It was Guyuan Heaven!

The Saint God grinned before waving his hand toward Guyuan Heaven.

"Though it took considerable time to pinpoint the location of Guyuan Heaven, it was well worth the effort."

Crimson Divine Power engulfed the entire Heaven, rapidly erasing it as if it were being devoured by the Divine Power.

Zhou Yuan stared at the spectacle with a sense of horror.

This explained how the Saint God had amassed so much Ancestral Dragon Power – Guyuan Heaven was composed of fragments of the Ancestral Dragon's body, making it rich in pure Genesis Qi, perfect for condensing Ancestral Dragon Power.

After the Saint God completely devoured Guyuan Heaven.

The Saint God took a step and Zhou Yuan reacted by unleashing a surge of Divine Power toward him.

The Saint God merely sneered before waving his hand, sending the Chaotic Yin Yang Sea, his Life Source Material, to devour Zhou Yuan's attack.

Zhou Yuan groaned, realizing that his attack was feeble and ineffective. He had depleted himself severely.

"It is time for the final act, Zhou Yuan," the Saint God declared.

Zhou Yuan's eyes widened as the Saint God appeared right before him.

The Saint God's speed was astonishing.

His grin expanded to an unprecedented scale as he delivered a punch empowered by immense Divine Power.

The punch's shockwaves reverberated throughout the Nine Heavens.

Zhou Yuan's body hurtled through the air at breakneck speeds, crashing into Shengling Heaven, one of the two Heavens sacrificed to resurrect the Saint God to the Second Sequence.

A colossal crater, encompassing the area of five continents, formed as Zhou Yuan's body was buried deep within Shengling Heaven.

"It seems you've found a suitable resting place," the Saint God taunted Zhou Yuan before extending his arms.

The Chaotic Yin Yang Sea surged, sending billions of black-and-white tendrils brimming with Divine Power hurtling toward Zhou Yuan.



Zhou Yuan's clothing lay in tatters, leaving him with only shredded pants, clutching his spear with unwavering determination.

His body was grievously wounded beyond recovery.

For the first time since he had gained a Divine Body, he was injured in such a manner.

Zhou Yuan's eyes opened, and he was confronted with an incoming attack from the Saint God.

Panic surged within him as he attempted to summon his Divine Power, but it refused to respond.

The Ancestral Dragon Power had thoroughly subdued it, rendering him powerless.

His only option was to face the oncoming attack head-on.

Black-and-white needles charged with Divine Power approached him.

Time seemed to slow as Zhou Yuan's life flashed before his eyes.

He recalled the days of his youth when he was a vulnerable prince who was the subject of ridicule within his own family.

He'd watch as other children eagerly sought their parents' permission to begin their cultivation journeys, sparking jealousy, resentment, and even hatred towards everyone, including his own parents.

But those emotions had been buried deep within his soul.

What difference could anger possibly make?

He had clawed his way out of the depths of despair, enduring countless hardships along the way.

Both friends and foes had belittled and mocked him, but he had always persevered, relentlessly climbing towards the pinnacle.

And amid all of that, he had discovered the love of his life, to whom he had devoted himself.

He vaguely recalled the last words Yao Yao had spoken to him before becoming his Divine Bone, as well as the last time he had seen her.

"Zhou Yuan," her soft and alluring voice had filled their cave dwelling as she lovingly caressed his cheek, her words tinged with sadness.

"Yao Yao has no other wish but for your future to be filled with peace and happiness."

Her final words had been laced with sorrow but had also conveyed her love, passion, adoration, and affection for him.

She had always been his protector, providing assistance and shielding him in times of danger.

It suddenly struck him – he had never truly shown his masculine side to Yao Yao.

As he contemplated these thoughts, he couldn't help but laugh, despite the impending threat of death.

"I must be losing my mind from grief," he mused.

The oncoming attack from the Saint God couldn't be stopped in his current condition.

"Yao Yao has no other wish but for your future to be filled with peace and happiness," her words continued to echo in his mind, intensifying his regret.

A burning anger welled up within him.

His anger for the Saint Race.

His anger for the Saint God.

His anger for Fate.

