
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Level Up

A young soul, recently passed, finds himself being saved from the void by circumstance, before being thrust into a new world, one he had only seen in his childhood on a Television screen. Placed into a younger body how will he handle his new life, in a world where everything revolves around a card game, and everything can rest on drawing the right card.

PsyChotiX556 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

-.-.-Chapter 4-.-.-

It was an hour later that Jin relaxed back in the desk chair and nodded, "yeah, that deck should do it, it's not the best deck but with what's available currently and the ban list it's the best I'm going to have to work with for now."

"Oh wow, you put that together quickly," Dark Magician Girl said as she looked over the list in shock, "You really know what you're doing."

Jin nodded, "I should, back when I was still actively playing making and testing out decks a hobby of mine, though I preferred to play on console rather than with actual cards" he mused as he took one last look over his list.

It wasn't the most OP deck, but it was something, and considering all that was available at this time, what with there being no Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, and Link Monsters in this world, he would have to make do with this for now until he could get into Duel Academy and start earning to really start looking for cards then.

What had surprised him was the cards that were available, there were cards that shouldn't have come out for years, in his search for spellcaster type monsters he'd noted a number of cards that he knew shouldn't have been out at this time, but then it clicked with him. DOSD, the movie that had come out years after, he'd heard about people debating if it was actually canon or not.

'Guess in this world it is, that could make things interesting,' Jin mused to himself, 'Wonder how that could affect canon?'

"And how are you going to get the cards, some of them are pretty rare according to the website you looked them up on" Dark Magician Girl said as she pointed out a few of the more powerful cards on his list.

"Well I could do it the way most do, either buy card packs and hope to get lucky, or search on this worlds version of EBay and buy the cards singularly that I'd need, but from what I saw when I checked while making the list, that can get pricey, especially for the rarer cards" he mused remembering some of the cards he looked up, it took him looking up the conversation rate from his original currency to Yen which was the local currency, given the year was two thousand and four, it as about one for every hundred and ten yen.

"First before I decide that, I need to know just how much money I'm going to have to work with," he said as he used the browser to find his current address and then locate the nearest card shop that accepts trade-ins.

He had considered while making the list that he could call up his, Jin's, dad's lawyer and ask for an extension on his stipend to spend on buying cards, but decided against it. While Jin's folks had left him a large amount in his inheritance it wasn't something he wanted to blow on cards, best to save it for emergencies.

It only took a few minutes before he found the results he needed, "Nearest place is four blocks away, that's handy" he mused as he fished out a pad and pencil noting down the directions before searching up several other card shops in case they didn't have what he needed.

With that done he went back to the list he had made for cards he would want in his deck and with a couple of clicks the printer next to the desk began humming before the list began to print out for him.

As it printed he pushed himself back from the desk with a nod before turning to the printer, snatching the list up as soon as it was spat out of the printer.

"Alright, that's what I'm gonna need for the basic deck I have in mind, but I have a few other ideas in mind, though I'm not sure if I'll have enough for them right from the word go," Jin mused as he looked over the list before his gaze flickered up to Dark Magician girl, "So, we're going to have tip the odds in our favor, and that's where you can come in, if you can do what I think you can."

Dark Magician girl arched an eyebrow at his words, "What do you mean?"

Jin smiled, "in your current form you're incorporeal right?" seeing her confused look he elaborated, "Can you pass through solid objects? Like say card packaging and the cards themselves?"

Dark Magician girl nodded before a look of realization, of what he intended, flashed across her eyes and she giggled, "oh you're naughty."

Jin chuckled as he stood up, "hey you use what you got or you don't" he smirked, "come on, let's go get what I need." he said before gathering up the card binder and deck holder before heading out with Dark Magician girl following behind him giggling to herself.

-Scene break-

After a short walk and a cab ride to the nearest card store, Jin entered the store and took a look around, the entire floor was dedicated to duel monsters, various sections of shelves had labels above them listing various card archetypes with dozens of different booster packs. There was a section for new duelists with starter deck packs, and at the back of the floor was a section with glass display cases showing individual cards.

After getting his bearings Jin then made for the front counter where a shop clerk had sat up seeing him come in.

"Welcome to Kādo cards, what can I do for you?" the clerk asked, from what Jin could see he was in his early twenties, short cut brown hair and green eyes and a fairly tan complexion.

"I'm looking to change up my style," Jin said as he put the deck box and card binder on the counter, "what can you give me for these?"

The clerk nodded and took the deck box first and with practiced ease plucked the deck out and began to flick through the cards nodding as he looked through them, "Card Knights hmm, yeah I can see why you're looking to switch it up, these guys haven't had many new cards in a while and nearly everyone knows their tricks" he mused before putting the deck to the side as he opened the binder next only for his eyes to widen a fraction at what he saw.

"Holy fudge nuggets," he muttered as he flipped through the first few pages before looking up to Jin, "you sure you want to trade these in kid, some of these are pretty rare, you'll likely never pull them again."

Jin nodded, "I'm sure, I have a new deck build in mind and none of them will work in it, no sense holding onto them if they're just gathering dust and not in my deck you know" he said with a shrug.

The clerk nodded, "well if you're sure," he said before sitting back, "It'll take me a bit run the numbers, but these all look to be in near perfect condition so there shouldn't be any problems, why don't you look around, I'll come get you when I have a solid number for you."

"Thanks," Jin nodded before he immediately began to make his way over to the spellcasters section of the store, Dark magician girl floating unseen behind him as he went.

When he reached the shelves he fished his card list out of his back pocket and unfolded it, "Okay you ready?" Jin muttered under his breath so as not to be heard talking to himself.

"Yep," Dark Magician Girl said before looking over his shoulder to the listed cards before nodding as she began to float closer to the card packs and leaning in as her incorporeal head began to phase through the packaging and the cards within slowly as she began searching for the listed cards one at a time.

As she looked through the cards Jin couldn't help as his eyes flickered to her rather scantily clad rear, her skirt only barely covering her shapely backside with how she bent over. Jin shook his head after a moment of enjoying the sight, before averting his gaze back to his card list.

"So what should I call you, I mean I know your card name but it feels rather impersonal," Jin muttered, unable to help sneaking glances every few moments to her ass.

She giggled at his words, "Oh, you're only asking me now, after spending how long, staring at my butt?" she said playfully as she kept looking through cards.

Jin blinked as he was caught, before sighing, "you're doing it on purpose aren't you" he commented his gaze now unabashedly staring at her backside as she teasingly wiggled it at him.

"Maybe~" she giggled before finishing with the first row of cards, "I haven't used my old name in a long time," she mused, "since we're going to be partners from now on why don't you pick one for me?"

Jin frowned hearing that, "hmm, wasn't your name before you became a spirit Mana?" he asked her, keeping his voice low.

She nodded, "in a way, but not really, there are various variations of spirits, I may have been Mana once, but that was so very long ago" she said before looking back to the card list and nodded before gesturing to three of the first row for him to pick out.

Jin nodded, picking the packs out and putting them on top of the row to collect later, "so you want a different name?" he muttered.

"Sure, one you can call me if calling me by my card name is too, "impersonal" for you" She smiled before going back in to check the next row, not even being subtle this time about sticking her backside out to give him a show.

Jin snorted at her actions and shook his head before deciding to just enjoy the show as he thought on her request pondering just what name to give her as they continued to filter through the card packets one by one.

Chapter word Count: 1703

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