
Young Justice: The black super soldier

This is my first fan fiction so let's get into it this will be a self insert and my vision for my story on young justice with me only owning my MC with him having the super solider serum from marvel's Captain America with him having a high intellect of the young justice universe and in all aspects of him being the smartest man in the young justice universe with a small harem that I already have in mind so sit back and enjoy the fan fiction.

Tjsmith1202 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
46 Chs

Under The Sea

[May 27, Atlantic sea]

(Tyler Rogers AKA Captain America POV)

After the battle at the war world the Justice League has been switching out shifts to protect the command deck and the power core while we have the key in a secure place on the watchtower only league members can access while all that was happening the Light and Reach have gone quiet for a while with the news of my return and the people losing faith in the Reach promise of them protecting them better than the Justice League.

Also with the cave destroyed the team was going to go back to the run down warehouse until I told Nightwing and the team that I had made a secret compound base for that very situation if that were to happen which everyone on the team was very happy about since they didn't want to stay in that run down warehouse so I gave them access to the compound which the named secret haven.

But also in other news Brother eye has been more active then the other Light members going about doing his own thing ever sense I returned to earth thankfully Jarvis had hacked into Bother eye's communications to find out why he has been active and the result was that he had to prove his worth to the Light or they would dismantle him so he had to do something big to get back in the good graces of the Light.

So after all that and my earlier conversation with Jade of going to Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Artemis and staring up some trouble me and her were brought to the Atlantic Ocean since Jade had put a tracker on Artemis so she would know where she is at all times so we tracked her down here and lo and behold we see two submarine ships moving about.

Tyler:"Okay there they are you ready to do this Jade."

Jade:"Yeah I am but why did we have to bring my dad? I mean he isn't gonna be of any help anyways he only cares about his reputation."

Sportsmaster:"Hey baby girl don't be like that I got my reasons and you two have yours I mean you two want to kill Aqualad for killing Artemis and I want to kill Black Manta to keep my rep."

Jade:"Ahhhhh why did you have to agree Tyler."

Tyler:"Ah don't worry I have my reasons Jade don't worry."


[Flashback-May 26]

As me and Jade were at the house getting ready to head to the tracker of where Artemis is we get a knock at our door and Jarvis speaks up saying.

Jarvis:"Sir & Ma'am there is a Lawrence Crock at the front door should I let him in."

Jade looked at me and says.

Jade:"Why is he here Tyler?"

Tyler:"Ah well I do think he should know that Artemis is still alive and I know that neither of you get along with him but ever since I came back he has been hounding me down demanding me to do something about Aqualad since he 'killed' Artemis so yeah."

Jade:"Haaa fine Jarvis let him in."

Jarvis:"Yes Ma'am."

As Jarvis opened the door Lawrence came in with his bag of gear and says to us.

Lawrence:"Alright are you two ready now."

Jade:"Almost we are waiting for Ben and Komand'r."

Lawrence:"Why are they coming with we don't need them it will be fine with just the three of us."

Jade:"NO! Not that dad we are waiting for them so they can watch the kids mom is coming by as well if Ben and Komand'r have to go out for a mission."

Lawrence:"Ah I see well they need to hurry up were losing precious time here."

As Jade was about to say something else I come in saying to Lawrence.

Tyler:"Alright Lawrence I think you just need to stand there and shut up before you say something else stupid alright."

Lawrence:"Haaaa fine but can I see my grandchildren at least."

Jade & Tyler:"Not a chance!"

Lawrence:"And why is that?"

Tyler:"Reasons now shut it or I'll just kill you like I should have done a long time ago."

Lawrence:"Yeah yeah fine whatever."

After a while Ben, Komand'r, and Paula all came by to take care of the kids while we were gone and all three of us set out on the submarine ship that I had build with the help of Jarvis (Use imagination for the submarine ship) and we headed out to where the tracker was at.

[Flashback end]


As we were approaching the two ships I activated camouflage mode so we wouldn't get spotted on the enemy's radars. As we passed the first ship without any alarms going off we head to the second ship where all three of them were and that is when Sportsmaster speaks up and said.

Sportsmaster:"Hey how did you two even know where to look for Aqualad?"

Cheshire:"Why do you need to know?"

Sportsmaster:"Just curious?"

Captain America:"Oh a little birdie told me does that answer your questions."

Sportsmaster:"Hahahahahaha I guess so son-in-law."

Captain America:"Never call me that ever again."

