After the death of Harry Potter, he is resurrected as Project Kr, or Superboy. Young Justice Crossover, with other Marvel and DC elements. Creator: megamatt09
Lights came on and the door of a hotel room swung open. The second they stepped inside, Jade was all over Harry, kissing the hell out of him. Harry gave as good as he got, pushing his tongue down Jade's throat and pushing her up against the wall. Their lips smacked together in fiery, intense passion, with neither backing down from the other.
Jade took in a deep breath and lightly removed Harry's glasses before setting them down on the bedside table. It was apparent that both of them knew about their other identity, but neither wished to acknowledge it, to ruin the moment the two of them had with each other. Jade pressed her warm mouth down onto Harry's and kissed him again, a loud smack echoing through the room.
The fit woman wrapped her legs around Harry's waist and kissed him even more aggressively. However, Harry returned fire, his hand slipping underneath her dress and finding Jade's ass. A couple of squeezes brought her to some loud moans.
Jade pulled back from him, licking her lips. She swiftly unbuttoned Harry's shirt and traced patterns down his muscular chest and abs. She spent a fair amount of time playing with Harry's abs, with a smile on her face. The expression on her face increased when she leaned down and kissed him. She moved towards the bulge in his pants and squeezed it firmly.
"Is that all for me?" Jade asked.
"Yes," Harry responded.
Jade just smiled and slowly unbuckled Harry's pants, teasing his throbbing manhood through the edge of underwear which stretched. The harder that he throbbed, the more Jade pressed up against him. She pressed her hands and then lifted up her dress to rub her thighs against his. The groan of the friction of Jade working back and forth against him caused Harry to almost lose it.
Harry's manhood popped out into full view and Jade came down to greet the swollen head with a kiss. She gripped it tightly and then sprung it back, allowing it to swing. She smiled at the visual of the thick, throbbing manhood swaying from side to side.
Jade instantly backed Harry towards the bed and licked her lips when sinking him down. She teased him, pressing the palm of her hand against him.
Then Jade stepped back a couple of inches and made sure Harry's eyes remained on her. She dropped her dress to the ground, revealing that she was wearing some extremely sexy green lingerie, bra, panties, stockings, garter belt, the works. Jade pressed her hand against him and climbed on top of him.
"Ready to have some fun," Jade whispered hotly in his ear.
Harry knew the answer to that question and so did Jade. The two entered a passionate makeout session. Jade mounting Harry, his tip rubbing against her panties, which were already slightly stained from the arousal, made things feel good. The silk material of her panties felt amazing rubbing up against him.
"I have to have you," Harry told Jade when cupping her covered breasts.
Those hands, they were so perfect, should be registered as weapons. Harry squeezed, touched Jade's chest, first while covered, and then while uncovered. Harry rubbed his hands against her amazing breasts, nipples standing up straight. The amazing friction created was second to none. Harry leaned in and slipped her nipple into his mouth, sucking on it extremely hard.
Jade's eyes flashed over, the second Harry was sucking on her nipples. She never had her breasts sucked like this, and at this moment, Jade just lost herself into the pleasure that Harry was giving her.
"That's it, baby," Jade breathed. "Don't stop..the music."
The exotic babe was on top of him, and older, but Harry was very much in control. Jade just ground against him, not being able to slip out of her panties and slip Harry inside of her fast enough. The thickness underneath her made Jade breath in and breath out. Yes, there was so much pleasure, that was almost obscene how much it hurt. Jade rotated her hips down across Harry's manhood, easing closer towards him, so close and yet so far. She almost dropped down onto him.
Jade's wet mound pushed against him. Her pubic hair rubbed against his swollen manhood, the closer she came to pushing down onto him. Jade tilted her head back and moaned ever so slightly.
"I'm ready to ride, stud," Jade said.
Harry leaned in and grabbed Jade's chest. He looked at her body, exotic and athletic. She looked amazing and even more so when the assassin took the hybrid Kryptonian sorcerer inside of her body. His balls ached the moment Jade dropped down onto him.
