
Your Average reincarnation Guy

A good yet envy student, died and reincarnated into another world! in his other world he accounted many great difficulty, and he really not having it, after all he just a student not an adult yet but... what will he do to survive? together we will find out!

SelfclaimNovelist · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 7:- Maybe its for the best.

I slowly open my eyes, waking up from my slumber, i slowly strect my body and stand up to get ready to continue my journey to Alovich . I pack my stuff and bearing my bag and set foot on my journey.....In the middle of my journey I stumble upon who charged at me with full spped, but with my thinking acceleration, I dodge the ambush like it was nothing, Then I ask Lia to analysed the monster

Lia! Use Analysed!

[Affirmative, Using Analysed...]

as Im waiting the analysed to complete the monster throw a couple of physical attack Im able to dodge it quite easily, I continue to dodge it until the monster attack stop, I chuckle and said

(Already tired huh? My turn! -H)

As I try move then i realized that im stuck, as i look down to my feet i saw that there are an circle magic that maybe is the cause of Im not able to move, then I know this was an well prepared trap, the attack doesnt mean to harm me, but to move me to where exactly it wanted too. then suddenly Lia done analysed and say this 

[Analysed complete, There is no monster in the current area right now, that person you called a monster is not an monster, is an demi-human. Her name is Ruran. She is a female white Tiger breed and she is 16 year old.]

but what with the appearence?

[Its a costum that normaly white tiger tribe wear to go hunting]

so she sees me as a food?

[No, as a threat]

Im widened my eyes with shock, I know that I have fallen right into her trap, there is no used to fight back, I need to reasure her that im friendly soo I look at her and say with reasuring yet loud tone

(Im no threat! Im just passing by! -H)

She say with a cold voices and stare straight through my soul

(Where are you heading, Human?- -R)

I anwser,,,

(Im heading to The town of Alovich. -H)

suddenly her tone change much more aggressive.

(For what Human? -R)

(Im going there to look for job oppurtunity and maybe became a merchant. -H)

(Do you know that the town of Alovich is- -R)

She stutter... I look at her with confuse look on my face and ask her about what actually the town of Alovich is.

(Is what? -H)

she shake her head and give me a death stare.

(never mind but I still need to get rid of any potential threat! -R)

She grip tightly her sword and prepare to attack me, I realised that if i dont use Klevoa I will not survive this... As she about to swing her sword and hit me, a familiar voices shouted from behind us shouting "SISTER!", she immedietly stop her sword before it can even touch me, i sigh in relief because i wouldnt need to use Klevoa, then she turn around with a confuse look on her face.

(what are you doing here? You should get back to town is not safe here! -R)

As she approach us and scolded her sister because attacking innocent people.

(Sister! how many time i have to told you that you cannot randomly attack people without any reason! -?)

her voice really sound fimiliar to me, but i dont remmember where did we talk. then she also said this.

(And sister this is the guy who save me from the Class S Wolf! His name is Hikaru. -?)

Class S wolf? wait, is it-

I look up to her face and widened my eyes in disbelief, its...

(How have you been Hikaru?~ -N)


I look at her with shock, I dodnt expect to meet her here... afterall... then Ruran cancle the magic circle under my feet and i was able to move freely now, I then smiled and thank both of her.

(Long time no see you Noran! Is that your sister? -H)

She smiled and nods

(Yes she is my older sister! -N) 

Then she bow and force her sister to bow also.

(We are sorry for the inconvenience. -N)

(Oh no, please raise your head there is no need to apologised for being cautious -H)

She raised her head with an warm smile. and say...

(soo you were heading to the town of Alovich? Thats is Demi-Human town soo, we dont usually have visitor from the human race but Im sure they will welcoming you warmly! I also told everyone about you that you saved me from the class S monster. -N)

I smiled and nod.

(I hope soo, nice to meet you, Noran Sister -H)

(I have a name you know?- -R)

i smile and ask her for her name.

