
Young Justice: The black super soldier

This is my first fan fiction so let's get into it this will be a self insert and my vision for my story on young justice with me only owning my MC with him having the super solider serum from marvel's Captain America with him having a high intellect of the young justice universe and in all aspects of him being the smartest man in the young justice universe with a small harem that I already have in mind so sit back and enjoy the fan fiction.

Tjsmith1202 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
46 Chs

The Search for Brother Eye (Part 1)

[May 28, Los Angles, Rogers Mansion]

(Tyler Rogers AKA Captain America's POV)

As I awoke from my sleep with Jade snuggled up in my arms I stayed like that for a while when I get a message from Jarvis with him saying to me.

Jarvis:"Sir I think that we might have an opportunity to catch Brother eye if you still wish to do so."

Tyler:"What do you mean Jarvis?"

Jarvis:"Well sir I had got a hit in downtown LA that their were sightings of a metal man going down into the sewers which leads me to believe that is where Brother eye is sir."

Tyler:"Oh alright Jarvis well since my return Brother eye has been dark ever since so this is the only lead that we have so I guess I'm gonna go investigate it then."

Jarvis:"Do you need any backup I mean Artemis and Aqualad are getting ready for their meeting with the Light while the team are dealing with their things and the Justice League is occupied with the world's issue so that only leaves Jade, Ben, or Komand'r."

Tyler:"Well Ben and Komand'r are busy with getting Starfire or Koriand'r acclimated into earth with that device I had made for Komand'r to free her sister from her pod thank god I had made the unlocking device among other things for the future."

Once me and Jarvis were going to discuss any further that is when Jade comes in saying to both of us.

Jade:"Hey you two you gonna leave me out of taking down Brother eye huh."

Tyler:"What!? No of course not."

Jarvis:"He's lying miss Jade."


Jade:"Oh really Tyler!?"

Tyler:"No he's lying I was gonna bring you with I just didn't want to wake up a beautiful woman as yourself."

Jade:"Oh really huh?"

Tyler:"Yes I swear dear!"

Jade:"Okay I believe you just tell me when we are leaving I'll let my mom come over to take care of Sam and Natasha."

Tyler:"Okay sweetie."

As soon as Jade got up and left to get the kids ready I then turn my attention to Jarvis saying to him.

Tyler:"Really Jarvis you seriously gonna snitch on me like that why the hell did you say that."

Jarvis:"Well I knew if you had not asked any of your friends or family to help you with this situation you would want to do this alone so I had no choice but to inform Miss Jade of this so that you would have some help sir."

Tyler:"Haaaaaaaaa you know it is sometimes really hard to stay mad at you when you make logical sense and also when you worry about me."

Jarvis:"I do my best sir."

Tyler:"Yeah thanks just get the ship prepared for our departure."

Jarvis:"Yes sir."

After I said that I got up to get the kids ready with Jade and hang out with them before both me and Jade went out to find where Brother eye's whereabouts.


[Downtown Los Angles]

(Captain America's POV)

As we were getting close to downtown Los Angles Jarvis speaks up saying to both me and Cheshire.

Jarvis:"Sir I am picking up some interface in the area below us I think that is where Brother eye is hiding."

Captain America:"Alright thanks Jarvis. So you ready Cheshire."

Cheshire:"Yeah I'm ready let's get this robo bastard."

After that we land by a sewer system where we could enter inside and went on our investigation.

As we were in the sewers we were checking on the scanners for the interference that Jarvis had spoke of earlier when the scanners were not responding which prompted me and Cheshire to deduce that Brother eye is blocking it so he can't be found so I contact Jarvis and ask him.

Captain America:"Jarvis can you detect any electrical outputs that are emitting high amounts of energy that is being blocked."

Jarvis:"I will try sir but Brother eye is skillfully blocking me out I will at least try to get you near the location sir."

Captain America:"Just do your best buddy."

Cheshire:"Well it's better then nothing at least."

After about a few minutes we get a location about a couple of kilometers away so we head towards the location when Cheshire speaks up saying to me.

Cheshire:"So what are we gonna do when we get to Brother eye did you cook up a device that will shut him down or something."

Captain America:"Well yes I will upload a virus that will erase Brother eye completely and it on this chip."

Cheshire:"Oh okay well we have that the only thing now is that how do we get close to him because I know for a fact that he will have a bunch of robot goons trying to stop us."

Captain America:"Well to be honest I have not figured out a plan for that one."

Cheshire:"Are you serious! So what you gonna just go in and wing it!"

Captain America:"Uhhhhhhhhh yeah pretty much."

Cheshire:"And why did I marry you again."

Captain America:"Do I really have to say sweetie? Well if I have to I would say my big..."

Jarvis:"Sir sorry for interrupting this lovely conversation but I picked up some hostiles that are coming your way you will need to fight trough them to get to Brother eye."

Cheshire:"Roger that Jarvis and thank you for cutting in when my dear husband was about to say something stupid."

Jarvis:"No problem Miss Jade."

Captain America:"What the hell Jarvis?!"

But we couldn't continue talking once a bunch of flying robots came flying towards us with the voice of Brother eye speaking up saying.

Robot goon 1:"Ah if it isn't Captain America and Cheshire hope you had fun trying to find me because this sewer will be your grave."

Cheshire:"Nah sorry me nor Cap here plan on dying here but you will Brother eye."

After that we engaged in combat with the robots flying straight towards us with me and Cheshire bringing out our weapons to fight the robots off. One by one we take the bots down with Cheshire using her swords and daggers and me using my shield and web shooters but in the mist of it more bots were coming out of nowhere getting us more surrounded and cornered which the voice of Brother eye comes through again saying to us.

Robot goon 50:"Now do you see your efforts are in vain you can not stop me surrender and you may live."

Captain America:"Well Brother eye seems to me that you have been very busy when did you have time to create all of these bots."

Robot goon 50:"Not relevant now either surrender or die Captain."

Captain America:"Ah what can't give you dear old creator of how you had time to build your robot army."

Robot goon 50:"ENOUGH! DIE CAPTAIN!"

After the robot shouted that out and fired a robot at us I turn to Cheshire and nodded my head and smirk and dove out of way same as Cheshire where a wall was behind us but also a select passage way that's when I turn to the robot goons and say.

Captain America:"Well thanks for opening the door for us see you soon Brother eye."

Once I said that me and Cheshire jump down the passage way where we could only hear the shouts of Brother eye as we made our way down to him.