
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · แอคชั่น
110 Chs

Chapter 47: Vishwa Nayak

Yuvraj then took them to a shop where many stones were kept, resembling a lottery from which rare and precious items could be extracted.

The shop owner taunted, "Idiot, I told you to bring customers, but you've brought these kids. After all, they must have money to buy a stone."

Ammy remarked, "So you've brought us here without telling us."

Yuvraj apologized, explaining that his intention was to find customers, but lately, they hadn't found anything valuable from these stones, so the customers had decreased.

Abhimanyu decided to buy a stone, selecting one. However, his inner voice told him that the stone was empty. Nevertheless, he still picked it up, thinking it didn't matter.

Upon payment, Abhimanyu was handed the stone. Yet, despite its appearance, nothing came out of it.

Ignoring the results, Abhimanyu requested to cut the stone, and surprisingly, an unusual finger was found inside.

Despite the odd discovery, Arjun felt a demonic aura emanating from it.

Abhimanyu, intrigued, decided to purchase more stones, hoping to find something special.

A finger was found in each stone, shocking everyone present. Abhimanyu's inner darkness urged him to consume the fingers.

Amidst the chaos, a saint named Harimohan arrived and began chanting a mantra, aiming to aid Abhimanyu.

Yuvraj's father intervened, explaining Harimohan's spiritual abilities, suggesting he might be the only one capable of saving Abhimanyu.

As Abhimanyu and Arjun battled internally, a divine aura caught Harimohan's attention, leading him to a beautiful angel, observing the scene with concern.

The angel also noticed the saint and exclaimed in astonishment, "Who are you?"

The saint humbly replied, "I am just a humble servant of divine beings like you."

Observing the situation, the angel saw a herb in the saint's pouch that could enhance her divine power. She requested it from the saint, stating that she needed it to fight the demon.

The saint opened his eyes, took out the herb, and placed it in Abhimanyu's mouth. The angel controlled it and consumed it, increasing her powers.

After about an hour, Arjun fully absorbed the finger, and both he and Abhimanyu engaged in a spiritual battle. Eventually, they all reached a balance in power.

Abhimanyu then looked angrily at Arjun, who confessed his momentary lapse and asked for forgiveness.

Saily intervened, stating that she would absorb the demon, ending the conflict. However, she inadvertently began absorbing Abhimanyu's spiritual powers.

Arjun warned Saily about the consequences of absorbing too much spiritual power, and Abhimanyu, realizing the danger, agreed to a pact with Arjun to avoid breaking it.

They both signed the pact, and Saily released Arjun, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Abhimanyu then asked Maya about the existence of an angel contract, to which Maya initially denied. However, Arjun falsely claimed that such a contract existed, working similarly to a demon contract.

Abhimanyu, amused, offered Maya the opportunity to use his body in emergencies, and they both signed an angel contract after Maya agreed.

This series of events brought a new level of understanding and cooperation among the group.

Arjun remarked, "It's hard to believe that a once mighty warrior who once ruled over all realms has now become a slave to fate."

Maya reassured, "If you don't attempt deception, neither Abhimanyu nor I will enslave you."

Arjun countered, "Who wouldn't want freedom if given the chance?"

Abhimanyu intervened, urging them to stop talking nonsense. He then opened his eyes and saw the saint nearby, expressing gratitude for saving his life and asking for the saint's identity.

The saint introduced himself as Harimohan and acknowledged the remarkable power within Abhimanyu before departing, promising to meet again.

Yuvraj's father explained that Harimohan occasionally visited the market to sell herbs and feed the poor, wandering across the country without a fixed address.

Karishma inquired about Abhimanyu's well-being, to which he responded that there had been some issue with the finger, but everything was fine now.

Jasmine glared angrily at Yuvraj's father, accusing him of attempting to poison her boss. She drew her daggers in readiness.

Abhimanyu clarified that it wasn't poison; rather, it was some sort of demonic power.

Yuvraj's father lamented his difficulty in convincing them, despite his attempts to explain.

Abhimanyu sensed that both Jasmine and Yuvraj's father were experiencing something unusual with the stones.

Maya admitted feeling weakened and expressed a need to absorb the energy from a stone, specifically one emitting a divine aura.

