
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · แอคชั่น
110 Chs

Chapter 45: Racing track

Chirag's anxiety stemmed from the fact that he had indeed harmed Nate's boyfriend out of jealousy, and subsequently, Nate herself. However, he had managed to cover up the incident with Subham Chaudhari's help, making it look like an accident and deleting the CCTV footage.

Abhimanyu's USB drive contained incriminating data not only on Chirag but also on other businesspersons. This data was systematically sent to the military and then forwarded to the police through intelligence channels. Fortunately for Chirag, his turn hadn't come yet, but it was only a matter of time before he faced the consequences.

Chirag calmed down after realizing that there were no solid proofs against him, although he vaguely remembered hearing rumors about it. Perhaps Abhimanyu suspected something, but Chirag didn't want to delve into it further, knowing it could lead to jail time after the party.

Observing Chirag's subdued demeanor, Raamraj and Ratan were surprised; it was the first time they'd seen someone shut Chirag down.

The actress, having known Chirag for only a week, had already figured him out as an arrogant person. She was surprised by his sudden change in behavior but realized he might be trying to impress her.

Abhimanyu hinted to the actress about a young man entering her life soon. When she asked if he meant someone underage, Abhimanyu clarified that he meant someone a year younger than her, piquing her interest.

The actress, named Soniya, was intrigued and asked for more details about this mysterious person.

Abhimanyu's narrative continued as he revealed the tragic tale of Kaal Bhairav and Alakhnanda. In their past life, Alakhnanda was a princess while Kaal Bhairav served as a humble commander. Despite their love, Alakhnanda was forcibly betrothed to the son of a minister, denying her the chance to be with Kaal Bhairav. Unable to accept this, Alakhnanda confided in her father about her love for Kaal Bhairav, but their union was vehemently opposed by the minister's son. Resorting to treachery, he orchestrated the deaths of both the king and the commander. Heartbroken and unable to bear the loss, Alakhnanda ended her life by throwing herself into a ravine. Now, in the present, their unfinished story seemed poised for a resolution.

Upon hearing the story, tears welled up in Sonia's eyes. Everyone at the party had gathered around her, captivated by the intriguing tale.

Abhimanyu, noticing Sonia's tears, reassured her, "Don't cry, Alaknanda. I told you, Kaal Bhairav will return to you soon."

Sonia questioned, "Is this story really my own? Has Kaal Bhairav truly come back to life?"

Abhimanyu confirmed, "Yes, Alaknanda, he has indeed returned. But along with him, the minister's daughter has also returned to life. After your death, she too committed suicide because he couldn't possess your body. That's why, to quench his thirst for power, he has returned."

Sonia asked, "Will the minister's son also return?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, and you have already met him. He remembers everything from his past life. He hasn't recognized Kaal Bhairav yet because he is still very young."

Sonia exclaimed, "Has the minister's son been in my life since before?"

Abhimanyu answered, "Yes, and he wants to impress you before meeting Kaal Bhairav."

Sonia inquired, "Do you know who the minister's son is?"

Abhimanyu, looking towards Chirag, said, "I know who he is, and perhaps when you remember everything from your past life, you will recognize him too."

Sonia glanced at Chirag, suspecting that Abhimanyu was talking about him.

Abhimanyu then warned, "Until then, be cautious around people."

Sonia asked, "Do you know who Kaal Bhairav is?"

Abhimanyu tried to say something but remained silent.

Sonia pressed, "You know who Bhairav is, don't you? Tell me."

Abhimanyu replied, "If you don't recognize your Bhairav yet, then what can Bhairav say to you?"

Abhimanyu was trying to conceal the tears in his eyes, resembling those of a crocodile, but Sonia noticed and thought to herself, "Could this be my Kaal Bhairav? Perhaps he cannot speak because of that." She comforted him mentally, "Even if my Alaknanda doesn't remember anything, she can tell that you are her Kaal Bhairav. My Kaal Bhairav, don't worry. Even if Alaknanda doesn't remember, she can still sense that you are her Kaal Bhairav." With that thought, she hugged Abhimanyu tightly and silently vowed, "I won't let this minister's son wander around me."

Abhimanyu, as he hugged Sonia, glanced at Chirag and raised both his eyebrows, signaling to him as if saying, "See, I've done it!" Others were amazed by Abhimanyu's move.

