
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Ch 39 Gob Emperor!

"Information" I said looking at the barrier and again a Blue translucent screen poped up . In front of me


[A barrier set by a low grade damigod on whim ]

After reading the first line I had a chill running down my because a demigod is demigod even if he is a low grade one I still remember the pressure emitted by the light even though he was also a low grade demigod his presence alone could have killed me if I was alive at that time . After thinking of old time I again started reading about the barrier.

[A barrier set by a low grade damigod on whim a lowest and simplest barrier that can be set by any demigod. The one who set this barrier is low intelligence being .

Condition - Mostly broken ]

Huh !? only this much information . Well whatever let see whats in the castle then . I made a firestorm using the only 50,000 mana points well this much is enough to make the whole castle and the hill a history. so I launched the firestorm inside the barrier the barrier shattered like a mirror most of the hill was destroyed when it landed on the ground it was about to blast the castle when a green flash came in front of it . It stood there in front of it without moving I thought he was a goner but his next move gave a little chill when he just waved his hand and whole fire storm was gone it just vanished there was nothing left in path of his wave the ground was destroyed from his simple wave . He then looked at me realeasing his blood lust that was heavy it was hard for me to breathe for a moment but I managed too .

I looked at him changing my title to Goblin Extriminater .

Title - Goblin Extriminater--------------

• You have killed millions of Goblins even more than a goblin Slayer who was the legendary goblin Slayer . You have earned the title Goblin Extriminater This title provides ...

• 300% increase in all attributes when fighting against goblin.

• More 200 % increase in all attributes when fighting against goblin a goblin of higher level than yours .

• Imbue fear in goblin against you dropping there all stats by 20 %.

After equipping the title my stats looked something like this I think I can rival a mid grade demigod with these stats


HP - 615M / 615M

mana - 10,500,000/253,750,000

Titles - AGAINST ALL ODDS , Goblin Extriminater

Equipped Title - Goblin Extriminater

Strength - 6803+(*5)

Stamina -6638+(*5)

Agility - 5620+(*5)

Dexterity - 4182+(*5)

Toughness or endurance -5506+(*5)

Vitality - 5292+(*5)

Recovery - 5455+(*5)

Intelligence - 850000+(*5)

Wisdom - 2140+(*5)

Will - 576+(*5)

Luck - Max


I looked at the goblin and smirked it was then that his face changed a little maybe a effect of fear in his status and 20 percent drop in his power who knows I looked at Emilia she was shivering from the bloodlust and fear from the goblin .

"Don't worry it's okay" I said her with ressuring smile.

I again looked at the goblin and said "Information" while I used air magic to send Emilia very very far away from both of us atleast 10 km from where I was I used light magic to increase her speed with wind magic she didn't reached there but it will only take 5 sec or less for her to reach there then I looked at the translucent screen front where

[ GOBLIN EMPEROR (Low grade demig....

I was about to read more when I lost focus because a very fast punch came to my side which was dodged because of my godly skill dodge .

hmmm I thaught all villian gives time to protagonist to read their whole information whatever not like I'm a protagonist or something . Hmmm how should I fight I have very less mana only 10 million it won't be enough . Let's try hand to hand combat it's being a while since I last had hand to hand combat opps sorry I will use sword not hands so I made light sword with my skill light saber it was weight less , shining, little yellow in colour it was than my arm . It was looking cool it shining but the light is not blinding but pleasing to eyes I just nodded.

Arindam didn't know that if someone heard him saying that ten million mana is very less people will puke blood and die from heartattack because even demigod only have a little more or less 2 million mana and that after they only reliable source of attack and defence is magic for their whole lives. In simple words they are mages. its hard for someone to get near 10 million mana even the high grade demigod only have 3 to 5 million mana in there mana pool and here he is saying that 10 million is less (*background people spits on floor*)

A/n --------------

Well that was all for today 3 chapters in a single day should enough I'm dead tired gonna hit the sack after dinner.

Mc - Atleast complete the fight in next ch don't left me hanging in this fight for time I wanna go home . Opps I don't have home hehe.

Author - Whatever I will give you a new one soon I think .

Mc - Oh yeah why are you not writting about the system inventory. Its already been more than 2 ch after update .

Author - shhhh! No spoilers will write later maybe bye .

Mc - huff this lazy guy .Never takes me seriously whatever I am also in not a mood to tell you about a new skill today bye .

Today's panel-


Name -Arindam

Race - half demon-half elf

level - 7001

HP - 123M / 123M

exp - 300/800

(exp is ratio of 1:100,000,000)

mana -60,750,000/50,750,000

Titles - AGAINST ALL ODDS , Goblin Extriminater

Equipped Title - Goblin Extriminater

(I'm not fighting a goblin right now somy stats are back to normal )

Class 1 - King Of Elementalist Lvl 9110 (9 /40)

Class 2 - King Of Swordmanship Lvl 9110 (9 /40)

Class 3 - Emperor Magic Swordmam Lvl 9020(10 /40)

[First two classes are now Legendary . Classes will reach Semi Divine teir after level 10,000 .]

[Class three is Semi Devine level class will reach Devine level 100,000 ]

Strength - 6803+

Stamina -6638+

Agility - 5620+

Dexterity - 4182+

Toughness or endurance -5506+

Vitality - 5292+

Recovery - 5455+

Intelligence - 850000+[My Intelligence increases itself when I eat a mana fruit]

Wisdom - 2140+

Will - 576+

Luck - Max

stat points - 10,000

Class points or skill points - 57485

Mage realm \ Mana core - Andranium

Cultivation realm - Body tempering ( Pinnacle stage)

Active Skill - Fire ball Lvl-1729 , Water ball Lvl-948,Air Blade lvl-1077 , Stone bullet lvl-59 , Earth wall Lvl-70 , Air dome lvl - 120 , Water Armour Lvl-1106 , Explosion Lvl 1009 , Mana Manipulation Lvl 4595, Earth spear Lvl-1291 , Concentrated Strike Lvl- 227 , Overwhelming Strike Lvl-300 , Magma Spear Lvl-1320, Ground Slam Lvl-200, Metal creation Lvl-700 , Modling Lvl -1012 ,Fire Storm Lvl-700, Flight Lvl-995, Air Wall lvl-1403 , comuflage Lvl 100, Light laser Lvl - 200, Railgun Lvl - 12 , Light saber Lvl -12 .. . .....

Passive skill - parry Lvl - 1300 and dodge Lvl-1180 and Footwork Lvl-750 , Pain resistance Lvl 400 , Poision Resistance Lvl-101, Empowered body Lvl-990 ...

Affinity - All 6x (All magic power attack increased by 3and increased magic defence by 6)

Body condition - top-notch

Mind condition - A little stressed
