"What? They suspended you for a month!" Zeng was flabbergasted.
Yul smiled sheepishly, "Yeah."
There was an awkward silence as Zeng held a palm to his open mouth. But Yul had another shock coming right after the previous one.
"There's more?" Zeng was downright scared now.
Yul nodded. Zeng prepared his heart but that didn't help soften the blow.
"I am demoted," Yul tried saying simply but the tremble in his voice gave him away. Zeng was too stunned to speak.
"It's all my fault," he said once he recovered.
"It's not," Yul was quick to stop him, holding Zeng's hand in his own. "Really, it's not. I mean, they went pretty easy on me given what I had done. The one-month suspension is no big deal. I'll be back on the field in no time. And I'll be doing it with the same team I was back then. They won't mind greeting me at the same level when I go back."