
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · แอคชั่น
77 Chs

Chapter 54: New wings

Aliya affirmed, "Yes, that's true. He's Lalita's brother, so he didn't want to leave her alone in this trouble."

The guard stated, "There's no network here."

Vikrant reassured, "Don't worry. Abhimanyu said he has a plan."

Sahil questioned, "What nonsense! What can he achieve?"

Vikrant ignored him and said, "He said he'll contact us. We just need to be ready."

On the other side, Abhimanyu teased Lalita, "So, Lali, this is your second kidnapping experience, right?"

Lalita retorted, "Don't joke. Those were just petty criminals back then. These are terrorists."

Abhimanyu shrugged, "Well, they're still humans. Why be afraid of them?"

The terrorist sitting in front of him threatened, "Shut up, or I'll shove this pistol down your throat."

Abhimanyu chuckled, "Why did you guys pick me up, anyway?"

The terrorist snarked, "Looks like you won't understand otherwise."

Then, their leader said, "They're just kids. It doesn't matter if they know or not. Look, kid, we're here to take revenge on your father. He attacked many of our camps."

Abhimanyu asked, "Which group are you from?"

The leader replied, "We're from the Crow gang."

Abhimanyu countered, "But wasn't he finished off by the Black Demon?"

The leader explained, "You think the Black Demon doesn't work for the government? He only attacked those places that were known to the administration or, let's say, the CM and the military, because many incidents never reached the police."

Abhimanyu commented, "Well, at least you revealed your identity quickly. I was thinking how far I'd have to go."

The terrorist leader laughed, "If you're the Black Demon, then I'm Commander Dhruva."

Abhimanyu placed his hand on Lalita's thigh, and suddenly, he vanished into thin air, turning into a shadowy figure.

Abhimanyu's eyes turned black as he smiled.

Arjun muttered, "He never lets me control this technique. I could easily defeat them."

Angel explained, "Because he prefers to rely on his own abilities. If he becomes too dependent on us, he might not be able to do anything after we're gone."

The terrorist in front of Abhimanyu fired a shot, which he easily dodged, knocking the terrorist's gun away with his elbow and shooting the terrorist sitting beside him. Then, he shot the driver, causing the car to flip over.

Three more cars were following behind. Everyone got out and aimed at the car as they moved forward.

As Abhimanyu tried to exit through a door, bullets rained down on him. He retreated back into the car.

Arjun insisted, "I'm telling you, give me control, and I can easily defeat them."

Abhimanyu in a demonic voice replied, "Ever heard of calling a hornet to kill an elephant? My technique is enough for them."

Arjun conceded, "Fine, even if you call, I won't come."

Abhimanyu smirked, "I said I don't need it." Then, he smashed the front glass and jumped out, shooting some terrorists.

The remaining terrorists took cover as Abhimanyu escaped into the map where Lalita looked at him in confusion.

Abhimanyu smiled, "What's wrong, sister? You look astonished."

Lalita asked, "What is this place? How did we come here, and did you kill them all? Why did it take you so long to come here?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Time moves slowly here, and this is my world. How do you like it?"

Lalita marveled, "Unbelievable! Such a magical place exists besides me, and who else knows about it?"

Abhimanyu responded, "No one."

Lalita inquired, "You didn't even tell Karishma?"

Abhimanyu affirmed, "I don't even tell my shadow about this place. I didn't want to endanger you, so I sent you here. Would you like to meet my friends here?"

Lalita asked, "Your friends are here too?"

Suddenly, a roar echoed from the sky, and a dragon flew in.

Lalita exclaimed in amazement, "A dragon! They only existed in fairy tales. It's even bigger than that eagle. Why didn't you bring it out to fight the terrorists? Nandiram wouldn't have been harmed."

Abhimanyu explained, "Firstly, everyone would be astonished to see a dragon. Secondly, their fight would have caused immense destruction, and many children might have been killed. I didn't want to be the reason for their deaths."

Abhimanyu asked, "Would you like to ride it?"

Lalita excitedly agreed, and Abhimanyu jumped onto the dragon's back, flying off into the sky.

