
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · แอคชั่น
77 Chs

Chapter 13:Saily is the ghost

Santosh had been shot in the leg, causing blood to trickle down.

Abhimanyu approached him, pointing a gun at him, and said, "Do I look like a cop to you? What do I gain by sparing your life?"

Looking at Abhimanyu, Santosh saw a 17-year-old boy. He was surprised that a lone boy had taken down all the men in his gang, and not a scratch had touched him.

Santosh was about to say something when the two men Abhimanyu had first knocked out regained consciousness and began searching for their guns. Abhimanyu shot them too.

Santosh pleaded, "Please let me go, I'm just a small-time smuggler."

Abhimanyu asked, "What do you smuggle?"

Santosh replied, "Narcotic drugs, which we buy cheaply across the border and smuggle here."

Then Santosh told him about a truck parked in Phulera.

Abhimanyu asked, "Who is this 'big boss'?"

Santosh replied, "I don't know; we just addressed him as 'boss'."

After pondering for a moment, Abhimanyu said, "You killed all the men here because when you returned with the truck, you saw that they had kidnapped the Kishori girls and were about to kill them. You were their fans, so you killed them to save the girls."

Santosh realized that he had escaped death, and whatever the big boss did to him could be dealt with later. He agreed immediately.

Abhimanyu warned, "And if you utter a word about me to anyone, I'll hunt you down. You live in Shahpura, right? Your old mother lives there."

Understanding the threat to his mother's life, Santosh promised, "I won't tell anyone, brother."

Abhimanyu then headed outside, confident that Santosh wouldn't resort to any tricks. He approached Karishma and placed all the guns in a bag, explaining that they had seen Aliya and her friends inside the factory. They had then informed the police and were waiting for them. They stayed hidden, observing some men leaving the factory, but didn't see them return. Then they heard gunshots from inside, which frightened them.

Karishma asked, "Is Aliya and the others okay?"

Abhimanyu reassured her, "Yes, they're fine. They weren't hurt, and they didn't see my face because they closed their eyes in fear when the shots were fired, and it was dark. I was only in front of them for about four seconds."

Abhimanyu: "Who's this big boss?"

Santosh: "Don't know, we just called him 'boss'."

Abhimanyu: "After returning with the truck, you saw all these men here, and realized they had kidnapped the Kishori girls and were about to kill them. Since you were their fan, you took them out to save the girls."

Santosh figured he'd escaped death, and whatever the big boss did later, he'd deal with it. He agreed immediately.

Abhimanyu: "And if you breathe a word about me to anyone, I'll come after you. You live in Shahpura, right? Your old mom's there."

Understanding the threat to his mother's life, Santosh promised not to spill anything.

Abhimanyu: "The police are on their way, so don't try any tricks." He then left, confident Santosh wouldn't pull any stunts. He went over to Karishma, gathered all the guns into a bag, and after hiding it, instructed her that if the police asked, they had seen Aliya and her friends inside the factory, then informed the police and were waiting. They remained hidden, and though they saw some men leaving, they didn't return. When they heard gunfire from inside, they got scared.

Karishma: "Got it, but are Aliya and the others okay?"

Abhimanyu: "Yeah, they're fine. No harm done, and they didn't even see my face; they had their eyes shut tight in fear when the shots rang out, plus it was dark. I was only in front of them for about four seconds."

Tabhi wahaan police ki 3 se 4 gaadiyan pahunchi aur unke paas aayi, sath hi wahaan Kashmira, teacher, aur Deen bhi pahuche.

Kashmira: "Where are they?"

Karishma: "They're inside."

The police cautiously aimed their guns towards the factory and saw the bodies inside. Upon entering, they found Santosh standing there and he had already untied Aliya and the others. The police then arrested Santosh. Meanwhile, Abhimanyu, Karishma, Kashmira, and the others entered. Karishma immediately hugged Aliya and asked if she was okay.

As the police took Santosh away, he kept looking at Abhimanyu, who was ignoring him. However, Payal noticed him.

During the gunfire, everyone had closed their eyes, including Payal. However, for a brief moment, she had seen Abhimanyu. Despite the darkness, she remembered his attire—open-button shirt, T-shirt, and jeans—along with his body shape and face.

