
Chapter 31: Power of the Orichalcos.

[Turn 10 - Bronk LP:1150 Hand:2, Yuma LP:2000 Hand:1]


Bronk looked at the card he drew and smirked. He had finally drawn it. Yuma might have managed to turn his Metrohold into an ugly wall last turn but he knew that the power of the Orichalcos was unstoppable.

Nothing could stop it! Not Astral who had already been taken care of by the power of the Seal and lay helplessly at the side, surrounded by Cathey, Flip, Tori and Caswell as if they had any power to protect him. Not the Numbers and Utopia that Yuma so foolishly relied on in the face of his imminent defeat. Not even Drake and his Blue-Eyes would stand in the way of the almighty power New Order.

It was a manic belief, a zealot's faith. Yet it did not prevent the memories from bubbling up in his mind. Drakes power as he fought against the Orichalcos beasts, the times Yuma overcame impossible odds to win hopeless duels. Times they had shared together.

No! Joining New Order was the right choice, he regretted nothing, NOTHING! And this card would prove it!

"I activate <Orichalcos Sigil Exousía>!"

A new burning power filled Bronk with the appearance of this new magic card. Beneath his feet appeared a expanding ring of runes, so very similar to the Seal of Orichalcos that two of them were duelling in. But this ring only encircled Bronk's side of the field and the image within the ring was dominated by a single flowing runic character rather than the Seals unicursal hexagram design.

"So long as I have this spell card, once during my turn I have the power to attach a monster in my hand to a Xyz monster I control as an Overlay unit so long as its level matches my Xyz monsters rank. So I attach <Red Gadget> to Metrohold, raising its attack by 1000."

Proteus the Gold General almost felt pleased as he watched from above, the Sigil was a new type of card, one of several, developed by New Order to allow the lower ranks to tap into even greater powers of the Orichalcos. This could be considered the cards first proper field test outside the laboratory and he had high hopes.

[Metrohold the Moving City – ATK:1500 > 2500 OU:1 > 2]

"I set a facedown and end my turn." Said Bronk fiercely, the added power of the Sigil had almost turned his eyes completely crimson as if he was possessed.

[Turn 11 - Yuma LP:2000 Hand:1, Bronk LP:1150 Hand:0]

"I Draw! Then I switch Gagaga Cowboy into defence mode."

Come on Astral, Yuma thought. I could really need some of your nosy advice right about now.

"If you think the Original Number will be able to help you any time soon, I am afraid you will be disappointed." Proteus said as he observed the glances Yuma kept throwing towards Astral.

"What do you mean?" Yuma asked.

"Without the protection of a material body the power of the Seal has infiltrated his very being, and like how the Seal traps you within its boundaries, its power has completely trapped his mind within himself. Helpless to help even himself, let alone you."

Yuma grimaced when hearing about what was happening to his friend. But that Shining draw he pulled earlier had given him an idea on how to once more turn the duel around.

"Since Gagaga Cowboy is in defence mode I can use one Overlay unit to deal 800 damage to you directly."

*Bang bang bang!*

Shots blasted out from Yuma's monster causing Bronk to stumble backwards.

[Gagaga Cowboy – OU 1 > 0 – Bronk LP > 350]

"I end my turn."

[Turn 12 - Bronk LP:350 Hand:0, Yuma LP:2000 Hand:2]

"Draw, I play <Xyz Treasure> so since there are three Xyz monsters on the field I can draw three cards."

Veins were standing up on his forehead as the Seal and the Sigil continued to fill Bronk with their powers, his lips pulled back like a snarl.

"Using the effect of my Orichalcos Sigil, I add a Gold Gadget to Metrohold as an Overlay unit."

[Metrohold the Moving City – ATK:2500 > 3500 OU:2 > 3]

"Then I summon <Ancient Gear Gadget> to the back row of the field. When this card is summoned I declare a card type, then for this turn when I monster I control attacks you can't use the chosen card type effects until the end of the damage step. I choose monster cards."

[Ancient Gear Gadget – Lv4 ATK:500 > 1000/DEF:2000]

With this Bronk didn't have to worry about Utopia's ability.

"Metrohold, attack Utopia with Titan Strike!"

As a Number Utopia couldn't be destroyed but damage would still be felt. With a underhand swing Metroholds giant hammer smashed Utopia flying high up through the air before it could stabilise itself, and a shockwave smashed into Yuma.

[MMC ATK:3500 > N39 ATK:2500 – Yuma LP > 1000]


"I end my turn."

[Turn 13 - Yuma LP:1000 Hand:2, Bronk LP:350 Hand:1]

"This is the chance I was waiting for! I draw! Now Go Shining Xyz Evolution! With Utopia I now rebuild the Overlay Network, to Xyz summon Shining Number 39: Utopia Prime!"