Inch by inch, Harry's manhood stuffed inside of her. Jade leaned back, rubbing herself all over Harry, and taking him deep inside of her. The sounds of flesh smacking against each other echoed. Jade touched her breasts and made Harry gaze onto her with lust.
"Mmm, you like it don't you, baby?" Jade asked. "You like the way that I touch my tits, when I bounce on that big beautiful cock of yours, don't you? You like the way that I milk that monster….and I'm going to get every last drop of cum out of these big beautiful balls. You can't resist the pull of my nice...tight...walls...can you?"
Jade smiled down onto her, his manhood making her wet as hell. She bounced higher, faster, and with more intensity up and down on him. She clamped down tighter around Harry, forming a very nice and very elegant seal around his manhood. She breathed in, chewing on her lower lip, before sliding all the way down onto him. This was simply the best, to feel him inside of her body.
Harry could agree with her. Every moment showed just how much she wanted this and every moment brought Harry deeper inside of Jade. Her wet cunt slapped down onto him. He could see it into her body. Harry put his hands on her hips and made her slam down onto him faster.
Now, Hadrian owned her, and showing her what it took. Jade had never been dominated in such a way, and she was still riding him. But, he was making her ride him faster. Oooh, it made her feel so hot, so wet, so needed. The thrusts sped up, his body almost blurring underneath her. That got Jade all hot and bothered.
Then the next move caused Harry to sit up and bury his face in between Jade's breasts. Jade closed her eyes, horny as hell and about ready to pop. Harry was sucking on her tits and making her just lose it. She put her hands on the back of his head and then slipped herself up and down on him. Jade clamped down onto him and released him, making him groan.
"Yes!" Jade moaned. "Suck on those tits...they're all for yours."
Every inch of her body was extremely sinful. Harry rose up and down, his big bloated balls hitting her in all of the right places. He could feel how warm she was, how toned she was. It was amazing to be squeezed by this tight body. Harry sat up, so Jade could wrap her legs around him with the force of a python. Which matched the force which she squeezed him with.
Not that Harry minded because he enjoyed being squeezed. He held back.
"I'm going to drain you," Jade purred with an aggressive clench around him.
Harry just responded by cupping Jade's perfect ass and squeezing it. Jade bounced up and down on him, her flesh smacking down onto him.
"Good cum is hard to find these days," Jade said. "Why don't you share some with me?"
She kissed him all over, the kisses getting more sloppy and aggressive. Jade's hair turned wild when she rocked up and down on Harry, squeezing him extremely hard.
After the next orgasm, Harry pulled out and turned Jade around, bending her over the side of the bed. Harry locked his eyes on Jade's perfect rear end, a sight to behold for sure. He slid back into her, bending her over the bed when fucking the ever living daylights out of her.
This man, this man, oh Jade could not even register a coherent thought which was not endless babbling. He slowed down just enough to make her feel every single burning moment of her approaching orgasm. And then, the moment that he had Jade on the ropes, he pushed back, slamming back into her again. His big swinging balls hit Jade on the thighs and made her scream for more.
"I don't care how long this takes!" Jade said.
"Good," Harry told her. "Because I'm in for this for a long time."
He stroked her body, it was divine and worthy of worship. Harry kissed down the back of her neck and made her just explode into molten pleasure. He twitched in excitement, feeling her tight pussy, and then her even tighter ass was in his hands.
A single finger slipped back into there, teasing Jade's hole briefly to gauge her reaction. Judging by the moans she made, she did not mind at the slightest. This caused Harry to quicken his pace and stuff Jade further, sending her to the edge.
"You have to be slowing down soon," Jade said.
"Built to outlast all women," Harry grunted.
Jade prided herself as being good, even better than many. She could see his huge balls slapping down onto her thighs, and knew he was getting ever so close to popping. Jade clutched the edge of the bed, and let out another moan from what Harry was doing to her.
Moments passed before now they were back in the center of the bed. Jade's legs balanced on Harry's shoulders and he used her legs for more pushing power, slamming as aggressively inside of her as one could go. His big bloated balls slapped down against her body, her thighs receiving a hell of a great pounding. Jade closed her eyes and moaned, tightening up around him.