One man exclaimed, "Wow, he managed to win over Mr. Chirag's girlfriend with just a strange story!"

Everyone murmured quietly, praising Abhimanyu's cleverness.

Then Chirag intervened, "Sonia, what's this? You're believing a child's tale. He's just misleading you."

Looking at Chirag, Sonia retorted, "You keep quiet. I haven't separated your head from your body, Mr. Minister's son. That's a big deal in itself."

Abhimanyu suppressed his laughter, holding back his amusement while thinking, "She's truly gotten into character."

Ammy, Kashmira, and Riya were also chuckling at the scene, even others were now laughing at Chirag.

Abhimanyu held Sonia's hand and asked, "Alaknanda, do you remember everything now?"

Sonia replied, "No, but I can feel that you're my Bhairav."

Abhimanyu philosophized, "People say true love transcends memories."

Chirag interrupted, "Enough nonsense."

Ratan intervened calmly, "Mr. Aggarwal, didn't you have to go somewhere?"

Chirag remembered, "Yes, Miss Kashmira, because today's your birthday, I'd like to invite you to watch a race. Would you like to come?"

Abhimanyu chimed in, "I'd love to watch the race. Let's go."

Chirag clarified, "I've invited Miss Kashmira, not you."

Kashmira intervened, "If Abhimanyu is going, then I'll come too."

Chirag thought, "I don't know what's with this Abhimanyu," but then reluctantly agreed, "Okay, fine, let's all go."

Riya suggested, "I want to go too."

Raamraj advised, "Why don't all you youngsters go? Raajveer, take care of everyone."

Raajveer agreed, "Okay, dad."

Both Raajveer and Riya had a sports car, and they both came in the same car.

Riya asked Abhimanyu, "Would you like to drive my car?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Just give me the keys."

Raajveer suggested, "He can drive your car."

Riya insisted, "Yes, give him the keys. And you go with Chirag."

Though Riya was his younger sister, she always bossed him around, and he had to obey her.

Sonia didn't let go of Abhimanyu's hand, so Riya gave him her keys.

Riya and Karishma sat in Raajveer's car, while Raajveer joined Chirag's car.

As Abhimanyu sat in the driver's seat, he asked Sonia, "Will you let go of my hand now?"

Sonia replied, "I'll never let go of your hand, Bhairav."

Abhimanyu retorted, "Stop this acting."

Sonia asked, "How did you know?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Because you're not a better actor than me."

Sonia complimented, "You surprised me with your acting skills. I was truly amazed."

Ammy commented, "You were acting?"

Sonia admitted, "Yes, I had to somehow get away from Chirag."

Abhimanyu instructed, "Alright, buckle up." After saying this, he started the car and accelerated at full speed.

Seeing this, Riya also sped up her car to catch up with Abhimanyu.

Meanwhile, Chirag tried to overtake them, breaking numerous traffic rules, which would likely result in hefty fines.

After a while, they reached a racing track where many expensive and sports cars were lined up. People from affluent families and other cities had come to participate in or watch the race. Since the race hadn't started yet, many were simply enjoying themselves.

Among the spectators were Rohit Mehta, son of Kapil Mehta, and Tinku Chaube, son of Rahul Chaube. Both were there with their respective friends, not paying attention to each other. They were only there to watch the race as they didn't have a license. However, due to their fathers' influence, even older people were flattering them.

One of Tinku Chaube's friends exclaimed loudly, "Rohit thinks he rules Delhi because of his dad, but he doesn't realize his dad's era is ending, and Rahul sir's era is about to begin."

Another of Rohit Mehta's friends boasted, "The lion is still sitting quietly, meaning he hasn't forgotten how to hunt. No one from Delhi can challenge Kapil sir's son."

Suddenly, three cars came to a screeching halt, and if they hadn't applied the brakes in time while drifting, they would have crashed.

As the people exited the cars, many were surprised to see two prominent figures: Mr. Raajveer and Mr. Chirag, scions of two influential families.

However, Rohit was more surprised to see Abhimanyu and Kashmira mam among the crowd. Abhimanyu had just stepped out of the driver's seat when a hot girl approached him and held onto his arm as if he were her boyfriend.