And as that conversation was over we were at the ships access point where Jarvis hacked into it and opened it for us and me giving out the plan to the two.

Captain America:"Alright here's the plan-."

Sportsmaster:"Hey who put you in charge I ain't taking orders from you kid."

Captain America:"Well fine then go off by yourself and get killed from Black Manta's many security measures he has in place for intruders like us. with the added bonus of having Deathstoke that is right behind us shoot us down."


Captain America:"That's what I thought now I will take out the security measures in place while Cheshire and you take out the guards in your way to Aqualad and Black Manta."

Cheshire:"Got it be safe."

Captain America:"You too."

Sportsmaster:"Alright enough lovey lovey crap let's move already."

And after that we headed off with me going first to take down the security they had on the ship. Once I made it inside the ship there were guards posted at all over so I sneaked by them all the way to the security room. As I made it to the security room there were multiple guards everywhere in the room so I tossed a smoke bomb in and waited for it to go off.

Once the smoke bomb went off I made my move taking out all the guards in the room leaving them all unconscious and heading over to the main controls for the security they had on the ship and with the help of Jarvis me and him take out all camera's inside the ship and on Deathstoke's ship and cutting all communications from the ship and at that moment I speak in my comms to both Cheshire and Sportsmaster.

Captain America:"Alright all camera's and communications are down you guys can start the party I'll meet up with you all."


Sportsmaster:"Ha bout time I guess you getting slow in your old age huh kid."

Captain America:"Yeah whatever old man see you all soon."

Once that was over I head out to meet up with Jade and Lawrence when all of a sudden alarms start going off which I just thought to myself well that was quicker then I expected but the plan didn't change just that there would be a lot more obstacles in the way.


(Artemis AKA Tigress POV)

As I was sitting with both M'gann and Kaldur we had planned on getting M'gann out of here while me and Kaldur would stay and continue our mission. As I was thinking that I remembered what Black Manta said to me about a few days ago.



Black Manta:"Huh well this is most interesting? Tigress come here I want you to take a look at this."

Tigress:"Yes sir what is it?"

Black Manta:"Seems like Captain America is back on earth and after Brother eye said that he was to be executed huh never trust machinery they won't get the job done."

Tigress:"I see but what does that have to do with me sir?"

Black Manta:"Well whenever you get a chance I want you to eliminate him the reason is that I know that he will come after Kaldur and I don't want my son to get killed by him so I want you to take him out whenever you get the chance is that understood."

Tigress:"Yes sir."

Black Manta:"Your dismissed."

[Flashback end]


After that I told both Kaldur and M'gann which they said that they were happy and surprised that Tyler was back on earth and that the Light will have even more trouble with their plans since he's back which I agreed and that is when we started planning on M'gann's escape that is until the alarms started blaring meaning that their were intruders on the ship.

Once we figured that out Black Manta comes in the room saying to us.

Black Manta:"Tigress I need you on board the ship is Sportsmaster, Cheshire, and Captain America I already relayed a message to Deathstoke to come before the communication systems shut down thanks to the Captain!"

Tigress:"Yes sir but what about the martian."

Black Manta:"Hmmm well she will be our bait luckily I can still shut down her powers so she will be useless but for now she will stay here and fix my son and martian if you don't fix him when the time I get back you are dead."

After that Black Manta runs out and before I leave I tell them telepathically.

Tigress:{"Well I guess this is the plan now I am so gonna beat up Tyler for this."}

Aqualad:{"Do not go too hard on him."}

Tigress:{"No promises.M'gann be ready to leave with Tyler when you get an opportunity"}

Miss Martian:{"Got it."}

After that I left and headed to where the fighting was and saw my dad, sister, and husband fighting the guards off but once my dad saw Black Manta he charged at him I was about to intervene but I was stopped when Tyler pulled me towards him with his web shooters.

As he pulled me towards him he tried to kick me but I maneuvered over it and behind him while breaking the web and that is when I spoke up saying to him as the villain Tigress.

Tigress:"Seems like we finally meet Captain I've been ordered to kill you."

Captain America:"Oh really well let's see if you can get the job done."

After he said that he threw his shield at me which I dodge but knowing him and how his shield worked once it came back to hit me in the back I spun around catching it. But he didn't look surprised that's when he pressed a button on his utility belt and before I knew it I got shocked by the shield.

After I got shocked by the shield I let go of it which prompted him to come charging at me which resulted in us going through a door with him pinning me up against a wall and as I realized our position I say to him.