Abhimanyu promptly had a stone cut open, revealing a golden frog inside.

Maya instructed him to hold the frog and assume a meditative posture.

She attempted to draw energy from the frog but found the amount insufficient.

Maya explained that the frog was a magical weapon and suggested that transferring her energy into it might yield results.

Abhimanyu agreed to address the matter later, keeping the frog in his possession, much to the surprise of everyone present.

Abhimanyu kept the frog with him, and to everyone's astonishment, the frog shrunk to the size of a marble. They all marveled at its magical nature.

Yuvraj's father speculated, "Perhaps it can change size, but it may not possess any other powers."

Abhimanyu then placed it in his pocket.

Abhimanyu placed the frog-like object next to him, and the frog itself shrank to the size of a marble, surprising everyone present. Yuvraj's father remarked, "It might be able to change its size, but it may not possess any other power." Abhimanyu then put it in his pocket.

Yuvraj expressed his surprise, saying, "Abhimanyu, do you know how to use magical items?" Abhimanyu replied, "It was just a mistake." Yuvraj asked, "Have you seen such things before?" Abhimanyu said, "Yes, I've been to many markets like this before, so I know about magical items." Yuvraj said, "I thought you were just a normal person, but you seem to belong to our world."

Abhimanyu replied, "Now, please show us around the market. I want to buy more things." Yuvraj's father gave him permission to leave because Abhimanyu had bought three stones, resulting in the loss of two valuable items, which had affected their business. Now, a crowd had gathered, buying stones.

Abhimanyu started to explore the surroundings. Arjun asked, "Do you want to strengthen your spiritual power and body?" Abhimanyu replied, "How can we do that?" Maya suggested that she could help strengthen his body and power by making a medicine. Arjun also offered to create a potion using herbs that could make his body slightly stronger. Abhimanyu asked if they would do it for free. Arjun replied that he wanted to enhance his power so that he could possibly get a new body in the future. Maya agreed, saying that she wanted the same. Abhimanyu proposed that if they taught him all their techniques, he would grant them eternal life. He then started buying the herbs they suggested, spending around four lakh rupees on them.

Yuvraj asked if they would like to visit the auction house if they had more money. Abhimanyu replied that they still had time and he didn't mind visiting the auction house. They headed towards a building that looked like a hut, but there were two guards standing outside. Yuvraj was allowed to enter, and inside, Abhimanyu and the others followed him.

Then they arrived at a cabin where a beautiful girl was putting on her dress. She had just put on her top, and she was wearing underwear below, but Yuvraj entered without looking, followed by Abhimanyu and the others. Yuvraj accidentally bumped into Abhimanyu's face, and then something fell on his head, causing him to shout, "Get out! I'm getting ready!"

Yuvraj turned around, apologized to his sister, and went out, asking the others to follow. The girl covered the lower part of her body with her pants, feeling extremely embarrassed. She was only twenty years old and was the most beautiful girl in the market. She worked there because no one dared to mess with her due to the influence of the owner of the auction house. After a while, Yuvraj brought them back into the room and introduced them to his sister, Sharmili.

Sharmili felt very embarrassed seeing them there, especially since they had just seen her changing, and there was also a handsome guy with them. Abhimanyu remarked that she seemed as shy as her name suggested. Yuvraj warned him not to joke, saying that she was the most shameless girl in the market. Suddenly, something heavy fell on Yuvraj's head, causing him to fall down. In reality, Sharmili had punched him hard.

Sharmili demanded that they stop talking nonsense and tell her who they were and what they were doing there.

Yuvraj, holding his head, said, "These are my friends, and they have come here to participate in the auction."

Sharmili remarked, "They look like school kids."

Yuvraj replied, "Yes, but they are rich."

Sharmili asked, "It's evident from their faces, but where are your rich friends from?"

Abhimanyu replied, "We are from Delhi."

Sharmili said, "Another man from Delhi has also come today. Maybe you know him by name. Are you also here for that sword?"

Abhimanyu asked, "Sword?"

Sharmili explained, "Today, it's a special item. People from different cities have come to buy that sword."

Abhimanyu inquired, "What's so special about that sword?"

Sharmili replied, "I don't know, but it's said to be not of this earth. It can't be melted, no matter how hot you make it. We call it the white space."