"You're build to go a long time," Jade breathed for him. "Oooh, forever...fuck me forever!"
Harry obliged Jade's passionate desire, slamming deep inside of her body. He could go for an extremely long time, driving deep into her body.
Forever was a long time, but being buried all night long inside of Jade's perfect pussy, there were far worse ways to spend his time. Harry slid his fingers against her nipples and tugged on them. Jade snapped up, moaning and squirming on, using her legs to encourage Harry to go forward.
That body writhing underneath him was amazing. Harry edged himself closer inside of Jade. Her pussy just called for him, begging for all of his seed to be spurted inside of her. Harry was willing to give her everything that she wanted.
Jade closed her eyes, clamping down onto him. She squeezed against him and made an honest attempt to milk every single last drop of seed out of him. Harry was a machine.
They moved into a couple of different positions. Jade was now where she wanted to be, using the headboard for leverage when she bounced up and down onto Harry. Her magnificent breasts swayed, gushing with sweat which matched her walls.
"I've lost track of how many times I've made you cum," Harry told her.
"But, I haven't yet...that seems like poor form," Jade slurred.
She was drunk off of sex, which to be fair, there were worse things to be drunk off of. Her tight walls gripped onto Harry. She sensed he was slowly breaking, slowly not being able to hold back. If Jade could get the seed out of him, that would be great.
"You know you want to cum inside of my tight pussy," Jade breathed in his ear. "And I know you do as well….firing that hot cum deep inside of my warm pussy...mmm...wouldn't that feel so nice? Wouldn't that feel so hot? Empty those big balls inside of me."
Her inner walls tightened around Harry and made him groan out in pleasure. Harry touched her chest for a second and Jade rocked back. He edged her by tugging on her nipples and making Jade just gush down his pole. She breathed in and out, hunger rocketing through her body.
"Cum for me again."
Jade bounced down faster on him. This time they would cum together, she was determined to crack that hard nut, no pun intended.
Harry just smiled at her getting more aggressive, including rubbing her body over his when she rode him. It was true, the tension inside of his loins threatened to burst. However, Harry would hold back as long as possible, to make sure it was the best for both of them.
Jade hung off the side of the bed when Harry reversed their positions. She put her hands on the floor and wrapped her legs tighter around him for balance. Harry sped up, repeating driving inside of her body. His big balls slapped down against her thighs and sent a rush of pleasure through her body. Jade breathed and tightened down onto him again, milking his pulsing pole until the point where electricity shifted through her body.
"Yes," Jade moaned. "Cum for me...please."
Harry just smiled and planted his thick, pulsing rod inside of her. He was getting close, but the sorcerer intended to make this count for every moment. Jade hung off of the bed, moaning deeply the further Harry pushed into her. He edged himself closer towards her.
Those balls were fit to burst and Jade's clenching pussy threatened to claim every single last drop. Harry pulled Jade back onto the bed, so they could look into each other's eyes when they cum together. The lovers enjoyed the closeness they felt, practically burying themselves into each other.
Finally, upon Jade's most intense orgasm, she could feel a burst of warm fluids rush up inside of her. The discharge grew in volume the harder she pumped into her. She could not believe balls, even as big as Harry's, could hold that much seed and yet, here they were.
Jade rocked up and down on Harry, with Harry milking her breasts in time of her bounces. Harry's hands were where they needed to be and made Jade just break out into a fit of pleasurable desire. He squeezed her nipples and made her pant with pleasure. Horny and endless pleasure, her entire body just threatening to give way to what he was doing.
"Cum for me," Harry hissed at her.
"Yes," Jade agreed. "YES!"
Jade clamped down onto him, saturating him with her juices. This allowed Harry to pump more of his seed inside of her. How much could one man hold? That raised some interesting questions about his design, but maybe that was just an unintentional perk.
Harry clamped down onto Jade's ass to rock her up and down for a little bit longer, right before he eased off. And then she collapsed down onto him.