Some individuals then approached Chirag, requesting him to complete the registration as the race was set to begin in 15 minutes.

Chirag swiftly filled out the form and made the payment of the 10 lakh entry fee via card, knowing that the winning prize was 1 crore and there was an option for betting as well, where the payout was ten times the bet amount if the selected player won.

Riya expressed her intention to participate as well, and the officials quickly provided her with the form, which she completed and paid for.

Abhimanyu also declared his intent to participate, prompting Kashmira to intervene, citing the illegality of the race and his status as a minor. However, Abhimanyu argued that they were already participating in illegal activities by being there and skipping class.

Recalling her promise to befriend Abhimanyu outside of class, Kashmira hesitated. Eventually, Abhimanyu proceeded to fill out the form and made the payment using Ammy's card.

Abhimanyu's nonchalant demeanor upon seeing Rohit didn't faze him, as he was accustomed to such environments.

Rohit inquired about Abhimanyu's presence, to which he simply replied that he was participating in the race.

Rohit then glanced at Kashmira, whose discomfort was palpable, realizing that she, as a teacher, had accompanied her students to an illegal event, with one of them also standing nearby, unable to utter a word.

Concerned for Abhimanyu's safety, Rohit warned him about the dangerous curves on the track, emphasizing the absence of guardrails.

The racing track, with its sharp curves and lack of safety features, was known for its accidents and fatalities, attracting thrill-seekers and heavy betting.

Abhimanyu questioned Rohit's presence, to which Rohit replied that he was there to watch as his elder sister was participating in the race.

Abhimanyu expressed concern for Rohit's sister's safety, but Rohit brushed it off, claiming she had enough experience to handle it.

Abhimanyu was aware of Rohit's sister, Kirti Mehta, a 22-year-old beauty named Rashika. Despite her affinity for car racing and numerous victories, she rarely interacted with her father due to their differing interests.

Chirag retorted, "Kid, you should focus on reclaiming your name in this race."

Abhimanyu replied nonchalantly, "Why? Afraid of losing, uncle?"

Chirag snapped back, "Do I look like an uncle to you?"

Abhimanyu retorted, "When I look at you, I see a kid. So, you're an uncle to me."

Chirag, angered, struggled for words.

Tinku Chaube approached, teasing Rohit, "Do you also indulge in flattery, Rohit?"

Rohit clarified, "I don't flatter anyone; he's my classmate."

Tinku remarked, "Oh, the guy from Agrasen School, huh? Quite surprising that a schoolboy is participating in a race. But beware; if you survive, my brother Harsh Chaube will deal with you."

Abhimanyu, chuckling, said, "Hey, isn't this the guy who had to apologize to our teacher?"

Tinku remarked, "Looks like you have no desire to live."

Abhimanyu agreed, saying, "That's exactly how I feel."

As the race announcement was made, all participants had arrived, and registrations were closed. Betting commenced, and there were about 15 racers present. One racer had a bet of almost 1 crore placed on him, while Rashika, followed closely, had 80 lakhs wagered on her. Chirag and Riya, at the bottom, had bets of 11 lakhs each, with Raajveer betting 10 lakhs and Kashmira, as Riya's sister, betting 1 lakh.

Abhimanyu had yet to receive any bets, perhaps to avoid risking any money. Kashmira refused to bet on him, as she didn't want to encourage him to race. However, Abhimanyu insisted that Ammy place the bet, and suddenly, he found himself at the top, with a bet of 10 crore. This staggering amount surprised even the race organizers, as they knew that if Abhimanyu won, they would have to pay out 100 crores.

Everyone was astounded by the amounts, causing a commotion. Chirag was surprised, realizing that Abhimanyu had the potential to win big, but now his money was at risk.

Abhimanyu confidently stated that soon they would find out who was going to lose.

The sight of such large amounts drove everyone crazy; although they were all from wealthy families, none could casually bet such large sums. Even Chirag didn't have that much money, which was why Yuvraj Raijada was considered the wealthiest young man in Delhi, capable of pulling out 100 crores from his pocket at any time.

Abhimanyu could have easily raised more funds, but that would have been excessive.

Abhimanyu asked Riya why she wasn't betting, and Riya replied that she wasn't interested in showing off.

