
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
76 Chs

CH 0.2 & 0.3: Omniverse & the True Wish

(CH 0.2: Omniverse and the Omniversal Beings)


"Sniff... thanks, I'm fine now." After letting out the tears inside for a while, the young boy finally calmed down. Although he was sad, many times more because of the choice he had decided to make, he knew that it was definitely the right thing to do for himself. If he hadn't, he knew for sure that the guilt would eat away at him forever. He wasn't one to forget about emotions, and he was sure that his family and close ones mourning his death without knowing about his lucky situation would be sickeningly sad for them.

So, although very sad and rather regretful, he was still happy that they wouldn't be sad because of him. He didn't care about being sad or angry himself. He'd just take it out on someone else to make himself feel better.

"I'm sorry about that." Having calmed down mostly, he grew a bit embarrassed for crying his eyes out in front of a complete stranger. But Crow simply shook his head lightly, a small and gentle smile on his face :"It's alright, don't worry about it. Although I don't care much about the Multiverses and the being inside of them, I still wouldn't be cold and emotionless if I met one in person. Especially not if he or she hasn't said something to annoy me."

"Hm, thanks." He was still a bit embarrassed, but Crow's words still managed to calm him down somewhat. Letting out a light chuckle, he looked up at the huge bird :"You know, I wouldn't have expected you, an almighty and omnipotent being, to actually be caring to me, a mere mortal. A dead one at that. In fact, I would've expected you to be all arrogant and be an asshole. And I really wouldn't be able to blame you, since I wouldn't really care about the feelings of a bug. And I'm not even a bug in front of you."

Crow, chuckling and shaking head in amusement :"Now that's not true. Sure, what you said is true about your standing in front of a being like me. But I wouldn't treat you or any other being like that. After all, even if I'm not your parent, or the creator of the Multiverse you belong to, I and every other Ascended Omniversal Being see you all as our own offsprings. After all, without us, none of you would exist. So what are we beside your parents? That's why, if you didn't do something to anger or annoy us, if we see you face to face, we wouldn't hesitate in showing each and every one of you in love and care."

Ali, feeling slightly embarrassed and shy :"Oh... I see... didn't really expect you to think that way either."

Crow, chuckling :"Hahaha, it's alright. I guess it's to be expected though."

Not liking an awkward silence, along with being too curious and having many questions, Ali hummed to himself before speaking :"Hey, before granting my wishes and sending me off, can I ask some questions? It's not everyday that I meet an almighty being, and I'm really curious about a few things."

Crow, nodding gently :"Go ahead. Ask whatever you want."

Ali :"Alright, so I'm gonna ask this first since I know I'll forget it in a second or two if I don't do it now. You're a lot more expressionate than I'd expect from an omnipotent being. Most people would expect beings like you to be stone cold and without emotions. Since, to be fair, emotions can be considered weaknesses by cringe people."

Crow :"Not true at all. Where do you think your emotions come from? Although we didn't create you humans or any other beings by hand, and you just evolved into existence, just like how every other race had been born, we still did plan it out. Think of it as an automatic equation with you being the answer, the final step. Anyway, for you to have something, we must know of it first to put it there, no? So emotions didn't just pop out of nowhere, and aren't just for humans. We had them first, and the Omniverse had them even before us. Emotions aren't weaknesses, they're what makes life enjoyable."

Ali :"Ooh, I see. Wait... so does that mean humans did evolve from monkeys? Not some sort of religious bullshit, right?"

Crow :"Hell yeah. Do you have any idea how stupid all that religious bullshit sounds once you start putting aside the magical tone to it and start picking up the very, extremely obvious flaws? I won't bother with it unless you ask, but for example, how does god make a human out of nowhere, and then equally suddenly send him and his oh so coincidentally existing wife down to earth?

First off, that completely obliterates the whole "merciful and forgiving" point about god. And don't give me that nonsense about eating the fruit that changed them. What kind of a disappointing omnipotent being can't change that, or just reverse time to when they hadn't eaten it? Second of all, it makes him look like a complete prick since he decided to cast away Lucifer, technically another child and the one who has served him for time longer than you can comprehend, just because he didn't want to kneel and worship a mortal. That whole bullshit is to make humans look like some big shits. Also, do you ever wonder how oh so coincidentally there aren't any other intelligent races other than humans there?

Third of all, the part afterwards makes even less sense. Adam and Eve have children, sure. But news flash, there aren't any other humans around for their kids to have sex and have children with. So what results does that end to? Alabama, that's what. Fourth of all, what about the entire future and knowledge? It's like all of Adam's knowledge went off the roof and then the entire human race turned into barbarians for thousands of years. You would expect him to teach them shit, huh?

There are a lot more plot holes in these stories created to manipulate people, but it's not worth it to discuss it since I find talking about idiotic things annoying. Let's move on to the next question. Ask."

Ali :"Hm. Alright, can you please explain to me this whole Omniverse and Omniversal Beings thing?."