[Number S39: Utopia Prime – Rank 4 ATK:2510/DEF:2000 OU:2]

Flying into the sky, Utopia shot up into a golden vortex above the field before descending once more in its evolved form. Lit by its holy light it floated down while small streaks of yellow lightning began to dance along the surface of the Seals boundary.

"So what! I know you don't have enough Overlay Units to activate its ability!" Bronk grunted, the light of Yuma's Number was painful to him as it seemed to cut through the power of the Orichalcos that filled his body and mind.

"But I soon will, I use the effect of Xyz Agent in my grave to attach it to my Utopia as an Overlay Unit."

A shining star left Yuma's grave to join the two Overlay units already orbiting his Number.

[Number S39: Utopia Prime – OU:2 > 3]

"Then I will use Utopia Primes special ability! By using three Overlay units I can destroy all your special summoned monsters and banish them by reducing my life points to 10, so go Shining Purge! And destroy Metrohold!"

Shining like a new sun Utopia Prime absorbed its three Overlay units into its wings and blasted out concentrated beams of light towards Bronk's monster like lasers.

[Number S39: Utopia Prime – OU:3 > 0 - Yuma LP > 10]

"I activate Metroholds ability, if it would be destroyed, I can detach an Overlay unit to prevent it." Bronk said through gritted teeth, he felt like his head was on fire. That light was so bright, but… also warm. It invoked images, memories, of different times, of better times. Before New Order.

[Metrohold the Moving City –ATK:3500 > 2500/DEF:3000 OU:3 > 2]

"What?!" Yuma was frantic, if Metrohold could prevent its destruction using its Overlay units and that Sigil can continually add Overlay units… what could he do?

But looking across at Bronk face that was now shifting between anger, pain and… confusion? Maybe he was finally getting through to him! In which case he had to keep going!

"I attack Metrohold with Utopia! Rising Sun Prime Slash!"

[SN39 ATK:2510 > MMC ATK:2500 – Bronk LP > 340]

"I activate Metrohold's ability again!" Bronk croaked out as he held a hand to his head.

[Metrohold the Moving City – ATK:2500 > 1500 OU:2 > 1]

"I end my turn."


In New Order Headquarters.

"It looks like your pawn is having trouble remembering his place Silver." Came the calm, cold voice of the Orichalcos King. Only those that knew him would be able to detect the hidden undercurrent of threat.

"Your Majesty please, I am sure that everything will be fine. I know I only had a few days with him but you know that with my techniques and Tempests magic's we have never failed before. He will…!!!"

"I will assign punishment later, but first…" The Orichalcos king took a pale jade orb from his pocket and held it up high. Soon it began to pulse with eerie light.


[Turn 13 - Bronk LP:1140 Hand:1, Yuma LP:10 Hand:3]

"I…I… draw... Arrgghh!"

"Bronk you have got to stop this! Please!" Yuma cried.

Bronk felt like his mind had turned against itself. Conflicting feelings, thoughts and desires were battling it inside his head. Obey, defy. Save, destroy. Selfish power, Selfless friendship. As the light of Yuma's Shining Number illuminated the field something finally broke inside of him.

Bronk fell to his knees.

"Yu..ma.. what's… what… am… I…?

"Bronk! It that you! Listen we have to find a way to stop this duel or one of us will lose our souls!"

"Impossible! So much for your fool proof plan Silver." Cursed Proteus as he watched their puppet begin to cut his own strings. If this failed then he would be forced to take action himself, they could not afford to losses the Original Number after so much effort.

Tears began to flow as Bronk remembered what had happened, what he had done and what he had almost done. The guilt was crushing. All along Yuma had been trying to save him, but right now he didn't feel like he deserved to be saved. It would solve all his problems if he just… surrendered the duel.

His hand slowly moved to his duel disk to conceded.

"No Bronk don't do it!" Yuma yell as he realised what his friend was about to do.

"Not so fast slave." A creepy, disembodied voice suddenly said.

The runic ring of the Seal began to glow brighter and start to spin as the circle of the Sigil suddenly contracted around Bronk, crushing him with its energy.

"Aaarrrgghhh!!!" Bronk scream before suddenly falling silent. His head slumped forwards concealing his face from view.

"Bronk! What happened! Say something!"

Yuma was shocked as Bronk lifted his head, his eyes were pure white, his face slack and empty of any presence. The ring of the Sigil had disappeared instead replaced by its glowing rune on Bronks chest.

"Shall we continue." Came the same creepy voice from before, but this time it was come from Bronks mouth.

"Eh?! What going on?!" Yuma asked in confusion.