With a wicked smile, the sweet sensation of release having finally greeted him. Harry leaned in closer towards Jade, cupping her face and leaning to look into her eyes.
Jade just smiled and turned, getting on all fours. She looked over Harry at Harry with a smoldering look as if to invite him to screw her brains out again.
Already, Harry was hard. He pushed inside of Jade and began to thrust into her, fucking her doggy style. The view of her bouncing ass while he plunged inside fueled his desires.
Lois's contact gave her a few juicy tidbits and a couple of leads she intended to follow up. Right now, she checked her phone and it turned out that Harry was following a hot lead of his own, but in another way. She was glad that Harry was occupied because the interview took a bit longer and took Lois buying the contact a few drinks to get him to cough up some information.
Now, Lois followed Harry's directions and ended up just outside a hotel room. She opened up the door and the first thing she noticed was some hot Vietnamese Bitch doing a handstand and being plowed deep into the ground. She moaned happily when Harry spread her legs in mid-air. Lois watched and she slipped her panties to the side instantly and rolled her skirt up over so slightly.
She watched the master at work, the man who mastered her pussy at work, driving deep into this mysterious woman. There was something about her that seemed familiar, although Lois could not place what. And all coherent thought left the building when she watched Harry drive deep into her. The dried up cum on her indicated that they already had some fun for a very long time.
"How nice of you to join us, Lois," Harry grunted.
Jade's eyes opened and closed up. Lois Lane...ooh...Jade remembered her. The assassin took a shot at Lois recently to put the scare in her due to the fact she was nosing around regarding Lena Luthor's mysterious illness. Lex Luthor did not like people asking questions about why his sister was in a catatonic state right now.
That being said, Jade clutched tight around Harry. It was really nothing personal to be honest, just business. None of her hits or near misses were anything personal. Girl just had to eat after all.
Of course, she was getting fed a heaping helping of sausage, and with plenty of thick, savory filling for good measure. Those balls, bloated and thick, made Jade horny as hell and ready to explode. Harry pulled all the way out of her and caused her to nearly break her headstand.
"Sure, you can handle that cock, honey?" Lois asked.
"I've been handling it just fine for almost two hours before you showed up," Jade fired back.
"Well, just checking," Lois said. "Because, this is a cock of a real man...and it needs a little woman, not some little girl."
Jade flushed, she really wanted to stab Lois. Lois took Harry's manhood into her hand as if greeting an old friend. She tensed her fingers around it, squeezing it tight and making Harry's crotch jump up. It was so big in her hand, Lois could run her hand up and down on it for days, weeks, years to come. But now, she only intended to squeeze Harry's manhood as tight as possible.
"I wonder what this bitch tastes like," Lois said.
"Only one way to find out."
Lois dropped to her knees to worship her god. She pushed down onto his thick slab of meat and throated him. Her alluring violet eyes met Harry's stunning green eyes. It was an exotic meeting of sorts, with Lois deep throating Harry and cradling his balls with all of the love care that it deserved.
She made a very loud production of it.
"Oh, Lois, you know how to suck a cock," Harry groaned.
"I'm better," Jade said.
Lois pulled away from Harry, leaving a wet, dripping mess on his crotch. She kissed him a couple more times, leaving lipstick marks all over his swollen head.
"Well, maybe you could put your money where your mouth is," Lois said. "By putting your mouth right there."
Jade got it, funnily enough, and she would upstage the reporter if it was the last thing she did. She leaned in, taking Harry's manhood into her mouth. The taste of her own womanly juices all over him spurred Lois on. She went down on Harry, inhaling him.
Harry groaned when Jade's mouth moved around his. She was like a Hoover, blowing and sucking him with immense force. Her angry gaze locked half onto Lois, with enough lust in those eyes to lock onto Harry. She pulled away and kissed his length.
"Bet that bitch can't do this," Jade cockily commented.
