
why is he being nice


     Make sure everything is properly set (Sofia said has she went to the living room)okay miss sofia(three of the maid said)why is dad not back yet?(Sofia asked herself in her thought,then she heard the horn of a car) finally dad is back(sofia said as she ran outside)welcome dad(Sofia said as her dad came down from the car).

     How was you day my princess?(Sofia's asked)it was great(Sofia replied)what kept you so long?(Sofia asked)am sorry,I had a contract(sofia's dad answered)I know you missed me(sofia's dad said)of course I did (Sofia said then gave her dad a very big hug) let go inside(Sofia said and they went inside).

       It seems you are busy(sofia's dad said) yes dad(Sofia said)my friend and my mom are visiting today(Sofia added as got into the house)oh,that your friend you told me about (sofia's dad said)Yes,she is the one (Sofia said)well,go freshen up first,after that,we can discuss(Sofia added)wow,you are now a big girl(sofia's dad said as he ruffled her hair).

  Do you have an idea on what you are serving them?(sofia's dad asked)I don't really know yet(Sofia answered with her hand on her jaw) okay,let me go freshen first after that I will help you out(sofia's dad said as he peck her on her forehead)really?(Sofia asked)Yes princess(sofia's dad replied).

     Oh thanks dad(Sofia thanked her dad excitedly)no problem,dear(sofia's dad said) okay,I will go to my room now(sofia's dad added and left)is the flower I ordered for not here yet?(Sofia asked Lina her maid) they haven't delivered it(Lina answered) what the hell(sofia said)fuck(she added).

     Betty?(Sofia called out to the second maid)yes my lady(Betty answered) contact the flower store,if they dont bring it before 3:00pm,then get the flower from another store(Sofia said)okay my lady (Betty answered then left)okay,the rest of you,get back to work(Sofia said wearing a smile on her face)yes my lady(the maids and guards replied).



       (Tiya slept for a long time,Alex was just starring at her,when he heard a knock on his door,he got up and walked to the door, he opened the door and saw granny)do you know where Tiya is?(granny asked) because I have been looking for her(granny said)don't look for her again(Alex said).

    But why?(granny asked)because she is inside (Alex answered)oh,that's great (granny said)okay,tell her to come and massage my back for me(granny said) what!!?(Alex exclaimed in shock with his eyes wide open) yes,you heard me(granny said)or should I call her myself?(granny asked).

      No don't granny(Alex said then turned and look inside his room,Tiya was still sleeping) what are you waiting for?(granny asked)hm, granny,you know she is my personal assistant,right?(Alex asked)yes,I know (granny replied)huh,that means she belong to me(Alex said)she belong to you?(granny asked then Alex nodded his head in support).

      Really?(granny asked in surprise)Yes (Alex answered,then he saw a maid coming toward their direction)you,call another maid, tell the maid to massage my granny's back (Alex said)and bring some cookies and a glass of juice(Alex added)yes young master (the maid bow and said then she left).

       Bye granny(Alex said then closed the door,granny chuckles and left)wow that was really close(Alex said to himself,he was still standing near the door,when the maid knocked on the door,he opened the door and collected the tray from her then he closed the door,he went back to his couch and dropped the tray on the table).

                AFTER 30 MINUTES 

       (Tiya turned then she got up and yawn, she lay down again)am I in my room?(Tiya asked in her mind,she was still closing her eyes,so she opened her right eye and saw Alex starring at her,she quickly jumped up)did you enjoy your sleep?(Alex asked) sorry I fell asleep while you were eating (Tiya apologize).

       It won't happen again(Tiya said)come sit (Alex said pointing to the couch that he sat down on,Tiya turned back)me?(Tiya asked) Yes,you(Alex answered)and please don't ask,if am talking to you because we are the only one here(Alex added then Tiya got up and went to meet him,she sat on the couch).

   Have some cookies and this glass of juice (Alex said pointing to the table where the tray the plate of cookies and glass of juice were kept on)me??(Tiya asked)sorry, cookies and juice?(Tiya asked in shock)yes go on(Alex said)thanks(Tiya said then collected one cookie from the plate and ate,she sip from the juice as well).

      Why are you been nice to me all of a sudden?(Tiya asked as she took another cookie from the plate and made a bite on it)nice?me?(Alex asked)yes(Tiya answered) not at all(Alex said)I don't understand(Tiya said)if you are not been nice to me then what can we call this that you have done?(Tiya asked).

       It's not call been nice,am just doing my duty as your young master(Alex said)I don't want anyone to say that am not doing my duty that's why am taking the responsibility to take care of you,who is my personal assistant(Alex added)seriously??(Tiya asked).

    Yes,so don't think that am been nice to you because you may return it one day (Alex replied then giggles)no problem(Tiya said) who is Justin to you(Alex asked all of a sudden).