Then came another announcement, signaling the start of the race. All racers lined up their cars, with Abhimanyu's car positioned last according to registration. Riya was taking part in the race alongside Raajveer.

A poised girl stepped forward and waved the flag, signaling the start of the race. The track was extensive, with numerous sharp curves, spanning a 4 km area. It consisted of three laps, with victory dependent on completing them successfully.

After a few moments of driving, a dangerous curve approached. One car didn't allow the car behind it to overtake, resulting in a collision with the wall. Luckily, the racer emerged unscathed.

Behind them were two more cars, one of which couldn't take the curve due to an accident and collided with the wall. But Abhimanyu applied the brakes and smoothly maneuvered the car, avoiding the collision.

People started laughing. One person said, "What a foolish boy, I wonder which family's idiot invested money in him."

Another person joked, "Putting 10 crores on a new 17-year-old kid in one go is definitely foolish."

Someone remarked, "There must be some major fool; our money is on Rohan Bajaj, and that money will multiply by ten because Rohan Bajaj hasn't lost a single race so far."

Abhimanyu increased his speed after taking the curve and left another car behind. Then, a steep hill came with a dangerous curve. Abhimanyu smoothly took the turn, but as he was overtaking another car, the spectators were amazed to see.

Someone exclaimed, "This guy just left Rashika behind, oh my god!"

Abhimanyu reached near Riya, and then another dangerous curve appeared. Abhimanyu and Riya navigated it smoothly, and they were now in the lead.

Abhimanyu said to Riya, "Watch my demon technique." He applied a sudden acceleration, making their car airborne.

The spectators watched in amazement; some closed their eyes. Abhimanyu asked Arjun to ensure nothing happened to the car, but Arjun refused. Then Maya, Abhimanyu's inner angel, saved the car from any harm.

Abhimanyu thanked Maya and smoothly landed the car, then sped off. In the race, Abhimanyu finally crossed the finish line, leading the race.

Everyone had lost their money, but they were so thrilled by the intense race that they became excited and started cheering for Abhimanyu loudly.

Abhimanyu then got out of the car, waving to everyone, and the other cars also stopped, and the racers got out.

Rohan said, "I can't believe I lost a race to a boy for the first time."

Riya added, "And I was also supposed to lose to you in this race."

But now the racing department was in a tight spot because they had to give Abhimanyu 100 crores, which was a huge amount.

The racing track manager called Rahul Chaube and explained the situation.

Rahul Chaube said, "You fools! Just do one thing; you said he's a kid, so persuade him and give him just 20 crores; otherwise, we'll be bankrupt, and Tripathi and Mehta will crush me."

A while later, Ammy said, "They have given me only 20 crores."

Abhimanyu said, "How come? Who is the manager here?"

Ammy gestured towards a man with red hair.

As Abhimanyu approached him, Kashmira grabbed his hand and said, "What are you doing? Are you going to fight goons for money now?"

Abhimanyu replied, "If they don't give me my money, I'll have to collect it somehow."

Saying this, Abhimanyu freed his hand.

Riya placed her hand on Kashmira's shoulder and said, "Don't worry," and started following Abhimanyu, with others also following to see what happened.

Abhimanyu approached the man with red hair, who wore a gold chain and looked around 35 years old with a flower-printed shirt.

Abhimanyu said, "There's a saying that if you ask for one, you get ten or even twenty."

The man replied, "There's no need to talk nonsense. We can only give you 20 crores; 100 crores is too much."

Abhimanyu insisted, "But I won't leave here without my 100 crores."

Then Chaube's son, Harsh Chaube, arrived and said, "You should leave quietly from here. You seem like a decent guy."

Abhimanyu retorted, "I won't leave without my money."

The man with red hair thought Abhimanyu was too stubborn, so he immediately took out a rod and tried to hit Abhimanyu, but Abhimanyu stopped it with one hand and hit him in the vital point, causing him to collapse in pain.

Seeing this, Tinku Chaube also tried to attack Abhimanyu from behind, but Abhimanyu hit him on the back of his head with the rod, causing him to fall unconscious. This made Harsh angry, and he tried to kick Abhimanyu, but Abhimanyu dodged and struck him on the head with the rod, causing Harsh to faint. Then their hired goons armed with weapons attacked Abhimanyu, but if something happened to these two, Chaube wouldn't spare them.