Jade took Harry's swollen balls into her mouth and sucked them hard. Harry almost lost it, and she added a long, and aggressive stroke to his cock. She leaned in and kissed his manhood, slurping on his head and then leaning in towards him. She returned to sucking on his balls, alternating between fast sucks on his balls and aggressive sucks to his manhood.
Lois fingered herself to the sight of this woman sucking off Harry. She was not half bad. She walked over, the buttons of her blouse popped up to reveal a heaving amount of cleavage. Lois leaned closer towards Harry and kissed him on the ear and on the side of the neck, before stroking his chest. Her hunger burned even brighter the further she got towards him.
"So, which one of us is better, stud," Lois breathed.
She stroked Harry's inner thigh for a minute.
"Too close to call," Harry said.
It appeared that Lois would have to step up her game to get ahead. Although, the reporter had a sinking suspicion that the only one who would win this battle would be Harry, and she was more than fine that that. His throbbing member had been removed from Jade's mouth.
Suddenly, Lois moved in and kissed Jade firmly on the lips. Jade closed her eyes and aggressively dug her fingernails into the cheeks of Lois. Lois was all over her, mauling Jade with her hands, all over her naked body. All while reaching behind her and stroking Harry's manhood until it throbbed tall and proud.
"Mmm, we're going to have some fun now, aren't we?" Lois asked Jade with more kisses down the side of her neck.
"Yes, fun, you bet your ass we are," Jade said with a smile.
"Why don't you do me a favor and get my pussy nice and wet so Harry can fuck the daylights out of me?" Lois asked.
Jade ripped Lois's skirt off and pulled her panties completely off. The alluring reporter, now naked from the waist down, presented a very sexy target. One which Jade dove onto without any hesitation. She leaned in, nibbling on Lois's moist womanhood. She was determined to finish off Lois with her tongue. She knew all of the ways to cause a woman to blackout.
"Careful now, I might be too spicy for your own good," Lois said with a stroke to the back of the dark-haired woman's head. "What is the name of this hot little piece of ass you wrangled anyway?"
"Her name is Jade," Harry said. "And she has a nice tight pussy...and an even tighter ass."
"I'm sure she has," Lois commented. "I'm sure….mmm...not a bad pussy eater either. Lick it, baby, lick it really good….get that tongue in there...and work it...that's what you were born to do, isn't it? To eat pussy and to take dick….like you are right now."
Jade's walls parted and Harry plunged deep inside of her again. She was ready to receive, despite several intense and vigorous rounds. Harry wondered when was the last time she had been really fucked, and he was going to show her a good time, a very good time indeed.
Harry moved in, and he was able to not only pleasure Jade but also stroke Lois's soft, silky legs.
"You just can't keep your hands off of them, can you?" Lois asked. "But, I'd like it better if you slammed me into that wall, so I can wrap my legs around you. And you can fuck the daylights out of me, those nice big balls just driving into me."
Jade would have liked to see that, but sexy assassin settled for her own pussy being plowed. Harry knew exactly all of the right notes to hit and his big balls swung against her hard. They filled up pretty faster, after seeding her twice tonight. Jade never felt so full, but at the same time, wanted even more.
Her savior was there, hammering Jade like it was no one's business. His big balls cracked against her.
"Keep licking Lois, and when she cums, you get to cum," Harry said.
To demonstrate being a man of his word, Harry held Jade's orgasm completely at bay. The deeper he planted into her, the more she sang for him, practically calling for his cock to plant faster and faster inside of her. Her body tensed up, with Harry easing his finger all the way down it. He knew that Jade was going to lose it, hence why Harry was going to need to be there, deep inside of her, willing to let her explode all over his manhood.
Jade's tongue twirled deeper inside the reporter. The first tastes of juices indicated that Lois was about ready to cum, and she could not feel even better. Jade sped up, also simulating Lois's clit with every few licks. This got her going, and about ready to explode. Jade sucked in the warm and womanly juices, drinking from her.
Lois's eyes glazed over. She knew Jade was trying to break her and cause her to lose it completely. However, Lois Lane was one thing and that was not easily broken.
"Give it your best shot," she taunted the younger woman.
