
Young Justice: The black super soldier

This is my first fan fiction so let's get into it this will be a self insert and my vision for my story on young justice with me only owning my MC with him having the super solider serum from marvel's Captain America with him having a high intellect of the young justice universe and in all aspects of him being the smartest man in the young justice universe with a small harem that I already have in mind so sit back and enjoy the fan fiction.

Tjsmith1202 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
46 Chs

Happy New year in 2016

[January 1, Gothem City]

(Third person POV)

We see two figure running down the Gothem City sewer systems and they stop at a small piece of clay on the floor we get a look at the two figures which reveal themselves to be Superboy AKA Conner Kent and the other is Captain America Justice league member and part time team member AKA Tyler Rogers as they we inspecting the small piece of Clay Captain America spotted something in the sewage water and shouted out.

Captain America:"Superboy move now."

As he moved out of the way Superboy didn't move quick enough and got caught in Clayfaces body which Captain America threw his shield at Clayface to get inside to electrocute Clayface but to no avail and then Miss Martian comes in saying to Clayface while trying to get Superboy out.

Miss Martian:"Let him go."

And with that Superboy was saved and he jumped back to Captain America's side asking him.

Superboy:"What about you shield."

Which the Captain responds with.

Captain America:"I have a few other tricks then my shield."

Which at that moment he pops out his web shooters and started to web up Clayface but due to Clayface being made up of Clay it was useless that's when Miss Martian mentally told the rest of delta squad.

Miss Martian:{"Delta squad we fleshed out the target converge on our signal."}

And with that Clayface was about to go on the attack again when I tapped on my wrist to get my shield out of Clayface and a set of birdarangs was sent into Clayfaces back electrocuting him but it didn't faze him saying to us.

Clayface:"That don't work anymore."

Which Superboy shouted out to Clayface.

Superboy:"Then try this."

And with Clayface running toward Superboy he threw the pill into Clayface's mouth which stopped Clayface and he then started to turn into pure concrete stone leaving the herbs as the victors but that wasn't all the three heroes weren't alone in the sewers which Superboy pointed out by saying.

Superboy:"Distraction went off as planned Robin Thanks."

Robin:*Comes out of the shadows* "Just happy it worked."

But this wasn't Dick Grayson Robin no this was Tim Drake Robin in the five years the team and Justice League have grown in numbers seeing new faces and some old faces after Robin's introduction then their was a green alligator coming out of some sewage pipes but the alligator then turned into a monkey/boy this kid was Garfield Logan AKA Beast Boy.

Beast Boy:"Ah man is it over already I didn't even get a souvenir for the trophy room."

After that another person came in wearing a blue and black type armor this was no other then Blue Beetle AKA Jaime Reyes.

Blue Beetle:"Hmm! Dude! I think that smell qualifies.

And then there was a small bee like person buzzing around Clayface and then to Superboy, Miss Martian, and Captain America's position which this person was non other then Bumblebee AKA Karen Beecher.

As they all gathered around Captain America gets on his comms to relay the success of the mission to the other person on the line.

Captain America:"Delta squad to cave target is neutralized."

Nightwing:"Good job delta come on home Nightwing out."


[Mount Justice]

(Tyler Rogers AKA Captain America's POV)

It has been five years since I was reincarnated into the young justice universe and a lot of stuff either happened or change do to my involvement for one after I purposed to both Artemis and Jade we had got married a few months in the year of 2011 in Hawaii which was a beautiful ceremony with thankfully nothing going wrong.

After the wedding in the years of 2012-2013 Jade and I made our promise with the clone of Roy Harper the now renamed Will Harper to get the real Roy Harper which he was in the snowy mountains in a compound run by Ra's Al Ghoul after a tough fight with Ra's league of shadows we got the real Roy Harper out and got him patched up and caught up in the years he wasn't around even though he was pissed he calmed down and wanted to get back at the light for taking away his life.

Also during that timeframe the team grew getting some new members like Lagoon Boy AKA La'gaan, Bumblebee, Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, Robin AKA Tim Drake, Wonder girl AKA Cassandra Sandsmark, Batgirl AKA Barbra Gorden, Winter Soldier AKA Ben Rogers, Blackfire AKA Komand'r, Cheshire AKA Jade Rogers, and Malcolm "Mal" Duncan AKA and eventually Guardian for a time.

But Also when members came some members left the hero life behind prime examples are both Wally West AKA Kid Flash and Artemis Rogers AKA Artemis who wanted to live a normal life which Wally did eventually settle down with Linda Park after college while Artemis with me being Captain America and continuing the life same with Cheshire joining the team she worked as a professor at Gothem City University which even though me and Jade are still in the hero life we still make our marriage work.