Crow :"Yeah, sure. It's only to be expected that you're curious about it. Well, alright, I'll explain. But to do that, we'll need to go back to the beginning. To the beginning of it all. The beginning that created everything, and led to creation itself. To the past. A past so long ago that is long even for me. And that's something, since I've already told you about my perception of time.

You see, at first, there was nothing. Absolute nothingness. And by that, I mean literally nothing. Not a void, not even nothingness, not blank, no nothing. I mean, as in even the word empty couldn't be used to describe it, because nothing was there.

Yet at the same time, that nothingness, that emptiness, was everything as well. Don't misunderstand, it wasn't like some sort of dumb xianxia story of there being higher realms and bullshit to prolong the story, such as Martial Peak of your past life which had gone for 3,500 fucking chapters because of that. No, that nothingness was the highest realm, lowest realm, and everything in between. There was nothing beyond, nor beside it.

It was everything, yet nothing.

However, that same nothingness, after who-knows-how-long, gained its own consciousness. Since it was nothing, it would rather be everything instead. But even after that, it still wasn't enough.

Although it was everything, and didn't have anything equal to it because of being everything, it felt lonely. The saddening emptiness, and extreme loneliness of being a single being without anything else being there, made it feel extremely lonely. So, it decided that if there wasn't anything, it would just make them.

And so, the first Omniversal Being was born. It didn't take much effort for it to happen either. Not something you'd expect since it was the creation of an omnipotent being only below the Omniverse. However, that's what omnipotent means. All it took was for the emptiness to wish it, think it, imagine it, and it became true.

Happy and delighted for no longer being lonely, it began to create more children for itself. But wanting to experience more fun, and wanting to share the same feeling with its children, it chose to give the task of creating life to its children, and would reward them for succeeding.

The children, experiencing the fun their parent wanted them to experience, decided to make it even more fun. So inside of a single life that was always weaker than them, because of the limitation of not being able to create something equal to themselves, which only the emptiness could do, they decided to put quantity over quality. And so, it turned into creating races, then planets, then leading all the way to creating universes and Multiverses."

Ali :"Oooh, I see! Thanks for explaining, it makes sense, I guess. But, I kinda knew that already, and I feel like you knew that I knew about it. I just wanted to clarify if it was anything different than what I knew. But there isn't anything different. So, uhh... isn't this the Hand Theory mentioned in the DC comics...?"

Crow, chuckling :"It is. *Smiling in amusement* But do you know how this knowledge ended up in someone's hand? Sure, imagination is a very powerful weapon, but the chances of it being wrong or off are high. So how come it matches so well with what I told you? Well, that's because we, the Omniversal Beings, thought it would be fun to put this knowledge in some people's minds. If they believed it, good, but nothing changes. If they didn't believe it, once again, nothing changes.

And to assure you, no, not me, you, the Omniverse or any of the Omniversal Beings are fictional characters. It's kind of complicated before I explain something else. But I'll give you a little rundown of things so you won't get nervous. How many universes and Multiverses are there? Infinite. In every Multiverse, there is an infinite amount of universes, and their numbers grow infinitely more with each second for reasons that I'll tell you about. How many Multiverses are there? As I've said, infinite as well.

Each second, either an already existing Omniversal Being creates a new Multiverse, or the Omniverse creates a new one to start making its own Multiverses. So basically, both universes and Multiverses are growing infinitely larger by every second.

Now, why did I tell you? Simple, in this infinite existence, if you think, it exists. If you imagine it, it's somewhere either in your universe, Multiverse, or another Multiverse. So basically, the same writers, animation creators and movie directors that are writing this book, your story, are actually characters of the book of another Multiverse. That's what infinite means. There is no impossible unless the Omniverse or an Omniversal Being steps in.

And it isn't just one universe who is writing your story either. Among the infinite number of beings, there is obviously an unending number of beings who tell yours or another being's tales. Basically, you aren't a character in a book, nor is there a writer for your book. If that was the case, all of you, including all the "writers", would be "characters" in a book, while the Omniverse and the Omniversal Beings are the "writers". While you are the characters, we're the readers and the watchers.

So, yeah, don't get an existential crisis over it. Like, right now, an infinite number of writers and spectators are watching your "story" unfold. As I said a while ago, it will make a lot more sense once I explain something else. So stick around for the next chapter or episode folks, Ali's lore is gonna take an interesting turn."


(CH 0.3: The Creation of Universes & the WISH)


"Geez, you're going to make me nervous if you make me notice some other beings are just watching me." Ali tightened his lips, while Crow smirked teasingly :"Not some, but an infinite number of beings. Remember, an infinite number of writers and creators are making recording your story, so what about their readers, watchers and whatnot?"

"Thanks, you just helped so much..." He replied sarcastically, making him chuckle :"You're welcome. But don't worry, you'll learn to ignore them real quick. After all, haven't you lived your entire life thinking that one or multiple almighty and Omnipresent beings were watching you and everybody else all the time?"