Oh, Jade gave it her best shot, more than her best shot in fact. She lapped up the warm honey coming from Lois and made her shift back and forth, rapidly pushing her hips down into Lois's face. Jade clutched down onto the back of her head.
Jade's muffled moans were only second to the force which Harry made her cum. This super man touched her in the right spots, her favorite was on the small of her back.
"And I think we should give your little cum doll a break," Lois said. "Let….Mommy have a turn."
Jade breathed in and much too soon, Harry left her. Suddenly, Jade found herself handcuffed to the bedpost, and Lois grinned wickedly at her predictament. Exactly how a reporter had a pair of handcuffs and what she was doing with them, that left questions that needed to be answered.
Lois stripped off her clothes the rest of the way and stood before Harry, naked other than a pair of stockings which made her legs look amazing. Lois stroked Harry's chest, his abs, and then other parts of his rock-hard body. The two lovers groped each other and kissed madly, passionately. The loud sounds echoing across the room.
Harry pushed Lois off of the bed, caught her, stood her up, and backed Lois against the wall before she could register what was happening. Harry ground up against Lois's warm mound and drove her completely beyond the edge. Lois put her hand on Harry's neck and ran a finger down his back, making him groan. Lois's nipples dug against his chest.
"I want you so bad," Lois said. "I want your cock inside of my body so badly….fucking me until I pass out? Do you think you can do that for Mommy?"
Harry's cock twitched and Lois pushed deep inside of her.
"I feel so good, don't I?" Lois asked.
"You're amazing," Harry said.
All of his girls, his women, they were amazing. Lois squeezed his manhood with her tight pussy. Her legs wrapped tight around Harry and Harry could not keep his hands off of them. They were so soft and smooth, and even more amazing poured into those stockings. Harry leaned into her deep and kissed her neck before moving down and nuzzling her chest.
"It feels so good, doesn't it?" Lois breathed. "Oooh, I need for you to fuck me. Can you do that baby? Until I cum? Can you do that….oooh, you're so good...she doesn't know what she's missing."
Jade wondered what Lois was talking about because Jade did know what she was missing. And despised the fact Lois took it away. She missed it inside of her, and missed Harry's hands all over her body, squeezing her all over. Pushing as deep inside of her, riding her into the bed. Jade missed all of this, oh she breathed heavily at the thought of everything she might have been missing. Jade groaned when touching her chest. Yes, it was so hot to think about everything that she was missing.
"Fuck me hard!" Lois yelled.
Harry pulled out of Lois for a second and marched her over to the bed. He bent her over and she was face to face with Jade. Where Jade could see Lois's face the second Harry reentered her and buried as deep into Lois as he could go.
Oh his balls throbbed at the sight of being with these two beautiful women. Then again, there were many beautiful women in Harry's life. And he made them feel so good. Lois clamped down onto Harry's manhood and squeezed him extremely hard.
Jade realized how easily she could have gotten out of these handcuffs. And yet, she did not even want to try. She did not want to attempt to break free. Her eyes glazed over, looking straight onto Harry and what he was doing. Oh, it was so hot right about now, her greedy following of the progress of Harry's stiff prick shoving faster and faster into Lois's tight, clenching pussy.
Oh, how Jade wanted Hadrian back inside her, with her screaming in his ear, and Harry fucking the ever living daylights out of her. Her attempt to get herself off was not working as planned.
"Lois, help her out."
"Well, you know me, always lending the newbies a helping hand," Lois said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
Lois fingered Jade, only going at half of the tempo of which Harry fucked her. She wanted to make the younger girl thirsty for her orgasm and more importantly, thirsty for Harry.
Jade's wet walls tried to gobble up Lois's pushing finger. Lois leaned against the bed, her eyes glazed. Normally, she would make some kind of choice comment about how Jade would cry like a little bit if Lois removed this finger from her. However, Jade was spared Lois's sharp tongue by the force of her incoming orgasm and it was great.