(well what is your name then? -H)

(My name is Ruran, Nice to meet you Hikaru. -R)

She hold out her hand for a handshake. I accepted the hand shake and shake her hand. and smile warmly

(Nice to meet you too, Ruran. -H)

suddenly she pulled me for a tight hug, i was caught off guard by the hug and blushing a liltle. then i heard her sobbing in my shoulder and i realised that she must be thankful for something.

(you ok?- -H)

(Thank you... Thank you for saving my sister... -R)

She whispered with a sad but realived voice...I smiled warmly and comfort her by patting on her back while hugging.

(There there, no need to thank me. I just do what is the right thing to do. -H)

She continue to hug me until she was realived and let me go off her hug, she smile and bow to thank and sorry properly, i nod and say it not a problem. then i gave my farewell to both of them and continue my way to Alvoich Town.

After a long hour of walk i finnaly arrived infront of the town gate, queueing up with the line to wait for my turn to enter, as im in the middle of the line, suddenly someone that just arrived and take a place infront of me, at first i thought he was blind or something soo i just let it pass, but then he chuckle and called me pathethic, i cannot express how angry Im to him right now, but i sigh and let it slide again, afterall im just a visitor and he might be the local here. soo its better not to mess with him or my reputation is going to be down the drain, is not that my reputation is not bad enough as a human in a demi-human village, i just dont want to cause any commision.

after a long queue its finnaly my turn to enter the border, the guard there is all demi-human, afterall its their race place not human, when i hand them the fee money on entering the border suddenly someone shouted "yes! he! he is the one!" i tilt toward the voices to see what is going on out of my curiosity, when i tilt back to the voices i saw a demi-human look like maybe in their 20s pointing finger at me. I ask.

(what happend? -H)

she ignore me and still shouting for help as if i have rob her or something, I look at her with confuse, and the guard ask me.

(Kid, Did you steal this women purse? -G)

i say with a serious tone.

(No! Its not me! -H)

then some random guy pull up to the scene and say.

(Dont Lie you dirty human! I saw you stealing this women purse! -?)

(No I did not! Dont trust these guy guard they are just framming me for my coins. -H)

The guard are unsure who to trust but he decided to trust the one who framed me and demand that i hand back "her" purse.

(sorry kid but... there are witnessed and you cannot prove anything of your innocent, please return the purse back to its owner. -G)


(there is nothing that can be prove that you are innocent, please turn the purse back to its original owner. -G)


(doesnt matter! -G)

I statred to feel some kind of betrayal even though we never met before, i look down in despair that i cannot prove myself innocent, I slowly look up at the man and women who framed me and it seem that... they enjoy seeing me in despair... they were chuckling...smirking...grinning...smiling.... they have the nerve to frame me and disrespect me in the time of my dispair.... My rage is building up toward this Demi-Human kind, Toward this world...Then i said...

(dont you guys know about me? Im the one who saved Noran! -H)

(Wait your name is Hikaru? -G)


the guard seem hesitant but they lower their weapon but suddenly the women who framed me said .

(Wait maybe he could pretending to be Hikaru! How we gonna be so sure that he is Hikaru like he said he was? after all... he just a mugger -?)

I look at her with a angry face...

(You bitch! You trying to distort the story from the truth and you know it! -H)

I approach her aggrassively but the guard stop me for doing soo...

(Enough there is no way Hikaru will come in such a distant town! and also Hikaru the savior will not treat women like this! -G)

(You have been brainwashes by her word! dont listen to her! he is twisting the truth! -H)

(Shut up! Now return the purse at once! We have no time for mugger like you! -G)

(No, I will not hand this sack to her, its mine. And ill do whatever it take to protect what is mine -H)

The guard started to point their sword at me.

(then we will take it by force! -G)

I look up back at the guard and stare them with an deathstare of my dispair and letting out a really trembling killing aura. All the guard seem affraid to even approach me, they all just stand there frooze of my sudden killing aura. Then I turn back from them and walk away but before i go i gave them with a chilling massage.

(Ill be coming back, but not for visit... -H)

I gave them one last death stare and then walk away from the Alovich town gate. Leaving them in fear and froozen. As Im far enough for them to hear me, i whisper to Lia.

(what is the best way to get rid of an town completely? -H)...