And most of all, his anger towards himself.

"Yao Yao has no other wish but for your future to be filled with peace and happiness," he ground his teeth in fury as he faced the incoming attack from the Saint God.


A cataclysmic explosion erupted, obliterating mountains and rivers.

The Genesis Qi of Shengling Heaven lay in turmoil as the Chaotic Yin Yang Sea devoured every trace of the realm.

It didn't take long for Shengling Heaven to be reduced to nothing more than drifting debris, cosmic dust, and colossal wreckage.

In the aftermath, the once-tangible explosion didn't dissipate but hung suspended in space, frozen in place by some mysterious force.

The Saint God beheld the destruction with a sinister grin.

"It's a shame I couldn't make the first mortal turned god my servant, but such is life."

The Saint God turned, his gaze fixed upon the Five Lower Heavens, his eyes taking on a crimson hue as his voice darkened.

"Now, let the annihilation of all the Heavens begin."



A swirling light emerged from the depths of the world.

It wiggled and writhed before shooting upwards toward the surface.

As it ascended, it transformed, gaining a tail, a body, and two clawed arms adorned with resilient golden scales.

Finally, it acquired the majestic head of a dragon.

The golden dragon grew larger and larger until it halted, its size resembling that of a small mountain.

The dragon emerged and observed the devastation wrought upon the Nine Heavens, the last remaining Will of the Ancestral Dragon.

It soared over the destruction, searching for something.

All it found was death and desolation.

The Saint Race mercilessly slaughtered and consumed the inhabitants of the Five Heavens, young and old alike.

They were spared no mercy.

While the Omega Shrine Saint Experts attempted to resist, they were swiftly overwhelmed by the Saint God's overwhelming power, meeting the same grisly fate.

Humans were used as ingredients for pills, while Genesis Beasts faced the same cruel destiny.

To escape the brutality, many chose to end their own lives, denying the Saint Race the satisfaction of their deaths.

It was hell on Earth.

The Ancestral Dragon didn't appear to care, continuing its search throughout all the Heavens.

It searched everywhere, eventually arriving at Shengling Heaven, which had now been reduced to floating debris and cosmic dust.

As it observed the wreckage, something caught its attention.

It veered towards the center, where it found a lifeless body.

The body was mutilated, torn apart, and bereft of any signs of life.

And, most crucially, the soul was utterly destroyed, scattered across space beyond repair.

It was the lifeless form of Zhou Yuan.

The Ancestral Dragon's Will arrived and circled the lifeless body as it scrutinized the scene.

Then, with a look of disappointment, it stopped.

The Will closed its eyes, deep in thought.

The salvation of the Five Heavens lay dead.

It had failed its own creation, and destruction was inevitable.

Alone in the void, the Ancestral Dragon's Will gradually weakened.

In an instant, it detected a malevolent presence.

A seething hatred.

The dragon's eyes snapped open, its gaze falling upon the mangled corpse with interest.

There were signs of life.

The dragon examined the body closely and discovered traces of vitality.

Though weak, it held the potential for tremendous growth.

Reluctantly, it considered that this might be the sole salvation for the Five Heavens.

The Ancestral Dragon's Will made a choice.

It sealed the surrounding space, concealing its presence from the Saint God.

The dragon's mouth opened, releasing a golden liquid imbued with an enigmatic power.

This golden substance descended upon the lifeless corpse.

Upon contact, the corpse became enveloped in a radiant golden light.

The once withered and battered body started to regenerate, from its feet to its head, as if erasing the damage that had befallen it.

The formerly dull skin now radiated with a brilliant luster.

It was a complete transformation of the body, a miraculous reformation.

Though the golden light lingered, it could not breathe life back into the deceased.

The body remained devoid of a soul or any vitality, only the poison endured.

In the final step, the Ancestral Dragon gently parted its jaws, uttering a mysterious incantation.

Strange symbols and ancient characters materialized on the body's surface.

While they held no immediate power, their significance was truly astonishing.

Every aspect of the process was now concluded.

With an earth-shaking roar that shattered the seal, its reverberations echoed through the heavens.

The entire world suddenly turned white.