"You should be honoured boy, not many have the chance to fall at my hands. Even indirectly like this."

"Who are you? what have you done to Bronk?" Whoever this was speaking, Yuma knew it wasn't his friend.

"I am the Master of New Order, Lord of the Seal, the Chosen Ruler. The Orichalcos King. And as for your friend, I have merely trapped his mind forever within a prison of his own guilt and self-loathing. A fitting punishment for those who fail and betray me."


With the jerky movements of a puppet Bronk got to his feet again to continue the duel under the control of the Orichalcos King

"Now I will finish this duel. I attack your Utopia Prime with Metrohold! And from my hand I activate the quick spell <Limiter Remover>! This doubles the attack of all machine monsters I control."

[Metrohold the Moving City – ATK:1500 > 3000, Ancient Gear Gadget – ATK:1000 > 2000, Green Gadget – ATK:1900 > 3800]

Yuma slumped to his knees, he had been so close. But now there was nothing he could do. Metrohold lifted its hammer up high and brought it crashing down on Yuma and Utopia.


[MMC ATK:3000 > SN39 ATK:2510 - Yuma LP > 0]


"Sorry Astral…" Yuma whispered as the Seal began to close in around him, at least his friend still had his soul. Yuma was sure Drake would be able to help him no matter what this Orichalcos King had done. And Yuma had faith that Drake would someday be able to free him as well.

"Yuma!", "This can't be happening." "No!" Cried out his friends.

"Yuma…" came the weak cry of Astral, who had finally awoken thanks to the power earlier released from Utopia Prime. Just in time to watch the most ghastly of sights. The sight of the Seal of Orichalcos claiming its prize.

The light of the Seal faded away, withdrawn into the card on Bronk's duel disk. Under the control of the Orichalcos King, Bronk moved over to the soulless body and ripped the golden key from around Yuma's neck.

"A pity. General Gold, take these and complete your objective." The Orichalcos King said as he tossed the Key and the Seal card to the waiting Proteus. The image of Yuma imprinted within its frame.

Why? Why did some Seal cards transfer a soul to the place of Offering and some sealed the soul within themselves? This was a question that had puzzled Drake, but those of New Order knew the reason. It was because the Seal of Orichalcos that they produced was imperfect.

Unlike ordinary cards that could be simply printed off a machine, the Seal of Orichalcos was a mystical card that could only be created through ancient Alchemy. A rare skill in this modern, technological world and it came with a high failure rate. But even when successful there was a difference in quality between each card created.

Basically a low quality Seal was incapable of creating what New Order called the bridge of Souls, which was what allowed the higher grade Seals to directly transmit captured souls to a given location. Meaning these low quality cards could only hold the souls within themselves for later extraction.

But the quality of a Seal could not be determined beforehand, only by actual use. And even if one only used Seals that had previously been proven as high quality it was no guaranty. Because as a imperfect Seal was used in a duel it would suffer degradation. Meaning even a high quality card could become a low quality card over the course of a duel, like here. And a low quality card would eventually crumble into dust.

Although the Seals placed in Bronks deck had been high quality at one point, not only had the Seal Bronk played been worn down by the duel itself, but it had also had to deal with the stress of supporting the new Sigil card, the forced piercing when Yuma was able to recover Utopia and the conflicting energy released by Yuma's Shining Number. It was unsurprising that even such a carefully selected card had become low grade trash.

Only a perfect Seal card would be immune to such a fate. But New Order was simply too new and inexperienced to produce a perfect Seal at this time. So it fell to Proteus as the operative on scene to recover Yuma's soul, the golden key and the Original Number for New Order.

As the Orichalcos king withdrew his control Bronk fell listlessly to the floor and Proteus ordered his drones to surround the helpless Astral as he had another previously hidden subordinate go down and retrieve the valuable New Order deck from Bronk. Deploying a special energy field, the drones trapped and then dragged Astral's form over to Proteus's side without resistance. Even Yuma friends were frozen in shock and despair at what had happened.

Turning his back to the unimportant kids, Proteus activated his backpack which converted into a winged jetpack, and prepared to return to New Order. His work was now done. With the roar of an engine the two New Order members took off into the skies, swiftly gaining altitude only for Proteus to suddenly stop and twist out of the way as a sharp sword cut through the air where he had been a but moment ago.

Turning Proteus was shocked to see a human flying in the air with leathery wings, staring at him, with a sword in hand and murder in his eyes.

"If you two think you are going anywhere, it had better be to the Grave!" Drake snarled in overwhelming fury.

So we are nearing the end of volume 1, just one more climatic duel to go, I hope you have enjoyed my story so far. Introduced in this chapter is the first of a small series of Original cards, the Orichalcos Sigils.

Lee5463creators' thoughts