
Yours Eternally

Dia thought her life was normal, but after a nightly encounter with a beautiful but deadly stranger, her entire world is flipped upside down as lies and secrets are revealed. And if attending a new school wasn't stressful enough, she finds herself with a sexy secret admirer who is determined to win over her heart. Join Dai on her journey into the supernatural as she discovers who she truly is, forms friendships and rivals, ...and maybe finds true love.

Harem_Queen · วัยรุ่น
34 Chs

Ch.8: So We Meet Again

Dia walked down the school hallway with Alice's warning repeating itself in her head. Unlike Lisa and Alice, who had Algebra II for their next class, she made her way inside her World History class and made a beeline for the seat located at the back of the classroom right beside the window. Unaware when a trio of girls lingering on the opposite side of the room frowned when they noticed whose seat she took.

"What's that bitch think she's doing?!" Sneered a pigtailed girl with a nasty sneer on her face.

The girl's hair was two different colors with it being black on one side and hot pink on the other. She was ready to angrily march over to Dia, who was in the middle of rummaging through her school bag, and raise hell when a hand from her fellow female friend grabbed hold of her wrist.

"Don't waste your breath. You know how he is when it comes to his stuff. Just sit back and enjoy the show!" A girl with long flowing coral pink hair calmly advised her hot-temper friend as a cruel smile marred her face.

"If Leena were here, she would've smacked that girl for sitting in her 'beloved's' seat," commented another girl, who had a dark pink flower corsage pinned to the left of her short raven hair, bored eyes staring at her phone, fingers speedily tapping at her the screen.

This trio of girls was different from the other girls, judging by their uniforms and the air of superiority that gave off. Adored in high-waisted, red pleated short skirts and aristocrat black jackets. A formal red shirt peeked from underneath their jackets. Each girl had a different ambiance, but one thing they all had in common was their unearthly beauty.

A fact that was proved by how easily they looks captivated the boys in their classroom. A majority of them stared at them with hearts eyes, while a few others even tried to sneak in a couple of pictures using their phones, but a fierce glare from the hot-head pigtail of the trio had them rethinking this decision.

"Speak of the devil," commented calm one of the trio as a devilishly handsome boy with raven hair entered the room and made his way to the seat Dia was occupying. Dia was still searching inside her school bag for her favorite pencil when she sensed a shadow fall over her and timidly lifted up her head but was startled by the person's face.

"It's you!" exclaimed Dia, to which the boy did something that stunned everyone in the classroom. He smiled. Not a smile of cruelty or annoyance but a genuine smile of happiness.

"What the fuck!" screeched the hot-tempered girl. Her friends were just as dumbfounded and so were the rest of the students. Before anyone could ask any questions, the teacher walked into the room and started class.

Dia could feel the boy's penetrating gaze on her throughout the class, making it hard for her to take notes. There was also another pair of eyes, but these were filled with hate from a pigtailed girl seated on the side of the classroom. What she ever did wrong to her, Dia did not know and didn't want to find out.

When she heard the bell ring, she clumsily pushed all her stuff into her bag and hurried out the door. She raced outside where she found a bench and sat down on it to catch her breath and get her heart rate under control.

"You seem tense." This voice made Dia scream and scooted to the far side of the bench.

"W-Wha? How? When did you get here?" The sight of her secret admirer sitting casually next to her made Dia stutter, who instead of answering her question, introduced himself.

"Sorry for not giving my last time. It's Ethan. Yours?"

"Dia… I mean my real name is Diamond, but I prefer Dia."

"Diamond, it suits you perfectly." The compliment towards her name made heat flush to Dia's round cheeks. An awkward silence settled amongst the two teens when it was Ethan, who opened his mouth again.

"I want to take you out on a date."

The blunt request made Dia speechless. "Date?! You want to take me out on a date?"

"I told you I don't give up easily." The hand Dia had planted on the bench was covered by Ethan's large one.

"I really like you. So much that from the moment I first laid eyes on you, I couldn't get the image of you out of my head. I want to know more about you. What makes you laugh or cry, what I can do to make you smile at me." Ethan's sudden confession was beginning to be too much for the young girl.

Even Ethan was inwardly surprised to find himself blurting out all these things. Knowing his personality, he was the type to keep emotions sealed and not engage with others beyond his small group of friends. Yet when he recalled that night, when his eyes fell on Dia, a veil was removed, and a raw burst of inexperienced emotions flooded his chest.

"Umm…. Um… I don't know what to say! Like, this all too much for my first day of school… and…!" Dia's voice continued to ramble until she finally took notice of Ethan's school uniform. A red crimson shirt paired with a noble black vest and pants, adorned with gold details.

"Wait… that uniform… You're one of them!" Dia jumped from her seat as if she had just seen a ghost.

"I'm sorry but I really gotta go!" She picked up her school bag and fled from the scene. Left staring at her disappearing back, Ethan's icy blue eyes turned gloomy before flashing with determination.

"Even the way she runs away is adorable. The more I see her in person, the more I hunger for her. I want her to the point that I'm starting to go insane." A pair of sharp edged teeth glinted ominously as Ethan ran his tongue over them.

While running across the yard, Dia entered the eyesight of the three girls from her World History class.

"Pathic little human whore!" venomously spat the pigtail girl with the two-tone hair.

"When is Leena relieved from her punishment anyway? I just vaguely know the details, but what did she do to get in the duke's bad graces?" asked the girl with the emotionless onyx orbs eyes still glued to her phone.

"You know that new boy-toy she's been playing around with? The one with the girlfriend who she stole away from I think a couple of months ago?" Standing in the middle, the level-headed of the three, spoke.

"Yeah! Leena wouldn't stop reciting how the girl, when she spotted the two together, started bawling and crying and shit. What's that flesh bag got to do with her being punished?" asked the feisty one.

"Well a couple of weeks ago, Leena decided to make that flesh bag an official broom without her father's permission. The duke was unhappy about her rash decision, especially when the flesh bag's family had suspected the boy had disappeared, which cooked up a big mess that the duke had to clean up. So to punish her, the duke sent Leena on a mission to wipe out a group of harpies that had been spotted in the east. She should be here tomorrow with her new boy toy."

"Good. 'Cause I can't wait to make that girl's life hell," maliciously grinned the feisty one.

First Alice, now it looks like Dia is next on the list! And we finally learn the name of our cute/hot secret admirer! Want to know what's going to happened next! Please click on the next chapter and contuine to support this story! See ya next time~!

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