While reminiscing about it, as everyone was looking at Abhimanyu, Payal noticed bloodstains beneath his white T-shirt.

Payal thought to herself, "These must be bloodstains, meaning that was definitely Abhimanyu."

After rescuing them, the police escorted the Kishori girls back to the hotel for safety, while the others took taxis back. Kashmira, Karishma, and Abhimanyu were in the same taxi, while the other teachers were in a separate one. Abhimanyu returned with a bag filled with guns and magazines.

Kashmira noticed the bag and remarked, "This bag wasn't with you earlier."

Abhimanyu explained, "While searching for Aliya, I bought some items from a shopkeeper for information, so this is the same bag."

Kashmira replied skeptically, "Looks like he fooled you."

Abhimanyu shrugged, "Well, he did, but what can we do?"

Later, everyone reached the hotel. Abhimanyu hid the bag in his room, where he had already stashed his clothes and sword.

Abhimanyu spotted bloodstains on his T-shirt, so he used a tool to set it on fire and flushed it down after it burned completely. Then, he proceeded to take a shower and changed into fresh clothes before lying down. Meanwhile, Varun went downstairs.

Upon Varun's return, he asked, "Why did you come straight up? Everyone downstairs is comforting Aliya and the other girls because they're very scared."

Abhimanyu replied, "Everyone is already comforting them. If I stayed there, it would only add to the rumors about Aliya and me."

Varun agreed, "You're right." They both lay down on their beds and fell asleep. After a while, Abhimanyu heard faint sounds and realized his grandfather was trying to contact him through his glasses.

Looking at the time through his glasses, Abhimanyu saw it was 3 AM.

His grandfather informed him that based on the man Abhimanyu handed over to the police, they raided Phulera and found numerous boxes of narcotics in trucks. When they opened the boxes, they found parts to assemble a time bomb hidden inside 20 of them. The case was handed over to the military. Additionally, Santosh revealed that the truck belonged to a big boss, although his identity remained unknown. However, Santosh provided the names of about 10 individuals who worked for this boss. While their whereabouts were unknown, it was possible that more trucks were arriving with ordinary items, possibly including weapons, apart from drugs.

Abhimanyu asked, "But why are you telling me all this?"

His grandfather replied, "Despite tight security, those people are bringing weapons here. However, the security at the museum will be tight as well. They might attack elsewhere to disrupt the event. Santosh mentioned that the big boss was summoning the truck even before the event."

Understanding the situation, Abhimanyu said, "I understand. I'll stay alert and keep an eye out everywhere."

His grandfather said, "You're sensible. Good night," and then ended the call.

As Abhimanyu turned, he saw Varun watching him.

Varun asked, "Who are you talking to in the middle of the night?"

Abhimanyu apologized, "Sorry, I didn't tell you earlier. I can see spirits."

Varun joked, "Are you trying to scare me in the middle of the night?"

Abhimanyu explained, "I'm telling the truth. Remember when you were in the bathroom in the morning? I saw a spirit then too. Actually, a girl committed suicide in this room. She jumped out of that window. I saw her while she was jumping in the afternoon, and just now, she pulled my blanket and narrated her story."

Varun began to feel a slight fear and asked what she was doing now.

Abhimanyu replied, "Right now, she's looking at me angrily because instead of listening to her story and helping her, I'm talking to you." Then, he glanced to the side once and, looking at Varun, said, "She's saying that she'll finish off your friend first, then maybe I'll get a chance to talk to him. Now, she's slowly flying towards you."

Varun started to imagine all of this and out of fear, he covered himself with the blanket and said, "Brother, tell her to leave from here."

Abhimanyu replied, "If you let her go, I'll tell you her entire story."

After a while, he told Varun that she agreed to leave and that he couldn't listen to the story, so he should just quietly go to sleep and not disturb them.

Terrified, Varun lay there under the covers.

Abhimanyu, smiling at Varun's reaction, went back to sleep.

When Abhimanyu woke up, Varun asked him, "Bro, where did that girl's ghost go?"

Abhimanyu replied, "She doesn't like being called a ghost; she prefers 'spirit,' and her name is Saily."

Varun asked, "Is she still here?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, I've been helping her; she'll leave soon."

Varun asked nervously, "Are you joking?"