Lalita asked, "I feel jealous of you. Do you have something special?"

Abhimanyu handed her a ring and said, "This is also a magical ring that will protect you from danger. And this locket, give it to Prachi, and the bracelet to Vishakha."

Initially, Lalita didn't believe in these magical things, but now she trusted Abhimanyu.

Lalita asked, "Can it do anything else?"

Abhimanyu explained, "Each of these items contains the soul of an animal that will obey your every command and protect you."

Lalita asked, "Which animal do I have?"

Abhimanyu replied, "An eagle."

Lalita exclaimed, "So I can summon the eagle and Vishakha can summon the dragon?"

Abhimanyu corrected, "A Fenrir."

Lalita inquired further, "And Prachi?"

Abhimanyu answered, "A lion."

Lalita commented, "Animals are good, but can this eagle protect me?"

Abhimanyu explained, "Even though it may not appear strong, it's more powerful than the eagle we saw on the mountain. While they may seem common, they could also disappear just like that."

Lalita hugged Abhimanyu and said, "Brother, as long as you're with me, I'm not afraid of anything. You're the most powerful person in the world."

Abhimanyu nodded and said, "Alright, now I need to finish off those terrorists."

Lalita wished him, "All the best, my brother."

Meanwhile, after the bomb exploded, everyone inspected the car. Some terrorists advanced to find Abhimanyu's body, but suddenly Abhimanyu appeared from thin air and shot them. Then, he leaped onto the car and started shooting the remaining terrorists one by one. However, from a distance, some terrorists fired at Abhimanyu, forcing him to take cover behind the car again. He swiftly shot two more terrorists from the side and then began running towards the remaining four. He zigzagged, dodging bullets, and then slid, shooting three of them. Finally, he kicked the last one, knocking him unconscious.

Abhimanyu taunted, "Your comrades are already in hell, and soon you'll join them. But that's for later. For now, tell me about all your add-ons and who helped you here." After extracting information, he punched the terrorist, rendering him unconscious. Then, he called Vikrant and requested backup.

Due to the gunshots, the area had become deserted, with only a few soldiers around. Abhimanyu collected some pistols and ammo and escorted Lalita outside.

Observing the dead terrorists, Lalita exclaimed, "Wow, you're truly unbeatable. Could you be the Black Demon?"

Abhimanyu evaded, "Don't mention that name to anyone."

Lalita persisted, "But is it true? Should I tell you about the Black Demon? By the way, I'm also part of the Black Demon now, but for now, I'm a newbie."

Abhimanyu promised, "I'll give you my best. I'll prescribe some medicine that will make you powerful and also heal your body, giving your skin a radiant glow."

Lalita teased, "So, this is the secret of your skin?"

Abhimanyu affirmed, "Yes. Give those bullets to Prachi and Vishakha, but not the energy pills. They could be dangerous for those lacking spiritual power."

Just then, sirens were heard, and soldiers arrived.

Lalita asked, "What story are you going to make?"

Abhimanyu replied, "What else can we do? Besides us, no one else is here. Let's stay calm; Grandpa will handle everything."

A soldier approached and asked Lalita if she was okay.

Lalita confirmed and pointed to the remaining terrorist, suggesting they interrogate him.

The soldier agreed and said they would need Abhimanyu's statement, but Lalita and Abhimanyu were to leave with them.

As they left, reporters arrived, eager to cover the news.

One guard asked the officer if they could take Lalita and Abhimanyu with them, as they needed to question the remaining terrorist.

The officer agreed, asking the commissioner to take Lalita's statement while they handled the terrorist.

Abhimanyu emphasized, "They were kidnapping us when suddenly a bomb exploded, causing our car to flip. We then took cover and managed to escape while they were busy firing at us."

The commissioner turned to Abhimanyu, inquiring, "What happened here?"

Abhimanyu had no intention of revealing the truth and simply replied, "They were trying to kidnap Lalita. We managed to escape when the bomb went off. These guys were already dead when we arrived."

The commissioner nodded, accepting his statement.

