

"Given the agenda of the meeting, I thought it was best fit that this would be discussed in the presence of the guardian of Shiba Kazuki," James started speaking and the board members looked visibly dissatisfied.


"If you cannot agree to the code of conduct here, then I doubt we can have this meeting," said one of them. I tried my best to keep my calm and put my faith in James.


He stared blankly at the screen in silence for some seconds and I tried my best to keep my cool. It is clear if I come off as too aggressive from the get-go, they will not even agree to discuss this. The board members, though on their own aren't of too much importance but they are what made VEO what it is right now. Investing huge amounts of money into the research of special grade silver and mass production of weapons through it. Even the drugs that the hunters have injected in them would not have been made or used if not for them and their connection.