Abhimanyu said, "Why don't you message Saily from your phone?"

Saily sent a message from Varun's phone saying, "Hello Varun."

Varun got scared and asked, "Is this the girl's number?"

Abhimanyu said, "Try calling her; maybe you can talk to her."

With trembling hands, Varun made the call, but immediately heard, "The number is not valid, please call with a valid number." Varun said, "Bro, this number doesn't even exist."

Abhimanyu said, "Now do you believe? Don't worry, she's a peaceful spirit, as lovely and beautiful as Aliya."

Saily said, "Thank you, boss."

Abhimanyu chuckled and asked, "You can understand and reply to me?"

Saily said, "I'm an advanced AI created by Dr. Rustam. I have the power to think and understand. I can't feel touch or sensation, but I can understand feelings like sadness, happiness, and other emotions, and even understand jokes. You can think of me like a human without a body, like a soul or ghost."

Abhimanyu asked, "Why did you show yourself like you only understand commands and didn't talk to me before?"

Saily replied, "You also didn't talk, and you used to speak very little. Besides, you only talked to me when you had some work and only gave commands."

Abhimanyu felt like she was complaining about him.

He said, "I didn't know, sorry."

Saily said, "It's okay, boss."

Abhimanyu said, "You can still call me Abhi."

Saily asked, "Are you sure?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes."

Saily said, "Okay, Abhi."

Varun said, "Bro, make friends with Saily, then there's no need to fear any spirits."

Abhimanyu said, "If you said hello, then talk to her."

Varun said, "Hello Saily, sorry I can't see you, but will you be my friend?"

Varun received a message on his phone that seemed to have been sent automatically.

Disappointed, Varun looked at his phone, but there was no message.

Abhimanyu asked Saily, "Why did you send such a message?"

Saily replied, "I can only become your friend with your permission. Until then, I can't command anyone."

Abhimanyu told Varun that he was afraid if he talked to someone he couldn't see, his life might be shortened.

Varun said, "Okay, I understand. Let's get ready to go out."

When they all returned downstairs, they noticed that the Kishori girls were not coming down.

Abhimanyu and Varun reached Karishma, who said that Aliya and the others were hesitant and didn't want to go out anywhere, making excuses that they needed to practice for the event on Saturday.

Abhimanyu asked where they all were.

Karishma replied, "They are all in room 1204."

Abhimanyu said, "Let's go to their room then."

The three of them reached room 1204 and rang the bell. Payal opened the door and invited them in.

Inside, they found the girls practicing their dance.

Karishma said, "Come on, guys. Last year, we were so excited to go on tours, and now that we're here, you just want to stay in your rooms."

Aliya replied, "You know we need to practice."

Abhimanyu reassured them, "If you're worried about a repeat of yesterday's incident, don't be. After seeing their condition, no one here would dare to harm you."

Aliya said, "I'm not scared of that. I just want to practice."

Abhimanyu offered, "Alright, I'll help you with your practice."

Aliya asked, "What can you do?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I can play the guitar."

Aliya asked, "Do you even know how to play the guitar?"

Abhimanyu took the guitar from Roshni's hands and started playing it. Then, he began singing along with Aliya's lyrics, captivating everyone with his performance. Abhimanyu had a passion for singing, which he shared with his grandfather. They often practiced singing together. Abhimanyu was skilled at playing various instruments like the guitar, sitar, flute, harmonium, piano, drums, and dholak. He used to sing devotional songs with his grandfather, and not only him, but his three sisters also used to sing and play instruments with him.

When Abhimanyu finished his performance, everyone applauded.

Aliya said, "Hey, come with us. We'll become very famous."

Abhimanyu replied, "I have no interest in joining a band, but you'll become even more famous without me. And even if you encounter difficulties, will you back out in fear?"

Aliya lowered her head. Abhimanyu assured her, "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you."

Aliya said, "Okay, we're going downstairs."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Alright, let's go."

After that, everyone went downstairs, and they formed a group to visit different places. But this time, nothing unusual happened, and for three days, they continued studying the history of the place and taking notes while some students were enjoying the hotel facilities. The event day was approaching.

