
02: A blind date

Few minutes later

It's weird. Someone paid her to not get involved with me? Wait, now that I think about it... all my relationships never worked out. I didn't cheat or anything and they said I meet their preferences... What? Is someone interfering with my life? Why? I couldn't have possibly done something wrong to someone rich, right? I slap myself and said "let's be calm for a second".


"Ma'am, I've done what you said", secretary Shin reported. "Good work, secretary Shin", Mia replied. "I have something else to tell you, miss Mia", secretary Shin said.


"So he found out. Well it's not like it wasn't suspicious", Mia added, "but he only knows it's someone rich". Should I make my move directly?, Mia thought.


To confirm it 100%, I went on another blind date. I sorted out my thoughts knew this information. Since it is a blind date, how can they know who I was going to meet? and why did they made it obvious? I must be overthinking. There's no way they want to be found out, right? What kind of culprits would want to be found? I got startled as someone touched my shoulder. It was a woman and she asked if I was the man she's supposed to meet. I told her I was that man but she said, "I'm sorry. Can we cancel this?". I went straight to the point since she'll leave at this moment, "Sorry this may be rude, but did someone pay you an amount of money to not get involved with me?" The woman shooked and tried to deny it but I said it was alright cause this was what I wanted to confirm.


* "You failed a lot of times so why are you not crying?" *

I woke up and felt dizzy. What was that? I thought to myself as that thought faded slowly when I saw someone right beside me. What? This face...