Abhimanyu nodded, "That's an interesting name."

Sharmili told Yuvraj to take them to the auction hall as she needed to get ready.

Abhimanyu and the others followed Yuvraj to the auction hall and sat at a table. Abhimanyu was surprised to see a man named Yuwan Raijada, who had also come from Delhi. However, Yuwan didn't notice Abhimanyu as he was busy looking at his phone and reading details about various items. He was seated at the front table with other wealthy individuals. Among them was Lokesh, the wealthiest man from Bharatpur, who seemed to be interested in purchasing something as well.

Then, after a while, the auction started, and a girl named Sharmili came on stage. She was perhaps the most beautiful girl in the market, and she knew how to entice and excite people to increase the value of items.

Sharmili said, "Good morning, my dear friends. Today, you all have come here to buy some special items. I hope I can satisfy all of you." Then she continued, "I mean, let's talk about the items. The first item of today's auction is a map placed on a table with wheels underneath."

Sharmili said, "This map might be of a treasure, a tomb, or perhaps it could be the key to changing your destiny. But we guarantee that this map is genuine and very old. However, we don't know what this map is for or where it's from. We'll call it a mystery map. The starting price for it is 10,000, and you can increase the bid by 1,000."

Many people found the map interesting. Then, both Maya and Arjun said simultaneously to Abhimanyu, "Buy that map."

Abhimanyu asked, "What's so special about it?"

Arjun replied, "I don't know, but it has spiritual energy. That means the map is genuine. The rest can be figured out only after seeing the map."

By now, the bidding had reached 15,000, and no one else was bidding. Then Abhimanyu said, "20,000."

Karishma asked, "Do you even know what's on that map?"

Abhimanyu replied, "It's a mystery map, and I like mysteries."

Sharmili didn't expect its price to double, but then a man sitting there said, "25,000." Perhaps, he also felt the spiritual energy, meaning he was more capable than Abhimanyu in spiritual matters.

Abhimanyu glanced at the man who made the bid. He looked like a 60 to 65-year-old old man, but Abhimanyu could sense his power by looking at his body and aura. Nonetheless, he said, "30,000."

The man looked at Abhimanyu and said nothing more.

Abhimanyu bought the map for 30,000. Then, a few more items were auctioned, such as paintings and antique jewelry. After that, a piece of wood was brought onto the stage, which was only 4 inches long.

Sharmili said, "This is the strongest wood in the world, and according to our research, the origin of this wood is mysterious. But this wood cannot be cut or burnt. We only know this much about it, so the bidding starts at 1 crore, and you can bid up to 10 lakh. But perhaps, nobody was interested in a 4-inch piece of wood."

Sharmili disappointedly said, "I thought so. Even though Saint Hariom brings rare items every year, why would anyone pay for just a piece of wood?"

Maya said to Abhimanyu, "This is the wood of the immortal tree."

Abhimanyu asked, "Immortal tree?"

Arjun said, "Don't be ridiculous. The immortal tree only exists in heaven, and you angels protect it so well that even its leaves can't fall from heaven. So, how could this piece be here?"

Maya said, "I know, but this is truly its wood."

Abhimanyu said, "It's just wood. What can we do with it?"

Maya said, "You don't understand. This is the wood of the immortal tree, which can grow from just a piece of wood. And once the tree grows, just eating one leaf of it can heal wounds and cure poison. Its effect is more powerful than any rare herb. That's why it's called the immortal tree, but planting a tree is not that easy. You need more items for that."

Abhimanyu said, "If that's the case, I should buy this wood. We'll think about other items later." Saying this, he bid 2 crores.

A man chuckled and said, "Are you liking useless things only?" But Sharmili was happy, and she said, "Does anyone else want to bid? But no one else bid. Yuwan had already noticed Abhimanyu, but he didn't get a chance to talk to him. Then some more items were presented, and Yuwan bought an antique flute, and Abhimanyu bought a locket, along with a pair of bangles and a ruby ring, which looked very beautiful.

Everyone thought that Abhimanyu had bought those items for the three girls sitting with him, making him seem like a playboy.

Karishma asked, "Who did you buy these for?"