Lalita whispered to Abhimanyu, "Wow, what a story you've created."

Abhimanyu whispered back, "No one will believe that I killed them anyway."

Just then, Abhimanyu's school bus arrived, and everyone got off, surrounding Abhimanyu to hear his account.

Neha asked, "Are you really the CM's nephew?"

Abhimanyu confirmed, "Yes, I am."

Neha questioned, "Then why didn't you tell us earlier?"

Abhimanyu evaded, "Why should I?"

Neha didn't press further.

Sahil remarked, "He's just the CM's nephew. What's the big deal? Besides, there's no guarantee in a politician's career."

Lalita glared at Sahil in anger, warning him to stay away from her brother.

Abhimanyu calmed her by placing a hand on her head.

After a while, everyone boarded the bus, and they headed back to Rudraprayag, where a surprise event awaited them.

Neha's behavior towards Abhimanyu had improved slightly because she understood that Abhimanyu's status was quite high. However, Abhimanyu continued to completely ignore her.

Abhimanyu told Vikrant, "You'll have a lot of work once we leave here."

Vikrant replied, "It's always something new with you."

Abhimanyu asked, "Do you want to become as powerful as me?"

Vikrant replied, "I want to, but I can't train as much as you. Grandpa is training me now that you're gone."

Abhimanyu chuckled, "Well, just grab these two items then."

Vikrant asked, "What are these?"

Abhimanyu explained, "These shells will make your body stronger, and these pills will increase your spiritual energy significantly."

Vikrant questioned, "Is that true?"

Abhimanyu assured, "100%. They come with a prescription, so just check it."

Vikrant thanked him, and Abhimanyu advised him to finish them and focus on his practice.

Meanwhile, Rihanna, sitting at a distance, gestured towards Abhimanyu, questioning, "You turned out to be a VIP. You've been our friend for so long, but you never told us anything about yourself, not even when those guys were insulting you."

Abhimanyu replied, "What's the big deal? I'm just Lalita's cousin, and so is Vikrant, and so is Suresh. Lalita's dad will be their uncle."

Vikrant confirmed, "Yes, my full name is Vikrant Pratap Singh."

Neha expressed surprise, "So, Lalita wasn't alone on this trip. She had many siblings with her."

Abhimanyu advised, "Now that you understand, stop paying attention to me. Our family is quite large, and Lalita is like a princess. There's no one like her."

Neha thought to herself, "I thought he must be someone important, but what difference does it make? He's still from a rich family. However, if you look at these guys' clothes, they don't seem too rich. But if you look at Lalita's clothes, they look very rich. Maybe all the money is with Lalita's family, and the rest of them are just burdens."

After a few hours of travel, they arrived at a resort on a hill near Rudraprayag. Other buses and school children had already arrived.

The dean announced, "Our group will be staying inside, and there's going to be a big party with dancing, fun, and food. India's top three rock bands and some singers will be performing."

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "So, this is the final surprise. After all this exhaustion, a bit of enjoyment will be good."

After a few hours, around 3 AM, the party was still going strong. Abhimanyu suddenly felt dizzy.

Arjun asked, "What's wrong with him? Hey, Abhimanyu, is something wrong?"

Maya added, "He doesn't seem to hear us."

Abhimanyu held his head and stumbled out into the corridor. Suddenly, strange scales started appearing on his skin.

Arjun exclaimed, "What's happening to him?"

Abhimanyu's eyes turned green, and his irises shaped like a snake's. Suddenly, he let out a loud roar, and his tongue transformed into that of a snake. He then transformed into a small snake and slithered away.

Meanwhile, in a luxurious room of the hotel, a man forcibly took a hotel staff member into the room. The girl struggled to escape, but the man grabbed her and held her tightly.

The man said, "If you want to keep this job, you better cooperate quietly."

The girl pleaded, "Please let me go, sir."

The man replied, "I'm the manager of this hotel, and I can fire you anytime. I'll have fun with you tonight." He threw her onto the bed.

The manager licked his lips and said, "Tonight, I'll enjoy you to the fullest." He took off his shirt and threw it away, then started unbuckling his pants. He removed his pants as well and then tied the girl's hands to the bed. The manager torn her clothes and now she was now only wearing her underwear.

