

Jonel_Hapa · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs


I was 2 years old when my mom died, months after she gave birth to our baby brother.

I was 5 when my father remarried his second wife that also has a 6 children on her first husband.

I have 4 siblings, 1 sister and 3 brothers.

When I was a kid I remember that me and my sister lived in our grandparents on our mother side, i was in my pre-school that time then, i don't remember what happened but they send us to our grandmother on our father side after a year.

My father's family is a little well off family and they have a small grocery store and my uncle is a seaman.

My sister is in her sixth grade at that time and I'm in my second grade when she run away from home because of a man.

Then my grandmother send me to my father to continue my studies.

That is also the first time that I saw my father in my life.

It's so awkward because I Don't know him even if he is my father, we didn't talk to each other in our whole journey.

When we reach their house it's already midnight.

I met his wife and my step siblings.

In the first half a year my life there is good my step mother is kind and my step siblings is good to me.

I continue my studies, but I stop half way because of my own selfish reason.

And that is the time that my step mother change the way she treats me.

Every time we are eating I can feel her fierce stares at me Like she is monitoring my every move.

under continuation

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