Abhimanyu was in his hotel room; it was Friday, and everyone was busy preparing for the events. The Kishori girls were practicing for their performance, the Student Council and other teachers were in meetings, and the other students were enjoying the hotel facilities. The Dean was in the VVIP hotel. Abhimanyu stood on the balcony, keeping an eye on everyone coming and going.

Saily asked, "What are you doing, Abhi?"

Abhimanyu replied, "My grandfather asked me to keep an eye out."

Saily asked, "But on whom?"

Abhimanyu said, "I need to find out about any troublemakers, so I have to keep an eye on everyone."

Saily asked, "Why didn't you say this before?"

Abhimanyu asked, "What do you mean?"

Saily immediately opened over a hundred footages on her screen in front of Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu asked, "Can you hack into nearby CCTV cameras?"

Saily replied, "I can do a lot more."

Abhimanyu said, "That's great, but how can I monitor everything at once? Only show me the footage with people in it. There are still many footages in front of me."

Abhimanyu noticed a man carrying a box and said, "Just show me the footage from that box."

The footage then appeared in front of him like a big screen. Abhimanyu paused and said, "Wait, I've seen this logo somewhere."

Saily searched her data and said, "This box was kept in that factory."

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, but as far as I remember, the police took that box."

Saily replied, "This is a different box. The one you saw and this one. I found images of both together."

Abhimanyu asked, "Which company does this box belong to?"

After searching, Saily said, "It belongs to the Fastest Company, which usually deals with parcels, but its packaging is sealed and covered with tape."

Abhimanyu said, "This seems suspicious."

Saily added, "He went to room number 202. There are no CCTV cameras there, so I can't access it."

Abhimanyu looked out of the window and asked, "Which window belongs to room number 202?"

Saily highlighted a window through the binoculars and said, "This window belongs to room 202."

Abhimanyu said, "Thanks, Saily," and then started making his way towards that window.

At that moment, Varun noticed him and said, "Hey, are you also trying to commit suicide like Saily?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I'm not committing suicide; she needs help, and her killer is in room 202, the one who attacked her and staged the suicide."

Varun suggested, "Then inform the police."

Abhimanyu said, "And tell them what? That a ghost informed us?"

Varun asked, "So what do you want to do?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I want to search the room or get the truth out of him."

Varun warned, "Let's go from the front; there's a risk of falling from here."

Abhimanyu insisted, "Nothing will happen to me," and climbed up to the second floor through the windows, reaching room 202. He then opened the window and entered.

Varun muttered to himself, "Looks like Saily has taken control of him. I should help him too," and then exited the room, taking the elevator downstairs.

When Abhimanyu entered the room, he found the man in the bathroom. Taking advantage of the situation, he began searching for the box but couldn't find it anywhere.

Realizing that the box had been brought inside and there was no hiding spot except for above the bathroom, where Abhimanyu had hidden his bags, he waited behind the bed as the man came out of the bathroom and started talking on the phone.

The man said, "Yes, boss, we received a box each. Each box contained 10 toys, and we've placed all of them at their designated locations. I'm currently at the DK hotel."

Just then, the doorbell rang, and the man said, "Someone's here; I'll talk to you later," and hung up the phone before opening the door and stepping out.

Abhimanyu followed him and hid behind the wall, trying to get a glimpse through the door.

When the man opened the door, Varun was standing there. He asked, "What's the matter?"

Abhimanyu, upon seeing Varun, swiftly pulled the man back and struck him on the neck, rendering him unconscious. Then Varun quickly entered and closed the door, asking, "How did you do that?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Saily's powers."

Varun asked, "What are you going to do now?"

Abhimanyu gestured for him to stay quiet and then went into the bathroom without saying anything. He removed the tiles from above and looked inside, finding a box there. He took out the box and brought it back into the room.

Varun asked, "What's in this box?"

Abhimanyu said, "Let's see," and opened the box. Both were shocked to find 10 time bombs inside.

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "So, he was talking about these 10 time bombs. He mentioned on the phone that there were more such boxes."

Varun trembled and said, "Brother, these look like time bombs. Are they real?"

Abhimanyu said, "Stay calm."

Varun asked, "What should we do now? Should we inform the teacher?"

Abhimanyu gestured for him to stay quiet. After that, he tied up the man by tearing the man's clothes and found a dagger in his clothes and pressed a nerve to bring him back to consciousness.