Then in the years of 2014-2015 we got a surprise in the Rogers household well two because both Artemis and Jade were pregnant which for me I was so happy about because I would have family to protect from now on and in nine months both Artemis and Jade gave birth to beautiful children a boy from Artemis named Sam and a girl from Jade named Natasha and at that point I was the happiest man alive even the team and Justice League congratulated us on the children's birth.

Now in the present of 2016 on new year day after delta squad faced off against Clayface everyone walked through the zeta tube into the main area where we could see Nightwing AKA Dick Grayson wiping the floor with Lagoon Boy. 'Recognized Captain America B-0-7, Superboy B-0-4, Miss Martian B-0-5, Bumblebee B-1-7, Beast Boy B-1-9, Robin B-2-0, Blue Beetle B-2-2.

As we all got into the cave everybody was going off and doing their own thing with La'gaan walking up to Miss Martian welcoming her back and then kissing her in front of everyone with Superboy walking past it looking pissed off at the scene which is one thing I couldn't change and I regret that I couldn't with Conner and M'gann's relationship but all of that was halted when I heard Jade's voice coming through saying to me.

Jade:"Well hey there handsome how was you mission."

Tyler Rogers:"It was fine went in the sewers so I might stink."

Jade:"Yeah I could smell it from across the cave haha."

Tyler Rogers:"Whatever I'm gonna hit the showers want to join me."

Jade:"No remember last time I did we ended up with a child because of our impromptu shower time."

Tyler Rogers:"Oh you love it anyways."

Jade:"Whatever just get showered up so we can head home Artemis made dinner and Sam and Natasha are waiting on daddy to come home."

And at that moment Nightwing jumped in our conversation after taking to Captain Atom about the alien at the assembly building causing havoc.

Nightwing:"I will still never understand how you do it Tyler even at the age of 23 years old you are already a husband and father by the time you get to your 40's your kids will almost be 20 dude."

Tyler Rogers:"Yeah well what can I say I love these women and I love my kids wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Nightwing:"So what you would trade your tech company by the way in about two years was a major tech company surpassing both Lex corp and Wayne enterprise like damn dude."

Tyler Rogers:"Well hey that's what I do I am a genius after all Lex Luthor ain't got shit on me now let me shower up so I can go home to my other beautiful wife and kids."

As I walk off to the showers Nightwing and Jade talk.

Nightwing:"Well I'm glade he's happy really."

Jade:"Well 'Nightwing' he has people to fight for and through the years he's only had more reasons to stay in this life."

Nightwing:"And what you aren't happy about it or is it your sister."

Jade:"Maybe both I don't know he's happy and he comes back but what if he doesn't come back we just fear that one day Tyler's luck may run out."

After a long time of talking between the two I came back all cleaned up and headed out with Jade to our home.


[Rogers mansion Los Angles]

(Tyler Rogers POV)

As me and Jade came out of the zeta tube that was installed into the house we walked upstairs into the dining room to see Artemis wearing an apron while the kids were sitting in there booster seats waiting for the food to be finished once me and Jade walked in Artemis announces our presence by saying.

Artemis:"Well look who's home daddy and mommy are here."



As we were greeted by the rest of our family I kissed the babies on the head same as Jade and I went over to Artemis pulling her into a hug and kissing her neck making her shiver but that didn't last long when she pulled away saying to me.

Artemis:"Stop we can't do it here calm down there will be time later when the kids are asleep jeez."

Tyler Rogers:"Sorry couldn't help myself your too damn sexy with that apron and sexy body how could I resist."

Artemis:"Well try harder dinner is almost ready anyways now sit."

Tyler Rogers:"Yes ma'am."

In these past five years even after we had the kids we still kept our sex life strong hell even having sex on missions when we get a chance but since Artemis quit being a hero and started her Professor job she has been a lot more stressed and has been a lot more willing to have sex to relive her stress which I don't complain but tell her to come back into the hero life but she says that she would be happy working a normal job even if it stressed her out which I called her crazy and ended up on the couch for a week for calling her crazy.

So once she got done cooking we all ate as a family together and then eventually once we got done Jade went to put the kids down to bed so me and Artemis could talk as we asked the dishes with Artemis saying to me.

Artemis:"So I heard that Nightwing and Batman told you that you could quit being a hero."

Tyler Rogers:"Haaa Artemis please not this again."

Artemis:"Look I'm just worried."

Tyler Rogers:"I know I know you worried you and Jade are and I told you that I am not dying anytime soon."

Artemis:"Tyler I'm serious you don't just have me and Jade to worry about you also have Sam and Natasha as well."

Tyler Rogers:"I know Artemis that is why I fight so hard for you for Jade for the kids I want to make sure you all are safe that is why I am still in this life just trust me and know once I can close the book on the light that I will quit the life as a hero and be with you, Jade, and the kids for the rest of my life okay."

Artemis:"Fine you make sure to okay I don't want to lose you."

Tyler Rogers:"Alright got it.

Artemis:"Oh and also Happy new year."

Tyler Rogers:"Happy new year."