
Yu-Gi-Oh DM: Re-Duel! (Dropped)

A man is forcefully taken out of his reality by an unknown entity. Follow his story as he tries everything in his power to return home, to be with his loved ones. A/N: Read at your own risk. I recommend checking the tags below beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings. Disclaimer: I have no intention of profiting from this work, it is just a fanfiction that I write to practice my writing and want to share with like-minded individuals. Consequently, updates will be made at my discretion. [The distribution rights for Yu-Gi-Oh belong solely to Konami Digital Entertainment].

Azazel_0919 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

Scene 19.

"Hirutani I."








[Domino City, Japan. Friday. 12/21/1990. Noon. Rintama High School, Cafeteria].

"Are you the boy called Nezumi, right? Hum." I heard a voice not far from me, a male voice, a dry and really eerie voice that I recognized immediately.

'Kurai.' I squinted with bad vibes.

Not long after, my eyes and those of my subordinates found the source of that voice.

"Well, if it isn't Kurai, the little orphan? Hum. What business do you have with Nezumi?" I questioned, pretending to downplay his presence.

Kurai grimaced at my tasteless joke, but I ignored him. I was more curious about another matter in specific.

My eyes quickly traveled to the little rat-faced Nezumi, and he immediately noticed it.

"Uh, this? Boss, this isn't..." Nezumi averted his gaze, trying to justify himself.

But I raised my hand to stop his stuttering explanations. We would talk about it later. Mostly when there were fewer eyes and ears present.

My subordinates grabbed Nezumi by the shoulders to prevent him from trying to escape. "Wait there quietly," I ordered.

Nezumi obeyed, reluctantly.

On the other hand, the kid looked nervous, and rightfully so. He must have been very aware that having contact with the enemy was treachery, and treachery within the gang was paid for especially dearly.

However, it was at that particular moment that Kurai deemed it suitable to resume his mission, whatever it was, once again.

And he did so by returning the offense, no less. "This isn't your business, fourth-rate thug. Stay out of it, got it? Oh, look? Have you already recovered your arm?" Kurai suddenly smiled in my direction, his eyes ran over my body until finally settling on my right arm.

All eyes from my subordinates turned to me. Kurai's words were unmistakably a provocation. Anger immediately burned in my blood, but I quickly managed to calm it down. It wasn't wise to show weakness in front of my subordinates or worse, in front of the enemy. You never knew which cunning bastard would go for my throat at any hint of vulnerability.

A shiver ran down my spine abruptly. My hand involuntarily went to my elbow. It was still broken; I had just taken off the cast too early to appear strong to others.

A phantom reflex made me tremble. My mind went back specifically to that day two weeks ago. The day when a single guy had completely wrecked us even though we had set a trap for him. I would never forget that day for the rest of my life. I would never be able to forget that kick, or the sound of my bones breaking, or the throb in my arm. It had been horrible. I started sweating profusely. Kurai was a really terrifying guy, not only in fighting but also with his words. However, I couldn't afford to lose face in front of my subordinates either, that was out of the question. I was the boss, after all; I demanded a minimum of respect.

"Oh?" Suddenly an idea crossed my mind, and I decided to put it into practice without a second thought.

Since I couldn't start a fight I'd practically lose, I wisely decided that it would be more prudent to apply some pressure and then extend an olive branch. "Ahem! Yes, yes, it's much better now. Hum. On the other hand, you're mistaken about this not being my business. Nezumi is part of my gang, so, heh, you see, it is my problem. So, what are you going to do about it now, Kurai? Because it seems I'm the one with the best cards on the table."

Kurai was cornered, and the crafty guy noticed it pretty quickly. I didn't know what had made him act so hastily, but in the end, that was good for me. Although I hoped it wasn't because he considered me stupid. I clenched my teeth angrily as I understood that such a development was the most likely.

In contrast, my subordinates' support quickly arrived in the form of whistles and applause; their actions lifted my mood a bit. "That's the way, boss!"

"Yes, you have no place here, Kurai," added another.

"Go away! You idiot!" Insults continued.

Kurai's expression darkened quite soon. Unfortunately for him, he had no way to defend himself; the truth of the problem was still on my side and unchangeable. I had the power in this negotiation.

A wide smile painted my lips as I was fully aware of it. It was the perfect moment to extend the olive branch.

My eyes turned to Nezumi, just to confirm his stance on the matter at hand. The coward, as usual, had already joined the rest of my subordinates in insulting Kurai. 'Perfect.' With that variable out of the equation, everything was ready to put my little plan into practice.

I just needed to wait for the insults and humiliation to pile up a bit more. 'Oh, yes.' I had to vent even just a little during this fortunate occasion. Pressuring someone stronger felt really good. "Hahaha!" Laughter involuntarily escaped my lips.

Kurai clenched his fists in anger, a powerless fury. Everything he had been yearning for during two long and torturous weeks was right in front of my eyes today.

The question he had been waiting for so long didn't take much to come. "Urgh! What the hell do you want from me, bastard?"

It was music to my ears.







To be continued...