
Young Justice: The black super soldier

This is my first fan fiction so let's get into it this will be a self insert and my vision for my story on young justice with me only owning my MC with him having the super solider serum from marvel's Captain America with him having a high intellect of the young justice universe and in all aspects of him being the smartest man in the young justice universe with a small harem that I already have in mind so sit back and enjoy the fan fiction.

Tjsmith1202 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
46 Chs


[September 4, Bialya]

(Miss Martian's POV)

I had awoken from my sleep when on a sandy surface which I didn't recognized from mars until I looked around and came to the realization that I am on earth which I said "I'm on earth I always wanted to be on earth but why am I wearing these cloths."

But before I could say anymore I hear shouting and I turn around to see a man with combat boots pants and a black shirt with an S on his chest and I look at him and spoke and said "Wait I know that symbol are you Superman," after that he rips his shirt he roars in anger and starts to attacking me which I dodge and repel him with my telekinetic powers once we fell to the ground he turned back and went away.

Which left me there scared out of my mind with me saying "This is not a dream it's a nightmare."


[September 5, Bialya]

(Captain America's POV)

As I was waking up I felt something on top of me as I went to get it off until I felt something soft and circular I open my eyes to see a familiar ponytailed blonde from a very familiar show I used to watch until my brain went into overdrive with a rush of past and present memories until I sot up and said "Oh shit how could I forget that detail dammit."

After my declaration the said sleeping blonde awoke from her sleep harshly and said "Ow damnit what the hell did you do that for mom", which I look at her and think to myself of how I am gonna get her to understand what happened to us and how we know each other in thinking all of this said blonde said "Who the hell are you where the hell am I and who the hell put me in this."

As she was saying all of this just thought throw a Hail Mary screw it "Hey my name is Captain America or who you know as Tyler Rogers you are part of a team of covert heroes that snuff out the villain plans in the dark to show them into the light and also me and you know each other pretty well", she then says "What in the world do you mean and how do we know each other pretty well huh", I then spoke up and said "Well I actually brought you into the team know your family background and other stuff and also me and you are dating."

Once I said she was in a whirlwind of emotions but that was cut short when I heard and tank shell coming to our location which I pick up Artemis in a bridal carry and sprint off as fast I could away from the shell when it exploded the tiny hut.

After we got out I put her down and we saw the tanks moving in on us we start running until we heard a roar which was the sound I recognized as Superboy who came crash down and hitting one of the tanks knocking it over and ripping the tip of the cannon off another one which Artemis replies saying "Is he a friend of yours", which I rely and say "Yeah but right now he is not in the right state of mind let's move while he has them distracted well get him later", after that we kept moving on taking out a couple of Bialya's soldiers along the way.

As we were running I hear a plane come by trying to shot us I take my shield from my back and block the bullets from hitting us which Artemis replies and says "Wow that's a strong shield you have their Cap", I smirk and said "Oh you have seen nothing yet sweetheart", after our little exchange she lines up a shot to hit the plane when Miss Martian comes in and talks through the mental link saying "'I'm on my way'", with that Artemis loses her shot and turns to me and ask "Did you just hear a girl talking in you head", which I say "Yep and that is our other teammate."

Once I told her that Miss Martian took care of the planes with he telekinetic powers and comes down to talk to us with her saying "Hey do you remember me by any chance", which Artemis speaks first and says "I don't but Cap over here says he remembers our team", at that Miss Martian was excited and said "Do you really Captain", and I said "Yes I do I remember Miss M."

After that she was relieved and told us that she needs the rest of the team together to get all our memories from the last six mouths back which we went to a location on the map that my A.I. Jarvis put on before we blacked out and made our way there once we got there it was nighttime and we heard fighting coming up the hill and got ready to fight.

Once we got over the hill I saw Robin and Kid Flash take the soldiers out until one of them was about to fire on Robin which I came in and hit them with my shield the ricocheted hitting more of the soldiers which gave the signal for Artemis and Miss Martian to jump in and take out the last of the soldiers.

Once all the soldiers were taken care of Robin and Kid Flash went to compare notes with me, Artemis, and Miss Martian with all of us saying we need our memories for last six months which prompted Miss Martian to put all of us in a mind scape ready to put our memories back in place.

Miss Martian:"I can put our memories back if you allow your mind to be open to it."

Artemis:"So you want to intrude our memories."

Miss Martian:"No not at all."

Captain America:"You need to hack our memories to see what happened in the last six months right."

Miss Martian:"Yes thank you Captain is everyone okay with that only the last six months."

Robin:"Okay let's do it."

Kid Flash:"My mind's all your don't let is brilliance overwhelm you."

Robin:"Or underwhelm why isn't anyone just whelmed."

I grab Artemis hand and look at her with a smile and a nod which she did the same to me and says.

Artemis:"Okay six months only and only what you need."

Then after that she recounted our memories of the last six months with the team or superhero lives and our personal lives as well once all our memories were back all of us headed off to Aqualad who was dehydrated and on the brink of death we were all about to move him when Miss Martian got the flash of Superboy being hurt which she was about to run off until I told her to wait and gave her a device to put on Superboy to put back the six months of memories in him.

After I gave the device she ran to Superboy while we carried Aqualad to the bioship until a group of soldiers were in our path which we stopped at a rock to hide and plan out what we were about to do.

Captain America:"Okay here is the plan me and Artemis will go and distract them while Robin and Kid Flash get Aqualad to the ship."

Kid Flash:"Alright but geez dude I now know your dating and all but are you sure that she can help you with only a couple arrows left."

Artemis:"Hey for your information speed boy I am more than just and archer okay."

Robin:"Yeah I mean she kicked your ass easily enough Kid Flash."

We all laughed after that with Kid saying

Kid Flash:"Really dude not funny let's just go on with the plan and don't die you too."

Captain America:"Alright let's go and dying wasn't on my to do list either."

After out talk me and Artemis sprang into action taking out the soldiers leaving a path for Robin and Kid Flash to get to the ship.

A few minutes later Miss Martian came back with a fully restored Superboy and robot that would in time become the Supercycle and much more.


As we left there was someone in the distance watching and taking into his earpiece saying to the other person on the other line.

???:"They are gone and the frozen subject as well."

??:"Awww well next time you will get an opportunity alone with the Captain I mean you are his equal aren't you Winter Solider."

Winter solider:"Yeah I am I will kill my brother once and for all."