And speaking of orgasms, Harry gave Lois one of his own. His bloated balls burst and shot as much seed as possible out of them into Lois. Harry rode her straight into the bed, while the reporter fingered the assassin. One stolen gaze at Jade's sexy face showed that she was getting close to the edge as well. Harry planted himself further into Lois.
The familiar sensation of his balls being drained filled Harry. Although, they would not stay drained for long. Harry did not have a chance to test how great his stamina was. However, it was pretty good given how he never reached that peak.
The handcuffs came undone from Jade and she sat up. She cupped Lois's hands behind her head.
"Turnabout is fair play," Jade said.
"Oh, you got me on that one," Lois said.
Jade tormented Lois just like she had been tormented. She would not say no to Harry's manhood deep inside of her once again. She did not come here tonight to be fucked, but damn if it did not work out for her very nicely.
Seconds passed before Harry rubbed his length down Jade's back and then into ground against her pussy. However, Harry paused for a long minute and noticed her asshole. It was hard not to notice it, given how tight and beautiful it looked, with Jade's toned cheeks offsetting it on either side. Harry collected the juices from her and then shoved three fingers into her ass, loosening it up.
"I'm going to fuck you in your ass," Harry said. "But, you knew that, and you're getting off on it."
"Yes, stud," Jade breathed. "I need a big cock in my ass. Hopefully, you can last long enough to feel it."
"Hope you can last long enough," Harry amended.
He lined himself up with Jade's asshole and pushed deep into her. He had his eyes on it all night, in one form or another. And now, he was going to take Jade's ass, her perfect, juicy, ass. Harry clutched onto her and rammed deep into her body.
"Oooh, he can really fuck an ass!" Jade yelled.
"Duh," Lois said. "Did you expect him to be anything else but good?"
Jade ignored the remark from the reporter. Harry was not only fucking her ass, but he was pleasuring her body. The tour of her body ended on the back of her cheeks. Every now and then, Jade managed to get a taste of Lois and more importantly, Harry.
However, Jade was focused on Harry slapping her tight rear constantly with his thick balls. The faster Harry drove into her, the more his balls slapped against her, the better this all felt. Harry rose back and sank faster into Jade, making her just break out into a cry of endless pleasure.
"I'm yours, for however long you want me," Harry told her. "Are you going to cum for me, Jade?"
"Yes!" Jade screamed in pleasure. "Make me cum all over your fingers..."
Harry buried himself into two holes at the same time. He could feel the tension, Jade's ass was hot and tight, and Harry could not resist plowing into her with everything that he had. He rode Jade into the bed, her fingernails digging against the sheets as well.
"Pound her!" Lois called. "Sodomize that ass….make sure she won't sit down without thinking about your cock!"
"Don't worry, you're next," Harry told her.
Harry plowed Jade's tight asshole, slapping down onto her with each movement. His balls ached heavily. He pulled Jade's hair and got a visible reaction to show that Jade was still with him.
Another shift of positions. Harry propped Jade up, bouncing her ass upon his thick juicy meat. Harry clutched her breasts and squeezed them hard, before moving around. His hands were like a blur and Jade appreciated them in all of the amazing ways they touched her and tormented her.
"Closer," Harry breathed in her ear.
"MMM, yes, baby!" Jade purred with lust burning through her body. "Fuck my ass...fuck it real hard...fuck it real good...fuck it like you own it!"
Harry did all of those things and so much more. Jade breathed deep and just let loose, as did Harry who painted the inside of Jade's ass with his seed.
A nice anal creampie followed, with Harry sinking Jade down onto him. She pumped her asshole down onto him, squeezing him tight and hard. Jade clenched him extremely tight and released him, breathing in lust the further she came down onto him.
"I do own this ass," Harry said. "And I own this one as well."
Harry made Lois's back passage nice and wet and loosened it with his tongue. He slid into Lois's ass, hammering her with vigor.
They were due to meet Mary Jane back at Lois's apartment early in the morning. But, that might have to wait at the rate they were going.
It was getting late, so Harry stopped holding back, so he could put both of these lovely women to bed, and get just a few hours of sleep himself before his big date tomorrow.