
Your destiny is a Mckenzie

What happens when you meet a hybrid who doesn't emit any pheromones? Jake Mckenzie is an alpha who is returning to college after having dropped out for two years. Meeting up with his volleyball teammates and getting back into his old routine, the alpha meets a strange guy who wears a mask and seems to be the target of scary rumours. To his surprise, Nathaniel Callegari strangely doesn't emit any pheromones. That is, until he helps Jake deal with the sudden heat by being enveloped in pheromones that cause him to go into a late bloom. Now Jake has to help Nathaniel deal with his omega instincts and hope he doesn't fall in love with this mysterious masked boy.

Alisgreen0107 · LGBT+
45 Chs

Chapter 38 - Sweet morning

The alarm clock sounded in that silent room.

The mess scattered around the room was proof of the first night the two boys had spent together.

Opening his eyes, still drowsy, the omega made himself comfortable in that cosy warmth. Something held him by the waist, and a gentle breeze blew across the back of his neck. As soon as his vision improved, Nathaniel looked around, feeling lost. The furniture was strange... That room wasn't his.

Where was he?

And then the avalanche of memories overwhelmed him. The sensations that ravaged his body made him realise an unprecedented pleasure, the joy of being in the arms of the man he loved and feeling desired by him. Wide-eyed, the omega covered his mouth as he realised what he had done.

He had accepted the invitation to go to Jake's flat, and when they arrived... They did, right? He didn't remember leaving, so did that mean he'd slept at the alpha's house?

It was his first rut. The first time he'd felt his body need someone to touch it so badly. It was funny how all that heat had seemed unbearable before, and now he felt good and refreshed. He had even slept!

Turning his head without making any sudden movements, the omega was surprised to see Jake still asleep. The alpha slept serenely hugging Nathaniel's waist, giving no indication that he would wake up even though the alarm clock was ringing loudly.

With some difficulty, the omega managed to turn round in bed to face the alpha and touch his face. Gently he slid his fingertip along the side of his serene face, noticing that he had a small mole near his ear.

So beautiful.

How could he believe that a marvellous man like Jake had asked him out? Or that they'd slept together?

— Jake? Your alarm clock is ringing — whispered the omega, continuing to caress the alpha's face.

Jake grimaced and tightened his embrace, burying his face in Nathaniel's chest.

— Hmmmpf.

How cute, Nathaniel thought, letting out a low laugh. Stroking his dark hair, he felt its softness.

— Come on, wake up.

— I don't want to.

Arching an eyebrow at the lazy answer, Nathaniel sighed defeatedly. He'd probably get up soon, so he could switch off that alarm clock, right? Stretching out on the bed, a bump on his back made him fall on top of the alpha, waking him up.

Why did his lower back hurt so much?

— What? What? — Jake looked round, holding Nathaniel.

— I'm sorry, I just wanted to switch off the alarm clock, it was no big deal.

The alpha closed his eyes again and stretched out his arm to the bedside table, picking up his mobile phone and handing it to the omega. Blinking dazedly, Nathaniel switched off the mobile phone's alarm clock, stopping the annoying noise.

— Don't you have to get up, Jake?

— Yes.

Without understanding, Nathaniel stared at the alpha with curiosity, although he was pleased to hear his hoarse voice for having just woken up. Was he afraid to ask the omega to get off? His arse was aching a little, but he could roll over in bed enough to get Jake off.

As soon as he tried to get up, Jake's strong arms squeezed him hard, causing him to fall face-first onto his bare chest.

— Hm... Jake?

— What?

— You said you had to get up.

— I did.

— So...

— I'm not going. It's fine here.

He agreed, it was good to be in Jake's arms. Nathaniel could hear his heart beating quietly, hear his hoarse voice, his low breathing... Would it be all right if he hugged him back too?

Hugging Jake around the waist, the omega enjoyed the quiet morning.

— Are you feeling any pain? — murmured the alpha, with Nathaniel raising his head to hear him better — We've done it three times in a row, so it's normal for it to hurt.

Three times? That many times?

At some point the omega stopped thinking too much about what they were doing. The sensation of just giving and receiving pleasure from his alpha was like an invisible force that made his body move on its own. Going through heat is certainly a scary thing, to imagine that he would act like he was on autopilot until he got tired.

— I'm fine, it's bearable.

Jake brushed the hair away from his forehead, checked his temperature and then smiled.

— What a relief, you look better now. You don't seem to have a fever, and your pheromones are stable.

— Was I giving off too many pheromones yesterday?

— Like a walking bomb — Jake laughed, playing with the omega's hair — How was your first heat?

— It's a strange feeling. Like I'm some kind of perverted freak who won't be satisfied until I've had sex.

— Hahahaha, that's how it is. It's as if that's the only way we can mark our partner as "property".

Running his eyes down Jake's body, Nathaniel saw the bite marks. He understood what he meant. The night before, the omega had bitten him as if that could make Jake his alpha.

Reaching out to touch the bite on his shoulder, Nathaniel sighed.

— I didn't bite you to bond, did I?

— Relax, you controlled yourself well enough.

— What a relief.

He didn't want to force Jake to take his side. Now that he knew about his feelings, his selfishness became clearer. Liking someone could be a beautiful feeling at the same time as being selfish. After all, there is the desire to monopolise the person.