"True." He shrugged, before smiling :"So can I continue asking questions?" Crow nodded :"Ask until you're satisfied." Nodding, Ali thought for a moment :"Oh, you said you'll tell me about universes growing infinitely and all. Can you explain now?"

Crow :"Sure. Tell me, how do you think a universe is created, and how the number of universes in a Multiverse continuous to grow with every passing second?"

Ali, joking :"Uhh... I don't know, is it automatic or something?"

Crow :"Exactly."

Ali :"... What?"

Crow :"The process of a new universe being created is an automatic feature of every Multiverse. and it's like this, if there's multiple possible outcomes, a new universe will be created for each of those other outcomes. Let me put it as simply as possible. Imagine you're still a normal living human, now raise your hand."

"Uh... okay..." He raised his glowing hand, and Crow made a snapping sound with his feathers :"There, an infinite number of universes was just created." Confusing the teenager :"... Care to explain?"

Crow :"Let me ask you something, what other ways could you raise your hand? You could raise it slowly lower. You could raise it even higher than you did. You could raise it slightly to the right. You could raise it one millimeter to the left. You could have just not raised it and asked me why I told you to raise your hand. You could have just joked around and raised it behind instead. You could have raised it to the right instead of raising it straight up. Since you're just a normal human, you could have suddenly had a heart attack and died. You could have chocked on your own spit and died.

See? There were an infinite number of possible outcomes for just that mere action. And for everything that could have happened instead of you raising your hand like you did, a new universe was created where what didn't happen for you happened there.

Everything before that was exactly the same, but it grew different from that point. And this happens to everybody and everything, even animals and random objects. So when I say "growing by an infinite amount every second", you can imagine what I mean."

Ali :"Oooh, I get it now... wait, what if I had the sudden urge to strangle someone death...?"

Crow :"Well, I think you can imagine what happened in that new universe with the knowledge I just gave you..."

Ali :"Ah, fuck... so even the thoughts and urges to do something that I refused to do became reality in a new universe...?"

Crow :"Unfortunately, yup."

Ali :"That's not good news. That's not good news at all..."

Crow :"Yup. And imagine what happened to everybody who had the sudden urge to shit their pants but managed to prevent that. Especially in public."

Ali, covering his eyes :"Oh, my fucking god, you're just making it worse..."

Crow :"Yeah, and it's not just one universe either. After all, in one universe, they could have stopped halfway, in another one they shat one milliliter less, in another one they made such a mess the entire street was locked up, the options go forever."

Ali :"What do you mean "options", those are just nightmares! Can we please move on, you're about to traumatize me more than my own fucking death did..."

Crow, patting his back :"Don't worry, you're safe, you've got nothing to worry about. At least no longer."

Ali :"I don't?"

Crow :"Nope. Singularity, remember?"

Ali, relieved beyond imagination :"Oh, my lord, you have no idea how happy I am to have made that wish, bro."

Crow :"No, I can. Omniversal, remember?"

Ali :"You know what I mean."

Crow, chuckling :"Yeah, I know, I'm just messing with you. By the way, about your wishes. I actually have an idea that I think you'll like."

Ali :"You do?"

Crow :"Hm. So we were going to go with me keeping your main soul and sending pieces of it across the Omniverse, right? But how about instead of staying with me, your main soul has its own space in the Omniverse?"

Ali, slowly smiling :"I don't get it with you being cryptic, but I feel like I'm going to like the idea... continue..."

Crow, smirking :"I'm saying, how about I turn your main soul into a Multiverse of itself?"

"Whoaaa whoa whoa, hold on, homeboy! What?!" He exclaimed, but his smile showed his true feeling :"You want to WHAT?!" Causing Crow to chuckle :"What, you don't like the idea?" His mouth went agape, speechless :"I LOVE it! That's the sickest thing ever! But why the sudden idea though?"

Crow :"I just thought that instead of just experiencing the different Multiverses, since you're already going to get all kinds of powers in each one to begin with, why don't we turn your main soul into a Multiverse where it can copy the powers of other Multiverses and grow by it. Like a Parasitic Multiverse.

You're already planning to go to places like the Marvel and DC Multiverse and such, so why don't you copy their powers and make yourself even stronger than all of them? After all, there are many, many powers in the Omniverse. As long as you grow strong enough in the Omniversal scale, you can even surpass them."

Ali, smiling :"After all, that's how parasites are..."

Crow :"Exactly. So? What do you think? Wanna do it?"

Ali's glowing lips turned into an excited, wild and violent smile :"Do you even need to ask?" And so, the Parasitic Multiverse, the Majestic Multiverse, was born. And along with it, millions upon billions and trillions of little weak parasites that would gnaw away at other Multiverses to grow stronger and stronger, until the powers they brought back to the Source let them surpass what they had parasitized.