Abhimanyu replied, "For Prachi, Lalita, and Vishakha. And who are you buying for?"

Ammy asked, "Isn't Prachi your younger sister? But who are the other two?"

Karishma said, "They are also Abhimanyu's sisters."

Ammy asked, "Do you still not trust me?"

Abhimanyu said, "You didn't ask anything, and I didn't tell you anything. Conversation over."

Ammy said, "Even after asking you, you never tell me what you don't want to share."

Sharmili said, "Now, it's time for the item you all were waiting for." Then she presented the white space and a sword on stage. She said, "If someone infuses their spiritual energy into this sword and wields it, it can cut even iron like cheese. The starting bid for this sword is 10 crores, and you can increase the bid by 1 crore."

Then a man bid 11 crores, and immediately someone else bid 12 crores, and it quickly reached 30 crores.

Maya said, "Abhimanyu, this sword is mine."

Abhimanyu asked, "What do you mean it's yours?"

Maya said, "When I was alive, it belonged to me, but now it's in this small auction."

Arjun said, "So, Abhimanyu, if you buy this sword, you'll have two of the most dangerous swords in the universe."

Maya said in surprise, "Two swords?"

Arjun said, "I have one sword with me, which was kept in that cave with the same technique, and its ancestor had taken it from there. I'm angry because that man closed the mouth of that cave so that no one would know about it, and then finally, this sword ended up in Abhimanyu's hands."

Abhimanyu said, "I thought that sword was magical because whenever I wielded it, I always became very powerful and uncontrollable."

The bid had reached 35 crores by now. Then the old man who had bid on the map said, "40 crores."

Everyone became quiet, and no one else bid. Then Yuwan said, "60 crores."

The old man looked at Yuwan and said, "70 crores."

Yuwan found that sword special too because he was also a martial artist and knew how to use spiritual power. So, he said, "80 crores." Then the old man said, "90 crores." Yuwan countered with "100 crores," but after that, the old man didn't bid anymore.

Sharmili asked, "Does anyone else want to bid?" But no one said anything. Then Abhimanyu smiled and said, "120 crores."

Yuwan turned to look at Abhimanyu and said, "Mr. Singh, are you also interested in this sword?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, Mr. Raijada, can you let me buy that katana?"

Raijada said, "Sure, Mr. Singh," and then he sat down.

Everyone knew Yuwan Raijada because he was a prominent figure, but nobody knew Abhimanyu there. However, they thought that Mr. Singh might be another wealthy figure.

Yuvraj asked, "Brother, how much money do you have to invest?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Around 150 crores."

Yuvraj said, "With that amount, you could have bought a company."

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, that's true, but running it also requires resources. For now, I have an idea in mind, but I need some rare items for it."

Yuvraj asked, "What do you need? If it's available in the market, I can find out."

Abhimanyu said, "I need a beautiful monster that looks like a bird. I want its heart. Besides that, I need some rare herbs." He handed over a list and added, "I also need a snowy lotus and a fire lotus."

Then an old man approached Abhimanyu and asked, "What are you planning to make?"

Abhimanyu asked, "Who are you?"

The man said, "My name is Vishwa Nayak. I am from Mumbai and belong to the Nayak family there."

Abhimanyu said, "The hidden Nayak family of Mumbai, known for its powerful warriors."

Vishwa Nayak said, "You seem to know."

Abhimanyu said, "I am Abhimanyu Pratap Singh from Patna."

Vishwa Nayak said, "Wow, you are from such a prestigious family. There are many hidden warriors in your family too, and you might be the grandson of Mr. Narsingh Pratap Singh. I didn't expect to meet you today. I once saw your grandfather in a battle, and he was truly terrifying and unmatched in power."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Yes, he is the most powerful."

Vishwa Nayak said, "Anyway, I have to leave now. I only came here for that sword, but maybe it's not meant for me. Keep this, it's my card. If you ever come to Mumbai and need help, contact me." Saying this, he left.

Then Yuwan approached Abhimanyu and said, "We meet again."

Abhimanyu asked, "How are you?"

Yuwan replied, "Great! I can't stay here for long because I came here for my family's business, and I have to meet someone now." Saying this, he went to meet the wealthiest man there, Lokesh, and then left with him.