All right, Nathaniel would endeavour to avoid that.

It was better to let Jake off the hook for his selfishness.

Although lazing around in bed felt good, Jake needed to get up. The two of them spent a few minutes chatting about silly things, until Nathaniel got up first.

Considering that Nathaniel had practically passed out after cumming, he wasn't dirty. Maybe Jake had cleaned up, just like the time in the library. However, he still needed a shower before going home!

The alpha must have read his thoughts, because he got up and went straight to his wardrobe.

— I'll leave a change of clothes for you on the bed.

— I can wear the ones I came in yesterday, don't worry.

— Relax, I've got some new knickers that should fit you. And my shirts are big, but the fabric is thin, so you don't have to wear a sweatshirt. It'll be warm in the gym.

— Gym?

Looking over his shoulder, Jake smiled broadly.

— Yes, the qualifiers start today. You'll be there to cheer me on, even if I don't step on the court, right?

Did he want the Joker to be there? And to cheer him on?

— Is it all right even if I go?

Jake picked up a change of clothes and handed them to Nathaniel, purposely leaning towards him so that the omega wouldn't look away.

— Don't you want to watch me play?

— You just said you don't even know if you'll step on the court.

— But what if I do? Don't you want to see me?

Nathaniel always watched the training sessions, so he knew how Jake played. However, a match was different, wasn't it? He would be playing against strangers, and the tension of a game also had an impact. So... It would be interesting to see him more focused and serious.

Scratching his face, Nathaniel looked away.

— I want to.

— Good, then we'll go together, hm?

Soon afterwards, Nathaniel went to take a shower. Standing in front of the mirror, he noticed that his neck was full of marks. As if that wasn't enough, so were his arms. Touching the hickey on his collarbone, the image of Jake kissing him with such affection was unforgettable.

They were like tattoos on his skin, the traces left by Jake.

In order not to be late, the omega took a quick shower and put on Jake's clothes. The trousers were his own, since the two probably wore different sizes, but the alpha's shirt was too big on Nathaniel. The sleeve went up to his elbow, covering most of his hickeys.

But the best part was smelling Jake on his shirt.

As soon as he came out of the bathroom, the smell of a grilled sandwich wafted through the flat. He went into the kitchen and found the alpha in shorts preparing something for them to eat.

— You didn't have to bother making food.

Turning round, the alpha called out to him with his hand outstretched in a silent invitation for Nathaniel to come closer.

— We need to eat well, especially since we did a hell of a workout yesterday.

— You say so many unnecessary things...

The two sat down at the small table next to each other while they ate.

— You look good in my shirt, hm?

Choking, Nathaniel cast a sharp glance at the alpha, who was grinning shamelessly.

— You, frankly...

— I'm only telling the truth. I've got a few more shirts like that. If you keep wearing them, I might develop some kind of fetish.

— Eat it! Keep quiet! — Nathaniel mumbled, shoving the sandwich into Jake's mouth.

The alpha just laughed in amusement at the boy's reaction. He knew he was blushing, his face was on fire just from that silly provocation.

But... It wasn't so bad.

Having a morning with Jake, chatting about silly things... It was like they were boyfriends. A couple who had been together for a long time and had an enviable intimacy. Did all couples act like that? Nathaniel hoped so.

The door to the flat was opened and the sight of Matheus entering and meeting the two boys turned the friendly atmosphere into something strange. How should Nathaniel act? It was his flat too...

— Yeah, it was a good night, huh?

That's right! Jake still had his shirt off!

Lowering his head, Nathaniel just ate his sandwich, not knowing where to stick his face. Matheus knew what was going on between him and Jake. Not that they were hiding it, but it wasn't a serious relationship...

— Oh yeah. Should I go to the gym like that?

— Ha, show-off son of a bitch. But hey, you two all right?

Nathaniel glanced at Matheus, who was staring at him with a sly smile. What was the point of trying to play the innocent at this point?

— We're fine, relax.

— Good, good. So you don't mind going to a pool party after the match, do you?

— Pool party? — Nathaniel asked curiously — Me too?

— Sure, a friend of mine is letting his pool out for a party, and he's invited both us and the Akaguia guys.

Jake and Nathaniel immediately grimaced.

— What are they going to do there?

— He knows some guys from Akaguia, mutual friends. Anyway, are you up for it?

The couple exchanged glances, but didn't answer. Nathaniel knew very well that he wouldn't be welcome at parties like this. And he wouldn't be able to enjoy the pool as much as he could. It would be better if he didn't go.

Jake held his hand under the table. Looking at the alpha, Nathaniel felt in his core what he wanted to say. It was like a silent encouragement that nothing bad would happen.

If he was with the alpha, then maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea.

— Ah, Guilherme says he's going too. I was talking to him on the way here — commented Matheus, taking a bite out of Jake's sandwich.

— You've been chatting to the new boy lately, huh?

— The kid's nervous, today's his first time on the court. The coach asked me to calm him down.

If your brother was going, and someone from Akaguia was also there, it would be better for Nathaniel to go along. Especially if a certain red-haired man also joins the party. Considering that Rapoxia's two alphas would be on his side, surely nothing bad would happen.

— All right, I'll go to the party.