
Young fool

How are you my dear?

HephziLolami · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Meeting Luo Zihan 1

"Madam, the young master is here." The attendant announced and a wide smile spread on the two elderly women's faces.

"Great!" Madam Luo chirped, looking towards the door with the smile still present on her face.

Liu Xinyi looked towards the entrance as well, her curiosity getting the best of her. She was curious about the man madam Luo wouldn't stop praising.

Her eyes instantly collided with three men walking in. One led the trio, a phone planted on his ear as he looked quite distracted. The other one was holding a folder and speaking to the last man. The one on the phone and the one holding a folder were both putting on suits, unlike the third man who was wearing a white and blue checked shirt with black jeans and sneakers.

She wondered which one of them was the grandson but her mind told her it was the one on the call. Just his walk and carriage alone already fit in the description madam Luo had given earlier. The three of them were good looking but Xinyi had to admit that the one leading the trio was the most handsome.

He was lean and tall, with an attractive body frame.

His suit clung snugly onto his body and he had sharp, attractive features. He had nicely curved brows, deep set pool of dark orbs which were encased by slanted eyelids and a slightly pointed nose. The way he was walking was also full of so much confidence that even Xinyi was impressed.

His lips were pale and plump. Even his adams apple bobbed attractively as he spoke. Everything about him screamed elegance and sophistication! 

As the men got to their table, she looked fleetingly from him to the other two men who curtly greeted the elderly ladies before making their way back out. From the way her grandmother greeted the two men before they left, it was quite obvious to Xinyi that she was somewhat familiar with them.

"Hello grandma. Grandma Liu, you look as beautiful as always. It's nice to see you again." Luo Zihan spoke elegantly, his voice rich and smooth as butter. He picked madam Liu's hand while speaking and gently pecked the back of it and Xinyi watched her grandmother giggle shyly like a twelve year old.

"It's a good thing you finally decided to move back home." Madam Liu sighed, shaking her head slightly while staring up at Zihan with fondness.

Xinyi mindlessly watched the interaction, already knowing it would be quite an interesting evening even though she still wasn't interested in opening up her heart to any man.

He walked around them to where Xinyi was sat and watched her carefully place her bag on the table, his eyes admiring her striking beauty.

"Hello." He stated, stretching out a hand to her. "I'm Luo Zihan."

"Hello, I'm Liu Xinyi." Xinyi got up and shook his hand and Zihan's eyes flashed a little as he shook Xinyi's hand, a melancholic feeling spreading through his heart. Her hand was so soft and small but she gave so much life into the handshake. He concealed the emotions in his eyes as he blinked, reverting back to the role of a powerful CEO for the time being.

"It's nice to finally meet the powerful and elegant CEO Liu who has been keeping everyone on their toes in the industry."

"I see you're impressed by my works. I try my best." Xinyi flashed him a small smile which he instantly recognized as a professional one she probably only used with business associates. Zihan didn't let go of her hand on time as he was momentarily dazed while staring at her and when he caught himself, he gently released her hand.

Madam Luo observed her grandson with interest, her mind already forming several ways to bring the two youngsters together.

She'd never seen Zihan looking at a girl with much interest in all his life and she would've believed his sexual orientation was more inclined towards his own gender if not for the interest he was currently using to look at Xinyi.

"We old women will leave you youngsters to do your thing and just play a game of mahjong in our private room. Take your time and get to know each other better." Madam Luo interrupted them and Zihan nodded.

"Alright grandma." He said. "Please have your seat." He told Xinyi who sat as her order arrived.

"What would you like to have sir?" The attendant asked Zihan.

"A bottle of wine. Nothing else." Zihan told the attendant who immediately went to get the order.

"I can see my fame spread all over the country and even to Mr Zihan's location." Xinyi noted, wanting to find out more about Zihan as she realized she hadn't even seen his face plastered over the tabloids even once. He most likely just relocated to city A.

"I just relocated back to City A." He confirmed her suspicions. "But your name has spread far even to the US and UK."

"I'm glad I'm making waves. It means I'm actually working." Xinyi chuckled as his order was brought and he said a 'thank you' to the attendant.

She noted this simple act of his but said nothing.

"Yes you are."

"So apparently, I'm supposed to remember you because we used to fight a lot as kids." Xinyi offered.

Zihan nodded. They were conversing so formally which was another clear giveaway apart from how reserved she was behaving towards him.

"It was obvious you didn't remember me when I just stepped in and that's why I did the introduction."

"Oh." Xinyi nodded and turned to her cold tea, looking at the cup with interest like there was nothing more fascinating than the cups.

The men she went on dates with always had something to say about their achievements or how wealthy their family was or how sexy her body looked to them but this one had absolutely nothing to say. Also, Xinyi realized to her dismay, that probably because she hadn't dated in years and had only been attending professional events, she didn't know how to flow with him in any form of conversation.

Therefore, she resorted to merely taking occasional sips of her tea.

Zihan on the other hand watched Xinyi as she picked her cup of tea and took a small sip from it.

He'd instantly spotted her when he just arrived with his PA and driver earlier on but looked away so it wouldn't be obvious and he knew himself that he would have a hard time thinking about work for the rest of the day because the thoughts of whatever conversation they would eventually have that evening would of no doubt consume his mind.

She was putting on a white backless knee length dress with diamonds strung at the neck in a v-pattern. When she'd gotten up to shake him, he couldn't help but admire the way the dress clung to her body. Zihan watched her as she didn't meet his gaze and he wondered if she was taming the fierce side of her that he knew she usually exhibited.

'Goodness, she's so beautiful.' He thought to himself though his expression was stoic as always. He collected himself so she wouldn't notice the look in his eyes and flicked his left index finger through his dark hair.

"Do you have any more questions for me?" He asked instead, his eyes discretely flickering to her mouth as he realized she'd used a combination of her favorite lipstick like she loved doing.

That wasn't the actual color of her lips. Her lips were light pink but this color was a few shades sharper.

"No. Do you have questions for me?" Xinyi directed the question back at him.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

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