Tigress:"So what you gonna kill me now."

Captain America:"Nah I'm gonna do something way better."

Tigress:"Yeah and what's-."

But I couldn't say nothing because he was kissing me I tried to pull away but I couldn't resist his lips I mean it has been a while and after a few minutes of our kiss I get back to my senses and say.

Tigress:"Hey what are you doing!"

Captain America:"What? I can't kiss my wife while she is wearing a tiger costume."

Tigress:"Haaaa you really need to learn self control honey."

Captain America:"Well I can't when you look this damn good can you really blame me."

After that he kissed me once again which I didn't resist and just melted into the kiss until we both heard a guy flying by the destroyed door bringing us both back to reality with me saying to Tyler.

Tigress:"Okay look you need to get M'gann from Kaldur's room I'll deal with my dad and Black Manta hopefully I can by you enough time."

Captain America:"Alright got it but one more thing before I go."


Captain America:"*Kisses Artemis* A kiss for the road see yah honey."

Tigress:"*Whispers while having a big blush* You idiot."

And like that Tyler ran off to Kaldur and M'gann and when I was brought back after my moment of embarrassment I came out of the room and went to fight with Black Manta against my sister and dad.


(Captain America's POV)

As I was running to Kaldur's room there was a bunch of guard near his but sense they were just goons I took them all down and went inside the room and saw both Kaldur and M'gann and before I spoke I felt M'gann's mental touch which means she wants to talk mentally so she spoke up saying.

Miss Martian:{"Well it's nice to have you back Captain."}

Aqualad:{"Same here my friend."}

Captain America:{"Awwww your gonna make blush guys."}

Miss Martian:{"Yeah whatever hey before we leave can you or Jarvis you know."} *Points at her inhibitor collar.

Captain America:"Jarvis do you mind fixing that."

Jarvis:"Yes sir just plug me in and I'll get it off her."

After I plugged Jarvis into the collar it took about a few seconds and it was off giving M'gann all her martian powers but before we could leave we hear a all to familiar voice from the door way saying.

Deathstroke:"Aww and you were going to leave without saying goodbye Captain I'm very hurt."

Captain America:"Come on Slade do you really want to do this why don't you just let us go and save yourself the embarrassment of getting your ass kicked by me again."

Deathstroke:"Hahahaha very funny Captain but unfortunately I'm gonna have to decline that offer so the only option is to fight Captain."

Captain America:"Haaaaa fine have it your way Miss M get to the ship and start it up I won't be long."

Miss Martian:"Roger Captain."

As I told her that she left going camouflage mode and density shifting through the walls to get to the ship leaving me with Deathsroke alone which prompted our duel.

It went on for a minute just me and Deathsroke staring at each other waiting for the other to make a move which I start I charge at him shield out while he brung out his sword ready to slash at me which at that moment both our weapons collide with Deathstokes blade breaking and leaving him momentarily stunned leaving me an opening to attack him hitting him with my shield and a combination of kicks and punches that left him breathless and panting which I say to him.

Captain America:"Getting a little slow there huh Slade?"

Deathstroke:"Hahahaha no not in the slightest haha!"

Captain America:"Haaaaaa you are so damn stubborn just take a nap Slade."

After that I threw my shield right at Deathstroke knocking him out leaving him unconscious and about to leave but before I did Kaldur spoke to me saying.

Aqualad:"Hey before you leave you should know that the Light and Reach are planning a meeting in a few weeks but I do not know where just yet but you the team and the league need to be on guard and be ready."

Captain America:"I will I'll see you later my friend."

After that I ran out of the room and back to the ship where both Sportsmaster and Cheshire were there as well with Miss Martian all four of us get in the ship and head out back home with Sportsmaster getting angry at us for not telling him that Artemis was actually alive and working for the enemy for the time being.


[Los Angles]

(Tyler Rogers POV)

As me and Jade got back home after dropping Sportsmaster at his safe house that he had and M'gann which she was staying at her uncles place since mount justice was destroyed. After that we opened the door to the house but as soon as we did we see both Sam and Natasha running towards us saying with smiles on there faces.

Sam & Natasha:"Mama & Dadda!"

Tyler & Jade:"Hey Sam & Natasha."

At our little family hug we had played with the kids and spend time with them until they were asleep from all of the excitement after a while both me and Jade head off to bed as well with me thinking about one loose end that I had to deal with before the big meeting with the Light and Reach and that was Brother eye.