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes. She had struggled so much to get this job, hoping to escape poverty, but after just a week here, the manager was taking advantage of her. She felt helpless and unable to do anything.

The man reached for her panties, but suddenly, he heard a noise from the window. He looked towards the window but saw nothing. He returned his attention to the girl but sensed movement behind him. When he turned around, he saw nothing he turned again but he didn't able to see a small snake tail entering through the window into the room.

The manager closed the window and turned back towards the girl, but this time, he saw fear was evident in the girl eyes. When he turned around he saw a poisonous snake slithering towards him from behind. Trembling, he tried to move away, but in panic, he stumbled and fell onto the bed.

A snake four times larger than a regular human. The snake let out a loud roar and seized the manager with his mouth, slowly swallowing him whole. The scene was terrifying, and the manager seemed to melt into Snake's body, disappearing completely. Then, Snake began to sway his body, perhaps indicating that the manager had dissolved within him. The manager's underwear, now soiled, were vomited out by the snake and thrown outside. Then, the snake, now shrink into much smaller and hissing, approached the girl, slithering towards her feet and then onto her chest, near her palms. Using its teeth, the snake began cutting the rope between her palms, initially causing fear, but the girl eventually calmed down, folding her hands in gratitude. Seeing this, the snake went towards the window and hit the window to go out, the girl realised the snake intention she immediately walked to the window and opened it. The snake then disappeared outside.

In her mind, the girl expressed gratitude for being saved by some divine intervention. She put on her clothes and left the room quietly, deciding not to tell anyone about what had happened. After all, the manager had made sure to erase any evidence of his presence there. She smiled contentedly, grateful that she had survived the horrifying ordeal, which she believed was a miracle from the gods. On the other hand, the snake made its way through the jungle at a fast pace, eventually reaching a gathering of numerous snakes near a big boulder. The snake get on top of the boulder and then hiss out a loud roar, causing all the other snakes to bow their heads in respect.

The next morning, Abhimanyu woke up feeling extremely exhausted, which was unusual for him. He went to the bathroom and freshened up before heading back to the map realm. There, he asked Maya, Arjun and saily if they remembered anything about what had happened the previous night.

Arjun said, "No, all I remember is that you were holding your head in the corridor."

Maya and Saily also echoed similar sentiments.

Abhimanyu's eyes turned golden, and his hair turned white. He then lit a fire in a cauldron and added a liquid along with some herbs. Along with this, he added the heart of the eagle and other important parts of its body and along with the eagle eyes she also added the wings of the eagle. Maya explained that this was a process to imbibe new wings or repair wings of the angel. The wings of the eagle get shrunk after some time and turned white and it was glowing with golden light. Abhimanyu removed his clothes and took the bath in the liquid with the eagle wings and got drowned into the liquid After around 24 hours of sleep, Abhimanyu woke up with white wings on his back and brown-colored mud-like substance coming out of his body. He cleaned himself up and went back to the room. There, his friend Samarth noticed that he was glowing even more than before, and his skin was shining brightly.

Abhimanyu put on his clothes and started using his phone. He watched some news reports about the previous night's events, where a terrorist group had attempted to kidnap the CM's daughter. She had been saved, but all the terrorists had been killed. However, there was no mention of Abhimanyu anywhere in the news. It seemed like they didn't care about his involvement in the incident.

After a while, Samarth also arrived, and they all left the resort to explore. Abhimanyu's hearing had become extremely acute, allowing him to hear conversations from the lower floors of the office building if he concentrate. He overheard that the resort manager had mysteriously disappeared overnight. His phone and clothes were found in a room, but apart from that, there was no trace of him.

Abhimanyu wondered if there was some mystery behind the manager's disappearance. Arjun advised him not to dwell on solving the case, saying that whether the manager was missing or not, the police would handle it. Abhimanyu, however, couldn't shake off the feeling that something suspicious was going on, especially considering the tight security at the resort. Maya reassured him not to worry too much about it.